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What Does Sikhi Teach About Attitudes Towards Infidels?


May 9, 2006
Putting aside Gods and mortals for a minute, Badshah Ji, have you got a satisfactory answer to the question about what Sikh says about infidels? Do you have any more questions about that?

I think we can probably assume you meant "what does Sikhi teach about non-Sikhs" ... let me know if I've got that wrong. Sikhs would never refer to adherents of other faiths as "infidels" as that term belongs to Abrahamic religions where typically you're either with them or against them. Sikhi is more holistic in it's worldview and such a mindset can be foreign to some Sikhs, farcical even.
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Sep 19, 2013
Funny thing that people associate the word 'God' with Christianity. If Jesus heard you say 'God' he would assume you were a gentile, probably a Persian. A Roman or Byzantine Greek, unless they were particularly educated in the goings-on of a few insignificant tribes to the north-west, would say the same thing.

Yet today, it is the Christians who say 'God', whilst the Persians have abandoned 'Khuda' (which sounds very similar to 'God' and shares the same origin) in favour of the word 'Allah', which would be far more familiar in ancient Judea.


Anyway, as for infidels in Sikhism, the people here are likely far more knowledgeable than me in these matters. Since Sikhi is a way of life that bases its philosophy not upon simple faith but upon our deeds and mindsets, I see references to 'infidels' or 'mlech' or 'enemies' as both referring to those negative mindsets and thoughts (the five thieves), and to those people who devote themselves to worshipping the five thieves and committing evil actions.

I can't source anything for this though, I repeat that I am not knowledgeable in those matters, and I don't want to misrepresent Gurbani. So please forgive me if I have made a mistake.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
AngloSikhPeace ji

You are tuned in as far as I am concerned. There are no "infidels" in Sikhism. It is a logical impossibility. An "infidel" is someone who actively rejects a "truth" that is absolute for a religion other than that of the "infidel" and is thus doomed by these 'errors.'

The hard-copy treatment of an 'infidel" has several forms. Sometimes, 'infidels" are doomed (according to the other religion) to suffer in some version of an agonizing afterlife, some version of hell. Often they are doomed to die by the sword, through some version of "convert or else I kill you, destroy your institutions, and massacre your families."

Then there are soft-copy methods of destroying an "infidel," as found in the missionary strategies of some Christian and non-Christian groups. The person who converts, and is no longer an "infidel," is lost to his/her previous religious identity, and possibly also lost to his/her cultural identity. Conversion is a great way to erase entire cultures of "infidels."

Calling individuals and groups "infidels" gives political and moral justification for violent conquest and cultural genocide. The stated objective is always "to save souls." Who can argue with that ? :winkingsingh: Makes it OK so to speak! Actually it is pure hypocrisy.

Some religions have a long, historical track record of designating others to be infidels. For other religions it is not on their radar screens and never was. I cannot imagine a Quaker (a Protestant denomination) calling someone an "infidel." When did any Sikh adhere to the message, "convert to my truths or die?" That is craziness.

@ badshah ji

If you seek a Gurmatt perspective (based on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) on this matter, feel free to ask.


Feb 20, 2012
In Christianity, god is in human form and you spend eternity by his side, he is also a he, in Sikhism god is formless and in exists in everything everywhere

same thing?

i think the point is people want to believe in 'something' more than what they just see and touch around them...

something inside them is pulling at them, prompting them to ask the questions "who am I" "is there a God" ... and so the journey begins for that soul...

the mind will then create all sorts of imaginative ideas of what God is, or what God isn't...but they are just ideas...just a figment of the imagination that helps us seek further...A sikh may say he believes in a Formelss God that exists in all...but we won;t ever be able to comprehend what this actually is until we 'experience' it...until then all our ideas are false (in my opinion)

So i don;t think it matters for the souls journey on what type of God is believed or perceived...for that idea will chop and change with time and lifes experiences...what matters is the willingness to 'listen' to the 'prodding' within to seek further.

The slanderers as referenced in Gurbani is telling us not to waste our precious energy slandering everyones ideas and beliefs and concentrate on experiencing the truth for ourselves...
Slanders are the worst, as they judge people viewpoints and spit out nonsense even thought they don;t know the truth themselves...

Sikhi says a Good Judge is one who Judges himself only...so we must not judge someone else's ideas because our view may also be incorrect...so focus must be on experiencing the truth for ourselves first.

In Sikhi i feel non-believers are also referenced as the ones wandering aimlessly in the terrifying world ocean...with no focus other than their desires, greed, egotistical adventures

The person who has that 'pull' inside of them and acts upon that pull, has obtained a new found focus on life and even if their current understanding of God is incorrect, at least a pointer has been set from which to learn and adapt...

