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The Ocean Of Love


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Page 1400, Line 17
ਫੁਨਿ ਗੁਰੂ ਜਲ ਬਿਮਲ ਅਥਾਹ ਮਜਨੁ ਕਰਹੁ ਸੰਤ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਤਰਹੁ ਨਾਮ ਸਚ ਰੰਗ ਸਰਿ ॥
फुनि गुरू जल बिमल अथाह मजनु करहु संत गुरसिख तरहु नाम सच रंग सरि ॥
Fun gurū jal bimal athāh majan karahu sanṯ gursikẖ ṯarahu nām sacẖ rang sar.
Then, cleanse yourself in the Immaculate and Unfathomable Water of the Guru; O Gursikhs and Saints, cross over the Ocean of Love of the True Name.
Bard Nala-y - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]
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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Other types of Oceans

Ocean of Pearls

Ocean of Milk
A bas-relief at the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia includes a depiction of devas and asuras working together to stir up the Ocean of Milk in an attempt to free the precious objects lost within, including the elixir of immortality called amrita. The scheme, masterminded by Vishnu, was to wrap the serpent Vasuki around Mount Mandara, and then to rotate the mountain and to churn the surrounding sea in the manner of a gigantic food processor, by alternately pulling on the serpent's head and then on his tail. [2]


Ocean of Nectar

The True Nature of all Things


Chandrakirti, in his commentary to Aryadeva's Four Hundred, and Je Tsongkhapa, in Clear Illumination of the Intention, use the analogy of an imagined snake to show how all phenomena are merely imputed by thought. A man walking through a field at dusk comes across a coil of speckled rope in the grass and, mistaking it for a snake, develops fear. Even though a snake appears vividly to his mind, that snake does not exist from its own side. It is merely a projection of his mind, imputed by conceptual thought in dependence upon the rope. Other than this, no snake can be found because neither the coil of rope as a whole nor any part of it is a snake.

In just the same way, all phenomena are merely imputed by conceptual thought. For example, the I does not exist from its own side. It is merely a projection of the mind imputed by conceptual thought in dependence upon the aggregates. If we try to find an I other than the mere conceptual imputation `I' we shall not succeed because neither the collection of the aggregates nor any individual aggregate is the I. Existing phenomena such as the I differ from the imagined snake in that they are valid imputations; but there is no difference from the point of view of their being merely imputed by conceptual thought.

In the analogy, because the man sees the rope in the twilight he mistakenly apprehends a snake and develops fear. To remove this fear he must remove the mind apprehending a snake by realizing that there is no snake. Even then, if the rope is left in the same place there is a danger that the same mistake will be made in the future. The only way to remove this danger is to remove the rope. Similarly, sentient beings observing their aggregates in the darkness of their ignorance mistakenly apprehend an inherently existent I. This mind grasping at an inherently existent I is the root of samsara and the source of all fear. To remove the fears of samsara we must remove this mind by realizing that there is no inherently existent I. Even then, there will be a danger of the mind grasping at an inherently existent I recurring if we continue to grasp at inherently existent aggregates. Therefore, the only way to remove the fears of samsara entirely is first to realize the lack of inherent existence of the I, and then to realize the lack of inherent existence of the aggregates.

Again, we can use other analogies such as seeing a spider on a wall where there is only a mark, seeing a person in the distance where there is only a pile of stones, or generating fear during a film. By contemplating these analogies we can understand how all phenomena are merely imputed by thought.

Ocean of Nectar


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
The Buddhist Way of Loving Kindness

Excerpt from this book:

From the chapter 'Accepting Defeat and Offering the Victory'
We may think that if we patiently practise accepting defeat all the time, our suffering and problems will multiply and completely overwhelm us; but in fact the practice of patience always lessens our suffering because we do not add mental pain to the difficulties we are having. Because suffering, worry, depression, and pain are feelings, they are types of mind, so it follows that they exist inside and not outside our mind. If while experiencing adverse conditions our mind remains calm and happy through the practice of patience, we do not have a problem. We may have a challenging situation, and may even be sick or injured, but we are free from pain. By controlling our mind in this way we experience a cessation of our pain, worry, and depression, and find true inner peace. Furthermore, by keeping a peaceful mind in difficult situations we are far more likely to find solutions and respond constructively. Buddhist practice is very gentle. It does not require physical deprivation and hardship but is mainly concerned with the internal task of controlling and transforming the mind. Once we have learned how to do this we shall understand the real meaning of Buddha’s teachings.
In Tibet I met a number of humble practitioners who, although they were not famous, always practised accepting defeat and offering the victory in their daily lives. One of these was a monk called Kachen Sangye, whom people came to recognize as a Bodhisattva. Whenever anyone said anything unpleasant to him he would accept it without retaliating, and whenever anyone asked him for something he would give it immediately without even a hint of miserliness. If he was overcharged while shopping he would pay without comment, and if the shopkeeper was poor he would give him even more. Kachen Sangye’s most expensive possession was a copper pot for holding water. One day while he was out a thief entered his room and stole the pot, but as the thief was making his way down the street he met Kachen Sangye returning to his room. Since the monk knew him, the thief was so ashamed that he dropped the pot and ran off. Kachen Sangye, however, developed the strong desire to give away his copper pot, so he took it to the thief’s house and said to him: ‘You didn’t need to run away. You can take anything you want from my room at anytime!’ People used to say that even if he had been asked to give up his life he would have done so happily. There are many examples in the past of such practitioners, and there is no reason why there should not be practitioners like this now and in the future. Those who are able to think and behave like this do not meet with any problems in life, for they can happily accept whatever situations they find themselves in.



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
A Blissful Journey

mind and our life, fulfil our human potential, and find everlasting peace and happiness.
  • What is the real meaning of human life?
  • How to find the source of happiness
  • The actual methods to solve our daily problems
  • How to accomplish our ultimate goal

'A work of deep spiritual insight.' — THE NAPRA REVIEW
'A laudable and thought-provoking read.' — MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW

Excerpt from this book:

The Benefits of Cherishing Others
Another reason for cherishing others is that it is the best method to solve our own and others’ problems. Problems, worry, pain, and unhappiness are types of mind—they are feelings and do not exist outside the mind. If we cherish everyone we meet or think about, there will be no basis for developing jealousy, anger, or other harmful thoughts, and our mind will be at peace all the time. Jealousy, for example, is a state of mind that cannot bear another’s good fortune; but if we cherish someone how can his or her good fortune disturb our mind? How can we wish to harm others if we regard everyone’s happiness to be of paramount importance? By genuinely cherishing all living beings, we will always act with loving kindness, in a friendly and considerate way, and they will return our kindness. Others will not act unpleasantly toward us, and there will be no basis for conflict or disputes. People will come to like us, and our relationships will be more stable and satisfying.
Cherishing others also protects us from the problems caused by desirous attachment. We often become strongly attached to another person who we feel will help us overcome our loneliness by providing the comfort, security, or excitement we crave. If we have a loving mind toward everyone, however, we do not feel lonely. Instead of clinging onto others to fulfill our desires, we will want to help them fulfill their needs and wishes. Cherishing all living beings solves all our problems because all our problems come from our mind of self-cherishing. For example, at the moment if our partner left us for someone else we would probably feel very upset, but if we truly cherished him we would want him to be happy, and we would rejoice in his happiness. There would be no basis for us to feel jealous or depressed, so although we might find the situation challenging, it would not be a problem for us. Cherishing others is the supreme protection from suffering and problems, and enables us to remain calm and peaceful all the time.
Apr 11, 2007
<<<<< POST DELETED >>>>>

Personal Attacks or Sect Bashing: Do not engage in personal attacks or sect bashing.

SPN Moderator
Apr 11, 2007
:confused:Pk 70. I would like to discuss on how to develop myself with you, as you mentioned you have or you know of some form of further knowledge on this and I want to further elevate myself as you put it. Waiting for a civil discussion??? I am a sikh and as such I am willing to learn. Please teach me...
Apr 11, 2007
I have not made any personal attacks or sect bashing. I think which ever moderator decided to delete my post could they at least do me the kindness of telling me were I was wrong. In my message all i did was request further dialouge on the discussion I was making. Maybe to say even kids can argue seems like bashing to you. Only I was told in a previous message by a fellow member that my comments where laughable. This seemed personal to me. I just questioned the comment they made. As there expressions or dialouge was in a arguable format rather than a discussion. Just forwarded a thought to remind that particular member not to argue but to discuss... Sorry if my comments have caused any one offence. I am nothing but a humble man, and I am trying to posses the qualities to improve on all levels. To become the best i can be. If someone else is telling me they know the qualities i need to posses then I would like to know what they know and how they came to the conclusions they have as I find nothing shameful in learning I am a SIKH.:confused:



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
If you want to carry on then please follow this form of code not personal attacks, if all you can do is attack a person then there is not much you have developed into as kids can do that. Your response so far has been ok. Only Please remain civil in responses. Thanks

Parma Ji, your post has been discussed by Leaders and found to contravene the above mentioned Forum Rules.. If any person in his statements have hurt you, the right thing to do is bring it to the attention of any Leaders who will know how to take appropriate action according to Forum Rules. To engage one's self in such negative statements is like fanning the fire for new arguments.
No offence against you.

Should I call you a guru? Or are you a Sikh still learning until the moment you die. Seems depressing why are you depressed by my statement? I am not afraid of death maybe you feel you need to explore life more, carry on until you find your peace of mind.

Introspection: Try to find your own fault and purify your mind.
Unity in Diversity: Many members on SPN, come from various religious and cultural backgrounds and may have variable conflicting opinions. Religion and Philosophy are general but unique for each person's understanding and progress. If you disagree, simply accept the difference and ask for information you may not know. Un-necessary bragging, trash talk, childish arguements only take us away from the topic in hand. Please avoid them at any cost.
Apr 11, 2007
I only asked someone to clarify there comments. No problem if you make a statement then you should back it up. Whats is the point in Worthless talking whats the point. If to ask someone to clarify there comments is against forum rules then this forum is not worth my time. Religion you have now understood what it means a group of people you either fit in with or you dont. Nothing else. I ve been told to purify my mind tell me how. Who can teach that? Who can learn that? Who has that? Who is that? Only god can teach me. I learn everyday from waheguru. I just hope ones own comments can be relayed as pure. I have faults. I have many faults. Only god is perfect to me. Nothing else. We can learn to be pure nothing else. So I will say again as I do have faults if someone is offended by any of my comments then I am sorry. I wont bother anymore with posting. Waste of Thought. Explaination ends were one is not willing to understand. Hope you all find peace of mind in your journeys of life. Even if it is momentary for me or a life long process I have seen peace. I wish you all well most of all try and enjoy life it is a hard process. I thank you for allowing me to air my thoughts at times in the past. Subb sukhi Raho! Jis jevan uss waherguru = (god, allah, ram, nature) ko parveh. Sutha sukhi raho! No need to reply as i will no longer post. Enjoy life, its a game dont hate the player ha ha ha!


Feb 25, 2008
I only asked someone to clarify there comments. No problem if you make a statement then you should back it up. Whats is the point in Worthless talking whats the point. If to ask someone to clarify there comments is against forum rules then this forum is not worth my time. Religion you have now understood what it means a group of people you either fit in with or you dont. Nothing else. I ve been told to purify my mind tell me how. Who can teach that? Who can learn that? Who has that? Who is that? Only god can teach me. I learn everyday from waheguru. I just hope ones own comments can be relayed as pure. I have faults. I have many faults. Only god is perfect to me. Nothing else. We can learn to be pure nothing else. So I will say again as I do have faults if someone is offended by any of my comments then I am sorry. I wont bother anymore with posting. Waste of Thought. Explaination ends were one is not willing to understand. Hope you all find peace of mind in your journeys of life. Even if it has been momentary or a life long process I have seen peace. I wish you all well most of all try and enjoy life it is a hard process. I thank you for allowing me to air my thoughts at times in the past. Subb sukhi Raho! Jis jevan uss waherguru = (god, allah, ram, nature) ko parveh. Sutha sukhi raho! No need to reply as i will no longer post. Enjoy life, its a game dont hate the player ha ha ha!

