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Since When Did We Sikhs Start Getting Depressed, Anxious , OCD And A Host Of Other Mental Illnesses


Feb 20, 2012
I don't think god can cure cancer or diabetes. I think involving religion in physical and mental illness is quite dangerous and I wouldn't have anything to do with it.

i would never say "become religious because it will cure your disease"...
that would mean the only reason you're practicing religion is for that purpose...

i would say...if you're interested in seeking Waheguru, knowing Waheguru through first hand direct experience, understanding and knowing what you are, who you are, becoming the best version of yourself...the complete version of yourself....then anything is possible...

and even if you get ill...maybe you still won't care of the illness, because now you know that you will never actually die...and you'll be enjoying your spiritual 'excursions' through all that exists and beyond :)

once you know of the 'beyond'...your view of ilness or difficulty may change...
hence why some of the Guru's accepted Gods will whilst being physically tortured.

Because in order to be a productive member of society we must have thought beyond those that are solely religious? How can do my job or pay my rent if I just think about waheguru?

people do their job and pay the rent whilst thinking of sex and other things all day lol...are you unable to do two things at once?

really think this is a nave view to take of something as complex as mental disease. Having some vague-woolen-feel good notions about "Just being... who am i?" isnt enought to cure depression. I literally have no idea what you are even saying here. t sounds nice like a poem, but it reallymeans nothing we can all do it.

Anyone can do it...police forces in some countries meditate on positivty, love etc etc and they benefit from it. Schools in very violent states have introduced meditation...clearing the mind, and thinking positive into their daily activities and seen a huge decline in violence...

seriously, Gurbani says....overcome your mind and you have gained the world...the Cure is in those pages...asking you to connect to Naam...the life force ingrained in everything that is. Gurbani says, it is within you also...so meditate on it...and you'll soon come to know of it. I did..
and i've gone past just 'believing'...to actually 'knowing'...and i'm no more special than you....i'm just a fool writing silly posts on this forum unable to prove anything to you, and only able to try and inspire...failing at that also :)

that force within....its powerful.

Look ill do it now:

Sometimes you just need to close your eyes and ask yourself where you are and what you are doing, and then in that moment realism that you are at one with the universe.

Allow yourself to be overcome by the grandeur of gods creation, realise that at once you are a mere fragment of the allmighty's creation but also that the allmighty is within us. A light inside us, all of us, that connects us and allows us to transcend this physical realm. If we could all do this we would all be at peace

What i just wrote sounds nice i guess, but it really makes no sense. People do it all the time.

yup, people do it all the time...and many are now bathing in the life force within...its happening all around us...to many more people...people on this forum are bathing in it... :)


Aug 29, 2013
i would never say "become religious because it will cure your disease"...
that would mean the only reason you're practicing religion is for that purpose...

i would say...if you're interested in seeking Waheguru, knowing Waheguru through first hand direct experience, understanding and knowing what you are, who you are, becoming the best version of yourself...the complete version of yourself....then anything is possible...

and even if you get ill...maybe you still won't care of the illness, because now you know that you will never actually die...and you'll be enjoying your spiritual 'excursions' through all that exists and beyond :)

once you know of the 'beyond'...your view of ilness or difficulty may change...
hence why some of the Guru's accepted Gods will whilst being physically tortured.

people do their job and pay the rent whilst thinking of sex and other things all day lol...are you unable to do two things at once?

Anyone can do it...police forces in some countries meditate on positivty, love etc etc and they benefit from it. Schools in very violent states have introduced meditation...clearing the mind, and thinking positive into their daily activities and seen a huge decline in violence...

seriously, Gurbani says....overcome your mind and you have gained the world...the Cure is in those pages...asking you to connect to Naam...the life force ingrained in everything that is. Gurbani says, it is within you also...so meditate on it...and you'll soon come to know of it. I did..
and i've gone past just 'believing'...to actually 'knowing'...and i'm no more special than you....i'm just a fool writing silly posts on this forum unable to prove anything to you, and only able to try and inspire...failing at that also :)

that force within....its powerful.

yup, people do it all the time...and many are now bathing in the life force within...its happening all around us...to many more people...people on this forum are bathing in it... :)

Does it get boring after a while and does meditation become a mere routine ?


Feb 20, 2012
Does it get boring after a while and does meditation become a mere routine ?

