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The Great Imp Debate


Aug 28, 2012
Were those dried leaves on ground?

We assume that you are telling the truth. But you could have seen some animal which you imagined to be an imp! Imps are not scientifically documented.

Gurbani and Waheguru are pillars on which we live our life. Imps are based on rare sightings by certain individuals. The folklore has already given you a mental picture of how it would look like. You just need someone who fits 90% of it right?

It was not on dried leaves. Some thirty years ago langar was served in Delhi on dried adjoined leaves to the size of a thali. But in Burma in Gurdwaras we used leaves the size of a thali but in its own shape( of a leaf ). Such big leaves are easily available and people use for displaying vegetables, or some food items for sale in their shops.
So they were not dried leaves but a single green leaf.
It was not my imagination. I saw some imps, I didn't count them, they were around 5 or 6. And they were all skeletons jumping around the leaf and with their hands on the rice and fish.
And what do you say about my friend asking for rice and fish to be fed to him, was refused, and his eventual death the same night.
I was also a staunch unbeliever of such things but how can I deny when I experienced.
You know I was ahead of him and, when I saw these things I stopped in my tracks. He had said, " Kya Kuldip"? and crossed me and went ahead. I followed from the side track and joined him far away from those things.
I do nor imagine, I do not lie.


Jan 22, 2005
Great scholar and sant of our time Sant Singh Maskin jee also used to claim spirits, bhoot in his katha. I am listing the following link. But before his death he apologized and said I was mislead by certain people.


When you said the bhoot had addressed you as 'kya kuldip'. Can I humbly ask you whether your full name Kuldip Singh Lamba?

best regards


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Death comes like diconnection of Wi Fi System,

one gets disconnected from source,

imagiantion and (vision) and breath (Sound) (Speech) goes.

sometimes its not disconnection but hang up of image.

It is difficult for one's mind to mindfully watch the real world, its only 10% conscious mind, and our five senses can get connected, many of times focus gets drifted to subconscious and unconscious mind, and one can not experience external world.

It retrieves previous visual images stored during some part of progression.

Without internal awareness, one says its bhoot, or primitive, or bhoot kaal.

And person having outer consciousness can witness through aura.

Understand TRUE NATURE

One is out of bhoot, and preta, devta, chamatkar.

Any "Natural Event" for which mind is not aware is "SUPER NATURAL"

though no event is beyond "TRUE NATURE" lack of understanding makes it "SUPER NATURAL"

Live with Guru's Bani

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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Aug 28, 2012
Sat Sri Akaal,

Death comes like diconnection of Wi Fi System,

one gets disconnected from source,

imagiantion and (vision) and breath (Sound) (Speech) goes.

sometimes its not disconnection but hang up of image.

It is difficult for one's mind to mindfully watch the real world, its only 10% conscious mind, and our five senses can get connected, many of times focus gets drifted to subconscious and unconscious mind, and one can not experience external world.

It retrieves previous visual images stored during some part of progression.

Without internal awareness, one says its bhoot, or primitive, or bhoot kaal.

And person having outer consciousness can witness through aura.

Understand TRUE NATURE

One is out of bhoot, and preta, devta, chamatkar.

Any "Natural Event" for which mind is not aware is "SUPER NATURAL"

though no event is beyond "TRUE NATURE" lack of understanding makes it "SUPER NATURAL"

Live with Guru's Bani

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

You are imagining things. The sermon is too long. Flimsy arguments will not help to tow your way of thinking. I am mature enough to understand what is right or what is wrong. How can I say what I experienced 'was never'.
What would you say that my friend of 1945 died the same night it happened. Is this also my imagination?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
There is no time for frivolous arguments. I prefer sincere replies and statements.
You want me to 'not believe' what I experienced and, tour your track of thinking. Forget it.

I did not look at this link first time round, I would imagine you probably did not either, however, what it shows is imp like skeletons.

I think it is time for Occams razor to be applied, among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

Sikhism is not a great fan of Babas and Sants, the groundwork needs to be done alone and with the support of sangat. To rely on third party interpretations is dangerous and in my view not worth the risk (bet your life on it?, no I would not)

There exists a completely logical explanation for the whole imp episode that has nothing to do with black magic or the supernatural, so Palaingthaji, you will please supply me with the relevant Bani in support of your imp episode, and we will discuss it. It must be your own interpretation please not someone elses that you have hijacked for your own end.

