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Jan 30, 2010
Of course many islamic countries and businessmen surely have been giving them aid O/W how could AFghan Tribals can purchase expensive weapons.Without monetory support no organisation in this world can survive

Taliban had been armed to the teeth by the Americans against the erstwhile Soviet Union and now these weapons are being used against the Americans themselves and other communities .

Even if some Islamic businessmen are giving them monetary help they came quite a long time in the picture after the Americans had already armed the Taliban.Taliban is creation of CIA and perhaps previously ISI also helped CIA in this but recently the Taliban has been hitting ISI targets also.
Jan 30, 2010
kee jaana mein kaun ji,

A quick survey shows that in the beginning, we Sikhs were under the rule of Mughals. Then we had a period of independence, followed by rule by the British. The Punjabi Sikhs have been under the subjugation of the Hindu India nation - and to a much lesser extent - the Islamic Pakistan nation since 1947.

How do these last 63 years compare to the preceding 478 years? Just a curious question. Inquiring minds want to know.

Mai Harinder Kaur ji,

At least you accept "Punjabi Sikhs have been under the subjugation of the Hindu India nation for 63 years"

A number of Sikhs in India do not accept this.

As far as 478 years of Mughal rule are concerned the mughals never claimed they were a democracy but modern Indian state claims to be the biggest democracy(actually demoncrazy)of the world.I dont know whether we can compare these two or not but 2 lakh Sikhs have been killed by this so called demoncrazy and all this has been effectively and cunningly covered up accompanied by all methods to make the new generation unaware of the genocide as well as to draw it away from Sikhi.

It is only the Sikhs like those in Pakistan who have no effect of RSS who can give their lives for Sikhi .I wonder how many RSS supporting Sikhs in India can swear that they would have done so if faced with similar situation ? It is very easy to talk from behind a veil.

I wish to once again make it clear that I have "never" supported Taliban .You can see even my previous post entitled "Sikhs in Pakistan" where I have criticized Taliban in the strongest words.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Mai Harinder Kaur ji,

At least you accept "Punjabi Sikhs have been under the subjugation of the Hindu India nation for 63 years"

A number of Sikhs in India do not accept this.

As far as 478 years of Mughal rule are concerned the mughals never claimed they were a democracy but modern Indian state claims to be the biggest democracy(actually demoncrazy)of the world.I dont know whether we can compare these two or not but 2 lakh Sikhs have been killed by this so called demoncrazy and all this has been effectively and cunningly covered up accompanied by all methods to make the new generation unaware of the genocide as well as to draw it away from Sikhi.

It is only the Sikhs like those in Pakistan who have no effect of RSS who can give their lives for Sikhi .I wonder how many RSS supporting Sikhs in India can swear that they would have done so if faced with similar situation ? It is very easy to talk from behind a veil.

I wish to once again make it clear that I have "never" supported Taliban .You can see even my previous post entitled "Sikhs in Pakistan" where I have criticized Taliban in the strongest words.

kee jaana mein kaun ji,

There is much truth in what you say. When the Wicked Witch of "India" was executed in 1984, we were at a family reunion of sorts in Delhi. We were many at first, but after the cutting (of hair) and running and hiding, there were 11 of us (including 3 preborn children) who remained to face the attackers with our Khalsa roop intact. Of the 8 born people, 5 were Canadian; only 3 were from India. Eight Khalsa: two older men, two men in their 30s, two 13 year old boys and 2 pregnant women. What an interesting army, eh? The others all left; a very sad commentary.

Still, I have faith that there remain enough good, strong Khalsa to put up a good fight when that becomes necessary.

You might enjoy a piece I wrote a while back when the Taliban first took over the frontier region of Pakistan called How To Tell A Sikh From A Taliban. It is biased; I do not pretend otherwise.


Apr 3, 2005
But by changing the title to "Dirty face of Islam" (or in other words pretty face of Hinduism) we are doing garave injustice to millions of muslims in India as well as Pakistan who in fact have nothing to do with Taliban and are in fact their victims.By writing such sentences we are in fact disrespecting faithful muslims like "Bhai Mardana","Peer Budhu Shaah who gave his family for Guru Gobind Singh ji","Baba Farid ji","Bhagat Kabir ji" and many others .At the same time we will be praising "Gangu,"Chandu","Lakhpat","Jaspat" and many other ancient and modern traitors of the Sikh kaum.

I wonder how many of you "deeps" and your dhoti wala masters will be willing to go to Pakistan if given the chance ?It will again be Sikhs along with Pakistani muslims who will take notice of the situation and try to do something about it.



