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Translations Of Sri Guru Granth Sahib: The Difficult And The Contradictory

Aug 28, 2010

Refering to your views as
Only practise of truth (Thought Speech and Action) is the way to salvation.

For human mind,

practise of this truth ( Thought speech and action) all in straight line is near to impossible.

I think there is nothing being mentioned in Gurbanee as IMPOSSIBLE.
Any thing is POSSIBLE thru the grace of GuRu.
So always ask for the grace from GuRu.This is the only requirement.



Nov 5, 2010

Refering to your views as
Only practise of truth (Thought Speech and Action) is the way to salvation.

For human mind,

practise of this truth ( Thought speech and action) all in straight line is near to impossible.

I think there is nothing being mentioned in Gurbanee as IMPOSSIBLE.
Any thing is POSSIBLE thru the grace of GuRu.
So always ask for the grace from GuRu.This is the only requirement.



Nov 5, 2010

Sat Sri Akaal,

Though there is no contradiction, as GURU's BANI is without "DUALITY"

Contradiction is with "DUALITY"

"GURU's Never Have "Duality"

Contradiction has no relevance

Let's See Some Hard Facts of "RELIGION"

1. All Humans are Born "SIKH" or "SEEKER's"

It resolves all the religious conflicts and give all human's a universal thought process

2. All Human's seek "TRUTH"

Where there is "TRUTH" there is no "DOUBT"

its like "DARK" / "LIGHT"
Either it is "DARK" or "LIGHT" "DOUBT" is no where

so do human mind


for eg if one is open to admit any wrong doing (CAN EXPRESS TRUTH),
There shall be no "DOUBT"

3. Each and Every "WORD" is through Meta Physical Existence

4. Before one want's to see universe,
one must know "HOW ONE SEE" how eye see and stores information in memory.

Similarly to understand "GURU's BANI"

of each

It is without "CONTRADICTION"

Its all of "HUMAN"

And all human's have

"EYES/EARS/SKIN/NOSE/TONGUE) common instrument to "SENSE"

But for "MIND" to "SENSE" with common instruments

Input "SENSE" has to be done to make use of "COMMON SENSE"

Translation/ Repeated Reading/ Writing will not only work,
till the seeker doesn't work on "VISION" is not "EVOKED"

5. "GURU's" have taught this way of learning remove doubts and contradictions

That's the way to "SEEK" to be "Learner"

And become "GURU's" "SIKH"

And unite all "Humans" as "SIKHS"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Though there is no contradiction, as GURU's BANI is without "DUALITY"

Contradiction is with "DUALITY"

"GURU's Never Have "Duality"

Contradiction has no relevance

Let's See Some Hard Facts of "RELIGION"

1. All Humans are Born "SIKH" or "SEEKER's"

It resolves all the religious conflicts and give all human's a universal thought process

2. All Human's seek "TRUTH"

Where there is "TRUTH" there is no "DOUBT"

its like "DARK" / "LIGHT"
Either it is "DARK" or "LIGHT" "DOUBT" is no where

so do human mind


for eg if one is open to admit any wrong doing (CAN EXPRESS TRUTH),
There shall be no "DOUBT"

3. Each and Every "WORD" is through Meta Physical Existence

4. Before one want's to see universe,
one must know "HOW ONE SEE" how eye see and stores information in memory.

Similarly to understand "GURU's BANI"

of each

It is without "CONTRADICTION"

Its all of "HUMAN"

And all human's have

"EYES/EARS/SKIN/NOSE/TONGUE) common instrument to "SENSE"

But for "MIND" to "SENSE" with common instruments

Input "SENSE" has to be done to make use of "COMMON SENSE"

Translation/ Repeated Reading/ Writing will not only work,
till the seeker doesn't work on "VISION" is not "EVOKED"

5. "GURU's" have taught this way of learning remove doubts and contradictions

That's the way to "SEEK" to be "Learner"

And become "GURU's" "SIKH"

And unite all "Humans" as "SIKHS"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sat Sri Akaal,

More Fact To "Seek" or "Learn" with no contradiction

Each human has ability and instruments available


6. "Human Mind" to think

Mind Should be clean/ available thoughts to store (Guru's Bani)

7. "Ears" to listen


To listen inner silence is required

After having inner silence

"Ears" can listen to "Others" and even "Natural" sounds beyond normal "Human Perception"

And is fit to receive and store "GURU's BANI"

8. "Speaking/ Reciting"
Repeat "Guru's Praises to activate "VOCAL STORE" or "Memory"

9. "Eyes" have "Vision" of each "Guru's" word Contemplate on each word to develop "GURU's Thought" process

10. Improve "SRI RAAG" repeated vibrations with in "Mind" and "Cleansing" of "MIND" process through practice of "SAT" / "TRUTH"

11. Human "Senses" and "Body" is slave of thought "Process"

"KAM" KRODH" "LOBH" MOH" "AHAANKAR" are mental activations


Understand own body process.

