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Raman Suri

Aug 17, 2020
This is the first blog of this series where i will discuss about primary reasons of decreasing Sikh population in India and world. I had to start this with Sikh girls as they are the primary reason for it. Yes, you heard it right!! There are other reasons as well for it and will be discussed in the upcoming blogs.

All of the content in this blog has been written after proper investigation and analysis. I analysed the thinking of 70 Sikh girls(Aged between 16 to 28) of different parts of India and from mixed classes(Poor, Middle, Upper Middle and Affluent). Then, I analysed 80 Sikh girls from outside India(US, Canada, UK and Australia). I had a criteria for this that their father must have hairs and wears turban and all these girls are unmarried. So, what i am going to write is not my OPINION.

I am learning about Sikhism from the last 4 years now and i found it amazing. I will not say that i know everything but i try to imbibe Guru's teachings and follow the path shown by Gurbani. I also know that if you love Sikhism and want to follow it then first step is having kesh and turban. It is the opening door and which encourages you to be as god created you.

As we all know that we(Sikhs) are only 1.8% of the total population in India and when our kids go out they seldom meet people of the same religion. India's culture is very much influenced by western culture. In schools and colleges, the students are more concerned about their relationship status instead of their studies and getting into relationship has the foremost criteria that is good looks, good looks and good looks(this is said by a Sikh girl).

Lets start with the questions i asked to these girls during our discussion.

Question 1: What they think about Sikh Boys who wears turban?
Now, I asked these girls that what they think about Sikh boys who wears turban. Approximately, all of 70 girls from India said they are helping, Jolly in nature, makes you laugh, Foodie, loves bhangra, Never Smokes, Aggressive, Sweet etc. So far all good!!
Question 2 : Will you accept Sikh boys as your husband? NOTE: I am asking this to Sikh girls. Embarassing😓
Responses shocked me.
Response of a Sikh girl of Punjab whose parents are Amritdhari Sikhs. She said my friends who also belongs to a Sikh family married to handsome Hindu boys from Himachal Pradesh. I also want to marry handsome non turban boy with good hair style. That's her criteria for a husband.
Some told me that they like clean shaven men.
26 out of 70 told me they only want sardar guy, that is around 40 percent.
Few told me, they look for compatibility irrespective of religion.
4 girls said they are atheist. Later on, after heated up discussion, they agreed and said they don't want to marry a turban wearing guy and want to do love marriage.

Out of 80 outsiders, only 20 said they wont mind marrying Turban wearing guy. Some said they will go for cut-surd or punjabi guy not turban wearing. But most does not care about it. That's the harsh truth and negatives of living in western countries.

These answers were very disappointing and it is shocking to see what mentality these girls have who have been brought up in a family where their father and brothers wears turban.

Question 3: Tell me the name of 10 sikh gurus?
90% Failed
. This is reality.
They actually don't know who they are and what kind of history we have. They don't know meaning of kaur and who gave this to them. They can't even recite MOOL MANTRA at the age of 25 - 28. I don't know what their parents are doing. What kind of freedom it is.
They don't know properly that why we wear Turban.
They don't know why we celebrate Vaisakhi.
They don't have pride in their own religion.
They don'y know what happened in 1984.

Very Disappointing!! :(

Few more things..

A Guy(Hindu) says, Sikh girls are the most easy girls to hit on at clubs. If you are average looking and know how to talk and use cheesy lines in between then you can get them. In clubs, he always looks for girls having kaur in their names, he added. This kind of image they have about sikh girls and becomes true when you actually see it happening. #WakeUpCall

Falling in love with other(Non Sikh) guys in corporate or doing job.Sikh girls have reputation which they get from our history and they dont know and other's take advantage of it. So, when they(Non Sikhs) get to know that this girl is falling for him then go for it and get into relationship with them and sometimes marries them.

As per discussion with a member of Sikh organization in Delhi. He told me Sikh Girls are effected from the people they meet on daily basis. Places where Sikh population is less, these girls most of the times gone with the guys of other religions and they get along with them easily because they no nothing about Sikhism. He also mentioned that Sikh girls have no pride left in them about their history.

Watching too many shows on television and internet adds up negative things. Shows presented by channel MTV in India are promoting western culture and Sikh girls are not untouched from that. Bollywood is other reason which spreads thinking like getting into relationships, fighting with parents, intimate scenes and sex etc.

