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Hinduism The Sikh Inside Me

Jun 1, 2008
A few days back i met a nihang he was very rude he was speaking all the way against the Hindus he was young energetic but he was misled he was ready to kill people at that very moment even now when i remember the fire in his eyes I'm haunted by a feeling of helplessness why do some Sikhs hate others so much why? Guru Nanak never told us to hate anyone why do then they hate others isn't that a sin "this act of many has made me" let me say it "hate Sikhs" i am now easily irritated by Sikhs .after reading a lot about 84 i found Sikhs to be sometimes cruel.
i have a friend who is a low caste Hindu(don't know if he intentionally acts to be one) from Punjab he told me Sikhs have divided Gurudwaras in Punjab and even cremation grounds and that they practice caste system this is totally different from the teachings of Guru Nanak.

How can i make myself look at Sikhs as followers of Guru Nanak and my brothers i was born a Sikh i was even baptized but now i lost the respect for Sikhs.sometimes i feel as if my thinking is subjected by others i have been for some times with guys who spoke against Sikhs i don't know if they were Hindu or Muslims but i gradually started to take those things as true words now i feel as if in hell.i need help i have stopped calling my self a Sikh.
but still there is a Sikh inside me who says I'm a Sikh what can i do?


Apr 24, 2006
I think you continue to confirm your belief that Sikhs are not good people. When others tell you that you confirm it. When you see Sikhs doing bad things you confirm it.
You have to realize Sikhs also do good things. They are only humans.
Why don't you become Sikh and teach those Sikhs that they can be better people, if you feel so strongly about this?

I think because you can see the faults of others, you can now improve yourself further, so that you don't make the same mistakes. You can now become an even better Sikh than before.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
A few days back i met a nihang he was very rude he was speaking all the way against the Hindus he was young energetic but he was misled he was ready to kill people at that very moment even now when i remember the fire in his eyes I'm haunted by a feeling of helplessness why do some Sikhs hate others so much why? Guru Nanak never told us to hate anyone why do then they hate others isn't that a sin "this act of many has made me" let me say it "hate Sikhs" i am now easily irritated by Sikhs .after reading a lot about 84 i found Sikhs to be sometimes cruel.
i have a friend who is a low caste Hindu(don't know if he intentionally acts to be one) from Punjab he told me Sikhs have divided Gurudwaras in Punjab and even cremation grounds and that they practice caste system this is totally different from the teachings of Guru Nanak.

How can i make myself look at Sikhs as followers of Guru Nanak and my brothers i was born a Sikh i was even baptized but now i lost the respect for Sikhs.sometimes i feel as if my thinking is subjected by others i have been for some times with guys who spoke against Sikhs i don't know if they were Hindu or Muslims but i gradually started to take those things as true words now i feel as if in hell.i need help i have stopped calling my self a Sikh.
but still there is a Sikh inside me who says I'm a Sikh what can i do?

HMM What are you going to do?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
HMM What are you going to do?

HMMMMMMMMMM yes what are you going to do..Last Sikh ??
I am sure soon you will meet a "Hindu Swami" ( BJP has plenty of them) who will be raving and ranting against the Muslims....calling them malechhas fit only to be killed. there is a famous scion of the Gandhis in the enws doing just that these days....and then you will meet a Muslim suicide bomber/mullah .listen to Osama Tape.....or a Christian Fanatic..and you may even meet a Una Bomber...and Horror of Horrors YOU may then meet a Human Being..who says all humans are bad and evil...and should be killed...blah blah blah..and while we have the choice to leave Sikhism..Hinduism..Islam..Christianity..we have NO CHOICE to Leave HUMAN BEING..and become a elephant or a Tiger...

Last of the Mohicans ??

I agree with Bhaagt Singh above...He gave you the best advice...

BE SUCH A GOOD SIKH..that even the "SIKHS" will look up with AWE at YOU !!!

