Readers on this forum are aware of the openness here. Please enlighten us, Which threads were closed? Yes, there was one thread with arrogant arguments, which was put under observation for some time, and now you must have seen that restored - Without any editing.muslim said:Lol its funny how when on this site if anything is said in offense to sikhism the thread is close or what ever but if islam or other religions its perfectly okay.
In my personal opinion, with the present 'global nature' environment of the world we live in and also the strength and size of Islam, it would be quite impossible to BAN it. However, I do believe in all earnestness that its influence has to be or rather MUST BE controlled. What could be done if possible is a universal agrement of all religions to stop the forced propagation of religions and the stop to misinterpretations and radical presentations of religions for personal or sectarian benefit.lion said:if we want to build a peacefullworld,then i think islam needs to be banned in west and elsewhere...........
I agree. It is not "Islam" per se...the killers in question are muslims who dont understand their religion well.muslim said:Islam has nothing to do with honour killings, say what you like it is not permissible and is a great sin.
thecoopes said:Salaamulaikum I just love that Islamic thought.
Hi my friend, for what its worth here is my take on it, in respect to an objective view of Islam.
I say objective as I am no follower of any religion and am at the moment taking a fresh look at faith.
In reguards to people saying Islam is still in the stone age, and hasn't moved fowards. Ever wonder, why? maybe it could be because Muslims don't want to because such advancements would lead to leading a false religion, and falsehood leads to a fake religion and a unpracticed one. In the end we are only here for lets say 60 to 80 years. why not fulfill the duty of God? (muslim pont of view)
I have some sympathy with you here about changing to fit a modern world, the world may change but Gods word does not need to be processed for 21st century consumption.
However what I see in Islam and the interpretation of Gods will by its followers leads me to view them as just an elitist gang of myopic fanatics who believe that all who are not Muslim are dammed. This is first hand experience from living next to a large Islamic community.
As most people believe in their own religion with the same conviction as Muslims, and as all religions need faith the simple fact is, yours is true in your eyes due to faith all religions stand on faith, the faith you have does not make yours right any more than the faith I have makes mine right. Faith is unsupported belief, enjoy your religion but respect others, believe by all means yours is the truth but allow the possibility that others believe with the same faith theirs is the truth.
So WHY would you want to evolve into this western society?.
from what i see all this has lead to many of our sisters spreading there legs to any guy, guys smoking up pot (because its okay and natural), drinking...
Yes I have to agree with you here Western society leaves a lot to be desired in respect to morals.
Yet what an anathema that people who complain so much about the decadence of the West clamour to get here in their millions. Particularly to get hold of this wealth that has been generated by corruption. I don’t think the God you worship would see your argument for living in the West as valid!
the way i see it, if you give society a little bit of something it will just ask for more and more... example: sex, look at how far its come from the 1900s just in the west.. now we have girls gone wild video's in cancun. I haven’t seen that one, and if it offends don’t watch it.
So basically all i'm trying to say is it seems Muslims are just keeping to there own way which is keeping TRUE to there religion and they refuse evolve becase they are afraid it would lead to what we have today in the west. Now if a muslim wants to live in the west that is his/her choice, after all saying such things like "muslims shouldn't be allowed in the west" is pretty ignorant especially when its coming form a sikh after all arn't sikhs suppose to treat and see all as equals regardless of there faith... Jew, Budist or whatever
I’m not a Sikh or any religion you would recognise, I am a Anglo Saxon Westerner who thinks that we have left the door open for too many people who come here and bleat continually how bad everything is, but are the first in the welfare queue and first to scream when they feel their new Western freedoms have been infringed.
We do think all men are equals but ask that any who come to live with us treat everyone with the same respect.
Oh , Dear Muslim Bhai ,
Though muslims put lot of pressure on women to wear black cartridge over their body .
But , Muslim women not as humble as you think , they are also too hot n Sexy ...
Given a chance to them ... They will explode like a Atom Bomb...
This was in response to Platinum , Diamond and Gold member...![]()