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Sikhs And Janay-oo


Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Dear balbir Singhji, I really feeling Sad about that an intellectual I thaught and What A shaken you are. You didn't have reached at the point when you said that 'Don't put God in difficulties'. In your view God can be put under, Great you are, You really have wasted your intelligence surely. And also you Said That 'God told me once'. that also shows that you own Anger And now you are showing that You own Mithyaa-Ahankaar also. This is my last question to put on you that you know and met God Once or more, then why you are here to ask any questions to anybody? If your heart is not enlighted then What If God met you or not, GOD also have to think again that why HE met you. From now There willbe no taker of your questions now. Thanks you Sir.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!

Sikhi is not based on discarding other religions and their symbols.

Sikhi is not partly true. Nor Sikhi is a chosen truth.

God, the Guru's Baanee and Sikhi are total Truth.

The Gurus visited Kaabaa and Temples too, not because they felt being Muslim or a Hindu. It is because they realized God in them, true human beings.

When Sikhs will realize that they are pure human beings?

The modern scouts of Sikhi seem to have one aim. That is to advertise the insignificance of words from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which belong to other religions.

The result is that hating and discarding these words have become very significant in the life of many Sikhs, in my view.

These days some Sikhs have turned alergic against such words from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Janay-oo is one of those.

At the same time many words have been introduced in Sikhi which the Gurus never suggested.

It is pity that we are unable to praise true Janay-oo, made of compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist.

The hate has won once again and overpowered the virtues.

Is this what the Gurus wanted for us to achieve?

Balbir Singh


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Balbir ji

Thanks ! for your post especially the last one which explains your oint to me more clearly

Your post was kind of reminder to me and may be for somebody else aswell

Instead of looking for the ways to meet God sometimes we start wasting the time identifying and labeling the ways which doesnot lead to god

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
drkhalsa said:
Instead of looking for the ways to meet God sometimes we start wasting the time identifying and labeling the ways which doesnot lead to god

The Gurus spent 10 human life times and 250 years or so to POINT us in the Right direction....it is up to us to READ the Right Road signs..and proceed along the journey..asap..
but alas there are many...middlemen..who want to stop us and make us reconsider the path..and confuse us with words..

The ROAD MAP..Guru Granth Sahib Jee is explicitly clear...take the High Road..and reach GOD..asap.

Jarnail singh gyani
Dec 8, 2005
dear brother


You are very right.
We must find the Janeeo of truth.
What was being quetioned was that can one wear a thread and call it Janeoo and then not search for truth the Akal purk or what ever we may decide to call him in different religion.????




Jul 18, 2004
hps62 said:
dear brother


You are very right.
We must find the Janeeo of truth.
What was being quetioned was that can one wear a thread and call it Janeoo and then not search for truth the Akal purk or what ever we may decide to call him in different religion.????



Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!

These are Gurdev's Vaaks from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and a translation I found on Internet.

dieAw kpwh sMqoKu sUqu jqu gMFI squ vtu ]
"da-i-aa kapaah santokh soot jat gandhee sat vat."
Make compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist.

eyhu jnyaU jIA kw heI q pwfy Gqu ]
"ayhu janay-oo jee-a kaa ha-ee ta paaday ghat."
This is the sacred thread of the soul; if you have it, then go ahead and put it on me.

nw eyhu qutY nw mlu lgY nw eyhu jlY n jwie ]
"naa ayhu tutai naa mal lagai naa ayhu jalai na jaa-ay."
It does not break, it cannot be soiled by filth, it cannot be burnt, or lost.

DMnu su mwxs nwnkw jo gil cly pwie ]
"naa ayhu tutai naa mal lagai naa ayhu jalai na jaa-ay."
Blessed are those mortal beings, O Nanak, who wear such a thread around their necks.

Dear all!

The true riddle is to find how the true Janay-oo made of compassion, contentment, modesty and truth is worn around the neck.


Balbir Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Balbir Singh said:
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!

These are Gurdev's Vaaks from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and a translation I found on Internet.

dieAw kpwh sMqoKu sUqu jqu gMFI squ vtu ]
"da-i-aa kapaah santokh soot jat gandhee sat vat."
Make compassion the cotton, contentment the thread, modesty the knot and truth the twist.

eyhu jnyaU jIA kw heI q pwfy Gqu ]
"ayhu janay-oo jee-a kaa ha-ee ta paaday ghat."
This is the sacred thread of the soul; if you have it, then go ahead and put it on me.

nw eyhu qutY nw mlu lgY nw eyhu jlY n jwie ]
"naa ayhu tutai naa mal lagai naa ayhu jalai na jaa-ay."
It does not break, it cannot be soiled by filth, it cannot be burnt, or lost.