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
A few days back i met a nihang he was very rude he was speaking all the way against the Hindus he was young energetic but he was misled he was ready to kill people at that very moment even now when i remember the fire in his eyes I'm haunted by a feeling of helplessness why do some Sikhs hate others so much why? Guru Nanak never told us to hate anyone why do then they hate others isn't that a sin "this act of many has made me" let me say it "hate Sikhs" i am now easily irritated by Sikhs .after reading a lot about 84 i found Sikhs to be sometimes cruel.
i have a friend who is a low caste Hindu(don't know if he intentionally acts to be one) from Punjab he told me Sikhs have divided Gurudwaras in Punjab and even cremation grounds and that they practice caste system this is totally different from the teachings of Guru Nanak.

How can i make myself look at Sikhs as followers of Guru Nanak and my brothers i was born a Sikh i was even baptized but now i lost the respect for Sikhs.sometimes i feel as if my thinking is subjected by others i have been for some times with guys who spoke against Sikhs i don't know if they were Hindu or Muslims but i gradually started to take those things as true words now i feel as if in hell.i need help i have stopped calling my self a Sikh.
but still there is a Sikh inside me who says I'm a Sikh what can i do?

I may be wrong but I have an inkling that this member THE LAST SIKH has not joined this forum with his LAST name as THE LAST SIKH. He smells like his other names like SAINT SOLDIER- Something BAJWA.... etc.. etc.

Could the moderators please check it for me?


Tejwant Singh
Jun 1, 2008
you have to realize sikhs also do good things. They are only humans.
is that what they are proud of?
why don't you become sikh and teach those sikhs that they can be better people, if you feel so strongly about this?
i have done everything on my part why should i be under the banner of bad people even if they are sikhs when i'm doing good.

i think because you can see the faults of others, you can now improve yourself further, so that you don't make the same mistakes. You can now become an even better sikh than before.
i hope i will but how? I lost everything except my respect for guru nanak
Jun 1, 2008
hmm what are you going to do?

i just don't know for the people i'm a sikh for my look a sardar from inside i'm nothing for the past three years i have been visiting a gurudwara daily never had a hair cut was baptized but i never thought one day i will be standing against sikhs why would i people just blamed sikhs i never listened but when a nihang from his mouth said all these things it was enough for me i removed the sword my heart was broken.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Your heart was broken because you invested happiness in other human beings. What does Gurbani offer you instead of that. Did Gurbani ever break your heart?
Jun 1, 2008
I may be wrong but I have an inkling that this member THE LAST SIKH has not joined this forum with his LAST name as THE LAST SIKH. He smells like his other names like SAINT SOLDIER- Something BAJWA.... etc.. etc.

Could the moderators please check it for me?


Tejwant Singh



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ਹਮ ਬਾਰਿਕ ਦੀਨ ਕਰਹੁ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਪਾਲਾ ॥
ham baarik dheen karahu prathipaalaa ||
I am a helpless child-please cherish me.

The forum cannot stop you from being rude, as you describe yourself. The forum can only point you toward the gurmat that makes rudeness unnecessary. Please think about what you are saying.

Jun 1, 2008

your heart was broken because you invested happiness in other human beings. What does gurbani offer you instead of that. Did gurbani ever break your heart?

gurbani never break hearts may be thats the only time i am away from world when i hear gurbani i even respect the granth and try to implement its teachings on my life.
Jun 1, 2008
At the end of the day it is me who would decide what to be and what not let the Sikh inside die for the purpose he will have to no matter how much it costs hairs,turban and "jatt di sardari" etc
the only question is how would i face Guru ji how would i?i am not worried about answering the world when they see me they have always questioned me you are khatri? are you? i was already fed up answering them let this be an answer but anyone of you who loves Guru ji by his heart when visits a Gurudwara do tell him i love him as i always did no matter what i be i will always be his son i would proudly say I'm shazaad wald Guru Nanak Good bye everyone good bye spn.:8-:)thats emotional yes it is.
Jai Shri Ram
Jun 1, 2008
you were right we need to be the examples but there is something i would never be able to share and it will keep me haunting every single minute oh im a singh let me fight it down.


