I beg to differ with your theory of “Rahao” here.( quotePk70)
You mean RAHAO has no factual significance in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Why did our Gurus add RAHAO in almost all the Shabads in your opinion if it is only a theory? Can you please shine some Gurmat light about your claiming that RAHAO being a thoery. I did not claim that. I said the following about RAHAO in my post(Quote Vaheguru Seekr)
Respected Vaheguru Seekr Ji
I can debate with anyone but with people who have no patience to read and comprehend what is said and drag the issue uncalled for by ignoring given facts for personal pleasure. You have been noticed dragging the issue, and that displays you intentions,( I am going to prove it)forgive me I feel it is not worth wasting time with you. Reread my statement, it says I differ with your theory of Rahao “HERE” it doesn’t say anything about “Rahao” in context of whole Sree Guru Granth Sahib Ji but you have dragged that in the context of Sree Guru Granth Sahib Ji anyway. Call me an arrogant or whatever pleases you, I am not going to take bait you throw to troll any more. Why? I have proved that you ignored the word “Here” and look what you are writing all through your post because of that.
"We all know that RAHAO is the nectar of the whole Shabad and it gives us the main idea what this Shabad is all about. The rest of the verses of any Shabad compliment RAHAO. As urged by Gyani ji and many others, that all of us who express our viewpoints with the help of Gurbani, must give the complete Shabad and especially share the meaning of RAHAO."
Again you are talking in context of Rahao in context of whole SGGS Ji, and I didn’t say anything about it, my statement was about Rahao only in context of questioning and answering process, and I stated “the Rahoo used in Sidhgost doesn’t stand with all question and answer-process”. Remember the word I used in my statement “Here”! That restricts the application of my statement about Rahao but you have dragged it anyway
So as you can see, I presented no theory just an understanding about it. You can also check the post that Gyani ji wrote about the importance of RAHAO he mentioned in it for your own clarifications. But if you claim it is only a theory, I would love to hear that from your Gurmat wisdom
I don’t follow Respected Gyani ji or any scholar with my eyes closed, so I stress and stand by my statement, in this case the Rahao in Sidhgost doesn’t contribute something particular to each and every question asked and answered. Its just an essence of this Bani in search of Lord.It is ok and to differ. As you have a theory about RAHAO, I thought you would express your theory. As you did not, let me ask you.
I differ with your theory of Raho bringing in where it is not applicable here(the context I quoted Guru Verses). I didn’t discuss Sidhgost- Essence but particular questioning and answering in context of Historical context.
What is your theory of RAHAO based on Sri
Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Please enlighten us with your Gurmat knowledge.
I don’t have any Rahao theory, in some complete Banis, if it’s used once, it means the essence of the bani lies in there but that doesn’t mean all other ideas discussed do not go beyond Rahao-essence, I hope you have gone through JapJi, Guru ji never used Rahao in it , what will we do there without Rahao?
Any one even the one who is just a beginner can understand that the quotes I have given are questions and answers[/FONT] (quote PK70)[/FONT]
You are right. I am not as learned about Gurmat as you admit you are. That is the reason I ask you questions like these about your posts so that I may be able to catch a spark or 2 from the Gurmat knowledge that sparkles through you and your posts.[/FONT]
I wish these were your true intentions but unfortunately they are not, just take an example from my statement, I said something about Rahao in context of a particular context but you have dragged it to different way, intentions are crystal clear[/FONT]
Let me also confess one more thing that once I reach that beginners' stage that according to you, I have not yet, I would love to remain a beginner for the rest of my life. I do not want this learning process to end ever. I apologise for not understanding the questions and answers which in my viewpoint have nothing to do with your not giving the whole Shabad as requested by Antonia ji and Gyani Ji and others including myself, which is only fair thing to ask especially to
a person like you who is drenched with Gurmat knowledge.[/FONT]
Please don’t try to flatter me, I don’t believe in it at all. And don’t mention contexts which are totally not applicable in my post. What I quoted, for that, not even next Vaak is needed to be quoted. There is a historical question and a factual answer, period.[/FONT]
The Rahao gave in this bani has nothing to do with the process of questioning in particular(quote pk70).[/FONT]
If Rahao has nothing to so with the Shabad whose part you are talking about then, please share your Gurmat wisdom, why is it there?[/FONT]
The part I quoted doesn’t need that Rahao given in the beginning to justify anything.[/FONT]
Rahao inserts Guru ji’s own views about Him in Sidhgost( that’s why it’s one time only in the beginning).(quote pk70) [/FONT]
Your above statement seems a bit confusing. Can you elaborate what do you mean by the above? [/FONT]
Let me help you here if I can: Rahao= a word you are talking about. Guru Ji inserts’ own view= Guru ji expresses his personal views in essence, about Him= About the Lord, in Sidhgost= name of a Bani( That’s why it’s one time only in the beginning= What Guru ji wants to say in context of Sidhgost in essence, he said in Rahaoo but doesn't use it another time because answers and questions cover other things too ) I hope(not sure) now you will understand it.[/FONT]
Only when you explain your theory about RAHAO in a Shabad, perhaps it may help. So I am waiting for that so even a beginner like me can understand the depth of your comment.[/FONT]
You have a theory, you think all questioning and answering in Sidhgost revolves around Rahoo which is incorrect( That is obvious reason of bringing Rahao repeatedly by you), another reason I don’t have such peculiar theory about Rahao. [/FONT]
Normally there is only one RAHAO in the Shabad. When there is more than one which is in some cases, then it is written as RAHAO Duja ( Second Rahao).[/FONT]
You should know This complete Sidhgost is not like an individual Shabad, its “ a complete process of questions and answers” occurred between Guru ji and Yogis. So your comparing it to an individual Shabad proves that you just don’t know what you are talking about
I am sure you are aware that Sukhmani Sahib also has one RAHAO.
