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What In Panth - Acoording To SGGS Jee


Apr 26, 2005
Sangat Jeeo!
Waheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsa
Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

I wish to have discussion group clarify the term "PANTH" . Currently it is being used in very broad sense! Let us discuss, how our Guru Jee and Bhakgats have described it in Gurbani (SGGS Jee). Thanks.

Kulwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kulmahal ji

The term "panth" is used broadly, and this is perhaps unavoidable because the concept of panth does not translate to something specific. Panth is a way of life, and experience, an ethical path, and an attitude. Used loosely it refers to a "path" or course of action -- for example, adhering to the 5 K's, being faithful to one's NitNam.

Probably a better way is to think of "panth" is as an "ethic" (not ethics) in the way the term "ethic" is used by anthropologists. An "ethic" defines for a people their outlook on the world, the universe, and God. It is all embracing and guides the choices, decisions, behaviors, norms, values and beliefs of that people. The panth as an ethic is just that comprehensive, it is shared by Sikhs, and from the point of view of an outsider trying to understand Sikhi, the panth may even define who Sikhs are as a people.

Panth is partly about behavior, partly about ritual, partly about spirituality and religious belief, but it is mostly about why you are who you say you are.

Here is a link that explores the concept. Hope it is not too basic for the discussion you have in mind. I found it really enlightening.

Guru and Sikh - The Common Sikh by Yuktanand Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Aad ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said.

Allow me to add a couple of more points. Panth is a collective noun, in other words it is one more name for Sadh Sangat. And to be a part of Sadh sangat one needs the ethic of 'Gaviei suniei mun rakhie bahoh'.

Panth is like a bunch of straws put together to make a broom, for internal cleansing. We all know that one straw would make a mess rather than collecting the dirt to be disposed of. Simply put, we as Sadh Sangat become each other's mirrors and if we are true sikhs then what we see in that mirror is, 'Sabh Gobind hein'.

The interesting thing is that Sikhi encourages us to study Gurbani on our own and share our learning with others.Perhaps thats why Gurbani says, 'mil sadh sangat, bhaj kewal naam'. And may be for the same reason all are encouraged to have SGGS at home , not merely as a Matha tek or speed reading ritual but to sudy it in one owns confines.

It is like a spiritual pot luck dinner where an individual brings what he/she knows how to cook on the Gurmat stove and share it with others.

This is what makes it a Panth- Sadh Sangat.

Gurbani says: From one to many to ONE. So very true.

As you say it so lovingly: Ik Ong Kaar is cheerful:)

Jul 13, 2004
It is like a spiritual pot luck dinner where an individual brings what he/she knows how to cook on the Gurmat stove and share it with others.
Wah ji Wah :wah:

In Punjabi, there are two words - pandh, paandhi.
Pandh = rasta = road = way
Paandhi = traveller (of the road)

Panth and Pandh seem to have similar meaning. Only that person can be paandhi of Khalsa panth, who has offered his head (matt) to Guru.


Jul 20, 2007
As far as I can tell, in Gurbani, "Panth" means "Path" or "Way"

lhxY pMQu Drm kw kIAw ]
Amrdws Bly kau dIAw ]
Lehna followed the Path, and then showed Amardas Balah the Path.

gurmuKw no pMQu prgtw dir Twk n koeI pwie ]
"For the Gurmukhs, the Way is obvious. At the Lord's Door, they face no obstructions" (sikhitothemax SID123).

kwhU pMQu idKwrY AwpY ]
"To some, He Himself shows the Way" (sikhitothemax SID793).

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