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Was He The Greatest ?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
ALTHOUGH..we ARE A TEAM !! and we take collective responsibility ( at least I DO )...individual opinions are just that..individual opinion..nothing more nothing less...SPN gives everyone a right to that opinion and to propogate it..as long as the spn guidelines are followed. No need to paint everyone with the same brush...certainly NOT SPN.

2. I too raise the SAME CONCERNS. Even TODAY the RSS, and several Hindu Arya Samajist organsiations activley continue to claim that Sikhs are Hindus, the Sikh gurus are Hindu devtas awtaars of Vishnu etc, the SGGS is derived from the Vedas, the Harmandir is Temple fo Vishnu...etc etc..these same concerns led to the writing of the book HUM HINDU NAHIN by Kahn Singh Nabha which was taken to court to be banned by the Hindu Arya samajists.but the British defended it as the Sikh Reply. The Hindu marriage Act is enforced on Sikhs and the Anand Marriage Act passed in 1925 is IGNORED. ( this Act is legal in Pakistan ) the Sikhs are considered Hindus in various Govt Acts..under the Property Act too SIKH property is divided accordign to hindu Rights/customs..so THERE are VALID CONCERNS...and they have to be properly settled before we can go around being politically "offended".
Aug 17, 2009
I fail to understand why any discussion would have some other elements into picture. The other sites similiarly have such agenda. To hell with that rss thing, are we here as a sikh forum or a anti rss etc forum.

I fail to realise where out of the blue all this comes into the discussion. I posted some view and praise of our Guruji by a saint. All i get out of reading those views from those days is that such political mire as of today did not exist.

Please forgive me, I did not come here for some political discussions. Nobody needs to apologise, its my fault since unfortunately I am not into bashing anyone or any community. I came here for spiritual reasons and since I have a strong feeling in me to do parchaar in a positive manner. There was so much of knowledge I found, going through the website. Unfortunately even spirituality discussions are leading to arya samaj and this and that.

The other day I walked into a book shop. I asked for religious literature and found a book promoted by some 'shahbaaz khalsa' showing how bad the radha soami and someone called noormala was.

For heaven sake cant we mind our own business. I am now coming to realise that since we are not concentrating on Naam Simran and the message of our Gurus we are getting jelous over the gains of these so called deras and sampardas.

Are we going to just gain followers by spitting on others ?? When will we get up to realise our shortcomings ?? We teach others when we ourselves are suppose to be 'students' in this world ??

Did the Khalsa get established in this way ? Did Guru Maharaj call everyone saying 'Look the guru you follow is nuts he teaches shiiiiit ??? Guru Maharaj asked for their heads.

Book shops with Sikh literature has more of those hatred filled book than the gutkas and banis.

Heaven knows whom are we following. I sometimes feel there will be a day when they will even alter the mool mantar and instead of praising the Karta Purakh , there will be saloks cursing arya samaj and rss and noor mahal.

I am sorry guys. I feel i am too simple to understand what is being preached here.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I am sorry guys. I feel i am too simple to understand what is being preached here...
NOTHING is being "PREACHED"...its your personal perception...
About the only things not allowed on SPN are denigrating the Sikh Gurus, SGGS, Gurmatt principles, 5 kakars, khalsa panth, SRM..... and using bad language.
Other than this every individual view is granted enough space...on any subject under the sun and moon and stars..as long as he/she keeps within civilised limits...
So you do "know" about the Shahbaz Khalsa and the RSS etc...thats INDORE for you...thats too is freedom of thought...my personal two cents..ACCEPT what you like..and REJECT what displeases YOU....while remembering that One man's meat is another man's poison.....each has choice...
Warm Regards..enjoy your stay at spn...
Aug 17, 2009
Thanks Gyani ji, I understand your view however try understanding my too. We are not going to reach anywhere by cursing and pin pointing people. I do know a dozen names such as shabaz khalsa and rss and arya samaj.However i know one thing that I am not going to reach the goal with people who keep 'enlightening' others. I dont judge wrong and right in what they do.

All i feel is we need to spend more time and spread the positiveness of Sikhi rather than those showing faults about other people.

Gyani ji just give it a thought, why are those people going there ? There is something we are missing to give people. We need to improve our standards rather than spend time on criticism


Aug 20, 2009
Each day we live and learn – at least I do.

Life changes each day and before we know it, it has changed a lot from what it was say ten, twenty years ago, i.e. in my own lifetime (I am in my late sixties) I have seen considerable change in values and things I took for granted – imagine the shift in thinking from what it was hundreds of years ago.