I am not the one who changed the title .It was site admin who changed it.And stop blaming others of being agent of someone.For people like you all persons on SPN are RSS agents
May 24, 2008
I have checked Pakistani media , there is absolutely deafening silence on the merciless execution of two Sikhs . It is beyond my understanding why so ?


Jun 1, 2004
If have followed the Taliban news sincerely enough, you would know that Taliban have always claimed to be "The Real Face of Islam" so the immediate pun was intended at them.

I wonder, how changing the title to "Dirty face of Islam" automatically means "Pretty face of Hinduism" is beyond any level of sarcasm? It is hilarious actually.

Incidently, it was Jamshed Khan, a devout muslim, who stabbed Guru Gobind Singh Ji at the back at Nanded. So, as per that analogy and you rule of generalization, Sikhs should also hate all 2 Billion Muslims worldwide.

I wish to once again make it clear that I have "never" supported Taliban .You can see even my previous post entitled "Sikhs in Pakistan" where I have criticized Taliban in the strongest words.
On similar grounds, we wish to once again make it clear to you that we have "never" supported RSS but that does not mean we should also start hating all 1.10 billion hindus, 75% of whom are still under the poverty line. You can also read the entire forum archives, where we have openly condemned RSS and its cronies like so called Sant Samaj, SAD, and their sidekicks like Sikhsangat.com, Patshahi10.com or Panthic.org in the strongest words.

Again, I repeat Stop Generalizing! Stop Being a Cry Baby!!

The changed topic heading stays as it is!!


Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I was watching an interview with ordinary Pakistani's on BBC News, and to be honest they hate the Taliban as much as the rest of the world.

This is really sad, and the Pakistani Govt will be well aware how infuriated the Sikh community get in India when they hear things like this.

The last thing they want is a war to be sparked off.

My thoughts are with the families, and with these brave Shaeeds who stood up to the extremist menace.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I have also heard nothing about this on the news in USA or Canada, although I don't receive CNN.

I hear about civilians being killed by NATO troops in Afghanistan as a prelude to some sort of victory.

But not a word about our shaheed brothers.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
<style>.wysiwyg { PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 5px 10px 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; FONT: 10pt tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; BACKGROUND: #f5f5ff; COLOR: #000000; PADDING-TOP: 0px } .wysiwyg A:link { COLOR: #22229c } .wysiwyg_alink { COLOR: #22229c } .wysiwyg A:visited { COLOR: #22229c } .wysiwyg_avisited { COLOR: #22229c } .wysiwyg A:hover { COLOR: #ff4400 } .wysiwyg A:active { COLOR: #ff4400 } .wysiwyg_ahover { COLOR: #ff4400 } P { MARGIN: 0px } .inlineimg { VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle } </style>I did find this collage of news stories on Youtube, including Makkar mumbling some nonsense.

YouTube- Two Sikhs Beheaded By Pakistan Taliban

I am annoyed. Why has not some unilateral action been taken by the Sikhs? These shaheeds are our brothers, this is our fight. We are absolute idiots if we expect satisfaction either from the government of Pakistan or from our dear friends in the government of India.

Truthfully, I expect nothing of the Akal Takht or the SGPC, but where is Damdami Taksal and Hazoor Takht. They boast of their weapons and their Sikh spirit. They kill innocent goats for their "Tilak of Blood," but seem as unwilling as the rest of the Sikhs of the region to actually do anything.

Do I have to jump on my winged horse and fly to Punjab and rally the troops myself?! I certainly hope not, as I have no winged horse and with my partially paralysed vocal chords can hardly speak above a whisper. Earlier, I wrote


I pray I am right.​

As a lone individual with grave physical disabilities, there's little I can do myself.​

I ask my sisters and brothers to rise up as one to end this menace once and for all. Let us forget our differences and stand united against these earthly demons and handle the situation as our forefathers and foremothers would have.

We can always go back to our infighting after the battle is won.​


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
dalbirk ji


Their own Intelligence Organization is infiltrated with Taliban sympathiizers, operatives, and members. This has been the case since the US invastion of Afghanistan following 9/11, and before that. Every recent government in Pakistan, including that of Musharref, was 100 percent certain that its anti-terrorism policies and diplomatic agreements would be undermined.


Apr 24, 2006
I was watching an interview with ordinary Pakistani's on BBC News, and to be honest they hate the Taliban as much as the rest of the world.

This is really sad, and the Pakistani Govt will be well aware how infuriated the Sikh community get in India when they hear things like this.

The last thing they want is a war to be sparked off.

My thoughts are with the families, and with these brave Shaeeds who stood up to the extremist menace.
Problem is that they will deny the interpretation/existence/etc of the verses in Quran and Hadith that justify the existence of Taliban. not only that but the long history of Islam (very well connected to the prophet) that the taliban try to imitate.
Its starts of with apresumption: religion can't tell you to do evil things...
and of course, when you hold someone sacred, you are blind to any criticism of that person, no matter how factual it is.

