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Tell Me Mother What To Do Now ? Letters Of A Son To His Departed Mother (Punjabi)


Jun 12, 2010
hpannu ji, You are right on one place but most of times now days Taye chache are worst enemies ( or who we called appane) what they waiting when you are dying and when we can take the property? But I did under stand your point very well. Real needy is the right HAQDAAR of getting help. "Gareeb da moonh guru di golak."

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
What we in the Diaspora should do is..TEACH...make people ABLE. Like in..teach a man to FISH and he can feed himself for life...give him a fish..and he is satisfied for an hour !!

Our AID should be RESPONSIBLY GIVEN..as per Gurban i..AKLEEAN SAHIB SEVEAH..akllena keecheh DAAN !!! Giving to Babas, deras, Gurdwaras...etc is THROWING IT DOWN THE WELL. Some FAT CAT will MISUSE it for his own welfare...and become stronger to do mischief !! SEE how SIKH MONEY is being used byt eh DERAS and DEHDHAREE GURUDOMS to DESTROY SIKHI...how Gurdawra Golucks are being misused to create confusion and mistrust among Sikhs.

GET some very RELIABLE person on the GROUND..to check and verify..FREQUENTLY..what you give. I DO THAT MYSELF each YEAR ONCE...I GO ON THE GROUND and check each Dollar spent..has given me RETURNS/losses ?? I want Straight A's....I want BOOKS...Computers...bathrooms..wells...drinking water filters....I want warm clothes..socks..good quality Bags for books..pencils..pens..stationeries...and AT REASONABLE COST....and I CHECK EACH item MYSELF....so not the lsightest chance of trickery/wastage....and I get the utmost satisfaction out of it.

EACH of US should do it this way. No shortcuts and no ifs or buts. In my past 25 years I have not Matha tek a single cent at any Gurdawras...or langgars etc....plenty of others doing that...I SEEK OUT the NEEDY and do the needful. it takes time, energy..YES of course...the LAZY one will get no where....except get cheated. Dont tell me your HARD EARNED MONEY is for throwing down the drains ??....so why be lazy ??? seek the GAREEB da MOOHN YOURSELF..Dont outsource !!..and FEED the GREEB YOURSELF. its immensely satisfying. trust me. I know....25 years of experience (small time but nevertheless experience ha ha )

jarnail Singh


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
I do agree with you, but if we all stop giving money to the Gurudwara's then how will langars and all other work keep going in the Gurudwara's?
insearchofpeace ji welcome to spn and your first post.

I totally agree with your comment.

It is a privilege to go to a Gurdwara however run. If you are going to take prashad, eat langar and otherwise enter the premises you need to contribute. Nobody forces anyone to do anything.

In a complementary way, if a Gurdwara accepts Sangat money it owes accountability to Sangat. Whether the Gurdwara is private, public or Historic.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BTW..the Radha Soamis SELL Langgar..its menu driven and you buy what you can afford..and also RS Beas etc is PRIVATE owned and NO ACCOUNTABILITY either....still MILLIONS throng there....the RSB has bigger and better facilites than any Gurdwara in Amrtisar area....

80++% of GOLUCK and Langgar money is WASTED/flows through to UNAUTHORISED POCKETS...that is WHY fights to control golucks occur all over. Mountains of Rumallahs, chadars, palkis, nishan sahib cholas, manjees, chaurs etc etc...lie in gurdwara stores....tons of food cooked goes down the drains daily...as extra...still people continue to donate rumallahs..chandianis..whatever....BUT just mention..SCHOOL...EDUCATION..and immediately the Cheque Book....patreh mukk gayeh..pocket..Khallee ho gayee...khisko....school vich kihrrah punn hai....punn taan rumallah vich hai..parrdeh dhakkeh jaangeh...meaning most sikhs have a lot to HIDE !! HA HA RIGHT. just watch the Live telecast from Harmandar sahib..your precious rumallah gets only a BRIEF "TOUCH" to the covered up SGGS..and BACK it goes to the same shop for RESALE/RECYCLING !!! The SAME MONEY spent on buying some POOR SIKH KID a school BOOK would last some time !!!..BUT NO dearies..IF we dont give the Guru a Rumallah..He WONT COVER UP OUR PAAPS..ha ha ha right.lollollollollol
Mar 31, 2011
Well said Gyani Jarnail Singh ji, well I think you are right, as lots of people will keep donating at the Gurudwaras, it would be better for some to realize the truth and to help the poor instead of filling the wrong pockets of the Gurudwara members who will do nothing but waste the money.
I am also gonna pay more attention on the poor and needy instead of the Golaks.:grinningkudi:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Be like Guru nanak Ji...GO OUT and SEARCH..for the Needy...the underprivileged...the down-trodden...the ones who need you...the Bhai LALOS..and not the Malik Bhagos.
Plenty around you..just take the trouble to SEE Jios....and I guarantee this..it will be so satisfying..so full of happiness and joy. If you still doubt..read the real story of Bhagat Pooran Singh of Pingalwara in hsi book..Garland around my neck..His Garland was NOT the ususal flowery one (that we all love to have put around our necks and take pictures ha ha ).......BUT the CRIPPLED homeless poor boy he picked up from the roadside and the Very First member of His Pingalwara !!