Nov 4, 2007
Dekh ke andith kita = See the faults of others but overlook them.

Remember Those Who See the Faults of Others but Overlook Them

by Sat Jivan Singh Khalsa
{Mail I.D - sjk@khalsalaw.com}

The words from our Ardas acknowledge the challenge facing us today: "Dekh ke andith kita", "Remember those who have seen the fault of others, but overlook those faults." Every time we pray, we acknowledge that human shortcoming of seeing the faults in others. This is normal, human behavior. But through the grace of our Guru we can transcend this human condition and be granted the divine inspiration to look beyond the flaws to see God in every human being. If it were easy, we would not have to pray daily for the strength and ability to do so. It is extremely difficult. How important is this ability? Obviously very important because we remember those who achieve this in the same breath as our remembrance of the Punj Piare, the Four Sons of the Tenth Master and the Forty Liberated One. We must seek that Divine aspect within our human consciousness in order to achieve this. At a time when the world seems to be taking sides against us we cannot allow ourselves to start picking each other apart. We lose before we even begin if we cannot overcome the human propensity to find fault and allow the Divine Spark within us to see that Divine Spark within others. My humble request is that we avoid the natural human tendency to rush to judgment, find the ability to look beyond these faults for the moment and maintain our unity.

In 1971 I made a decision that changed my life forever. I became a Sikh of the Guru. During my thirty years as a Sikh the hardest thing I have had to deal with has not been the negative reactions of the American people to my turban and flowing beard or the bigotry and discrimination I experience at the hands of the citizenry of my native land. What has been most difficult and painful for me has been how the members of my chosen religious community seem to find ways to create fights within itself, to allow itself to be divided; to let itself be torn apart from within by seeing every difference, then dissecting and magnifying them. One of my early lessons about my new faith and my new religious family was that if we did not have a common enemy to fight we often turned upon ourselves and began to tear ourselves apart. It was so difficult watching the fights, which were usually power struggles over position and control. It still is.

I am proud to be a Sikh American. I have always been proud to be a Sikh. And I have been so proud of my community and how it has risen to the occasion following the recent events of 9/11. I have been so inspired by Sikhs, and particularly the young Sikhs as we have responded to the challenges and have answered the Guru’s call in the face of discrimination and adversity. Yet the same old pattern is beginning to creep back in, and, unless curtailed now, will threaten our unity and divide us, thereby weakening our ability to respond to real issues. Each time I see this happen my first response is that some enemy of the Panth Khalsa has created another diversion that will distract us from our real foe. And, as if following some pre-scripted plan, we spin off and lose focus. Our efforts are diverted from our real work and we spend so much time going back and forth dealing with the diversions. Divide and conquer. That should sound very familiar to anyone with roots in India. We must resist this and stay focused and present a united front. Whatever issues there are can be dealt with when Khalsa has achieved victory.

Please do not misunderstand me. I am as concerned as the next Sikh over our faith becoming diluted and polluted. Yet are the writings of a non-Sikh newspaper reporter really to be taken as gospel by our community? Haven’t we had enough experience with the American press to know that their only job is to sell newspapers, not to educate, not to be exact, not to propagate our religion or even care whether their writings even remotely resemble the truth about what was said or what was really meant? We cannot rely on the American press for anything other than to create news that will titillate, excite, provoke and even misdirect the public in a direction the press wants it to go. We should not accept what is written in the media as the final word on anything, much less what we or anyone else believes in.

It is time to put differences and misconceptions aside, once and for all and go on with our work. All good and true Sikhs will rise to the occasion and “overlook the faults of others.” Our enemies hope we will divide ourselves. To keep the theological debates raging at this time will only play into their plan to weaken the Panth Khalsa. We cannot allow this to happen. I trust all will see the logic and sense in this approach. I look forward to moving forward to yet another Khalsa victory.

Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki fateh !
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