[/FONT]Sukẖmanī sukẖ amriṯ parabẖ nām.[/FONT]
Sukhmani: Peace of Mind, the Nectar of the Name of God.[/FONT]
[/FONT]Bẖagaṯ janā kai man bisrām. Rahā▫o.[/FONT]
The minds of the devotees abide in a joyful peace. ||Pause||[/FONT]
Again, as in above quotes in Sukhmani, this is the essence of Bani but in Sukhmani Guru ji also defines who is Brahamgyani, Who is Sant and those definitions have nothing to do with this Rahao –essence. I just wonder what is going in your mind![/FONT]
What I have given are not a partial verses as per your theory riddled with your own assumption that points at me. These two Guru Vaakas stand alone due to the contest of the question and given answer[/FONT]. (pk70)[/FONT]
Well, I am sorry to say you are incorrect here. You did give the partial verses.[/FONT]
Following are the full verses, the literal translations by Bhai Manmohan Singh and then by Sant Singh Khlasa. You have used the word
Hermit like Bhai Manmohan Singh used. Can you also elaborate on the word in context with the Shabad. According to the Dictionary Hermit means a recluse not a wanderer.
Following are the full verses, the literal translations by Bhai Manmohan Singh and then by Sant Singh Khlasa. You have used the word Hermit like Bhai Manmohan Singh used.
Bhai Manmohan Singh
Kis kāraṇ garihu ṯaji▫o uḏāsī.
(Ask the Yogis) Q. 23: What is the reason that forsaking thy home thou hast become a hermit?
Kis kāraṇ ih bẖekẖ nivāsī.
Q. 24: What is the reason that thou hast adopted this dress?
Your partial Verse stops here.
Kis vakẖar ke ṯum vaṇjāre.
Q. 25: Of what merchandise art thou the customer?
Ki▫o kar sāth langẖāvahu pāre. ||17||
Q. 26: How shalt thou ferry across thy sect? [/FONT]
Gurmukẖ kẖojaṯ bẖa▫e uḏāsī. [/FONT]
(Answers the Guru) A. 23: In search of the saints I have become a hermit.
Ḏarsan kai ṯā▫ī bẖekẖ nivāsī.
A. 24: For the sake of the Lord's vision, I have adopted this costume.
Your partial Verse stops here.
Sācẖ vakẖar ke ham vaṇjāre.
