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Sikh Philosophy Network Community Bulletin
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$username Ji, Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji Ki Fateh!!
Featured Movie - A Dream in Doubt
A DREAM IN DOUBT is an immigrant story of survival as a wave of deadly hate crimes terrorizes the Sikh American community in Phoenix, Arizona. The film features Rana Sodhi, an Indian immigrant whose life is forever altered by the 9/11 terror attacks, not because he knew someone who died in the rubble, but because Rana’s turban and beard now symbolize America’s new enemy. Rana’s eldest brother was America’s first post-9/11 hate crime murder victim, and other attacks on Sikhs close to Rana soon follow.
Full Movie: Click Here
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Today's Date: 20-04-2009
Activity since: 16-04-2009
View all new content here: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net
-- Threads posted most recently --
Title: "The Eye Of God Peers Down From Space"
ਪੰਨਾ 463, ਸਤਰ 19 ...
(Date Posted 20-04-2009 by Aman Singh)
o 1 Replies, 27 Views, Last Post: 12:26 AM, 20-04-2009 by pk70
o The Eye Of God Peers Down From Space
Title: "An Evil God"
The Riddle of Epicurus / / Is god willing to prevent evil but not able / then ...
(Date Posted 19-04-2009 by Sinister)
o 4 Replies, 62 Views, Last Post: 11:00 AM, 19-04-2009 by aad0002
o An Evil God
Title: "Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)"
Waheguru ji ka khalsa / Waheguru ji ki fateh / / Complete English Translation ...
(Date Posted 18-04-2009 by singhbj)
o 0 Replies, 26 Views, Last Post: 05:21 PM, 18-04-2009 by singhbj
o Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)
Title: "Weapons of mass 'distraction': JUTTI"
i think there is a business model in setting up a jutti stall just outside a ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by Soul_jyot)
o 13 Replies, 70 Views, Last Post: 10:16 AM, 19-04-2009 by Gyani Jarnail Singh
o Sikh Philosophy Network
Title: "Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding"
Dear Khalsa Ji, / / With the grace of ‘The Sat’, today I share my ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by Amarpal)
o 0 Replies, 29 Views, Last Post: 09:25 PM, 17-04-2009 by Amarpal
o Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding
Title: "Sikhs pay 20 Mil. 'Jazia' to Pak Taliban"
Ok This has gone off topic. / / This was established Randip, but you prefer to ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by dalbirk)
o 43 Replies, 436 Views, Last Post: 03:18 AM, 20-04-2009 by Singh
o Sikhs pay 20 Mil. 'Jazia' to Pak Taliban
Title: "Sikh involved in Mumbai rape case"
Who is justifying it?
Oh! I see what you are saying..the kid was ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by prabhsmart)
o 3 Replies, 147 Views, Last Post: 08:48 PM, 17-04-2009 by aad0002
o Sikh involved in Mumbai rape case
Title: "The Magical Hat"
Only Thee / / That I want thee, only thee---let my heart repeat without end. ...
(Date Posted 16-04-2009 by BhagatSingh)
o 18 Replies, 268 Views, Last Post: 07:45 AM, 18-04-2009 by amarsanghera
o The Magical Hat
Title: "Selflessness: Scientific Models"
http://gopikrishna.us/images/articles.jpg ...
(Date Posted 16-04-2009 by aad0002)
o 6 Replies, 60 Views, Last Post: 07:29 PM, 16-04-2009 by rajkhalsa
o Selflessness: Scientific Models
Title: "A Sitting With Revered Baba Freed Jio"
Kiram Ji / / / I have noticed that you have special interest in Gurbani, ...
(Date Posted 16-04-2009 by pk70)
o 3 Replies, 114 Views, Last Post: 11:31 AM, 17-04-2009 by kiram
o A Sitting With Revered Baba Freed Jio
-- Threads with the most replies --
Title: "Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh"
Alright, then I guess we will agree to disagree. I believe that the so called ...
(Date Posted 24-05-2006 by randip singh)
o 590 Replies, 33131 Views, Last Post: 09:54 PM, 11-04-2009 by randip singh
o Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh
Title: "Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh"
(Date Posted 24-05-2006 by randip singh)
o 545 Replies, 29515 Views, Last Post: 01:20 PM, 11-12-2008 by randip singh
o Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh
Title: "How Many Sikhs Have Married Out Of Caste/Race?"
My belief is that if you are Sikh, you are Sikh regardless of caste. / / Hi ...
