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Islam Was Guru Nanak A Muslim?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
When Pakistan and bangladesh were created..the WAR and instability became WORSE than pre 47....and MILLIONS of Bengalis were killed raped etc by their Paksitani Muslim Brothers..with Brothers like that who needs Jews ??? Now look at whats happening in Syria, Iraq, ISIS, lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Tunisia, Qatar, Kuwait, sudan, malaysia, phillippines,Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran.Turkemenstan, Chinese Islamic Territories,....... what ever....murder and mayhem


Apr 13, 2006
Rare is a Hindu ,Christian,Muslim or Sikh, if you put first the teachings on which these religions are based on. These days we act like sheep than active seekers.

First thing - Names don't matter, call it Hindu, Islam, Chirstianity or Sikhism etc. Important are teachings and if anyone diligently follow teachings of gurus of these religions then only he can call himself true Christian, Muslim, Sikh or Hindu(already told-he will be one in millions)

2nd thing- None of the religions are started by any Gurus, neither Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji started Sikh religion nor Mohammad Ji started Islam. Its their followers who use these names and made religions after that.

Guru- Nanak Dev ji were not Hindu, Not Muslim and Not Sikh even. He was Shabad in human form or as in bible "Word made flesh".

As religions become old , their teachings go through many translations/misinterpretations and people mold them according to the ways their mind says which is called "manmat in Punjabi". That's what has happened to Islam, Christianity and is happening in Sikhism.

We should struggle to understand Gurbani based on experiences instead of relying on knowledge or mind's interpretation or translations of other scholars.

Bhul chuk di maafi dena ji :peacesign:
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Rare is RIGHT WORD....: Rare is a Hindu ,Christian,Muslim or Sikh, if you put first the teachings on which these religions are based on. These days we act like sheep than active seekers."...the ONLY WORD.
Na Hindu na Mussalmaan Allah Raam ke Pind Praan...the HUMAN BODY is the Abode of ALLAH...harmandir har sajjiah...HAR constructed the Harmandir for his abode...

Hindus made Mandirs of stone.. Christians made Churches of stone,Muslims made Mosques of stone, SIKHS made the Golden temple...HE IS NOT FOUND anywhere in those places. I have no idea about the Hindus /Muslims/Christians.....BUT I do KNOW that The GURU taught us GHAR GHAR ANDER DHARAMSAAL...EVERY HOUSE is to be INHABITED by HUMANS who are attached to DHARAM and Propogate DHARAM....the GURU made the Harmandir...to PARKASH the GYAAN GURU..the SHABAD. NO OTHER GURU made any other "Gurdwara" anywhere..there was NONE even in Anandpur..or Nankanna or Patna or Hazoor Sahib. ALL the "STONE BUILDINGS" came about AFTER the departure of the Human Gurus. Ghar Ghar ander Dharamsaal was discarded..forgotten..and SIKHS began to gather in Gurdwaras...placed Golucks..collected MONEY and MAYA gathered strength. Today the Gurdwaras are NOT Centres of GYAAN..learning..nor are they the Doorway to GYAAN..they are places of MAYA POWER....

IF you WATCH LIVE PTC or viisted Punjab..you will see a HUGE CROWD of devotees who Matha tek to EMPTY PALKI/ besides matha teking to Nishan sahibs, tharras, various beris etc etc...Asa Dee Vaar Kirtan goes on..the Ragis are Singing to an GURU ABSENT PALKI !!! Same thing happens at Gurdwara Shaheedhan of Baba Deep Singh ji a few KM away...Many "Sikhs" matha tek to NOTHING and go away..becasue the SGGS is PARKASH many HOURS LATER...meaning the Doors open very EARLY....and siksh matha tek to empty palki only.

Very few Gurdwaras have KATHA..most concentrate on KIRTAN..citing the Shabad Kalyug mein Kirtan pardhana..which in reality to MOST is merely "entertainment..kann rass...because MOST dont understand what the Shabads mean...


Apr 7, 2013
Rare is RIGHT WORD....: Rare is a Hindu ,Christian,Muslim or Sikh, if you put first the teachings on which these religions are based on. These days we act like sheep than active seekers."...the ONLY WORD.
Na Hindu na Mussalmaan Allah Raam ke Pind Praan...the HUMAN BODY is the Abode of ALLAH...harmandir har sajjiah...HAR constructed the Harmandir for his abode...