A. 25: I am the trader of the true merchandise.
Nānak gurmukẖ uṯras pāre. ||18||
A. 26: Nanak, through the Guru's grace I shall ferry across(quoteVaheguru seekr Ji)[/FONT]
Again, I haven’t quoted partial verses because no next Vaak has anything to do with this question and answer[/FONT].[/FONT] These verses stand alone[/FONT]I don’t need to check its you who are totally confused with “Rahao and complete Shabad” concept. Here is what I posted, lets look at them again[/FONT]
“ਕਿਸੁਕਾਰਣਿਗ੍ਰਿਹੁਤਜਿਓਉਦਾਸੀ[/FONT]॥[/FONT]ਕਿਸੁਕਾਰਣਿਇਹੁਭੇਖੁਨਿਵਾਸੀ[/FONT]॥[/FONT]Kis kāraṇ garihu ṯaji▫o uḏāsī.Kis kāraṇ ih bẖekẖ nivāsī.[/FONT]
In Essence: For what reason did you forsake home to become hermit? For what reason did you adopt that dress?[/FONT]
Guru Ji answers those questions[/FONT]
Gurmukẖ kẖojaṯ bẖa▫e uḏāsī.Ḏarsan kai ṯā▫ī bẖekẖ nivāsī.[/FONT]
In Essence: In search of Gurmukhas I became hermit, to see them (meet personally) I adopted that dress (of Hermit)[/FONT]
“ਕਿਸੁਕਾਰਣਿਗ੍ਰਿਹੁਤਜਿਓਉਦਾਸੀ[/FONT]॥[/FONT]ਕਿਸੁਕਾਰਣਿਇਹੁਭੇਖੁਨਿਵਾਸੀ[/FONT]॥[/FONT]Kis kāraṇ garihu ṯaji▫o uḏāsī.Kis kāraṇ ih bẖekẖ nivāsī.[/FONT]
In Essence: For what reason did you forsake home to become hermit? For what reason did you adopt that dress?[/FONT]
Guru Ji answers those questions[/FONT]
Gurmukẖ kẖojaṯ bẖa▫e uḏāsī.Ḏarsan kai ṯā▫ī bẖekẖ nivāsī.[/FONT]
In Essence: In search of Gurmukhas I became hermit, to see them (meet personally) I adopted that dress (of Hermit)”(quote PK70)[/FONT]
Hermit is a kind of sadhu or Faqir in the eyes of general people, you want to call him wanderer, its fine but it doesn’t affect in any way my point posted in context of “Bana”[/FONT]
The quotes I have given above carry a question about the dress and an answer of Guru ji with a reason of why he wore it. The next verses you are quoting above carry different question and answer, don’t you see this answer in your quote ( Sach Vakhar ke ham vanjare) has nothing to do with the dress. In previous Vaak, the question was historical and was answered, a new question about what Guru Ji believes in and what he does for that, expressed in your given quotes. How my quotes are partial then? Are Yogis asking same question in the next Vakaas I left in different words? And does Guru ji answer against the dress in the next one? Also why we need Rahao to decipher meaning here?[/FONT]
That’s why Dr Sahib Singh too mentions the history while interpreting this part.[/FONT]
Well, He may have mentioned the History while interpreting it but he did not reject the RAHAO verse of this Shabad. Infact he explained it quite well.[/FONT]
I have no inkling what you are thinking here again. The reason I mentioned Dr Sahib Singh jI’s mentioning History was to tell you that the verses I quoted contained Historical question, it has nothing to do with Rahao.
This is what he said about RAHAO of this very Shabad:
Prof. Sahib Singh's words translated into English..
Rahao: Pause, Meaning- The main meaning- nectar of this LONG BAANI- SHABAD is in these 2 lines.
੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥[/FONT] {[/FONT]
ਪੰਨਾ 938}[/FONT]
Yes, he says in context of essence of whole Bani, in no way this essence can answer anything related with a Historical question and answer. You are just confused about application of Rahoo, totally.
PK70 ji, Do you disagree with Prof. Sahib Singh?[/FONT]
I wrote before, I agree with him but it’s you who have failed badly to understand him because he doesn’t apply “Rahao” meaning while interpreting Historical question and answer. If you look at Rahao Verses, there is no mention of the dress Guru Ji wore that Bana historically, in Rahao actually it’s against those who wander around like Yogis in search of God because Guru Ji was not concerned with a dress in this context but with his own views in context of searching Lord.
PK70 ji,
We are all here to learn.[/FONT]
I disagree; there are some who just are here to troll. Why? When they ignore given facts and keep dragging the issue, there is no intention to learn, obviously.[/FONT]
That is why Guru Sahibs gave us the name
Sikhs. [/FONT]
Yes but it doesn’t mean all of us measure up to that standard.[/FONT]
I hope to learn a lot from your Gurmat wisdom.[/FONT]
As I stated earlier, Gurmat is not what people say but you differ with me and all you think or others say become Gurmat for you, thats fine. For me, strictly what Gurbani teaches, is Gurmat, period. So again I disagree with your statement[/FONT].[/FONT]
So please bear with me with my questions. As you said, I am not even at the beginners stage yet but with your hlp, I will get there one day.[/FONT]
I didn’t call you a beginner I gave you an example of a beginner[/FONT](obviously it pinched you), Sorry if it really did.
So I am waiting for the meaning in your own words of the whole 73 verses of this Shabad so I can learn fro your Gurmat knoweldge.[/FONT]
Sorry, I have already interpreted and explained what was important, the interpretation of whole 73 verses is not child’s play that I should do it on your request, when my beloved Master inspires me, I would do it and put on SPN.
Thanks & Regards[/FONT]
Thanks regards[/FONT]