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Two Questions About Sikhism: Place Of Raaj Yoga? Place Of Homosexuality?

Balkar Singh

Oct 30, 2008
Dear Narayanjot Kaur, gurfateh !!!!!

Surprisingly, we sikhs , feel everything untouchable which is written by some one called hindu or others . Actually they are our ancestors . Satguru Sahib have nowhere rejected the ancient sayings but misuse and misinterpretations of them. We respectfully accept the Puranic stories of Dhru, Prahlaad , Ajay , janmeja etc , mentioned in Gurbani but criticise the Puranas.
Eight limbs of Yoga told by Patanjli are no wrong to keep the mind and body fit and fine to meditate or work easily/happily for many hours . what is wrong in it ? Shaheed Bhai Mani Singhji in "Sikha.N di Bhagat Mala" explains the 11th warr of Bhai Gurdass Ji , the astyoga as told by Guru Nanak Devji .
I have studied seven main Religions of India and found nothing wrong in the main texts.
"Bed kateb kaho mat jhoothe, jhootha jo na vichare" (Gurbani)
Sharp criticisms always end in futility.Think and follow.May follow the Gurbani and Guru-history but read and understand correctly. We should not waste time criticising others. Do not prepare Kheer if it smells u as Hindu. Thanks.
With all the best wishes
Balkar Singh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I have come across this site which states that homosexuality is perfectly admissible in Sikhism . I always had this impression that Sikhism is the religion of the householder , if it is so how come homosexuality is allowed because homosexuals cannot raise a family & bear children .

I wish members to kindly share their views .

Homosexuals can raise a family and I know many with children. Either they have adopted or other means.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Balkar ji

Thank you for your insights and for sharing information as you have. I will not be able to agree that Sikhism is reconstituted from the various Hindu paths. It is out of the question for me. What I can agree too is that Sikhism is one of the dharmic religions.

The reality that often is lost in both sides of the argument, Yoga is BAD versus Yoga is GOOD, is that the message of Guru Nanak was to show how after centuries the spiritual lessons and morality of his ancestors had been politically and economically *******ed by the Brahmin caste in his day.

This realization and Guru's message are at the root of more than one faith forming in revolt against the demoralization of Indian society. The very same sentiments -- misreading and gross manipulation of ancient texts also led to the teachings of Buddha and the rise of Buddhism as a religion. The original vedas were even adulterated by vested political interests. So when Guru Nanak teaches, "I have read the ...and he lists all of the Hindu texts in different parts of SGGS, he is saying "YES I have read them and you people got it wrong." He wasn't alone, because more than bhatt of his day shared Guru Nanak's dismay.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Then why has it existed in every patriarchal society throughout the history of mankind?

Depends on what your trying to cure? feminism is a good thing, countries which have gays and lesbians, and equal rights for women are guiders not learners, indeed india and other developing countries are learning more and more from these guiders and will continue to do so. One country can only teach another country when it has something to teach, india has nothing that I want to learn from.

This is rhetoric from someone bitter who is so frustrated with reality that he has to create his own reality through colorful words. There is no debauchery there are no angry souls.

God has no home of religion, god is within all people and there are no rebels, there is no pillaging of the good - None of these things are happening in fact society today is good, better and more "divine" than it ever has been but you see you just can't spin that no matter what wording you use, reality for the "religious MAN" is hard to spin:D

You see the best way to give response to the rest of your post is to simply tell you "its all in your head my dear all in your head".

I challenge you to be real!:yes:

Hinduism as the wisdom of The Gita and The Veda is Truth. It is rather the idol worship and cultural ritualism the Guru frowned upon. Extreme castism based upon prejudice rather than Spiritual Supremacy and Purity was another contentious issue. ‘’Bahroh Nirmal, Andhroh maile....’’ Buddhism and Taoism are perfect philosophies, refined derivatives of Hinduism, better suited to a culturally diverse generation seeking truth without inhibitive affiliation to rigid conformity. Blessing for true adorers of The Lord, a nightmare for religious institutions seeking to control the rank and file of society, themselves concordant somewhat to modernist media opinionating. The Bani of Sikhism as written by Guru Nanak combines all into its own unique and condensed pure philosophy. It suits most whether practising orthodox or seeker of truth.