Hindus made Mandirs of stone.. Christians made Churches of stone,Muslims made Mosques of stone, SIKHS made the Golden temple...HE IS NOT FOUND anywhere in those places. I have no idea about the Hindus /Muslims/Christians.....BUT I do KNOW that The GURU taught us GHAR GHAR ANDER DHARAMSAAL...EVERY HOUSE is to be INHABITED by HUMANS who are attached to DHARAM and Propogate DHARAM....the GURU made the Harmandir...to PARKASH the GYAAN GURU..the SHABAD. NO OTHER GURU made any other "Gurdwara" anywhere..there was NONE even in Anandpur..or Nankanna or Patna or Hazoor Sahib. ALL the "STONE BUILDINGS" came about AFTER the departure of the Human Gurus. Ghar Ghar ander Dharamsaal was discarded..forgotten..and SIKHS began to gather in Gurdwaras...placed Golucks..collected MONEY and MAYA gathered strength. Today the Gurdwaras are NOT Centres of GYAAN..learning..nor are they the Doorway to GYAAN..they are places of MAYA POWER....

IF you WATCH LIVE PTC or viisted Punjab..you will see a HUGE CROWD of devotees who Matha tek to EMPTY PALKI/ besides matha teking to Nishan sahibs, tharras, various beris etc etc...Asa Dee Vaar Kirtan goes on..the Ragis are Singing to an GURU ABSENT PALKI !!! Same thing happens at Gurdwara Shaheedhan of Baba Deep Singh ji a few KM away...Many "Sikhs" matha tek to NOTHING and go away..becasue the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is PARKASH many HOURS LATER...meaning the Doors open very EARLY....and siksh matha tek to empty palki only.

Very few Gurdwaras have KATHA..most concentrate on KIRTAN..citing the Shabad Kalyug mein Kirtan pardhana..which in reality to MOST is merely "entertainment..kann rass...because MOST dont understand what the Shabads mean...

can you link me with that shabad.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Abineet Ji,
Apologies. As a Matter of Principle..I never spoonfeed. Back in the 1950's when there was no GOOGLE and NO SEARCH..and no INTERNET.....my dad used the same method..take Sainchee Number ONE...go through line by line...Sanchee TWO..sainchee THREE..sainchee FOUR..Take the Bhai Gurdass Vaars pothi.....Back then we didnt evn have Tuk tatkara.or prof sahib Singh's Darpan..just the BASIC Books and the Gurdwara Library...and the Encyclopaedic Mind of daddy ji...to "get the link" after showing all the dedication and proof of hard work...

I DELIBERATELY post paraphrased shabads/Gurbani because my "message" is meant to light the fire to go SEARCH...so I never provide the Matchstick...only the burnt/spent match...Saying..give me the link to the "gym"...wont make one lose any fat..one has to go to the GYM and EXERCISE !!! The SGGS is available..the GOOGLE is available..ingenuity to use the vast Internet resources is God Given Gift...use it please.
Warm regards
Jarnail Singh
Oct 18, 2012
in sikhism teachings man is not a original sinner. truth can be found now thru grace of almighty god. in islam man is original sinner, truth cannot be found now..must wait for judgement day when everything is distroyed..in sikhism it is not distroy, but surrender of haumai or EGO... islam satan is always there..in sikhism there is only one without the second
Oct 18, 2012
in islam human birth is coming from some past mistakes, sins created by adam n eve.. in sikhism after all the good actions life after life, i had already earned a human birth, so now is to run after grace of god for salvation.. in sikhism ideal place to find truth is a human birth on earth. in human birth you have a chance to experience free will,, run after grace of god, all this is needed or requirements for salvation or moksha... human birth in sikhism believe is coming from past good actions... in human birth no point sitting down on goodness n badness related stories, we should rise higher then this


Sep 22, 2015
Guru Nanak Ji was not Muslim. The reason was simple. He did not claim to be one. As far as Islam was concerned, he did not testify, 'There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Allah's Messenger'. Now, the implications of these testimonies are very significant and wide ranging indeed.
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