OK. But Sikhi does not,
"the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods."
Doesn't Sikhi say God has no shape or form?
Yes, it does.
So because it doesn't agree with what a God is with the other major religions, then Sikhi is not defined as a religion?
You seem confused again. All religions believe their God is the only one because of their concocted principles for the entity. So, the question is not about agreement, there is no other God for other religions except their own.
Sikhi has a place of worship,
Not really. Sikhi has a place of self-reflection. There is no worshipping in Sikhi because worshipping requires mechanical blind rituals that Sikhi has none.
Sikhi is not a belief system but a pragmatic look at life.
Not really. I call it a toolbox where tools come from all different people of various religions, castes and classes but with only One idea of Oneness.
Yes, the Gurbani is all musical.
Not really. Our Gurus never called themselves Gurus. They rather gave themselves numbers. I am sure you are aware of that.
Nope. As Sikhi has no clergy system which makes other religions Religions, there are no priests in Sikhi. There are custodians and caretakers of the Gurdwaras though.
Yes, but it depends on what you mean by that. Sikh Gurdwaras are built by the local sangats in their respective towns independently unlike the Churches, the Mosques etc. There is no central organisation as in the others
and respected by other religions if it wasn't then it would be just another cult.
I am sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. You are all over the place again. If you read all of my posts, you will find the answer to this one too. Where did cult come from?
As I said, you are all over.
This is what another member (Kully) posted in the same Post discussion:
Me: My question was, if you didnt understand, is that Sikhism was created by Guru Nanak.
Kully: No Sir, Gurmat was revealed by Guru Nanak but created on Wahegurus order. Guru Sahibans say time and time that they act on the instructions of Sri Kaal Purkh only.
Seems clear to me they got the word from God. Seems like some kind of form communicating with the Gurus.
OK. For further clarifications please check this thread
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