Even Animals Owe This

Difference Comes as


Through Awareness of "Mind" and "Body" process

and diminishing "Animal" instincts genetically transferred through generations.

and extended "Human" instinct

with stored

"Vocal" and "Visual"
experience of "GURU's BANI"

There is no contradiction, every "HUMAN" to "SEEK"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Mar 25, 2015
Before interpreting gurbani I believe one should have some grammar framework behind gurbani arths, historical(uthanka) framework, through understanding different aspects of divine(Ikoankar-Sargun and Nirgun), one should have good understanding different aspects of Ikoankar/Vahiguru- bhagti-bhav-bhagti aspect of Vahiguru, shabad surat aspect of Vahiguru, shakti aspect of Vahiguru nirgun-shabad gyan aspect of Vahiguru, absolute truth and relative truth contexts of gurbani, and finally one should be deeply connected with shabad(via meditation) in order to provide metaphysical/antriv arths -deep intuitive interpretation deep gnosis/metaphysical interpretation of Gurbani as ultimately Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is dhur ki bani- straight from divine-anubhav parkash- intuitive infinite spontaneous effortless ocean of divine knowledge.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Before interpreting gurbani I believe one should have some grammar framework behind
gurbani arths, historical(uthanka)
framework, through understanding
different aspects of divine(Ikoankar-
Sargun and Nirgun), one should have
good understanding different aspects
of Ikoankar/Vahiguru- bhagti-bhav-
bhagti aspect of Vahiguru, shabad
surat aspect of Vahiguru, shakti
aspect of Vahiguru nirgun-shabad
gyan aspect of Vahiguru, absolute
truth and relative truth contexts of
gurbani, and finally one should be
deeply connected with shabad(via
meditation) in order to provide
metaphysical/antriv arths -deep
intuitive interpretation deep
gnosis/metaphysical interpretation of
Gurbani as ultimately Sri Guru Granth
Sahib ji is dhur ki bani- straight from
divine-anubhav parkash- intuitive
infinite spontaneous effortless ocean
of divine knowledge.

I totally agree, but even before embarking upon literal and grammatical accuracy the Sovereign Will of Nanak's Nirankar is a must. In order to be singing the same hymn one must accept Nanak's ideology.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
sggs page 1430 the last stanza
ਖਸਟ ਰਾਗ ਉਨ ਗਾਏ ਸੰਗ ਰਾਗਨੀ ਤੀਸ, ਸਭੈ ਪੁੱਤਰ ਰਾਗਨ ਕੇ ਆਠਾਰਹ ਦਸ ਬੀਸ. i wrote it from my memory, there my be spelling difference. I translated siree guru granth sahib. my translation of this stanza is
six major tunes have been sung including sub tunes totalling thirty. all are the sons of creator of tunes (God) whether eighteen, ten or twenty. u add other translations and comment on mine as well. thanks. it is all from my mind i will put the exact words from my translation when sosme discusses if in doubt. my translation is underwww/ swarnbains.tripod.com. when i published the english only translation through xlibris. the publisher asked me. if it was a public domain or private domain. i said it is public. they said u do not need any bodys permision such as sgpc
Last edited:
Mar 11, 2024
English translation of a hymn by various writers

Dear Teji Ji,

I posted the following hymn in the post of “Meat in Sikhism” under the notion that to consume any kind of meat should be a matter of personal preference on the basis of taste etc, as it is foolhardy to bring religion into this issue. I referred to the following hymn of Bhagat Kabir after referring to Guru Nanak’s hymn in Siri Raag that eating mind altering substances is no good for Sikhs. Since meat eating does not affect the mind and further clarified by Guru Nanak in Raag Malar does not prohibit eating meat except on individual preferences. Here are various translations of the hymn by different authors.

ਕਬੀਰਭਾਂਗਮਾਛੁਲੀ ਸੁਰਾ ਪਾਨਿ ਜੋ ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਾਨੀ ਖਾਂਹਿ ॥ ਤੀਰਥ ਬਰਤ ਨੇਮਕੀਏ ਤੇ ਸਭੈ ਰਸਾਤਲਿ ਜਾਂਹਿ ॥
Kabir Bhaang Maachulee Sura Paan Jo Jo Praanee Khaaneh, Teerath Barat Naym Keeay Tay Sabhay Rasaatal Jaaneh.

Translation by Macauliffe in The Sikh Religion-Vol-6, Page, 314-published 1909

Kabir, the mortals who eat bhang, fish (Banares Pundits used to eat fish at the time of Kabir) and drink wine, shall go to hell, whatever pilgramages, fastings, and daily devotion they may perform.

Translation by Gurbachan Singh Talib, Vol 4, Page, 2751

Saith Kabir:Creatures that consume hemp, fish or liquor, Even though visiting holy spots, keeping fasts and vows, All to nethermost hell must go.

Translation by Manmohan Singh Vol 8, 1969, Page, 4545

Kabir, who so ever of the mortals partake of meat (Translated from Bhang), fish, and wine; What ever pilgramages, fasting and daily rites they may perform, they all go to hell.

Translation by Gurbachan Singh Makin, Vol 4, Page, 1376/2759

O Kabir! Thev persons, who partake of wine, meat,(Extra) and fish (or any viscious thing) waste all their efforts visiting holy place of pilgramage, keeping fasts and other religious formalities as nothing fruitful could be gained by them.

Translation by Sant Singh Khalsa.

Kabir, those mortals who consume marijuana, fish and wine no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell.-----Bhagat Kabir Slokes # 233, AGGS, Page, 1377-2 & 3
Two authors added the word meat, one in place of fish and the other just an additional word.

Meat eating is one thing. Killing animals is another thing. Killing lower life forms like fishes and birds is one thing. Killing cows, goats and pigs is another thing.

Saints are those who are able to control their minds not to be way-led by any sense pleasures. "Sadhu ohi jo eh sab ras tyage" Here Sadhus mean determined Sikhs who are on track to God as ultimate goal.
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