Just some thoughts and feelings...nothing more.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
chazSingh ji

1. Are you equating disagreement with slander? Is there no room for disagreement without an accusation of slander in Sikhi?

Slanders are the worst, as they judge people viewpoints and spit out nonsense even thought they don;t know the truth themselves...

What equals "spitting out nonsense?" So far as I can tell from your remarks "nonsense" and disagreement are one and the same.

2. You say
Sikhi says a Good Judge is one who Judges himself only...so we must not judge someone else's ideas because our view may also be incorrect...so focus must be on experiencing the truth for ourselves first.

In Sikhi i feel non-believers are also referenced as the ones wandering aimlessly in the terrifying world ocean...with no focus other than their desires, greed, egotistical adventures

First you state "we must not judge" and then you become very critical. Are you not yourself judging non-believers and describing them as aimless wanderers with a focus on desire, greed and ego? How do you reconcile this contradiction?

3. What does your reply have to do with the thread topic, attitudes toward infidels. I would appreciate it if you would make the connection explicit and clear. Otherwise, you have gone off topic again, and your comment will need to be deleted.


Feb 20, 2012
chazSingh ji

1. Are you equating disagreement with slander? Is there no room for disagreement without an accusation of slander in Sikhi?


I think there is a thin line between disagreement and slander, the difference can be felt by the amount of negative emotion felt by the individual, and the actions/words that follow.

What equals "spitting out nonsense?" So far as I can tell from your remarks "nonsense" and disagreement are one and the same.
please elaborate :)

2. You say

First you state "we must not judge" and then you become very critical. Are you not yourself judging non-believers and describing them as aimless wanderers with a focus on desire, greed and ego? How do you reconcile this contradiction?
I clearly stated what i think Gurbani States or implies...therefore it is not my own wisdom that i am using...i am using the wisdom of Gurbani (to my understanding) ...

Full Shabad:

chith chalai vith jaavano saakath ddol ddolaae ||
The consciousness of the wicked, faithless cynics wanders around in search of transitory wealth, unstable and distracted.

baahar dtoo(n)dt vigucheeai ghar mehi vasath suthhaae ||
Searching outside of themselves, they are ruined; the object of their search is in that sacred place within the home of the heart.

manamukh houmai kar musee guramukh palai paae ||4||
The self-willed manmukhs, in their ego, miss it; the Gurmukhs receive it in their laps. ||4||

saakath niraguniaariaa aapanaa mool pashhaan ||
You worthless, faithless cynic-recognize your own origin!

2. What does your reply have to do with the thread topic, attitudes toward infidels. I would appreciate it if you would make the connection explicit and clear. Otherwise, you have gone off topic again, and your comment will need to be deleted.
the thread asked what does sikhi teach about attitudes towards infidels ( a non believers) ... and i stated amongst other things...

In Sikhi i feel non-believers are also referenced as the ones wandering aimlessly in the terrifying world ocean...with no focus other than their desires, greed, egotistical adventures

The person who has that 'pull' inside of them and acts upon that pull, has obtained a new found focus on life and even if their current understanding of God is incorrect, at least a pointer has been set from which to learn and adapt...

probably not the best written response, but it's definately not off topic... :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
chazSingh ji

As far as I am concerned you are still equating disagreement with slander because you have not dealt with the actual meanings of each word. The only difference is you are misusing and misinterpreting Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to make your argument appear acceptable.

Leaving things stand that way, anyone who disagrees with anyone else, or their religious, moral or spiritual views, is a slanderer. Logic dictates this cannot be sensible. If it were, nothing in human experience would change. Slavery would still be a fact in the US. India would not make an effort to reverse the damage of the caste system. Some of the greatest agents for change were dissenters, they disagreed, they were disagreeable. They were not faithless cynics.

You are also spamming us by taking us through your spiritual journey time and again even on threads where it makes no sense and is not relevant, as in

The person who has that 'pull' inside of them and acts upon that pull, has obtained a new found focus on life and even if their current understanding of God is incorrect, at least a pointer has been set from which to learn and adapt...