(Date Posted 12-04-2006 by randip singh)
o 541 Replies, 12547 Views, Last Post: 09:33 PM, 19-04-2009 by ricky_xccess
o Sikh Philosophy Network
Title: "Nanak is The Guru, Nanak is The Lord Himself."
Please use a civil tongue. (aad0002)
(Date Posted 07-01-2008 by Sikh80)
o 440 Replies, 29329 Views, Last Post: 08:06 AM, 07-03-2009 by onewithinall
o Nanak is The Guru, Nanak is The Lord Himself.
Title: "Creation in Islam"
Christians regard the scripture about our power which is not a physical force ...
(Date Posted 03-08-2007 by azizrasul)
o 435 Replies, 24109 Views, Last Post: 02:03 AM, 17-02-2009 by shearwater
o Creation in Islam
-- Threads with the most views --
Title: "Sikhism And Tattoos"
pk70 ji / / It is OK to be in disagreement. No offense is ever taken.
(Date Posted 19-02-2005 by Neutral Singh)
o 43692 Views, 225 Replies, Last Post: 10:42 AM, 16-10-2008 by aad0002
o Sikh Philosophy Network
Title: "Sikh Girls: A Confused Lot. Are Parents To Blame?"
Spiritual Guru go on hunting, killing for his enjoyment? / / It was for the ...
(Date Posted 12-07-2005 by Neutral Singh)
o 32752 Views, 329 Replies, Last Post: 07:12 AM, 28-02-2009 by BhagatSingh
o Sikh Girls: A Confused Lot. Are Parents To Blame?
Title: "Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen"
Let us spare this thread dedicated to Gyani Ji from the hard talk... We have ...
(Date Posted 18-02-2005 by Neutral Singh)
o 31292 Views, 54 Replies, Last Post: 09:40 PM, 11-06-2008 by Aman Singh
o Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen
Title: "Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith"
A post has been removed from the forum. Proselytizing is not permitted. Please ...
(Date Posted 06-08-2004 by Rajs)
o 30325 Views, 316 Replies, Last Post: 10:09 PM, 09-04-2009 by aad0002
o Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith
Title: "Gurmat Sangeet - Sikh Musical Instruments"
Gurfateh to all members, / / Thanks for such great knowledge regarding ...
(Date Posted 02-10-2005 by rsingh)
o 30234 Views, 3 Replies, Last Post: 01:30 PM, 25-08-2008 by avinash kaur
o Gurmat Sangeet - Sikh Musical Instruments
-- Threads with no replies yet --
Title: "Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)"
Waheguru ji ka khalsa / Waheguru ji ki fateh / / Complete English Translation ...
(Date Posted 18-04-2009 by singhbj)
o 26 Views
o Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)
Title: "Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding"
Dear Khalsa Ji, / / With the grace of ‘The Sat’, today I share my ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by Amarpal)
o 29 Views
o Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding
Title: "Sukhmani Sahib:7th Ashtapadee:3rd Pauri:My understanding"
Dear Khalsa Ji, / / With the grace of ‘The Sat’, today I share my ...
(Date Posted 14-04-2009 by Amarpal)
o 55 Views
o Sukhmani Sahib:7th Ashtapadee:3rd Pauri:My understanding
Title: "mushroom parathas"
Mushroom Parathas ... / / Ingridients / / mushrooms / / coriander / / ...
(Date Posted 14-04-2009 by rajkhalsa)
o 43 Views
o mushroom parathas
Title: "Religious symbols and spirituality"
(Date Posted 13-04-2009 by vsgrewal48895)
o 44 Views
o Religious symbols and spirituality
Question: Most Influential Sikhs in History? plz add to list.
o "Dr. Manmohan Singh" (5 Votes)
o "Baba Deep Singh" (8 Votes)
o "Banda Singh Bahadur" (10 Votes)
o "Maharaja Ranjit Singh" (11 Votes)
o "Prof Sahib Singh" (7 Votes)
o "Bhagat Puran Singh" (5 Votes)
o "Baba Budhha" (9 Votes)
o "Sant Jarnail Singh" (3 Votes)
o "Master Tara Singh" (1 Votes)
o "Bhai Gurdas" (9 Votes)
o "Bhai Mani Singh" (8 Votes)
o "Sardar Baghel Singh" (3 Votes)
o "Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha" (4 Votes)
o "Bhai Veer Singh" (6 Votes)
o "Bhai Kanihiya Ji" (1 Votes)
o "Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa" (3 Votes)
o "Shaheed Bhagat Singh" (1 Votes)
o "Shaheed Udham Singh" (1 Votes)
View Poll Results: Most Influential Sikhs in History and Why? Plz Add to List
Question: (Read the main post first) Would you "dance" to kirtan? Explain.
