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Jul 30, 2004

Sahni Sahib,

Forgive das if some misunderstadning has happened.

Das follows the Bani of Tenth master also.

As our Panth is Anti Undualitic ie Adavait Wadi.

So Das does not recoganise any other God but Mahakal Akal.

And Hari,Ram,Vasudev,Gobind,Allah or Yehova are nothing but attribute of the the same.

All forms belong to same so formless and all name to Akal so nameless.

japjisahib04 said:
Dear Vijaysingh Ji
With regard to your interpretation on distribution of powers of Gobind, Hari, Ram, permit to narrage stanza 30th of Japjisahib, during his dialogue with the Yogis Guru Nanak ji referred to an ancient belief that illusion (Maya), the mythical dieties, sprang from the One ‘Ek-ong-kar’. The deity, as per belief was conceived by a technique and she gave birth to the trinity, the three acceptable disciples of the One i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Yogies worshipped Shiva. Fanatics, among them, ridiculed and even slandered the Deities of other Yogies. Guru Nanak did not like anyone belittle a Founder of any religion. So he tells yogis that according to their own Shastras, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma were created by the Formless, Timeless Akal Purakh. So their Source was one and same who ordained their functions. As the three gods are acknowledged deities in Hindu scriptures, Guru Nanak states to adore one and slander others god is an act against the very spirit of the teaching of Shastras. Having taught them the religious tolerations, Guru Nanak lifts them to the horizon of higher perception. So he tells them, Shiva, highest deity of the Yogis, was mere a Creation of Akal Purakh thus are not eternal. He says Akal Purakh Himself is the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer.
Guru Nanak Sahib has stated that Waheguru's creation has so much diversity that it is beyond our imagination and understanding by our senses. In that diversity Guru ji has said that as per their ancient belief, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were Creator, Sustainer and destroyer respectively, in other word independent powers. It says Brahama who is believed to be creator of 8.4 million kinds of living beings and all life flows from him, Vishnu custodian of food and other facilities to nourish and care the living beings and Shiva who destroys the life and is believed to be the most powerful and dreaded deity. In similar way Islam believes Michael angle that causes rain and provides sustenance, and then the second one is Israa-feel, that plays the trumpet at the time of calamity or doom's day. Azraa-eel angel, who decides fate of His creations and Gabriel, is the one that carries the messages of Akal Purakh to the Prophet. It is believed that Gabriel brought different sermons at appropriate moments to Prophet Mohamed. He is also called “Holy Ghost” or "Roohal-kudas. While keeping in view these beliefs of Yogis and world, Guru Nanak Ji presents his view before the world. Firstly, he declares, “krx kwrx pRBu eyku hY dUsr nwhI koie ] - there is only one source of creation for all men , planets and the universe. Therefore, there is only one true reality. It is a curtain of ignorance which makes us believe that we are separate from the others.” - Guru Granth ang.276.18. Then he says there is no distribution of responsibilities.

He tells them that the One has created the Trinity, but the Maya- material world- has its part in them. Thus they, being the created cannot see the Creator. He sees them. He directs them. They cannot do anything of their own. They implement His orders. So why not worship Him and Him alone, who is the Source of all, the Pure One (has no part of Matter in Him), is Self Sourced, ever remains the same and is not destructible? In a way Guru Nanak is conveying us a simple fact that when we human cannot watch or know about ‘The Supreme Truth’ how any one can say that three entities (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) exist, came from ‘The Ultimate’ and had the task of doing specific function. It does not stand the questioning from a rational mind – beliefs alone are not enough. In this age of ‘Knowledge’ every concept needs to have adequate rational behind it, if it is to be accepted. Guru Nanak further tells us since all the three powers are apart from each other with different names, thus are incomplete, because as per this belief the one who creates cannot take care or who takes care cannot destroy or who destroy cannot create.
Further when, “these deities themselves are longing to obtain human form.” - Guru Granth ang.1159.7 so how one could expect them to create. In Bhagwat Gita, Chapter 10 Sri Krishna says I am Brahma, I am Vishnu and I am Mahesh. Guru Nanak made it more clear by saying, “Formless created and destroyed not one but millions of Shivas and He employed millions of Brahamas to create the worlds.” - Guru Granth ang.1156.11 and having created the creations He gets thrilled to see their new inventions and performance. That mean everyone in universe is Brahma, Vishnu or Mahesh whom Akal Purakh has, “isry isir DMDy lwieAw ] - assigned the task to perform as creator, sustainer and destroyer. ”- Guru Granth ang.71.17.Therefore, all humans are intrinsically creative in partnership with Akal Purakh. Now coming back to other side of the question, if He is a Creator then why will He destroy. Before we answer this question, first we have to find out what was the motive to establish the universe. Guru Nanak says it is not an issue, business or motive for Him; it is only a play (a leela), a hobby, and pleasure out of whim (mauj) for Him. And He created this universe to carry out His hobby. By, “kir Awsxu ifTo cwau ]- seated with the creations, He beholds with pleasure.”- Guru Granth ang.463.5. In order to make this play interesting, He built-in Maya. When life was created, Akal Purkh created it with His own jyot but smeared it with illusion. Who is engrossed with illusion enjoys pleasures but these are short lived. And then Akal Purakh smartly get them entangle in the web of Maya. Off course there are rules for this play (Hukam Rajaee Chalana) and whosoever violates is picked and punished. He descended Coach who guided people to follow technique of JAP and score the best goal and then by following His Hukam one is graced to unite with Him. Thus creation is no tension but just a play for Him. It is just like, as on the bank of ocean, children make sand home and then destroy without any resentment and it is not an issue but play for them.
Regards Sahni Mohinder