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Hinduism The Brahmins, The Bhagats, Then And Now


Apr 24, 2006
Re: The Falsehood Of Damdami Taksal-Translated

The fog is always there as people are born, many times ignorant of spirituality, ignorant of truth and God and goodness.

In every age Guru Nanak came and lifted the fog. The fog is haumai, ahankar and such. In satyug, He taught Raja Bali humility. In treta, He liberated Ravan. In dwapar, He fought Kans and the like. In kaliyug, He came as Nanak to Gobind to fight evil and guide us to goodness.


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
Re: The Falsehood Of Damdami Taksal-Translated

The fog is always there as people are born, many times ignorant of spirituality, ignorant of truth and God and goodness.

In every age Guru Nanak came and lifted the fog. The fog is haumai, ahankar and such. In satyug, He taught Raja Bali humility. In treta, He liberated Ravan. In dwapar, He fought Kans and the like. In kaliyug, He came as Nanak to Gobind to fight evil and guide us to goodness.



Apr 24, 2006
Re: The Falsehood Of Damdami Taksal-Translated

Bhagat Ji...
I think you are playing BOTH isdes...
First you called "Bhai mati das Ji, Bhai Sati dass Ji, Bhai Dyala Ji..etc and 10 contributors of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as "Brahmins"...and then you quoted the Kabir Shabad as to whats a real Brahmin is...
I see the So called SANTS/Babas/BRAHMGYANIS also using the same logic...example Dhadriwallah is also a JATT also and BRAHMGYANI also. No "Sant" has ever claimed he is a Chumaar/julaha etc !! IF you have come across any please share..in Fact these Brahmgyanis are the forefront of treating Mazhbees sikhs as OUTCASTS at their deras/Gurdwaras..

One CANNOT be a "Brahmin" ( who came to put a Janeau on Guru nank ji for example) and also the Brahmin described by Kabir at the same time..one has to choose.. IF we apply the Kabir definition..then ALL inside the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are Brahmins !!..no names need be mentioned....and of course this includes GURU TEG BAHADUR JI as well as mati dass sati dass dyala ji etc etc..we cannot separate Guru teg bahadur as SODHI JATT and Sati dass as Brahmin !!
Gyani ji,
Brahmin is a profession and an archetype, and the two are inter-related. Jatt/Shudra is a also profession, the archetype is Shudra. yes it's true we can be born of parents to those professions. What Kabir ji is saying is that it does not matter whether you are born of a Brahmini or a Jatti, what matters is if you are carrying out the responsibilities of the particular profession, and acting within that archetype. So a true Brahmin is one who studies Brahm. A true Jatt is one who farms.

There's a lot of grey here, it's not black and white. Everyone has the Brahmin archetype, the Kshatriya archetype, the Vaishya archetype, the Shudra archetype inside of them in varying degrees. Whichever one is more pronounced, the more the individual will act according to the archetype and the more successful they will be at related professions.

Kabir ji is laying out the Brahmin archetype in front of Brahmins (by name, and who are not actually acting like a Brahmin should), saying look guys "Brahmin archetype is one who studies Brahm, everything in existence. Are you actively doing this and creating new knowledge? or are you simply resting in the glories of your Brahmin ancestors? Are you claiming superior understanding simply due to being born of a Brahmin mother or did you actually develop a superior understanding through studying Brahm?"

So in case of Dhadrianwale, he is only born a jatt. Nothing he is doing now, is related to that profession in anyway. So when people call him jatt, it's just ignorance.
When it comes to someone like Bhai Mati Das ji, etc who were involved in studying scriptures and the tasks Brahmin-archetype is involved in. Then it is accurate to call them Brahmins.
There also someone above Brahmins, this is the Sadhu/Sant archetype. The enlightened being. Although not part of a caste-system this archetype is accepted by most Indians, as being higher than Brahmins. Brahmin is the closest archetype to it. So it is more accurate to say that authors of Guru Granth Sahib are of this archetype. But profession-wise 10+ are Brahmins, 6+ are Kshatriya, etc. You get the picture.

So to sum up, Studying of Brahm is part of an archetype we can call Brahmin. One who does it on a regular basis, one who has made a profession out of it is called a Brahmin. Fighting and ruling are part of the kshatriya archetpe, one who does is on a regular basis and has made a profession out of it, is called a Kshatriya, and so on. I think you get the picture. So one can be a Brahmin and be a Gursikh. One can be Kshatriya and be a Gursikh, etc. You get it now.
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