well if its that clear, could you possibly see your way to a page number or a quote?
quoted from where please thank you
this may come as a surprise or shock but there is a little more to being a Hindu then wearing a tilak
too late, mainstream Sikhism is fully absorbed into Hinduism, forget hari and narayan, Sikhs have our own deities now, Sikhs practice deity worship daily, engage in pointless ritual daily, you yourself treat the SGGS as a sort of Moores Almanac, others have astrology readings, we have our Hukamnama, it is all treated the same, the blasphemy that occurs within Sikhism means that instead of free thinking, learning individuals, we have descended into slavery to ritual, tradition, forget the RSS , the real enemy is within.
I think all dharmic religions should be lumped inside Hinduism, makes sense to me, at this point you the have to ask yourself if you consider Sikhism a dharmic religion.
Is Sikhism an offshoot of HInduism?, is it something new in its own right? let us not skirt around here, if Sikhism and Hinduism have that much in common that it is considered relevant to study Hindu dharma to get a better idea of Sikhism, why not just follow Hinduism?
why not just follow Hinduism?
Basically because shabad guru is required for surat to go all the way back to its origin...Sach khand. Only shabad guru can take us there...because that's where the sabd is resounding from and originating from.
Only SGGS ji inspires and directs us into how we can do this and puts so much importance to it...no more faffing around in between...it goes right to the core.
Now that's why I don't look elsewhere.