o "Yes..." (5 Votes)
o "No..." (27 Votes)
o "I don't listen to kirtan..." (0 Votes)
o "Not sure..." (4 Votes)
View Poll Results: Dancing and Gurbani
to view the calendar, click the link below:
Single Day Events
o ANNUAL NEW YORK CITY SIKH DAY PARADE 2009 - New York, NY USA - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=344&c=1
o ATAM RAS KIRTAN 2009 Irving, TX USA - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=350&c=1
o Reclaiming Anandpur Sahib - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=351&c=1
o Reclaiming Anandpur Sahib - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=352&c=1
o Reclaiming Anandpur Sahib - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=353&c=1
Ranged Events
o (02-21 --> 05-01) SIKH LEGACY OF PUNJAB - Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara, CA, USA - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=316&c=1
o (04-26 --> 05-05) 300 SALL GURU DE NAAL EXHIBITION SALARJUNG MUSEUM Hyderabad, AP - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=349&c=1
o (06-28 --> 07-12) SIDAK - Faith Courage Discipline - Sikh Research Institute San Antonio Texas US - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=342&c=1
Recurring Events
o (05-16-2009/12-26-2009) NAAD YOGA CLASSES - Southall, UK - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=347&c=1
o (04-11-2009/06-28-2009) New York City Cruise REGISTER Gursikh Speed Meeting June 27 - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=346&c=1
o (02-23-2009/04-26-2009) CAMP MIRI PIRI Register by May 1 Espanola, NM - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=320&c=1
We have had the following activity since 16-04-2009
o 22 New Members
o 14 New Threads
o 282 New Posts
o 0 New Polls
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and uncheck "Receive Community Bulletin Newsletters".
Currently, community updates are sent weekly.
Best regards, The Sikh Philosophy Network Administrators.
For unsubscription information, please see the bottom of this email
$username Ji, Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji Ki Fateh!!
Featured Movie - A Dream in Doubt
A DREAM IN DOUBT is an immigrant story of survival as a wave of deadly hate crimes terrorizes the Sikh American community in Phoenix, Arizona. The film features Rana Sodhi, an Indian immigrant whose life is forever altered by the 9/11 terror attacks, not because he knew someone who died in the rubble, but because Rana’s turban and beard now symbolize America’s new enemy. Rana’s eldest brother was America’s first post-9/11 hate crime murder victim, and other attacks on Sikhs close to Rana soon follow.
Full Movie: Click Here
To reply, click the above link and post your messages in the forum for a wider audience.
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Today's Date: 20-04-2009
Activity since: 16-04-2009
View all new content here: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net
-- Threads posted most recently --
Title: "The Eye Of God Peers Down From Space"
ਪੰਨਾ 463, ਸਤਰ 19 ...
(Date Posted 20-04-2009 by Aman Singh)
o 1 Replies, 27 Views, Last Post: 12:26 AM, 20-04-2009 by pk70
o The Eye Of God Peers Down From Space
Title: "An Evil God"
The Riddle of Epicurus / / Is god willing to prevent evil but not able / then ...
(Date Posted 19-04-2009 by Sinister)
o 4 Replies, 62 Views, Last Post: 11:00 AM, 19-04-2009 by aad0002
o An Evil God
Title: "Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)"
Waheguru ji ka khalsa / Waheguru ji ki fateh / / Complete English Translation ...
(Date Posted 18-04-2009 by singhbj)
o 0 Replies, 26 Views, Last Post: 05:21 PM, 18-04-2009 by singhbj
o Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)
Title: "Weapons of mass 'distraction': JUTTI"
i think there is a business model in setting up a jutti stall just outside a ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by Soul_jyot)
o 13 Replies, 70 Views, Last Post: 10:16 AM, 19-04-2009 by Gyani Jarnail Singh
o Sikh Philosophy Network
Title: "Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding"
Dear Khalsa Ji, / / With the grace of ‘The Sat’, today I share my ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by Amarpal)
o 0 Replies, 29 Views, Last Post: 09:25 PM, 17-04-2009 by Amarpal
o Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding
Title: "Sikhs pay 20 Mil. 'Jazia' to Pak Taliban"
Ok This has gone off topic. / / This was established Randip, but you prefer to ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by dalbirk)
o 43 Replies, 436 Views, Last Post: 03:18 AM, 20-04-2009 by Singh
o Sikhs pay 20 Mil. 'Jazia' to Pak Taliban
Title: "Sikh involved in Mumbai rape case"
Who is justifying it?
