I'm afraid brothers and sisters that i sghall have to disgree with the Op's initial thought.
Agnostics as far as belife in God goes, say that there is no proof one way or the other and so take (to my mind) the only logical route of witholding judgement on that particular question.
Both Atheists and Theists have made their minds up and so both are gulity of 'unreasonable' supposition.
Agnosticism is far away from fence sitting and owes it postition to logical thought, all in all not a bad thing, to my mind.
Hi Lee,
Interesting view, but in Sikhism we say God is within us and we have to tune ourselves (like a radio) to realise what God is. God is in effect Truth.
Therefore is we meet these God tuned people is it not reasonable to say we have seen God?
I think in Sikhism God is for all intents and purposes like "The Force" in the Star Wars films.
If you give in to Lust, Anger, Greed, Egotism and Materialism, you are in effect trying to manipulate God....and from what I have seen, like the Star Wars films, this usually ends up in tears. Siths always betray each other.
So when I see people chosing Love (rather than lust), Patience/Tolerance (rather than Anger), Moderation (rather than Greed), Humility (rather than Egotism), and Detachment* (rather than Materialism), I see God........in the George Lucas world this is a Jedi and they all care for one another and everyone else. Like the Sikhs they are Guardians of the people.
Guru Nanak states "Higher than Truth is Truthful Living", therefore when I see people actually practicisng this truth I see God.
*Note when I say detachment I do not mean renunciation.