Gurbani says...

your longing to experience waheguru and to truely know yourself, gets you up for Simran\meditation
you feel intense love and bliss flowing through every cell...
there are realms upon realms...worlds upon worlds within
you come to know (through his grace) that you are more than just a physicial body...and you never actually die...
you start to understand your soul body, energies within you, inner sight...inner sounds...how the sounds of waheguru and Satnaam when meditated upon can draw you within...
you are left with no doubt that looking within you is where you will find Waheguru...everything everywhere is accessible within you...your body is the doorway to it...the gate...the stargate as 'Original Ji' refers to it :)
the meditation starts to change your outlook on life...personailty, people recognize the changes...these are changes for the better..

i wake up every night between 2am and 4am...something gets me out of bed...if it was boring, i'd stay asleep lol

does this sound boring to you?

the fact you asked the question tells me you really are not delving into Gurbani...or its message is not getting through to you...all of the above i was inspired to seek by Guru Ji when i started reading SGGS Ji...its all there...and it tells you how to awaken to it...

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
the fact you asked the question tells me you really are not delving into Gurbani...or its message is not getting through to you...all of the above i was inspired to seek by Guru Ji when i started reading SGGS Ji...its all there...and it tells you how to awaken to it..

I find meditation boring, dull and pointless, do you think I am missing the message of Gurbani too?

Also by what authority are you able to make such grand statements?


Feb 20, 2012
I find meditation boring, dull and pointless, do you think I am missing the message of Gurbani too?

Also by what authority are you able to make such grand statements?

personally, i think you are...on the spiritual side...but you already know i think that....our countless exchanges over the years kind of gives that away.... :)

i have no authority...its just an opinion...so don;t take it personally...

if we both were given a book about australia and it tells you "come and visit and experience the desert, take in the view at ayers rock, meet the native folk...travel the lands onto sydney...experience the sights and sounds of the bustling night life, countless activities, places to eat...amazing buildings and architecture...then soak in the sun,sand and sea in the tropical north together with the great barrier reef...

now if i turned up and said..."is australia boring..." you'd ask me if i've even read the book or somehow completely missed all the details, descriptions, images that were there to inspire me to come and visit the place :)

god bless

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
My opinion.

There are two basic types of depression.

The first is situational. Something happens to you and you get sad. Your dog is hit by a car and dies. Your boss fires you from your job. You have a major stroke that leaves half your body paralysed and your doctors believe that your productive life is over since your severe brain damage has left you a virtual vegetable, but that doesn't much matter because you'll die soon anyway. (Yeah, that last is me. I need some cred, so you won't think I'm just making stuff up.) Sadness and grief, which may become depression is a natural reaction to such events.

The second type of depression is medical. That is where your brain chemicals have become unbalanced and the brain itself cannot work properly.

The first type of depression responds very well to the chardi kala treatment. It's all attitude and your attitude is your choice. You'll do as well as you choose to. I often tell people - and it's 100% true - that the only reason I'm alive today is because I'm a Sikh. That is the source of the drive, the perseverance, the courage, the will to live that it takes to face daily life.

I wake up each morning knowing that the day will be a challenge, that each day will be more difficult than the last, that I'll be in constant physical pain, and I might die that day. This has been going on for nearly ten years now. Nearly everyone who survives this sort of stroke goes into a deep depression. I never did. From the first day, I was determined to make all those (expletive deleted) doctors wrong - and I have. My primary care physician still can't figure it out, even though I've explained it to her many times. She has never had any other Sikh patients, and I'm a learning experience for her.

The second kind of depression is a medical problem and probably needs medical care. There are a few things that might help, like fairly heavy exercise and lots of sunshine, but like most serious illnesses, probably a doctor's help is necessary. This type of depression is a physical illness, such as diabetes or cancer, both of which any Sikh would see a medical professional for. And, yes, this type of depression can be as fatal as any other serious illness. Many years ago, I suffered from this form of depression at a time when everything in my life was going well, and I had no reason to be even mildly unhappy, much less seriously depressed. Although I felt properly guilty, I sought medical help and the depression lifted completely in a few weeks.

Two things I suggest if you deal with someone who is depressed for any reason or no reason: avoid laying a guilt trip on them; I assure you s/he already feels more than enough guilt. And, two, if the person begins to talk of suicide, take her/him seriously.


