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Sikhs In American Army


Sep 16, 2004
In Service of Faith and Nation[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jasvinder Singh (Dhillon) Mon Mar 04[/font] In the 21st century the Sikhs are being discriminated against in joining the US Army.

I am a physician interested in joining the US Army Reserves. A 1999 Army regulation, which requires no facial hair for use of a facial mask in chemical warfare, disallows Sikhs from joining the Army.

This regulation, of which I am yet to receive a copy from the Recruiting Office, disregards our Sikh way of life. It is a shame for the freedom of religion that the most technologically advanced nation in the world excludes the Sikhs from the Army just for a facial mask. I am sure there are masks available which do not require any facial hair removal. In this day and age just for use of a facial mask in chemical warfare the Sikhs should not be disallowed from the US Army.

The turban and uncut hair are part of Sikh religious code of conduct. Sikhs have fought in both WWI & WWII. Turbaned Sikh Bhagat Singh Thind was the first turbaned Sikh in the US Army to fight in WWI. Sikhs are serving in at the present time in the US, British, Canadian and Indian Army. The Sikhs already in service are exempt from this regulation, which only affects the new recruits.

We do respect the US Army rules and regulations, but a regulation, which excludes an individual from serving in the US Army unless they compromise their faith, is not just.

Let us seek the support of our Senators and the President to allow American Sikhs to serve in the US Army.
After reading this I have question for all of you that why sikhs in america havent been able to won this right when i has been done in britain and canada


Jul 11, 2004
We don't have many turbanned Sikhs as it is...and then how many of them want to join the Army?

Joining the Army isn't a right, its a priveledge.

I do think we may be able to re-join the Military services, but we need a more presence there first.

Seriously though, there are only about a 1-2 Turbanned Sikhs who actually try to join the Army...if the Army let these few individuals in, it would probably cause more harm than good.

Britains have a Sikh squad troop thing.

Our time will come though, just give us a few more people and some time and we will win it ;)


Sep 16, 2004
Jul 13, 2004
drkhalsa said:
when enough turbaned sikh in USA will be there and they will get this prevelege:) :)
IMHO, That may not be the case. There are already so many Sikhs doing odd jobs only because policies are not favorable in some or other place.

I feel bad when full Engineers from India join US forces after getting clean shaved, and that too at non-commissioned positions!


Jul 11, 2004
Sevadaar Singh said:
IMHO, That may not be the case. There are already so many Sikhs doing odd jobs only because policies are not favorable in some or other place.

I feel bad when full Engineers from India join US forces after getting clean shaved, and that too at non-commissioned positions!

You make a choice on what you want to do...whether Kesh means something for you or your ready to part with it.

The problem right now is, that we have too many Sikhs who easily part with it to join the army. I'm sure if they kept it, the movement would have picked up incredibly, and we would have been allowed into the Army.

We're not allowed into the Army because no one is even aware that we are trying to enter the Army. No one knows, because it was only like 2 people that tried.


Sep 16, 2004
Sevadaar Singh said:
IMHO, That may not be the case. There are already so many Sikhs doing odd jobs only because policies are not favorable in some or other place.

I feel bad when full Engineers from India join US forces after getting clean shaved, and that too at non-commissioned positions!


actually I was not aware of extent of sikh population in america and as told by our member sikh It was quite few people applying for army , now I have got some figures about populationa and also as told by you if lot of people are applying then they should fight for there basic right as a sikh and I agree with you

Large National Sikh Communities

NationNumberPercentIndia19,000,0002 %United Kingdom500,0001Canada225,0000.6USA100,000Malaysia50,000Singapore20,000Places With the Highest Percentage
of Sikhs in the Population