There are few guys who mentioned that they never get married to a Sikh girl because they are so corrupted that to avoid entering the family of people of their own religion, they don't hesitate to call themselves Atheist. They look for Non-Sikh guys continuously to get into relationships and sometimes end up getting used by those Non-Sikh guys.

Exceptions are always there and there are some good real Sikh girls still exists. 😊

Lack of Sikhi in the personalities of Sikh girls are responsible for everything. Parents play important role but they are also corrupted these days. It has been forgotten that they are daughters of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

There was a time when a Kaur dreams of their future husband, they see a turban wearing man. There was not even a chance of other(Non-Sikh) guys to be their husbands. From that time, other guys always tries to marry Sikh girls which is now happening and is very unfortunate.

They(Sikh girls) need to understand whose blood they have in their veins and that's why others are ready to marry you because you are the queens who gives birth to fearless kings, because Guru Gobind Singh created you.

Girls who remember their father, who knows that their father is Guru Gobind Singh can never fall in love with other guys and never ever think about it. Because those girls are determined and has control of everything and has a sorted life and goals.

This is a wake up call. Otherwise Turban wearing people will get disappeared. Already a lot have been killed in WW1, while fighting for independence, WW2, during partition, As soldiers in wars with China and Pakistan, 1984 sikh genocide.

If sikh girls get serious about this then it may stop the trend of cutting hairs which is quite popular in young sikhs. More on this in my next blog.

They need to understand that the people who killed your ancestors, you are giving birth to their children.

They need to understand that when they marry a Non-Sikh, they kill a whole generation of Sikh and takes other's generation forward.

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Garry D

Oct 19, 2019
Nice survey. As you wrote "Sikh girls have no pride left in them about their history." is the real reason for this behavior.
But lately, due to expanding internet, situation seems to be changing, more girls are being exposed to our rich history.


Aug 13, 2019
This is the first blog of this series where i will discuss about primary reasons of decreasing Sikh population in India and world. I had to start this with Sikh girls as they are the primary reason for it. Yes, you heard it right!! There are other reasons as well for it and will be discussed in the upcoming blogs.

All of the content in this blog has been written after proper investigation and analysis. I analysed the thinking of 70 Sikh girls(Aged between 16 to 28) of different parts of India and from mixed classes(Poor, Middle, Upper Middle and Affluent). Then, I analysed 80 Sikh girls from outside India(US, Canada, UK and Australia). I had a criteria for this that their father must have hairs and wears turban and all these girls are unmarried. So, what i am going to write is not my OPINION.

I am learning about Sikhism from the last 4 years now and i found it amazing. I will not say that i know everything but i try to imbibe Guru's teachings and follow the path shown by Gurbani. I also know that if you love Sikhism and want to follow it then first step is having kesh and turban. It is the opening door and which encourages you to be as god created you.

As we all know that we(Sikhs) are only 1.8% of the total population in India and when our kids go out they seldom meet people of the same religion. India's culture is very much influenced by western culture. In schools and colleges, the students are more concerned about their relationship status instead of their studies and getting into relationship has the foremost criteria that is good looks, good looks and good looks(this is said by a Sikh girl).

Lets start with the questions i asked to these girls during our discussion.

Question 1: What they think about Sikh Boys who wears turban?
Now, I asked these girls that what they think about Sikh boys who wears turban. Approximately, all of 70 girls from India said they are helping, Jolly in nature, makes you laugh, Foodie, loves bhangra, Never Smokes, Aggressive, Sweet etc. So far all good!!
Question 2 : Will you accept Sikh boys as your husband? NOTE: I am asking this to Sikh girls. Embarassing😓
Responses shocked me.
Response of a Sikh girl of Punjab whose parents are Amritdhari Sikhs. She said my friends who also belongs to a Sikh family married to handsome Hindu boys from Himachal Pradesh. I also want to marry handsome non turban boy with good hair style. That's her criteria for a husband.
Some told me that they like clean shaven men.
26 out of 70 told me they only want sardar guy, that is around 40 percent.
Few told me, they look for compatibility irrespective of religion.
4 girls said they are atheist. Later on, after heated up discussion, they agreed and said they don't want to marry a turban wearing guy and want to do love marriage.

Out of 80 outsiders, only 20 said they wont mind marrying Turban wearing guy. Some said they will go for cut-surd or punjabi guy not turban wearing. But most does not care about it. That's the harsh truth and negatives of living in western countries.

These answers were very disappointing and it is shocking to see what mentality these girls have who have been brought up in a family where their father and brothers wears turban.