Feb 20, 2012
My opinion.

There are two basic types of depression.

The first is situational. Something happens to you and you get sad. Your dog is hit by a car and dies. Your boss fires you from your job. You have a major stroke that leaves half your body paralysed and your doctors believe that your productive life is over since your severe brain damage has left you a virtual vegetable, but that doesn't much matter because you'll die soon anyway. (Yeah, that last is me. I need some cred, so you won't think I'm just making stuff up.) Sadness and grief, which may become depression is a natural reaction to such events.

The second type of depression is medical. That is where your brain chemicals have become unbalanced and the brain itself cannot work properly.

The first type of depression responds very well to the chardi kala treatment. It's all attitude and your attitude is your choice. You'll do as well as you choose to. I often tell people - and it's 100% true - that the only reason I'm alive today is because I'm a Sikh. That is the source of the drive, the perseverance, the courage, the will to live that it takes to face daily life.

I wake up each morning knowing that the day will be a challenge, that each day will be more difficult than the last, that I'll be in constant physical pain, and I might die that day. This has been going on for nearly ten years now. Nearly everyone who survives this sort of stroke goes into a deep depression. I never did. From the first day, I was determined to make all those (expletive deleted) doctors wrong - and I have. My primary care physician still can't figure it out, even though I've explained it to her many times. She has never had any other Sikh patients, and I'm a learning experience for her.

The second kind of depression is a medical problem and probably needs medical care. There are a few things that might help, like fairly heavy exercise and lots of sunshine, but like most serious illnesses, probably a doctor's help is necessary. This type of depression is a physical illness, such as diabetes or cancer, both of which any Sikh would see a medical professional for. And, yes, this type of depression can be as fatal as any other serious illness. Many years ago, I suffered from this form of depression at a time when everything in my life was going well, and I had no reason to be even mildly unhappy, much less seriously depressed. Although I felt properly guilty, I sought medical help and the depression lifted completely in a few weeks.

Two things I suggest if you deal with someone who is depressed for any reason or no reason: avoid laying a guilt trip on them; I assure you s/he already feels more than enough guilt. And, two, if the person begins to talk of suicide, take her/him seriously.

for the second type i would always suggest medical help or assistance...but the person has to want to do this...otherwise there is nothing you can do..

my wife went through serious depression, self harming, night terrors, anxiety attacks, sometimes all at once...sometimes lasting days for the sever symptoms to subside but depression staying...

she didn't want to seek help...everything and everyone else was the problem...

in my situation, i am in absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Simran that took place in my house enveloped us with a healing and protective light...yes it took time..but with each month i could see changes in her, in me, in our relationship...the Simran 'showed' me other things that were causing the depression also...which i won't go into here...

still not perfect, but its a million times better than it was :)
i believe 100% there is nothing that Naam cannot overcome...and even if destiny states that your life will end somehow (which it will as we all know)...at least you will know 'you' will be 100% fine and life will go on :)

god bless

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
for the second type i would always suggest medical help or assistance...but the person has to want to do this...otherwise there is nothing you can do..

my wife went through serious depression, self harming, night terrors, anxiety attacks, sometimes all at once...sometimes lasting days for the sever symptoms to subside but depression staying...

she didn't want to seek help...everything and everyone else was the problem...

in my situation, i am in absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Simran that took place in my house enveloped us with a healing and protective light...yes it took time..but with each month i could see changes in her, in me, in our relationship...the Simran 'showed' me other things that were causing the depression also...which i won't go into here...

still not perfect, but its a million times better than it was :)
i believe 100% there is nothing that Naam cannot overcome...and even if destiny states that your life will end somehow (which it will as we all know)...at least you will know 'you' will be 100% fine and life will go on :)

god bless

how about animal entrails, I tried animal entrails once and it worked for me

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
for the second type i would always suggest medical help or assistance...but the person has to want to do this...otherwise there is nothing you can do..

my wife went through serious depression, self harming, night terrors, anxiety attacks, sometimes all at once...sometimes lasting days for the sever symptoms to subside but depression staying...

she didn't want to seek help...everything and everyone else was the problem...

in my situation, i am in absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Simran that took place in my house enveloped us with a healing and protective light...yes it took time..but with each month i could see changes in her, in me, in our relationship...the Simran 'showed' me other things that were causing the depression also...which i won't go into here...

still not perfect, but its a million times better than it was :)
i believe 100% there is nothing that Naam cannot overcome...and even if destiny states that your life will end somehow (which it will as we all know)...at least you will know 'you' will be 100% fine and life will go on :)

god bless

I would never mean to suggest that Simran and Jap Naam is useless or unnecessary. I would suggest that in addition to medical care for a medical condition.

