I think that every single interaction that I have with anyone is there to help me develop and to teach me. With every interaction whether it is positive or negative, there is always some kind of lesson to be learned.
Even when someone may feel misused and abused, they have the opportunity to handle it in different ways. One is to come out stronger and better whilst addressing whatever you can that made them the victim in the first place.
I know that it sounds very easy for me to say and write this, but there are many people who suffer horrific consequences because of such encounters.
I think that we can ALL sometimes think back about some simple encounter and wonder if we handled it correctly.
I'm sure that most of us at certain times in our life wonder or ask the question ''Why does this Always happen to me or us ??''
It's when these questions arise that makes me think that we have not learned or handled the encounter as we were supposed to previously, which is why it keeps on recurring. And until we learn, develop and handle it properly, it will keep on manifesting and presenting itself in different encounters but same concepts.
As for the twin flame concept, I don't think that there is One single person or twin that can help me learn and fill in all the gaps. Therefore, I don't think that it is confined to just one twin but it can be many people in our life.
However, the soul mate or your partner that you decided to settle with is usually the one on the same frequency and brain/mind wavelength as yourself.
Me and my wife are exactly like this but we know very well that we can't fill each others spiritual gaps to the degree that Waheguru and his grace can. We also know that we are 2 souls joined in matrimony and spirituality, but we are in no way twins or doubles of each other. We will both take our very last breaths at different times and neither of us can play any part in each others last journey.
Anyway, if your soul mate was your twin or double, then life would be pretty boring wouldn't it ??
Even when someone may feel misused and abused, they have the opportunity to handle it in different ways. One is to come out stronger and better whilst addressing whatever you can that made them the victim in the first place.
I know that it sounds very easy for me to say and write this, but there are many people who suffer horrific consequences because of such encounters.
I think that we can ALL sometimes think back about some simple encounter and wonder if we handled it correctly.
I'm sure that most of us at certain times in our life wonder or ask the question ''Why does this Always happen to me or us ??''
It's when these questions arise that makes me think that we have not learned or handled the encounter as we were supposed to previously, which is why it keeps on recurring. And until we learn, develop and handle it properly, it will keep on manifesting and presenting itself in different encounters but same concepts.
As for the twin flame concept, I don't think that there is One single person or twin that can help me learn and fill in all the gaps. Therefore, I don't think that it is confined to just one twin but it can be many people in our life.
However, the soul mate or your partner that you decided to settle with is usually the one on the same frequency and brain/mind wavelength as yourself.
Me and my wife are exactly like this but we know very well that we can't fill each others spiritual gaps to the degree that Waheguru and his grace can. We also know that we are 2 souls joined in matrimony and spirituality, but we are in no way twins or doubles of each other. We will both take our very last breaths at different times and neither of us can play any part in each others last journey.
Anyway, if your soul mate was your twin or double, then life would be pretty boring wouldn't it ??