***Spare me the insanity jibes, ‘’the all in your head’’ nonsense. The lunatics have taken over the matrix like asylum, the good is shouted down, isolated, suppressed, the good suffer whilst extremists exploit protective measures intended for the dignified, moral and vulnerable. Your delusional rant is also ‘’all in your head’’ based upon the opinions you hold in accordance with the limitations of your intellect and morality.

‘’Demons are all in the mind, sin is relative, witchcraft would require an ambush of suspects top convict sorcerers of the crime of manipulating another’s fate, fortune and will. Power is illusory, Atheists contend God too is all in the mind, given the aforementioned, it would hardly be surprising and perfectly explanatory.’’

Who are You challenging, The words are similar to mine, yet you make no reference to the poster. Kindly clarify, IDhillon. ...
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Dec 13, 2005
Hinduism as the wisdom of The Gita and The Veda is Truth. It is rather the idol worship and cultural ritualism the Guru frowned upon.

Untrue, the guru actually states in the SGGS that the gurus way transcends all the schools of hinduism, don't claim to know what sikhism is actually learn what sikhism is about, the forum was not started by a nonsikh wishing to learn about sikhism we are here to teach others if you want to learn then listen to what other participants have to say or people WILL ignore you.

Buddhism and Taoism are perfect philosophies, refined derivatives of Hinduism, better suited to a culturally diverse generation seeking truth without inhibitive affiliation to rigid conformity.

This is known as religious BDSM whilst the christian faith reconsciles the selfdetermination of the others by prommoting its prophet to god the hindus just sit back and refuse to accept any independant school of thought, you my dear friend have the same ego, sikhism started to challenge peoples way of thinking and it starts with each person evan you! If you can't accept the equal covalidity of all religions based on their timespace variables you will continue to bow to your ego in the face of their selfdetermination.

***Spare me the insanity jibes, ‘’the all in your head’’ nonsense. The lunatics have taken over the matrix like asylum, the good is shouted down, isolated, suppressed, the good suffer whilst extremists exploit protective measures intended for the dignified, moral and vulnerable. Your delusional rant is also ‘’all in your head’’ based upon the opinions you hold in accordance with the limitations of your intellect and morality.

This is the opposite to militant secularism, as a cheer leader for hinduism did you not learn that hinduism believes in no duality why are you reacting and not transcending.

‘’Demons are all in the mind, sin is relative, witchcraft would require an ambush of suspects top convict sorcerers of the crime of manipulating another’s fate, fortune and will. Power is illusory, Atheists contend God too is all in the mind, given the aforementioned, it would hardly be surprising and perfectly explanatory.’’

rant!!!!, people who live in glasshouses .......

Who are You challenging, The words are similar to mine, yet you make no reference to the poster. Kindly clarify, IDhillon. ...


Kind regards,



(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Hinduism as the wisdom of The Gita and The Veda is Truth. It is rather the idol worship and cultural ritualism the Guru frowned upon.
ISDHILLONUntrue, the guru actually states in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that the gurus way transcends all the schools of hinduism, don't claim to know what sikhism is actually learn what sikhism is about, the forum was not started by a nonsikh wishing to learn about sikhism we are here to teach others if you want to learn then listen to what other participants have to say or people WILL ignore you.

Indeed. Please, please feel at liberty to ignore me. My Glass House, Open Mind, and Universal Spirit Withstands Scrutiny and Speculation of My Opponents Admirably.

I loathe loud, extremist, hateful bigots. Learn to spell and spare me the pseudo psychobabble. Do accord me the courtesy of ignoring me ...JJ.