PlacePercentNumberPunjab, India61.00%11,000,000Haryana, India5.81956,836British Columbia, Canada2.30100,000French Guiana2.001,200Rajasthan, India1.48649,174Himachal Pradesh, India1.01400,000United Kingdom1.00500,000Alberta, Canada0.5413,600Ontario, Canada0.5050,100Fiji0.504,000Uttar Pradesh, India0.49675,775Manitoba, Canada0.323,500
Jul 13, 2004
drkhalsa ji,
Fighting for rights is vanishing from blood of those, who just run for materialistic things, as if seen for the first time, and keep sitting on that false pride. For those, Getting into US Army is of much more value than keeping themselves as a Keshadhari sikh. Just two colonels! and other Sikh officers can be counted on fingers! Indian defence services are having the most decorated sikh officers, and bring victory to home. Soemtimes I feel, Most of the American crowd just want to stay or pretend ignorant about sikhs, due to reasons best known to them. And I came across such open-minded and receptive Americans too, after looking at them, I used to wonder how come they are still part of the same crowd!
Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
Das did write a letter to president Bush via email at an address
which as follows(with a few alterations)
Dear Mr.President,
I am really sorry that I am taking the time of the most powerful man of the world but plight of my fellow Sikhs have made me compelled to write you.
You will agree that it is right of any human being to do what so ever he can do to protect his home when it is attacked. For Sikhs this is their religious duty especially when their brothers are being brutally killed daily.
So since 9/11/2001 when the USA the home of 5,00,000 to 10,00,000 Sikhs was attacked by the forces of evil. Many of their fellow American Brothers and sisters died in that attack. Likewise in the ongoing crusade against the enemies of civilized world daily the American holy warriors(soldiers) sacrifice their life.
In such situation A Sikh is duty bound to fight alongside his non Sikhs brothers with enemies. If a Sikh does not do this he can not be termed as Sikh.
But unfortunately the people who have been the part of US army since 1st World War are now not allowed to join US army(Since perhaps1986). If they have to join they will have to cut their hairs which Will also lead them to be unfit tobe called as Sikhs.
In both the cases A Sikh of USA Can not remain the Sikh. Thing goes that court has made it mandatory to army men that any of their religious marks visible will not be able to serve with US Army. Whereas in case of Sikhs without their compulsory religious sign they cease to remain Sikh.
The reason given for such court verdict was that apparent different form of the soldiers will be a hindrance in their mental unity. That is people looking different may not have feeling of unity towards each other.
As far as judiciary is concern they go by book,they need proof of every thing,They may ask for the proof of God. But you can change the book. You can give an executive order which legislature can pass and court will obey it.
we can have three ways.
1. Sikhs can be enrolled into army as they are ,as they appear unlike their fellow comrades so they will be more cautious to be mentally with them. Their Turban and Hairs are treated by them as their body part so Army can treat them as their body parts. As we do not bleach a Black recruit to become white in US army as people from either race appear different,Likewise the feature of East Asian(Mongoloid) are not needed to be sharpened. So if Army consider the Turban of Sikhs and Their as their body part then rule can made to exempt them from being clean Shaven.
2. Second could be to make a separate regiment for Sikhs in US Army. Any non Sikh there may also wear Turban and keep bearded. This thing is present in Indian army but their in other regiments also they are allowed to keep their religious marks.
3. Third could be the one which Sikhs may not like bu could be a workable solution.
a) Sikhs can Hide their beards on duty with Skin colored net which they use to tie their beard.
b) Sikhs do not wear Cap(as since their establishment they are fighting Islamic fundamentalism on Eastern end of Islamic world and curtailing it,They consider Cap as mark of Islam) but they can tie their turban like Hat or can use a hollow circle called Chakra around their Turban.
so they will appear same as other fellowmen.
c) if female soldiers are allowed to keep long hairs concealed in headgear than why not Sikhs can keep them.

Although they are only small percentage of voters but they can use their experience of ages for fighting enemies which you are facing presently in Iraq ,Afghanistan etc. And will face in future in Iran,North Korea and perhaps Pakistan,China or Saudi Arabia.

I would only like to say if heathen wants to contribute in crusade then why shouldn't he/she be allowed.
US army says "let God have mercy on enemy but we will not" but I think God is having mercy on enemy as Sikhs have not got enough Chance to eliminate it.

Again due apologies for taking your time.

Yours Faithfully
Vijaydeep Singh

Das recived this reply

Thank you for e-mailing President Bush. Your ideas and comments are
important to him.

Because of the large volume of e-mail received, the President cannot
personally respond to each message. However, the White House staff
considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns.

In addition to President@WhiteHouse.gov, we have developed White House
Mail, an automated e-mail response system. Please access
http://www.whitehouse.gov/webmail to submit comments on a specific

Additionally, we welcome you to visit our website for the most
information on current events and topics of interest to you.

das also sent another email at an address


Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
This writing is specialy addressed to Sikhs of USA. AS we are fighting a battle for our rights in France it is appaling to note that during 1986 a we had a similar battle in US and its results were not in our favour.

If you go to WWW.Sikhpride.com you will see that Sikhs were there in US army during 1 st and 2 nd world wars. There are still 2 sikhs in US army but there is no young Sikh in there.

There was a guy called uday sinhu killed in iraq weather he was himself a patit or only son of a patit is not sure but he was not a sikh.

His father is also not a Sikh. So as per the ruling of court in 1986 in US the people of US army are not to have any visible religious symbol. So if any sikh has to join it he has to be "Clean" shavan. In other words inorder to join US Army Sikh has to become non Sikh first. So Sikhs who joined US army before 1986 were allowed to maintain thier marks but new entrents were debarred.