Parma jio
As you asked me through a private message I replied and expressed my inability to give comments in detail, and requested you too wait for a couple days but it sounds, you cannot wait. Be cool as you have found peace, that is the assets I want you to hold on to; comments given taken really should not hit that peace. Well, as you really got frustrated because of not getting reply, here are my comments in short as per my limitations .
MOD is doing its job, no need to be disappointed with them, I declared openly to them that where ever they smell something hurtful from my comments, just delete it because I believe by filtering a good substance can be kept clean.
Coming back to your all original comments and my response, here are they
(quote parma ji)
I guess you are never fully developed into being who you are until the moment you die.
Very depressing statement, often quoted by those scholars who have little or no knowledge of spiritual experience. Certainly the ones with elevated spiritual experience will laugh at it. Learning is it self nothing if there is no progression and goal is not obtained. In a race all participants run but all do not win, does it mean, all others should give up thinking" we all are not going to win, lets give up hopes" No offense, this is the way I feel after reading your nice statements.
TO PK70, Why would anyone laugh at my statement. My question to you is, So when are you fully developed then? Are you fully developed? Should I call you a guru?
Take a deep breath Parma ji, I haven’t laughed at your statement. I mentioned elevated experience, why did you skip that, I wonder.
Elevated souls experience spiritual state of mind and in their dictionary there is no place for such statement. How would I know? Read Guru Nanak, Kabir Ji, Nam Dev and others who not only found Him within but showed to others as well.
When one determines to do progression as they teach, question of ‘fully developed” doesn’t exist due to spiritual path one treads on, only thing remains on mind is to battle the primal forces with Guru Teachings. For psychologists teaching civility, it is of course a fascinating term. What the definition is of fully developed as per your view any way? For whom does one develop fully? Is it for a civil society or for one self? What are measures you have set up for fully developed? To me it sounded a lame term filled with a lot of imagination. Then saying dieing without fully developed, also doesn’t say any thing positive. If one doesn’t develop fully as per your measure then what is the need of it any way.
Did I ever boast about myself, if you have noted down it, kindly share with me because that is not my progression (your fully developed), that boasting will show quite good display of my limitations?
Or are you a Sikh still learning until the moment you die.
I do not assume as you do here. A Sikh doesn’t need to die while learning; it depends if learning ever takes place, every time if a fall comes and the Sikh keeps saying I am learning that is still progression. However, if the Sikh’s who keep saying this for the rest of their lives till die, obviously are not progressing because eventually the falls should cease if learning takes place. Without practical words remain just means of decorations
Seems depressing why are you depressed by my statement?
You have stated that we die without fully developed, doesn't it itself sound depressing?If one from the start says we die without fully developed, then where is the hope you give to others who want to develop fully before death, remember” jinni Naam dhiaaeea gae mushkit ghaal”( Japji) do you think it is a lie? Here I do not see any indication that contemplating on Naam will not help you because you will die without fully developed

I am not afraid of death maybe you feel you need to explore life more, carry on until you find your peace of mind.
Sir did I question you personally? Whatever and whoever you are, I respect you for being what you are because it is none of my business to judge others even if I know them. My comments were on hopelessness I smelled from your statement not at you at all. So try to stick to reason
I have explored my life and I have seen the light to be true and in that I have found peace. Where does your caravan take you?
Congratulations. Good for you, I am not that fortunate yet. In progression, there are no stops, so how can I name an imaginary stop?
If you are fully elevated then I will salute you. Good on you
I never claimed, if His Grace is bestowed upon ever, I would not claim then either
. Only if you are fully developed into what have you developed, please state, who are you or what are you?
Again, imagination builds walls before reality, without reality one is doomed to dip in illusions, I do not have those tastes. My limit was only to a statement that limits the hope of progression if one chooses to have.
This may seem all riddled at the moment but take your time to answer each of the statements and I will discuss my points deeper.
I have done as per my understanding.
P.s. A fully developed intellect will not argue thoughts but discuss ideas.
Thanks for enlightening me on this.
If you want to carry on then please follow this form of code not personal attacks, if all you can do is attack a person then there is not much you have developed into as kids can do that.
Well Sir, I haven’t claimed any thing any way. If my comments on your statement disturb you that much, I am sorry. May be I haven’t developed as you did, I am still O.K if you level me to kids level, we learn from them too, it is matter of time only. I wonder you are doing what you are advising me not to do. Hope you will realize that as per your claims.
Your response so far has been ok.
Thanks for your so kind words.
Only Please remain civil in responses. Thanks
Should I answer it or not, I wonder because you are so kind to teach me every thing
I am nothing but a humble man, and I am trying to posses the qualities to improve on all levels.
Saying I am humble doesn’t make any one humble, yes showing it through behavior it does for sure; tragedy of us is that we don’t let our a little ego hurt, we sacrifice all efforts we put in to over come ego and start defending it, no one loses but we ourselves. You take care of yourself

NOTE I cannot respond till tomorrow, I hope you can bear with me in case you comment on my comments.


