not quite sure what telling a child to go back and push the other child actually teaches them? is that self defence?
personally i would have asked my child what they think they should do in that situation...get the child to problem's amazing what kids at a young age come up with...often they end up playing together

but obviously teaching them to remain calm and aware in a testing situation and ready to defend themselves if it becomes apparent it is your
'only' a good life lesson

real self defence
Chaz Singh
Cognitive development, particularly child psychology teaches that kids don't learn of adults and it's not innate; their own experience teaches them when the mind is ready. Psychological rationalism teaches that moral growth is like from caterpillar to a butterfly. We grow into our rationality as caterpillars grow into butterflies. If the caterpillar eats enough leaves it will grow wings, and likewise, if the child gets enough experience of queuing, turn taking, sharing and
playground justice, it will become a moral creature, able to use its rational capacities to solve ever harder problems later in life. If Hargobind Rai hadn't taken the decision to retaliate against the mighty Mughals, India today, would've been an Islamic state.
Yes, Phen Ji Phen Ji where n when appropriate, otherwise protect human dignity and learn to stand up.
The rational behind the creation of Khalsa was to stand up to injustice, that is not to say, injustice should be repaid with injustice, but on evolutionary principles of fight n flight the former was favoured and as result a nation of warrior-saints plagued the planet to serve, protect, preserve and foster humanitarian principles. Example of which is United Nations.
Good night & Godbless
Ps - I enjoy your write-ups, you are an advanced soul.