The biggest, age old, problem is that we often entrench ourselves (me included) in our comfortable positions and defend that position come what may.

Here I can see both sides of the argument, spirituality and politicisation of issues. When we make a statement such as “Guru Gobind Singh is the greatest” we will attract some political reaction. However, if we expound on a particular aspect of Gurbani, it will, generally, stay within a discussion focussing on spirituality.

Let us take the first statement“Guru Gobind Singh is the greatest”. Often when we say it we are not making a political statement. To me, personally, he has been the greatest and there will be no one like him again in Kalyug. That is my belief as is the fact that were it not for Guru Nanak there would be no Gobind Singh and vice versa. The point is Guru Gobind Singh was the Tenth Nanak and all forms of Nanak, for me, were pre-ordained and were the greatest. The extensive tours of Guru Nanak, the sewa, dedication and unflinching loyalty of Guru Angad Dev Ji, the humility of Guru Amar Das Ji, the ingenuity and ghalna of Guru Ram Das Ji, the serenity and supreme sacrifice of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, I could go on….

There are occasions when I hear the name of Nanak and it sends a sensation through my body, mind and soul, hard to describe. The name of Nanak does not represent only the first jama but also his nine successors and Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Sikhi as a whole – what Sikhi has done for the underdog, the down trodden - the supreme sacrifices of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his valiant Sikhs must not be overlooked.

There is no doubt that Indians have not truly appreciated the contribution of the Sikh Gurus, in particular those of Guru Teg Bahadur ji and Guru Gobind Singh ji, and we Sikhs often feel the hurt. Therefore, this fact is at the back of our minds (and it makes us sensitive) and hence sometimes when we hear back-handed compliments, it makes our blood boil. But how should we go about it? Mudslinging, in my opinion, is not the answer, we must argue from a position of strength and for that we must, first, put our own house in order. We must not let splinter groups upset us - they were always there, even in the times of our Gurus (see how Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was revealed by Makhan Shah Lubhana) and they will always be there in the future. But the good thing is they will come and go provided we stay firm and steadfast in our beliefs.

Now coming to spirituality, I notice there is less interest in this and more in argument and debate. There is nothing wrong in healthy debate but often it becomes the end and not the means. Some of us get obsessed by this activity and spend more time on it then on meditating and understanding Gurbani. I feel I am lucky to have grown up in the pre-internet era and to have experienced a much simpler mode of life. These days there is a tendency to skip the ‘meditation hour’ and instead spend it flicking through the pages on the internet.

There are only twenty four hours in the day and for most of us these run in a regular pattern:

Get up in the morning, say our prayers, have breakfast;
work between, say, 9 am to 5 pm;
Eat, socialise, pray, read or watch TV between 6.00 pm to 11 pm.

For most of us, we have no or little control on (2) above and the remembrance of the Lord will depend a lot on how we discipline ourselves in (1) and (3). We generally, in speak terms, refer to (1) as amrit vela and (3) as rehras da vela I have no intention of going into theinterpretation of these termshere as these will require separate threadssuffice to say, for now, that the words do change their meaning according to the context in which they are used.Discipline is important in any field and it is even more important in respect of our spirituality, since the time to practice this is very limited. If you are a professional athlete, for example, then you have most times of the day at your disposal. However, in the case of our faith, the time is limited. Unfortunately the mornings and the evenings, whilst more under our control than (2) above, do have other claims on them and most of us end up spending little time on meditation, interpretation of Gurbani and history. Some believe they can do so at other times of the day and that there are no specific times of the day earmarked for meditation. True, but how many of us are able to do so. For most, I am afraid this becomes an excuse more than justifiable reason. I must add that from mediation point of view this can be done at any time of the day – here we are discussing the practicality of the issue.

It is also curious to find that ‘Spiritual Articles’, on the SPN format is the last sub-heading under the last heading, although I do admit there are other headings where matters of spirituality can be discussed – but it is not always easy to make the correct selection. Perhaps the format needs to be simplified, which I understand is already in hand.

I apolgise for the long post and any sentiments I may have, unintentionally, treaded upon.


Rajinder Singh ‘Arshi’


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Many thanks for the suggestion arshi ji - as we don't have a good understanding of how the organization of the forum sections really works for the reader/members unless they tell us. The home page is continually being revamped and we will take your suggestion to heart. It may take some time before we make progress on this point.
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