Oct 31, 2007
Something everyone should also bear in mind about Paul Twitchell and ECKanKar:
The American intelligence agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, consulted with him on how to use his teachings to engage in what is known in military and esoteric studies circles as "Remote Viewing" whereby someone can have an "out of body experience" and see or view, events, people and places in areas other than where they are at the time. It should also be remembered that such things can have dangerous consequences for the practitioners. Intelligence agencies in various countries have been exploring what could be called paranormal topics from at least the 1950's.
Apr 11, 2007
There is nothing in the above statement but personal attacking. You have not even understood my questioning at all. In fact you have tried to give a question which you think is reasonable only you have not even shown reason. I questioned your understanding on the elevated terms and I did question on your terms as per what you think is fully developed. Also as your previous views have been deleted. YOU WANT TO MEET!! Plus who said death is the end of life as per spirtual terms. PLUS IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE TRUTH I WILL SHOW U MEET ME!! A FULL LESSON ON HOW TO DEVELOP YOURSELF> CALL IT FIND OUT HOW TO LET GO OF EGO CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT IM READY TO TEACH!!! BAD BOY!!!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Parma ji

You are officially warned to manage your anger more effectively in this forum. Earlier forum leadership was persuaded that they had been too harsh with you. Your comments to pk70 warrant a sincere apology.

This is a warning. The next time there will be an infraction. We can take it from there. No use in telling me that I have angered you. We can if you will make an attempt to open another chapter in this book. Sat Sri Akaal



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Page 826, Line 4
ਕਿਰਪਾ ਨਿਧਿ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਦੀਨ ਦਇਆਲਾ ॥
किरपा निधि प्रभ दीन दइआला ॥
Kirpā niḏẖ parabẖ ḏīn ḏa*i*ālā.
God is the ocean of mercy, merciful to the meek;
Guru Arjan Dev - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok

[/SIZE]Page 105, Line 11
ਸੁਖ ਸਾਗਰ ਮੇਰੇ ਗੁਰ ਗੋਪਾਲਾ ॥
सुख सागर मेरे गुर गोपाला ॥
Sukẖ sāgar mėrė gur gopālā.
Ocean of Peace, my Guru, Sustainer of the world.
Guru Arjan Dev - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]
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Oct 31, 2007
Parma ji, it is most advisable that you learn to control your reactions to your evident temper. There are anger-management classes available. This forum is not the place to engage in hostile postings such as what you have done. Consider yourself duly warned.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
ਏਕੈ ਪਾਥਰ ਕੀਜੈ ਭਾਉ
एकै पाथर कीजै भाउ ॥
Ėkai pāthar kījai bẖā▫o.
One stone is lovingly decorated,

ਦੂਜੈ ਪਾਥਰ ਧਰੀਐ ਪਾਉ
दूजै पाथर धरीऐ पाउ ॥
Ḏūjai pāthar ḏẖarī▫ai pā▫o.
while another stone is walked upon.

ਜੇ ਓਹੁ ਦੇਉ ਓਹੁ ਭੀ ਦੇਵਾ
जे ओहु देउ त ओहु भी देवा ॥
Je oh ḏe▫o ṯa oh bẖī ḏevā.
If one is a god, then the other must also be a god.

ਕਹਿ ਨਾਮਦੇਉ ਹਮ ਹਰਿ ਕੀ ਸੇਵਾ ॥੪॥੧॥
कहि नामदेउ हम हरि की सेवा ॥४॥१॥
Kahi nāmḏe▫o ham har kī sevā. ||4||1||
Says Naam Dayv, I serve the Lord. ||4||1||
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