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by prabhsmart)
o 3 Replies, 147 Views, Last Post: 08:48 PM, 17-04-2009 by aad0002
o Sikh involved in Mumbai rape case
Title: "The Magical Hat"
Only Thee / / That I want thee, only thee---let my heart repeat without end. ...
(Date Posted 16-04-2009 by BhagatSingh)
o 18 Replies, 268 Views, Last Post: 07:45 AM, 18-04-2009 by amarsanghera
o The Magical Hat
Title: "Selflessness: Scientific Models"
http://gopikrishna.us/images/articles.jpg ...
(Date Posted 16-04-2009 by aad0002)
o 6 Replies, 60 Views, Last Post: 07:29 PM, 16-04-2009 by rajkhalsa
o Selflessness: Scientific Models
Title: "A Sitting With Revered Baba Freed Jio"
Kiram Ji / / / I have noticed that you have special interest in Gurbani, ...
(Date Posted 16-04-2009 by pk70)
o 3 Replies, 114 Views, Last Post: 11:31 AM, 17-04-2009 by kiram
o A Sitting With Revered Baba Freed Jio
-- Threads with the most replies --
Title: "Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh"
Alright, then I guess we will agree to disagree. I believe that the so called ...
(Date Posted 24-05-2006 by randip singh)
o 590 Replies, 33131 Views, Last Post: 09:54 PM, 11-04-2009 by randip singh
o Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh
Title: "Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh"
(Date Posted 24-05-2006 by randip singh)
o 545 Replies, 29515 Views, Last Post: 01:20 PM, 11-12-2008 by randip singh
o Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh
Title: "How Many Sikhs Have Married Out Of Caste/Race?"
My belief is that if you are Sikh, you are Sikh regardless of caste. / / Hi ...
(Date Posted 12-04-2006 by randip singh)
o 541 Replies, 12547 Views, Last Post: 09:33 PM, 19-04-2009 by ricky_xccess
o Sikh Philosophy Network
Title: "Nanak is The Guru, Nanak is The Lord Himself."
Please use a civil tongue. (aad0002)
(Date Posted 07-01-2008 by Sikh80)
o 440 Replies, 29329 Views, Last Post: 08:06 AM, 07-03-2009 by onewithinall
o Nanak is The Guru, Nanak is The Lord Himself.
Title: "Creation in Islam"
Christians regard the scripture about our power which is not a physical force ...
(Date Posted 03-08-2007 by azizrasul)
o 435 Replies, 24109 Views, Last Post: 02:03 AM, 17-02-2009 by shearwater
o Creation in Islam
-- Threads with the most views --
Title: "Sikhism And Tattoos"
pk70 ji / / It is OK to be in disagreement. No offense is ever taken.
(Date Posted 19-02-2005 by Neutral Singh)
o 43692 Views, 225 Replies, Last Post: 10:42 AM, 16-10-2008 by aad0002
o Sikh Philosophy Network
Title: "Sikh Girls: A Confused Lot. Are Parents To Blame?"
Spiritual Guru go on hunting, killing for his enjoyment? / / It was for the ...
(Date Posted 12-07-2005 by Neutral Singh)
o 32752 Views, 329 Replies, Last Post: 07:12 AM, 28-02-2009 by BhagatSingh
o Sikh Girls: A Confused Lot. Are Parents To Blame?
Title: "Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen"
Let us spare this thread dedicated to Gyani Ji from the hard talk... We have ...
(Date Posted 18-02-2005 by Neutral Singh)
o 31292 Views, 54 Replies, Last Post: 09:40 PM, 11-06-2008 by Aman Singh
o Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen
Title: "Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith"
A post has been removed from the forum. Proselytizing is not permitted. Please ...
(Date Posted 06-08-2004 by Rajs)
o 30325 Views, 316 Replies, Last Post: 10:09 PM, 09-04-2009 by aad0002
o Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith
Title: "Gurmat Sangeet - Sikh Musical Instruments"
Gurfateh to all members, / / Thanks for such great knowledge regarding ...