The ideas that create taliban need to be addressed and criticized heavily. Otherwise we will have more intelligent, productive members of the society, get up one day and drive airplanes into our buildings.
Jan 16, 2010
Peshawar/Islamabad: Two Sikhs who were kidnapped over a month back have been beheaded by the Pakistani Taliban in the country's restive tribal belt in a brutal act by the militants.

According to uncofirmed reports, the Taliban had dumped the heads of the two victims at a Gurudwara in Peshawar.

Some more members of the minority community are still in the custody of the rebels. The body of Jaspal Singh was found in the Khyber tribal region, located a short distance from the provincial capital of Peshawar, while the body of Mahal Singh was found in the Aurakzai Agency, sources told PTI on Sunday night.

There was confusion about the total number of Sikhs who were kidnapped for ransom from the Bara area of Khyber Agency by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. A source said four Sikhs were abducted while another report said the total number of kidnapped persons was six.

The Sikhs were kidnapped 34 days ago and the Taliban had demanded Rs 30 million as ransom for their release. Two of the kidnapped Sikhs were beheaded after the expiry of the deadline for the payment of the ransom, sources said.

Gurvinder Singh and Gurjit Singh are still in the custody of the militants, sources said. The kidnapping occurred in an area where there the government has virtually no control and the militants are in a dominant position, sources said.

A sizeable number of Sikhs lived in the tribal belt, particularly Aurakzai Agency, till the Taliban imposed jiziya or religious tax on them last year. Most members of the community then fled to cities across Pakistan.

An estimated 10,000 Sikhs live in the NWFP and tribal areas, descendants of those who chose not to move to India during the partition in 1947.

In 2009, the Taliban in Pakistan s North West Frontier Province (NWFP) forced the minority Sikh population to pay it lakhs of rupees as religious tax.

The Sikh community has been facing an uncertain future after fleeing fighting between security forces and the Taliban.
The cowardly act of beheading the brave Sikhs was carried out by the Pakistani Taliban, yes. And the Taliban are Muslim, yes. But why drag in Islam, a great religion vouched for by none other than our own revered Guru Sahibs ?
Jan 30, 2010
Problem is that they will deny the interpretation/existence/etc of the verses in Quran and Hadith that justify the existence of Taliban. not only that but the long history of Islam (very well connected to the prophet) that the taliban try to imitate.
Its starts of with apresumption: religion can't tell you to do evil things...
and of course, when you hold someone sacred, you are blind to any criticism of that person, no matter how factual it is.

The ideas that create taliban need to be addressed and criticized heavily. Otherwise we will have more intelligent, productive members of the society, get up one day and drive airplanes into our buildings.

From Wikipaedia :

After the September 11, 2001 attacks Brzezinski was criticized for his role in the formation of the Afghan mujaheddin network, some of which later formed the Taliban and al Qaeda.

The Brzezenski being referred to here is the zionist Zbigniew Brzezinski who is responsible for manufacturing the Taliban as well propping up of Obama as the president of USA.

His main concern is distributing arms to both India and Pakistan and make them fight.His main concern is China and not India or Pak.USA is ruled by a elitist faction headed by zionists and mosaad similarly in India hindutva fascist ruling elite is in power sometimes in the form of congress or BJP or fake communists.

The main aim of Mosaad(Israeli Intelligence agency)in other words Brzezenski ,who is also a jew, is to crop up a theocratic hindu state and to break Pakistan.

Why break Pakistan ? Because Pakistan is China's main ally in South Asia and the USA considers China as the biggest threat in Asia.
Jul 10, 2006
The cowardly act of beheading the brave Sikhs was carried out by the Pakistani Taliban, yes. And the Taliban are Muslim, yes. But why drag in Islam, a great religion vouched for by none other than our own revered Guru Sahibs ?

1. Do you think Guru Nanak Dev Ji would "vouch" the sura below as great? Do you think Guru jee would "vouch" for "RAPE" of women.

Three translations - Source:CRCC: Center For Muslim-Jewish Engagement: Resources: Religious Texts

YUSUFALI: O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
PICKTHAL: O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war, and the daughters of thine uncle on the father's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the father's side, and the daughters of thine uncle on the mother's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the mother's side who emigrated with thee, and a believing woman if she give herself unto the Prophet and the Prophet desire to ask her in marriage - a privilege for thee only, not for the (rest of) believers - We are Aware of that which We enjoined upon them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess - that thou mayst be free from blame, for Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.
SHAKIR: O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you; and a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her-- specially for you, not for the (rest of) believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may attach to you; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
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