Das is sorry that till this date why nothing has been done to rectify it.

Why not the court upto the supreme court of USA has been envoled to allow Sikhs to join US Army as a Sikh?

Why not the prressure groups of Sikhs acted to let legilature bring out this law that allows Sikhs to join US army.

Why not President so far not been encouraged to fulfill this demand especially when elections are near.

Some points to be noted. why should the Sikhs be allowed in US army.

American army is open to all American citizens and green card holders irrerespective of faith so why is it closed for Sikhs.

For Sikhs it is desirable that to be non-dual that is the way they think so they look so if they do not have a look/appearance of sikh then they will cease to be a Sikh.

Any state can not deprive its citizen to serve the nation while here in our case rules of Army and court are depriving the Sikhs to serve the Nation in need of ours. Practically if some Sikh joins US Army by giving up his marks he/she will not remain Sikh so by this law in any way Sikhs can not serve US Army while remaining Sikh.

Any law of state can not prevent any individual from carrying out its religious duties. But this law does put to end an essential religious duty of Sikhs. that is that a Sikh is bound to serve his fellow human beings in need of our if it is not done then essential duty of Sikhism is not fulfilled.

Due to thier appearance they are mistaken to be the follower of Laden so let the same appearance be givena chance to Fight for the people of Arerica and prove them that Sikhs are with all their life and assets with American Nation.

Know we go far the reason of law

according to it due to differnt appearence there can not be a unity in force

This is incorrect if you see British or Canandian Army Sikhs are vey much mixed up harmouniously with thier non -Sikhs Comrades just like brothers.

In such circumstances rather both Sikhs and non Sikhs are more carefull to maintain a good relationship among them so are highly motivated and united.

History of US army does not find much discord due to hte differnce of appearance had it been we have people whith White,Black,Brown(Asian), and Yellow(mongoloids native american or east asian) back ground with Harmany in US army. Does there be a law which will tell the non whites to bleach thier skin to become white for US army ? No! rather they find it good to have diversity. So like wise Hairs and Turbans are inseprable to Sikhs like Skin and body.

If law wants that all solider in a battalian should look same then A Sikh regiment can be made in US Army and it must be open to non Sikhs also who can dawn turban and Beard while being in this regiment.

Likewise beards and mustaches give an adverse psychological impact to foe which US is fighting in Asia. Later on this war is bound to reach further into the area from which many Sikhs were forced out about fifty or more years ago. Sikhs also know the language and culture af that Area.

So there is a need for Sikhs in USA to start a movement to get recruited in to US Defence forces while being a Sikhs.

Army or ministry of Defence can not do any thing. A case has to be made into the court against that ruling. A pressure group like that of Jews has to be made who may try to enact an act in legislation or amendment in US constitution.

Lastly vote to that presidential candidate who let this demand be fulfilled so that this humiliating law is ended. and who promises that excutive part of state will not oppose the case in court which will demand the scraping of this humiliating act.

Fourth piller the press is also to be taken into consideration and confidence.

This is time for you my brothers to show your loyality to US nation which has a proud history to assimilate people from various Faiths and while doing so the scarping of law which is neither good for you nor in the interest of US nation as it is depriving the nation from the service of one of the most fearsome Fighter creed.

although this matter could mave better pushed during presidential elections when we could have got the desire results from either of the candidates.

Yet it is never to late.

UK army also tells Sikhs that in case of biological/Nuclear/Chemical a seal may be needed on thier face and temporaryly bread could be removed.But during general duty or training 5ks are allowed. The reduction of beard is only to be brought in if such attacks are bound to happen(Das thinks there is no country in the world ,which could do this foolish act by attacking US or UK by non conventional weapons).

In Such circumstances, that due to operational needs beard was reduced.Once such situation is over,The person can go to Gurudwara and ask for Tankha ceromony. And Back to the duty with full beard.

Yes,US needs a good lot of Manpower due to the situation in Iraq. You can still press your case.Hints are given above by Das. Later it is possible that 3rd Great War ,Which is fought in an unconventional way with an unconventional enemy ,who is terrorist. The Final theatre of this war could be Pakistan.Sikhs have beard,many of them are with the same ethenic Asian stock as of Pakistani,many of them know Urdu and Punjabi.
This makes them potentially usefull for intelligence point of view for USA.

In the mean time,if someone in USA has dual citizenship and other half is British,or any a green card holder of USA ,who is a commen wealth citizen.

Or any commenwealth citizen around the world. They can join UK Army(www.army.mod.uk). Let Sikhs prove there metel as there ancetors did in last two WARs. Let USA and France know that there Turbaned enemy(Taliban or Al Qaeda) is Defeated by there turbaned brothers(Sikhs).

Akal will help you.



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