I look forward to your reply


Aug 28, 2012
Great scholar and sant of our time Sant Singh Maskin jee also used to claim spirits, bhoot in his katha. I am listing the following link. But before his death he apologized and said I was mislead by certain people.


When you said the bhoot had addressed you as 'kya kuldip'. Can I humbly ask you whether your full name Kuldip Singh Lamba?

best regards

It was my friend who said, "Kya Kuldip" when I stopped in my track when I saw the thing, and went past ahead of me along side the thing and I took the side track.
And a friend will not address me by my full name. I was just 14 then.
If you have nothing better to write don't write.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
It was my friend who said, "Kya Kuldip" when I stopped in my track when I saw the thing, and went past ahead of me along side the thing and I took the side track.
And a friend will not address me by my full name. I was just 14 then.
If you have nothing better to write don't write.

You seemed quite happy to be forthcoming with your name when promoting your book
A Glimpse into the History of The Sikhs by Kuldip Singh Lamba


so why shy now? Why is it everytime anyone wishes to debate with you, which is why we are all here, to debate, you react defensively and by being rude?

Please supply the Bani I have requested so that we may return to the debate in question, I have no interest in your padding out your post with personal attacks, please let us stick to the topic, the imps.
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Aug 28, 2012
You seemed quite happy to be forthcoming with your name when promoting your book
A Glimpse into the History of The Sikhs by Kuldip Singh Lamba


so why shy now? Why is it everytime anyone wishes to debate with you, which is why we are all here, to debate, you react defensively and by being rude?

Please supply the Bani I have requested so that we may return to the debate in question, I have no interest in your padding out your post with personal attacks, please let us stick to the topic, the imps.

You have a deleted habit of commenting on unrelated personal matters. How are you concerned where I write my name and how does it trouble you to rouse you to comment unnecessarily. Get rid of this deleted so that we may discuss the real issue in hand.

Let me hear some sober words from you and then we will resume the discussion.

The Admn. is silent when you write unrelated words against me but when I reply to it the Admn. reacts immediately. Thus people like you are encouraged.

When admin reacts to you there is one and only one reason: name-calling! This prohibited by our Terms of Service. We are not conducting our conversations in a crowded street where people are fighting for parking spots and yelling up and down the street to get the upper hand. Be warned jio!
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Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

With the spread of scientific education,

imps, babas, deras are reduced in urban areas,

all have heard from someone about imps, bhoots etc

or they do not want to live with urban people,

they hate spiritual, scientific people.

Guru's have travelled a lot and put many hidden tricks and truth's of NATURE

to realise as a common man through common sense,

and not fooled without understanding of "NATURE"

palaingtha ji,

Its not denial of your experience, but it can be some hidden nature.

Only a few percentage of TRUE NATURE one experiences in a life span

Rest all comes as
as a
beyond our expression

Death is the biggest fear which Human's have

and it's "NATURAL" not "SUPER NATURAL"

it's matter of belief,

our senses cannot experience truth,

for eg

story of king, who feels to have defeated MAYA,

on moon light his mind imagined a beautiful red carpet, never so nice to seen in palace

which in reality was a multiple spit of PAN

Our ears and vision sometimes keeps us in disguise.

It has THREE aspects (LIGHT (Visual Experience), Sound (Vocal Experience) and Matter (Physical Experience)

Two may keeps us in disillusion

Bhoots are imaginary beings, any mind can imagine them,

But still one's mind should imagine good.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
You have a dirty habit of commenting on unrelated personal matters. How are you concerned where I write my name and how does it trouble you to rouse you to comment unnecessarily. Get rid of this nasty addiction so that we may discuss the real issue in hand.
Let me hear some sober words from you and then we will resume the discussion.
The Admn. is silent when you write unrelated words against me but when I reply to it the Admn. reacts immediately. Thus people like you are encouraged.

my words are sober enough, please supply what I have requested or concede the argument that imps do not exist.

to Clarify, this thread is about the existence of Imps and what the SGGS has to say about it, I would be grateful if you could stick to the subject in hand rather than personal attacks on me.


Jan 22, 2005
It was my friend who said, "Kya Kuldip" when I stopped in my track when I saw the thing, and went past ahead of me along side the thing and I took the side track.
And a friend will not address me by my full name. I was just 14 then.
If you have nothing better to write don't write.

S. Palaingtha Jee

Believe me, I am not a bhoot, spirit or Imp, it was only my intuition after seeing the same writing style that I humbly wanted to enquire. It was not my intention to raise your blood pressure. However, I apologize for any discomfort.

best regards
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