(Date Posted 02-10-2005 by rsingh)
o 30234 Views, 3 Replies, Last Post: 01:30 PM, 25-08-2008 by avinash kaur
o Gurmat Sangeet - Sikh Musical Instruments
-- Threads with no replies yet --
Title: "Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)"
Waheguru ji ka khalsa / Waheguru ji ki fateh / / Complete English Translation ...
(Date Posted 18-04-2009 by singhbj)
o 26 Views
o Complete English Translation of Nitnem (Audio-Video)
Title: "Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding"
Dear Khalsa Ji, / / With the grace of ‘The Sat’, today I share my ...
(Date Posted 17-04-2009 by Amarpal)
o 29 Views
o Sukhmani Sahib:7th ashtapadee:4th Pauri:My understanding
Title: "Sukhmani Sahib:7th Ashtapadee:3rd Pauri:My understanding"
Dear Khalsa Ji, / / With the grace of ‘The Sat’, today I share my ...
(Date Posted 14-04-2009 by Amarpal)
o 55 Views
o Sukhmani Sahib:7th Ashtapadee:3rd Pauri:My understanding
Title: "mushroom parathas"
Mushroom Parathas ... / / Ingridients / / mushrooms / / coriander / / ...
(Date Posted 14-04-2009 by rajkhalsa)
o 43 Views
o mushroom parathas
Title: "Religious symbols and spirituality"
(Date Posted 13-04-2009 by vsgrewal48895)
o 44 Views
o Religious symbols and spirituality
Question: Most Influential Sikhs in History? plz add to list.
o "Dr. Manmohan Singh" (5 Votes)
o "Baba Deep Singh" (8 Votes)
o "Banda Singh Bahadur" (10 Votes)
o "Maharaja Ranjit Singh" (11 Votes)
o "Prof Sahib Singh" (7 Votes)
o "Bhagat Puran Singh" (5 Votes)
o "Baba Budhha" (9 Votes)
o "Sant Jarnail Singh" (3 Votes)
o "Master Tara Singh" (1 Votes)
o "Bhai Gurdas" (9 Votes)
o "Bhai Mani Singh" (8 Votes)
o "Sardar Baghel Singh" (3 Votes)
o "Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha" (4 Votes)
o "Bhai Veer Singh" (6 Votes)
o "Bhai Kanihiya Ji" (1 Votes)
o "Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa" (3 Votes)
o "Shaheed Bhagat Singh" (1 Votes)
o "Shaheed Udham Singh" (1 Votes)
View Poll Results: Most Influential Sikhs in History and Why? Plz Add to List
Question: (Read the main post first) Would you "dance" to kirtan? Explain.
o "Yes..." (5 Votes)
o "No..." (27 Votes)
o "I don't listen to kirtan..." (0 Votes)
o "Not sure..." (4 Votes)
View Poll Results: Dancing and Gurbani
to view the calendar, click the link below:
Single Day Events
o ANNUAL NEW YORK CITY SIKH DAY PARADE 2009 - New York, NY USA - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=344&c=1
o ATAM RAS KIRTAN 2009 Irving, TX USA - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=350&c=1
o Reclaiming Anandpur Sahib - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=351&c=1
o Reclaiming Anandpur Sahib - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=352&c=1
o Reclaiming Anandpur Sahib - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=353&c=1
Ranged Events
o (02-21 --> 05-01) SIKH LEGACY OF PUNJAB - Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara, CA, USA - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=316&c=1
o (04-26 --> 05-05) 300 SALL GURU DE NAAL EXHIBITION SALARJUNG MUSEUM Hyderabad, AP - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=349&c=1
o (06-28 --> 07-12) SIDAK - Faith Courage Discipline - Sikh Research Institute San Antonio Texas US - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=342&c=1
Recurring Events
o (05-16-2009/12-26-2009) NAAD YOGA CLASSES - Southall, UK - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=347&c=1
o (04-11-2009/06-28-2009) New York City Cruise REGISTER Gursikh Speed Meeting June 27 - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=346&c=1
o (02-23-2009/04-26-2009) CAMP MIRI PIRI Register by May 1 Espanola, NM - http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=320&c=1
We have had the following activity since 16-04-2009
o 22 New Members
o 14 New Threads
o 282 New Posts
o 0 New Polls
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and uncheck "Receive Community Bulletin Newsletters".
Currently, community updates are sent weekly.
Best regards, The Sikh Philosophy Network Administrators.