I was married for 22 years to a man with PTSD who refused medical help. He preferred alcohol and drank himself to death. There was nothing I could do for him. The parrot did learn to say
"Waheguru,Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguruwaheguruwaheguru!"
It helped me. It helped the parrot. As far as I know, it had no effect on him.


Feb 20, 2012
I would never mean to suggest that Simran and Jap Naam is useless or unnecessary. I would suggest that in addition to medical care for a medical condition.

I was married for 22 years to a man with PTSD who refused medical help. He preferred alcohol and drank himself to death. There was nothing I could do for him. The parrot did learn to say
It helped me. It helped the parrot. As far as I know, it had no effect on him.

the thing is, we often look at death and say ...well Simran didn't help him...he's dead...because we look at death as...its all over..

Naam Jap will always help someone in the 'long run' ... as the body stops, 'you' are already on your way...and the beauty of Simran is you can experience this whilst still alive 'physically'.

i like to think, that for someone like your husband, the seed is planted if they wanted to change for the better, and mind began to focus on waheguru...the compass is set...and something positive will be reaped in the bigger picture...its just that we don't see the bigger picture...waheguru does...Waheguru see's the soul, the journey, the ups and downs...physical body comes and goes...the soul has its path of evolutions...of development...in the game of love.

during my experience of Simran so far, i have no reason to doubt this whatsoever...
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Aug 29, 2013
the thing is, we often look at death and say ...well Simran didn't help him...he's dead...because we look at death as...its all over..

Naam Jap will always help someone in the 'long run' ... as the body stops, 'you' are already on your way...and the beauty of Simran is you can experience this whilst still alive 'physically'.

i like to think, that for someone like your husband, the seed is planted if they wanted to change for the better, and mind began to focus on waheguru...the compass is set...and something positive will be reaped in the bigger picture...its just that we don't see the bigger picture...waheguru does...Waheguru see's the soul, the journey, the ups and downs...physical body comes and goes...the soul has its path of evolutions...of development...in the game of love.

during my experience of Simran so far, i have no reason to doubt this whatsoever...

based on my interaction with you and on this forum, am I very far from that state of bliss you seem to be experiencing ?
whats wrong with me ?
why god made me gay when its so emotionally painful to live in a heterosxual world? is this a punishment for a bad karma from previous lifetime ? what is the way out ?

Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent
I thought we were a kaum that believed and practised the spirit of 'chardi kala' (rising energy, perhaps mystically referring to the rise of coiled kundalini energy along the spine as it usually happens with advanced spiritual stages)

We saw the worst of days under the mughals and the british and then the indian govt. I wonder how did members of such a mentally and physically strong community got physically weakened by drugs and mentally weakened by depression, anxiety and host of other unholy mental diseases .

In my opinion a true gursikh can never be depressed. Because once u believe in god's hukam, once you really believe that whatever happens in your life is god's deed , for your own good !, I think once you truly realize that, there is little room for depression .

What do you sangat think ?

Could have started when we began to spend more time in the material world worried that we havent got the latest iphone and less time in the Gurdwara worryoing about Guruji ?? :singhfacepalm:

Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent
My opinion.

There are two basic types of depression.

The first is situational. Something happens to you and you get sad. Your dog is hit by a car and dies. Your boss fires you from your job. You have a major stroke that leaves half your body paralysed and your doctors believe that your productive life is over since your severe brain damage has left you a virtual vegetable, but that doesn't much matter because you'll die soon anyway. (Yeah, that last is me. I need some cred, so you won't think I'm just making stuff up.) Sadness and grief, which may become depression is a natural reaction to such events.

The second type of depression is medical. That is where your brain chemicals have become unbalanced and the brain itself cannot work properly.

The first type of depression responds very well to the chardi kala treatment. It's all attitude and your attitude is your choice. You'll do as well as you choose to. I often tell people - and it's 100% true - that the only reason I'm alive today is because I'm a Sikh. That is the source of the drive, the perseverance, the courage, the will to live that it takes to face daily life.