Deletions to follow. Cease and desist.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sangat ji

This thread is about "infidels" and it is not about "slanderers and faithless cynics." Infidels and slanderers are two different spirits. A full vichaar of the shabad mentoned earlier would be helpful to this thread. If we can move beyond literal translation and away from taking shabads out of context, we might get a better idea. To take the tuks recently posted literally would point us in a different direction. Going in a literal direction and out of the context of the raag, the tuks would suggest that Sikhi condemns infidels. How can Sikhi condemn infidels? Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh, the concern of Sikhi was that Hindus be good Hindus, Muslims be good Muslims, Christians follow their scripture. Let us not turn our gurus into panga-masters. Thank you


Feb 20, 2012
I want to repeat. When we quote from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji let's make sure that we do not take Guru's words out of context. A full vichaar of the tuks will make this point crystal clear.

You have deleted my comment saying "SGGS does not condemn anyone"...

and in the thread that you have deleted, i have actually stated exactly that...

so why has it been deleted? i had also given a little more of my thoughts about the Shabad i posted...explaining why i dont think Guru Ji is condemning 'infidels' and how Guru Ji is just describing what he See's.

Are we now not able to discuss shabads?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
i think the point is people want to believe in 'something' more than what they just see and touch around them...

why? is that not wonderful enough?

something inside them is pulling at them, prompting them to ask the questions "who am I" "is there a God" ... and so the journey begins for that soul...

The question is where does that journey terminate, to the self?, or to the truth?

the mind will then create all sorts of imaginative ideas of what God is, or what God isn't...but they are just ideas...just a figment of the imagination that helps us seek further...A sikh may say he believes in a Formelss God that exists in all...but we won;t ever be able to comprehend what this actually is until we 'experience' it...until then all our ideas are false (in my opinion)

I am a Sikh that says he believes in a formless god that exists in all, I do comprehend what this actually is, it means the force that creates is everywhere and in everything, what is there to experience? Why are my ideas false until?

So i don;t think it matters for the souls journey on what type of God is believed or perceived...for that idea will chop and change with time and lifes experiences...what matters is the willingness to 'listen' to the 'prodding' within to seek further.

I disagree, I am not going on a seperate journey to my soul, so its me, not my soul that is on the journey, and my journey takes in account the fact that god is formless, timeless, and is not my personal Jesus. My journey would be very different if I believed in say Allah, my motivation would be different, my thinking would be different, in fact, Sikhism is one of few religions to accept prodding as a useful tool, many other religions discourage self exploration and focus on following the 'book', and of course that prodding, is it the self? is it the truth?

Slanders are the worst, as they judge people viewpoints and spit out nonsense even thought they don;t know the truth themselves...

but your err slandering the slanderers lol

In Sikhi i feel non-believers are also referenced as the ones wandering aimlessly in the terrifying world ocean...with no focus other than their desires, greed, egotistical adventures

your doing it again, now your slandering atheists!


Feb 20, 2012
not sure i should reply...my post may get deleted here :) but here goes out of loving debate

why? is that not wonderful enough?

its amazing...enjoy it...but gurbani says its not the whole truth...not the undying, formless, infinite, and permanent truth...

The question is where does that journey terminate, to the self?, or to the truth?
enjoy finding this out my friend :) i sure am...

I am a Sikh that says he believes in a formless god that exists in all, I do comprehend what this actually is, it means the force that creates is everywhere and in everything, what is there to experience? Why are my ideas false until?
i was a young child who was once told to eat an apple..."its ok, its nice and sweet, juicy, slightly tangy"

for the life of me, i still didnt have a clue what it tasted like...:)

so i ate it...wow...what a taste...the words "nice, sweet, juicy, tangy" didn't do the whole experience justice...no words can...

tangy, sweet, juicy, nice - Harribos can be described in the same...

experience is surely the key? maybe i'm just deluded...

I disagree, I am not going on a seperate journey to my soul, so its me, not my soul that is on the journey, and my journey takes in account the fact that god is formless, timeless, and is not my personal Jesus. My journey would be very different if I believed in say Allah, my motivation would be different, my thinking would be different, in fact, Sikhism is one of few religions to accept prodding as a useful tool, many other religions discourage self exploration and focus on following the 'book', and of course that prodding, is it the self? is it the truth?
what are you? just your body and brain..? is so, that's your truth i guess for now.

so many beliefs...yet only one truth...we'll all get to that truth in the end...enjoy the seeking, the challenges, the questions, the answers :)

but your err slandering the slanderers lol
you got me there :) a true hypocrite i am...always have been...probably always will be. hence the falling at guru ji's feet in my heart and before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that one day i'm better than this...old habits die hard...but i belieeeve :)

your doing it again, now your slandering atheists!

DELETED. This has gone on long enough./spnadmin

happy seeking my friend...

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
In Sikhi i feel non-believers are also referenced as the ones wandering aimlessly in the terrifying world ocean...with no focus other than their desires, greed, egotistical adventures

Let us say there are three types of people, those that believe in the truth, those that believe in the self, and those that are not sure what the truth or the self is.

