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Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and TGill Jee!

Quote "Balbir ji I've some sincere questions -
- Why do you ask a question, if you already have the answers."
Balbir Sigh is perhaps under the influence of strong Godly forces. He does not know what he is doing.

Quote "- Also, I'm confused if you are one with God, or still a seeker?"
TGill is confused. He is also perhaps under the influence of strong Godly forces.


Accept God's Hukam completely. Get enlightened.

Balbir Singh


Nov 15, 2006
Waheguru Ji.

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all Adeep646 Jee!

"and in our Religion the True 5 Pyara are also the Guru that GIVE us the Waheguru Gurmantr."
It may be your religion. In Sikhism five Pyaarays are not the Gurus.
Dhan Sri Gobind Singh Ji Marajh was the SAtguru he gave the 5 pyara Amrit and these 5 in the Satgur's hazari were also the Guru roop. Satguru Ji created Khalsa "Khalsa Mero roop he Kas, Khalsa Mero Satgru Poora"

"So Gur Karo Jo Sach Dirrarai, Akath Kathai, Shabad Milai
be the student of that Guru that ephasizes the Waheguru all the time and encourages practice of how to reach him."
The true Gurus never revealed that the true Sabad is Waheguru.
The Gurmanter is Waheguru. The Guru gives you this Mantr to Japp.
5 Shadad is different .

The Gurus say, that is available in a moment (Khin), why thirty hours for that?
The Gurbani tells us where is the true Sangat "Sat Sangat Kesi Janie, Jithe Eko Nam Vakanie"
we go to Sangat to learn how to destroy this Homme, in Sangat we should have no EGO. and get understanding of how to Unify this Drop of water into the Ocean.
Khin here i don't think is meant most people. The road is not that easy
Only those that have not walked the Path say this. this Mann of ours has to pass "Bavsagar" this turbulent ocean can only be passed by the Waheguru's Kirpa.

auidAwn bsnµ sMswrM snbMDI sÍwn isAwl Krh ]
oudhiaan busunun sunsaarun sunubundhee suaan siaal khureh
Living in the world, it is like a wild jungle. One's relatives are like dogs, jackals and donkeys.

ibKm sQwn mn moh midrM mhW AswD pMc qskrh ]
bikhum suthaan mun moh madhirun mehaa asaadh punch thusukureh
In this difficult place, the mind is intoxicated with the wine of emotional attachment; the five unconquered thieves lurk there.

hIq moh BY Brm BRmxM AhM PWs qIK´x kiTnh ]
heeth moh bhai bhurum bhrumunun ahun faas theekhuun kathineh
The mortals wander lost in love and emotional attachment, fear and doubt; they are caught in the sharp, strong noose of egotism.

pwvk qoA AswD GorM Agm qIr nh lµGnh ]
paavuk thoa asaadh ghorun agum theer neh lunghuneh
The ocean of fire is terrifying and impassable. The distant shore is so far away; it cannot be reached.

Bju swDsMig guopwl nwnk hir crx srx auDrx ik®pw ]58]
bhuj saadhusung guopaal naanuk har churun surun oudhurun kirupaa
Vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; O Nanak, by His Grace, we are saved at the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||58||
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Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Adeep646 Jee!

Quote "Dhan Sri Gobind Singh Ji Marajh was the SAtguru he gave the 5 pyara Amrit . . ."
Right. Gurdev gave the five Pyaarays Amrit, not Gurgaddee.

Quote " . . . and these 5 in the Satgur's hazari were also the Guru roop."
Everyone's mind can imagine anything freely.

Quoted "Satguru Ji created Khalsa . . . "
The true Guru always creates Purity in a person. The true Guru calls such a person after reaching the climax of purity Khalsa.
Becoming Khalsa is not a religious ritual like they do it these days.

Quote "Khalsa Mero roop he Kas, Khalsa Mero Satgru Poora"
This is a line of the poem. I am not sure if Gurdev ever wrote it. This poem also says "Khalsa mayree jaat aru paat." I cannot imagine that Gurdev made new Jaat and Paat creating Khalsa.
Quote "The Gurmanter is Waheguru. The Guru gives you this Mantr to Japp."
Only true Guru gives Gurumantra, not Bhai Gurdas Jee or anybody. The true Gurus never said or wrote about it.

Quote "5 Shadad is different."
Does your sub Guru know it? First come to know ONE SABAD, ayk Sabad.

Quote "we go to Sangat to learn how to destroy this Homme, in Sangat we should have no EGO. and get understanding of how to Unify this Drop of water into the Ocean."
Merging of a drop of water into the ocean is different from an individual's joining a crowd.
Also a drop of water has to die first, become the cloud and rain into the ocean.

Quote "Khin here i don't think is meant most people. The road is not that easy."
The word 'Khin' occurs often in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Persons who have not received the true wisdom of NAM cannot imagine what this 'Khin', a moment, means.


One receives the true wisdom of NAM through the Sat Guru, not the sub Guru. Living Gurus never have a sub Guru.
Be sure it is not water if the thirst is not quenched right now by drinking it.

Balbir Singh


Nov 15, 2006
there are no sub gurus. only false ones. The True Guru is our SGGS and they show you the path to Milap.

i agree with you
True Khalsa is what we have to become to merge into the ocean. this Mann is not Khals even by taking these ritual Amrit one does not become pure. very few people in the community understand this. you are an exception.

but the original 5 Pyara to whom i was refering. Had been made Khalsa by Guru Sahib. There Mann were killed and they had beaten the Game by many yearsof Practice.

This ek Shabad and 5 Shabad is the Same thing there are different names for Namm in the Gurbani, such as Sacha Shabad, Seige Dun, Anhad Bani. they are from the same. the SGGS is telling us to understand that this is within us and this is how we must die. "Shabad Mare Ta Sada Anand"
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