Question 3: Tell me the name of 10 sikh gurus?
90% Failed
. This is reality.
They actually don't know who they are and what kind of history we have. They don't know meaning of kaur and who gave this to them. They can't even recite MOOL MANTRA at the age of 25 - 28. I don't know what their parents are doing. What kind of freedom it is.
They don't know properly that why we wear Turban.
They don't know why we celebrate Vaisakhi.
They don't have pride in their own religion.
They don'y know what happened in 1984.

Very Disappointing!! :(

Few more things..

A Guy(Hindu) says, Sikh girls are the most easy girls to hit on at clubs. If you are average looking and know how to talk and use cheesy lines in between then you can get them. In clubs, he always looks for girls having kaur in their names, he added. This kind of image they have about sikh girls and becomes true when you actually see it happening. #WakeUpCall

Falling in love with other(Non Sikh) guys in corporate or doing job.Sikh girls have reputation which they get from our history and they dont know and other's take advantage of it. So, when they(Non Sikhs) get to know that this girl is falling for him then go for it and get into relationship with them and sometimes marries them.

As per discussion with a member of Sikh organization in Delhi. He told me Sikh Girls are effected from the people they meet on daily basis. Places where Sikh population is less, these girls most of the times gone with the guys of other religions and they get along with them easily because they no nothing about Sikhism. He also mentioned that Sikh girls have no pride left in them about their history.

Watching too many shows on television and internet adds up negative things. Shows presented by channel MTV in India are promoting western culture and Sikh girls are not untouched from that. Bollywood is other reason which spreads thinking like getting into relationships, fighting with parents, intimate scenes and sex etc.

There are few guys who mentioned that they never get married to a Sikh girl because they are so corrupted that to avoid entering the family of people of their own religion, they don't hesitate to call themselves Atheist. They look for Non-Sikh guys continuously to get into relationships and sometimes end up getting used by those Non-Sikh guys.

Exceptions are always there and there are some good real Sikh girls still exists. 😊

Lack of Sikhi in the personalities of Sikh girls are responsible for everything. Parents play important role but they are also corrupted these days. It has been forgotten that they are daughters of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

There was a time when a Kaur dreams of their future husband, they see a turban wearing man. There was not even a chance of other(Non-Sikh) guys to be their husbands. From that time, other guys always tries to marry Sikh girls which is now happening and is very unfortunate.

They(Sikh girls) need to understand whose blood they have in their veins and that's why others are ready to marry you because you are the queens who gives birth to fearless kings, because Guru Gobind Singh created you.

Girls who remember their father, who knows that their father is Guru Gobind Singh can never fall in love with other guys and never ever think about it. Because those girls are determined and has control of everything and has a sorted life and goals.

This is a wake up call. Otherwise Turban wearing people will get disappeared. Already a lot have been killed in WW1, while fighting for independence, WW2, during partition, As soldiers in wars with China and Pakistan, 1984 sikh genocide.

If sikh girls get serious about this then it may stop the trend of cutting hairs which is quite popular in young sikhs. More on this in my next blog.

They need to understand that the people who killed your ancestors, you are giving birth to their children.

They need to understand that when they marry a Non-Sikh, they kill a whole generation of Sikh and takes other's generation forward.


No. Stop with the sexist writings. Girls are Not the reason for everthing, nor does the external appearance constitute a Sikh. A Sikh is one who practices Truth. Sikhs have been around since yugs before ours and their writings were included in Guru Granth Sahib Ji although they were born in Hindu and Muslim families.

You analysed 70 women and no men so your experiment was incredibly flawed from the get go. Girls are free to marry who they want. Why would a woman marry a man she doesn’t want to be with. And why would you wish that for Any woman including your cousins and sisters. When a woman feels compelled to walk the path, she will, The Guru Granth Sahib is there for all to read, it’s the choice of humans to take the gyan as they choose. The gyan in reality is within every soul on earth as God resides in every heart...we just need to silence the maya and listen to it.

Blaming a bunch of women for not wanting to marry men with turbans or for the decline in people applying Sat is literally ridiculous. A very backwards Brown Cultural view. Next time follow the men who sleep around, are doped out on drugs, cheat on and beat their wives culminating in divorce and are alcoholics like male members of my family have. Then check back in here with your findings.

I would advise you to clean your own house and focus on your own path before judging others. It only takes one star to light up a sky as Guru Nanak showed us.
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