DMnu su mwxs nwnkw jo gil cly pwie ]
"naa ayhu tutai naa mal lagai naa ayhu jalai na jaa-ay."
Blessed are those mortal beings, O Nanak, who wear such a thread around their necks.

Dear all!

The true riddle is to find how the true Janay-oo made of compassion, contentment, modesty and truth is worn around the neck.


Balbir Singh

Such a Truth janeau was brough forward on the World Stage in the yaer 1699 on VASAKHI DAY at Anand Pur sahib.

It is just Not a sheer coincidence that the Firts PYAARA to offer His Head was named DYA SINGH..."compassion"..

The Janoo that Guur nanak Ji mentions....Guur Gobind Singh ji REVEALED after 250 years of intense preparations....

No need to search for it any further.. approach the Panj at AMRIT SANCHAAR..and get it.

Jarnail singh gyani
Dec 8, 2005
dear Brother/sister

I want to know about contement as a goal.

Why will a contended man invent aeroplanes , computers , go to Mars , moon , make space ships and space station.

Are the inventors of these great machines contended people.

If they were so what were the motivating factor for them to invent.??




Aug 13, 2005
New Delhi
Sat Sri AKal, Dear gyani jarnail singhji, Very well said, If anybody is in sikh community and not even finding himself attached with the 10 Guru Sahebaan and the Holiest day of the sikh community of 1699,Vaisakhi Day, then how is that person can talk about True Janey-oo. True Janey-oo is a concept of Sikh-Parampara and the Khanda-Pahul is also attached with sikhi, And both of the features added by our Beloved Gurus. So if we just want to know the truths by the meanings of words only then we are wasting a valueable life. Until we accept the truth of Khanda-Pahul by our Soul, and not depending on merely the words, then only one can start the topic of true Janey-oo. So many written facts were demolished at that time of Chamkaur Sahib's war. And we are just humans, A low class of all times of sikhi, We just want to find the written facts about our Gurus. There willbe no oceon available for us to drown in. Really a shame for us.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!

We all are here to learn to be a true Sikh. All kinds of teachers learn here too.

Everybody is not a Gyani.

Agyanis are also heading toward wisdom, but unconsciously.


Quote from Gyani Ji is <<<The Janoo that Guru nanak Ji mentions....Guru Gobind Singh ji REVEALED after 250 years of intense preparations.... >>>

How many years a Sikh needs to reveal the true Janay-oo? Is it time that plays a role to find it or Naam?

Strange that people have Naam but the search is going on.


Quote from hp62 Ji! <<<I want to know about contement as a goal. >>>

In my view, contentment is not a goal.

Contentment is an attribute of true Naam. It is received along with Naam. With contentment the true goal is reached.

Worldly inventions are the result of discontentment.

God reveals him to those who are contented.


Quote from rosethorne Ji <<<If anybody is in sikh community and not even finding himself attached with the 10 Guru Sahebaan and the Holiest day of the sikh community of 1699,Vaisakhi Day, then how is that person can talk about True Janey-oo. >>>

Is it not strange that people talk about God living in Maya?

Quote <<<True Janey-oo is a concept of Sikh-Parampara and the Khanda-Pahul is also attached with sikhi, And both of the features added by our Beloved Gurus. >>>

Some important values are forgotten here like the holy Kangha (comb), the sacred Kachhaa (underwear) etc.

I am not sure if God is reached by a parampara. I have heard that God is A-Parampara.

Quote <<<So if we just want to know the truths by the meanings of words only then we are wasting a valuable life. >>>

This is true. The taste of truth is not knowing the meaning of the word but tasting it.

Quote <<<Until we accept the truth of Khanda-Pahul by our Soul, and not depending on merely the words, then only one can start the topic of true Janey-oo. >>>

I also feel the same. The truth of Khanda-Pahul is possible by transcending the worldly rituals. The soul dwells there.

Quote <<<So many written facts were demolished at that time of Chamkaur Sahib's war. And we are just humans, A low class of all times of sikhi, We just want to find the written facts about our Gurus. There willbe no oceon available for us to drown in. Really a shame for us. >>>

There is no need for excuses.

Truth cannot be demolished.


Some persons are very much worried. They know exactly that Balbir Singh does not know anything.

Strange, I thought only God knows about it.

Let us come to the topic. Please express your views. Can true Janay-oo be worn around the neck, if yes then how?

Balbir Singh
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