BTW..the Radha Soamis SELL Langgar..its menu driven and you buy what you can afford..and also RS Beas etc is PRIVATE owned and NO ACCOUNTABILITY either....still MILLIONS throng there....the RSB has bigger and better facilites than any Gurdwara in Amrtisar area....
80++% of GOLUCK and Langgar money is WASTED/flows through to UNAUTHORISED POCKETS...that is WHY fights to control golucks occur all over. Mountains of Rumallahs, chadars, palkis, nishan sahib cholas, manjees, chaurs etc etc...lie in gurdwara stores....tons of food cooked goes down the drains extra...still people continue to donate rumallahs..chandianis..whatever....BUT just mention..SCHOOL...EDUCATION..and immediately the Cheque Book....patreh mukk gayeh..pocket..Khallee ho vich kihrrah punn hai....punn taan rumallah vich hai..parrdeh dhakkeh jaangeh...meaning most sikhs have a lot to HIDE !! HA HA RIGHT. just watch the Live telecast from Harmandar sahib..your precious rumallah gets only a BRIEF "TOUCH" to the covered up SGGS..and BACK it goes to the same shop for RESALE/RECYCLING !!! The SAME MONEY spent on buying some POOR SIKH KID a school BOOK would last some time !!!..BUT NO dearies..IF we dont give the Guru a Rumallah..He WONT COVER UP OUR PAAPS..ha ha ha right.lollollollollol