Voting for Republican's is like voting for the Tories in England. Basically a vote for the devil and evil!
Not giving a dam about your fellow men like these right wing parties epitomise are against Sikh ideals.
lol...thats a little harsh...innit? :}{}{}:
the problem is the republicans justify their "ID" party philosophy by stating that 'not giving a damn' is the best way to give a damn.
some may consider this borderline dementia...but i have seen 'tough love' in action before.
parties that promote smaller government is good at times (i consider politics a cyclical event)
its just the democrats' turn this time.
Not harsh at all.
Not helping poor people
Not helping the environment
Not tolerating diversity
Giving Rich Tax Cuts
These are the values of the Right wingers. Incompatible with Sikh philosophy. If you analyse Sikh Phlilosophy you will find its essence has very left wing leaning with an emphasis on individual as well as collective responsibility.
I despite/hate Tories in this country and from a British observers point of view think the Republican are truly evil people.
So, let me get this straight, sikh philosophy transcends epistemology but cannot transcend trivialized U.S political partitions and their associated rhetoric? Sounds like a stretch.
Extrapolating your interpretation of religious morality to help you make a political decision is nothing short of what evangelical voters do (albeit in the non-liberal direction).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all gung-ho for Obama, but calling the other side evil, is not a way to encourage any rational political debate…and is certainly not the basis on which I want the democrats to take this election.
Of co{censored}, my hopes are high that you were being a little facetious (which is great...because democrats despartely need more people that can throw political jabs like you).
the word "liberal" has been demonized time and time again why not demonize the word "conservative" as well?
Sarah Palin is evil...i have a feeling that Greenpeace and PETA members, who are undoubtedly foaming at the mouth, are already planning her assasination.
Too many long wordsMy brain is overloading.
Ok lets break it down and look at Sikh institutions. There is Miri and Piri. Spiritual and Temporal. The two are interlinked and intertwinned, so in this respect what happens here and now (and this does include politics) is interlinked with our spiritual well being according to Sikhism. This is very different from other faiths that claim some sort of otherwordly liveberation. What Sikhi says says what we do here and now will affect us here and now. We can in effect create a heaven or hell around us and within us.
Let us analyse the 5 thieves that create this Hell:
Kaam - Lust - right wingers claim to be on the higher moral ground by promoting marriage etc, yet they are massive hypocrits. The amount of Tory ministers that have had illict affaires in the UK is unbelievable.
Krodh - Stubborness - the inability for people with a right wing dogma to understand the needs of those that are disadvantaged and extend need or help to them. Take what happened in New Orleans.
Moh - Materialism - I don't need to say anything about this but this forms the cornerstone of Right wing philosophy.
Lobh - Greed or wanting more than your fair share. Again a cornerstone of Right wing Capattalism.
Hankaar - Egotism - thinking you are better than others whether, materialy, physically or mentally. Right wingers tendancy to be from rich families, the best education and usually have had the priveledges that have given them a head start. They believe they are actually better than their fellow man.
What is liberal? I mean my views are Liberal but I am very conservative with a small "c" when it comes to family values. I believe we should help our fellow man. We should have a welfare state, and also access to free health, education and housing BUT only if their is a genuine need i.e. extended to people who genuinely need it and are trying for themselves. I am conservativein that I belive children should be born within wedlock, yet I am liberal because I don't believe that gay people can get married, and I do believe that Gay married people should be allowed to have children.
I don't like promiscuos people, I despise celebrity culture as most are irresponsible, yet I love movies and the razza matazz that surrounds it.
In this respect I believe in the Sikh Philosophy that you can be surrounded by all these things yet not necessarily be part of it.
Lets analyse institutions:
Langaar - every sits equally and eats
Van Chakko- work ethic and work for the common good
Daswaand - Giving a tenth of your earnings to the poor
Guru Nanak - his farm he set up and the Langaar was in effect a "collective", a very left wing ideal in that everyone worked there for mutual benefit, the food used was for langaar and earnings used to help the needy.
Guru Gobind - bowing to his sangat shows the notion of total equality.
Guru Granth and Guru Paanth - Our Guru's rule is entrusted in the collective i.e. the Sikh people in general.
Amrit Ceremony - all drinking from same bowls shows we are one and the same equal.
Sewa - working to help others and the benfit of others.
There are many many more Sikh concepts that are very left wing, but what marks Sikh philosophy apart from any left wing dogma is the emphasis on individual responsibility.
Too many long wordsMy brain is overloading.
Let us analyse the 5 thieves that create this Hell:
Kaam - Lust - right wingers claim to be on the higher moral ground by promoting marriage etc, yet they are massive hypocrits. The amount of Tory ministers that have had illict affaires in the UK is unbelievable.
Krodh - Stubborness - the inability for people with a right wing dogma to understand the needs of those that are disadvantaged and extend need or help to them. Take what happened in New Orleans.
Moh - Materialism - I don't need to say anything about this but this forms the cornerstone of Right wing philosophy.
Lobh - Greed or wanting more than your fair share. Again a cornerstone of Right wing Capattalism.
Hankaar - Egotism - thinking you are better than others whether, materialy, physically or mentally. Right wingers tendancy to be from rich families, the best education and usually have had the priveledges that have given them a head start. They believe they are actually better than their fellow man.
What is liberal? I mean my views are Liberal but I am very conservative with a small "c" when it comes to family values.
Ergo; Nanak officially endorses Obama? :hmm:
When examined closely, religion forms a complex network of internal tensions. When a religion enters social consciousness it contains the usual representation of human behaviour and feeling; yet it also absorbs into its stream of movement the hard and perhaps insoluble pellets of its flawless ideology. The conflict is inescapable: Religion tries to confront experience in its immediacy and closeness, while its ideology is by its nature general and inclusive.
also adding to the complexity is the fact that;
Liberal and Conservative labels are not fixed or engrained into the psyche of a particular culture. They are fluid and they vary with issue, time and environmental conditions...which you expressed yourself:
Liberal/Conservative...these are rather weak political dichotomies although they give the false appearance of being strong.
Both liberals and conservatives make a compelling argument on how to achieve equality and equal oppurtunity (its a tug of war between two conflicting ideologies promising the same things; liberty, justice, equality) philosophy 'becomes more right', depending upon the particular environmental conditions....which is why i consider politics a rather cyclical event especially in the US.
there has to be forces that stop government expansion and there needs to be forces the encourage it....wouldn't characterize one side as evil...however, the excess of one side will lead to rather evil outcomes.
catch my drift?
I went away from Democrats due to their bleeding liberalism, they distanced themselves from centrist approach of Bill Clinton. We need a man who can stand up against ridiculous policies of the both parties like Ron Paul.... Republicans live in disguises most of the time, so still I am there... thinking
please people dont vote for this woman...she scares me now...i agree i haven't been open minded about her...and i dont plan on being open minded for someone who continues to display complete incompetance
does she even know english?
pk70 convinced yet? No wonder they were hiding her! not comfortable handing this woman launch codes to the largest nuclear {censored}nal on earth...nor trusting her in handling a large economic crisis.