I wake up each morning knowing that the day will be a challenge, that each day will be more difficult than the last, that I'll be in constant physical pain, and I might die that day. This has been going on for nearly ten years now. Nearly everyone who survives this sort of stroke goes into a deep depression. I never did. From the first day, I was determined to make all those (expletive deleted) doctors wrong - and I have. My primary care physician still can't figure it out, even though I've explained it to her many times. She has never had any other Sikh patients, and I'm a learning experience for her.

The second kind of depression is a medical problem and probably needs medical care. There are a few things that might help, like fairly heavy exercise and lots of sunshine, but like most serious illnesses, probably a doctor's help is necessary. This type of depression is a physical illness, such as diabetes or cancer, both of which any Sikh would see a medical professional for. And, yes, this type of depression can be as fatal as any other serious illness. Many years ago, I suffered from this form of depression at a time when everything in my life was going well, and I had no reason to be even mildly unhappy, much less seriously depressed. Although I felt properly guilty, I sought medical help and the depression lifted completely in a few weeks.

Two things I suggest if you deal with someone who is depressed for any reason or no reason: avoid laying a guilt trip on them; I assure you s/he already feels more than enough guilt. And, two, if the person begins to talk of suicide, take her/him seriously.


Guriji and Sikhi gave me the strength to overcome my chronic alcohol abuse so strength from Guriji works for me though I dont know about how it would work for others and their situations


Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA

Guriji and Sikhi gave me the strength to overcome my chronic alcohol abuse so strength from Guriji works for me though I dont know about how it would work for others and their situations

To me, this hits it square on the head. Being a Sikh does not exempt me from any of the problems that human beings have. I may have congenital health problems. I may have a tendency toward addiction. I may lose my job. My loved ones may die. I will battle the Five Thieves.Anything that afflicts others may also afflict me. In fact, being a Sikh gives me a few extra problems. Being "different" isn't easy, after all.

Sikhi does not make my life easy. It does something much more wonderful. Guruji gives me the tools to handle and overcome whatever cards life deals me. No weak, easy life is promised. I am able to face whatever life dishes out to me.

I have not had an easy life. It is my conscious choice to get up every day, put a smile on my face - a bit crooked and not always sincere - prepared to handle whatever @#%#! life dishes out to me.

Here's the thing. I am a normal, average, garden-variety SRM Sikh. If I seem otherwise, that is illusion. I am nothing that you cannot be if you are willing to put your whole being into an attempt to follow Guruji. Honest. Use the tools you have been given and you'll find that I'm telling you the truth. True, Guruji may ask for your head. Is that such a big deal? What good is it doing you anyway? I bet Guruji could make better use of it than you do.

Seeker 2013, to you personally I need to say that you break my heart. I have discussed your situation with a very close friend who is LGBTQ and she says only, "Get him out of there!" I wish we could. However it might seem, you are not alone. Although I am not directly a member of your community, I have been fighting for LGBTQ rights since the 1960s, back when it was a very unpopular cause. All I can suggest to you now is to be strong and brave and use the tools Guruji has given you. Overcoming social injustice is one of the main goals of Sikhi on this earth.
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(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
So many western sikhs are not bothering naam simran and bani and proper rehat. They are busy working and making money which is causing the health issues. Meditation simran would help with this, but if you work just too hard you're going to get ill regardless.

Also the diets people have, too many carbs, milk which is pasteurised, using refined sugars instead of the desi stuff, I'll even go far as drinking tea and coffee instead of the sukha stuff which probably helped sikhs relax and keep cancers at bay lol.


Aug 13, 2012
I thought we were a kaum that believed and practised the spirit of 'chardi kala' (rising energy, perhaps mystically referring to the rise of coiled kundalini energy along the spine as it usually happens with advanced spiritual stages)

We saw the worst of days under the mughals and the british and then the indian govt. I wonder how did members of such a mentally and physically strong community got physically weakened by drugs and mentally weakened by depression, anxiety and host of other unholy mental diseases .

In my opinion a true gursikh can never be depressed. Because once u believe in god's hukam, once you really believe that whatever happens in your life is god's deed , for your own good !, I think once you truly realize that, there is little room for depression .

What do you sangat think ?
As you said in the the title 'illness'.. Everyone can get ill
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