Those that believe in the truth, know about the self
Those that believe in the self, also know about the truth
In my view you are talking about those that believe and follow the self, rather than the poor old non believers


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This thread is about infidels. It is not about non-believers. Infidels believe in all sorts of things; ergo, they are believers. The problem is that some one else doesn't like what they believe and starts name-calling.

If I see that non-believers are wandering aimlessly or that they are mired in greed and ego, one more time in this thread, I will take action. That may include removing the thread from view.

p/s Constant repetition is a form of spam.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Before we start talking about non-believers and start misquoting Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, let us review what believing is meant to be,

One Creator

Known as the eternal truth, is the creator of all, present everywhere, without fear, without animosity, is timeless, is not guided by life cycles, is a self-creation and is realized through own (God/creator) blessing.

Fellow spners it is very dis-heartening at times when one sees one step forward and two steps back or simply getting out of a hole only to dig a deeper one and fall in again.

Ask yourself what the above signifies. Does it imply close your eyes, bow your head and believe?


Does it mean to imply, fellow Sikh brothers and sisters, observe the following and check it out for yourself,

  • One Creator
o Ask yourself if it is all one creation in continuum or separate, disjoint, non-synergistic entities
o Do I believe what I was told or I considered it and then found it to be so based on all I know so far!
o Guru ji don’t ask you to believe, they want you to consider if you so choose and see
o I do ask myself and I can only see one
  • Known as the eternal truth,
o I ask myself does human timelines even have any relationship to eternity!
o With few thousand years of so called civilization under our belts and knowing the virtual eternity scope of the universe shaping and transforming, what has unchangingly continued that we may never know or fully understand
o Quite possibly very fundamental sets of truths of transformation and creation collectively known as eternal truth
o I see that
  • is the creator of all,
o Do I see a variety of creators all specializing in their special tasks or see all as one unbelievably wonderful and wondrous
o I see only one no matter how complex
  • present everywhere,
o Do I see seams or delineations or separations out there
o I see it all as one continuum and everywhere
  • without fear,
o Is human definition of fear or what we observe out there to be feared really a concept in creation
o When I think and I observe I see fear in creation as absent
o The hurricanes come, the tornadoes come, the volcanoes erupt, people die, people get very sick, pandemics, etc. In human terms these may be of fear to us but for creation it just is all part of one.
  • without animosity,
o One gets killed in an accident, dies of disease, and drowns in a tsunami, burns in fire while others survive.
o Were the affected meted out the so called bad hand out of animosity or creator not liking them
o I don’t see so it simply is our lack of maturity to understand the frailty of life in the grand scheme of things.
o I don’t see any animosity out there
  • is timeless,
o In human life terms all out there is timeless with rocks aged billions of years and stars millions of light years away and beyond
  • is not guided by life cycles,
o Life cycles are of no consequence in creation rather continuous transformation is the norm
o We continuously shed dead skin as we continuously create new life
o Life or death is of no consequence in creation it is just a bunch of this becoming that and that becoming this
o Creation is not human life cycles driven
  • is a self-creation and
o The transformations as continuum have continued by self for billions of years under the eternal truths regimen and they in all likelihood continue way into blue yonder past the end of human civilization on earth
o The creation will so continue to self-transform
  • is realized through own (God/creator) blessing.
o Guru ji thank and recognize that even such minimal insights are only realized through a grace that abounds and helps us realize
So at least my understanding is that Guru ji are not creating a class of believers but encouraging us to understand as much as we can so we may so shape our lives in synergy with all that is around us.
So if Guru ji did not create a class of believers as espoused above, can we at all be serious or honest in start talking about any so called non-believers or infidels? My observation is that such an approach, no matter who takes it, simply is not in line with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji teachings or wisdom therein.

What Guru ji have not shied away from in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is to challenge certain beliefs. These beliefs may have come from the religions of the day like Hinduism, Islam, etc. Guru ji did not call these people infidels or non-believers but they challenged some of the beliefs. As matter of fact they challenged some of such beliefs with much vigor if they found such to be exploitative of human equality, human spirit, manipulative, illogical, and so on. Guru ji referenced and debated and debunked so to free people’s shackles of ignorance driving exploitative institutions and systems of the day.

Just some thoughts as I notice that in spite of passage of time as we interact with various posts and posters, we have a tendency to get stuck in mud. It cannot be generalized as there are incredibly refreshing contributors who continue to shine brighter with every post they make and keeps one coming back to spn.

Sat Sri Akal.
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