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Opinion What Is A Sikh? What Is Sikhism?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Brother once you define you exclude.. And thats a dangerous thing to do a student of truth

not if what you were excluding were the lies, but to do so, one needs to know what is truth and what is not truth, or at least have an inkling, for instance, any Sikh that believes in a living Guru should not be considered a truth, as this clearly goes against Sikh philosophy. I do not believe there can be any argument on that statement, perhaps you feel different?


Feb 20, 2012
there are many experts in "What sikhi isn't" ... when you reverse the question "ok then, what is sikhi" they go very quiet...this is where Gurbani comes into the picture...it only deals with what Sikhi is...

@ Balbir... Characteristics of a Sikh within whom the soul starts to sing and dance are very clear in Gurbani...selflessness is one of them...true selflessness...
Source: SGGS Ji.... allowing the soul to sing and dance is probably the most difficult thing...with Ego the biggest barrier...

@ Harry... if you stand on an amazing beach in Cuba....and look out at the ocean....yes...you cannot know the whole ocean, or experience the whole ocean as one...but whats stopping you dropping those boxers and taking a quick dip? things are not always so black and white...


Aug 13, 2012
not if what you were excluding were the lies, but to do so, one needs to know what is truth and what is not truth, or at least have an inkling, for instance, any Sikh that believes in a living Guru should not be considered a truth, as this clearly goes against Sikh philosophy. I do not believe there can be any argument on that statement, perhaps you feel different?
My personal feeling is that gur / vidya is everywhere and on my understanding guru nanak ji never professed to know it exclusively.. If for instance I was a student of raag then it would be appropriate within the guru shishya philosophy to accept them as my guru. But if the guru/teacher is lacking that would not be my fault but theirs as I have gone in to the relationship with openness


May 11, 2016
again, that is not the issue, to what degree is the issue, and should one be aware of the consequences of our actions, or is that not important? is it as long as the action is in line with Gurbani? is it as long as our driving is within the highway code? where is the discretion in your statement? how do you allow for ambulances?

Look. When u get beaten down by maya, turn to Truth. Truth gives us Incredible strength.

U keep speaking of horrors. The Gurus experienced horrors, their sikh women were raped and abused. The men were tortured on horrific ways. Take their example.

We may feel as if we can't go on, like the whole world is against us and that our negative Karams may never end. The Gurus remained at peace, their Shaheeds remained at peace.

U turn to and practice Truth and you're evolving, you're lifting yourself out of the pit of hell and despair and into peace and calm. (you're writing new good Karams). Yeh you should watch your actions for they have consequences whether in this life or the next.

This is said without pity, because the Gurus themselves went through Incredible torture and pain, and they themselves were the ones who taught the gyan of hukam and Karam.

Look around u and accept that it's all God. He knows best, he gifted us life, he lives for truth and He created this khel out of love for us.

The answers to your questions lie in the Gurus own experiences. U ask but they experienced these horrors, they led by example. Jesus was nailed to a cross.

You want peace. Practice Gurbani. Serve others. Live breathe and die Truth. Live your life beyond complication, beyond illusion. If it hurts you, go n serve the people who are hurting. Teach them about Gurbani, how to achieve peace of mind. Read Gurbani and apply it- the Gurus gave it as a gift to us by His grace.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Look. When u get beaten down by maya, turn to Truth. Truth gives us Incredible strength.

U keep speaking of horrors. The Gurus experienced horrors, their sikh women were raped and abused. The men were tortured on horrific ways. Take their example.

We may feel as if we can't go on, like the whole world is against us and that our negative Karams may never end. The Gurus remained at peace, their Shaheeds remained at peace.

U turn to and practice Truth and you're evolving, you're lifting yourself out of the pit of hell and despair and into peace and calm. (you're writing new good Karams). Yeh you should watch your actions for they have consequences whether in this life or the next.

This is said without pity, because the Gurus themselves went through Incredible torture and pain, and they themselves were the ones who taught the gyan of hukam and Karam.

Look around u and accept that it's all God. He knows best, he gifted us life, he lives for truth and He created this khel out of love for us.

The answers to your questions lie in the Gurus own experiences. U ask but they experienced these horrors, they led by example. Jesus was nailed to a cross.

You want peace. Practice Gurbani. Serve others. Live breathe and die Truth. Live your life beyond complication, beyond illusion. If it hurts you, go n serve the people who are hurting. Teach them about Gurbani, how to achieve peace of mind. Read Gurbani and apply it- the Gurus gave it as a gift to us by His grace.

I am sorry but this answer bears no relation whatsoever to the question asked, almost as if it has been copied and pasted from another question, I never mentioned horrors in my question, or that I can't go on, I am quite happy in my own little world, could you answer the actual question, namely, to what degree should one practice the tenants of Sikhism? and if your answer is 100%, why are you and everyone else not doing so? If the answer is less, why? and who sets the standard. If you could answer that would be great thank you

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

My personal feeling is that gur / vidya is everywhere and on my understanding guru nanak ji never professed to know it exclusively.. If for instance I was a student of raag then it would be appropriate within the guru shishya philosophy to accept them as my guru. But if the guru/teacher is lacking that would not be my fault but theirs as I have gone in to the relationship with openness

sorry mate, could you just clarify this, it makes no sense to me, your for instance just loses me, could you try again so I can understand, thanks


Feb 20, 2012
wishing you all a good festive end to the year...
may the new year bring to us all a glimpse of totality, a glimpse of the divine within and without...a new sense of perspective on the world we currently abide...and evolution into higher realms of existence...

may that light within you burn bright...and i pray it illuminates our minds eye so much so that we never ever lose sight of the truth again!



May 11, 2016
I am sorry but this answer bears no relation whatsoever to the question asked, almost as if it has been copied and pasted from another question, I never mentioned horrors in my question, or that I can't go on, I am quite happy in my own little world, could you answer the actual question, namely, to what degree should one practice the tenants of Sikhism? and if your answer is 100%, why are you and everyone else not doing so? If the answer is less, why? and who sets the standard. If you could answer that would be great thank you

I responded for the most part to this:

"If we accept that God is all powerful, all seeing and all knowing, then obviously something is amiss, there is too much tragedy in the world for a body to be such, the litmus test does not hold good, so either all the tragedy is a tough lesson and tough love from God, so that one day we may be free of life, or God does not care. If you buy the break the life cycle theory, I guess then that holds good, the starving girl in Africa who has just been gang raped for the third time today deserved it, it was her karam, bad for her, but hopefully she will learn, hmmm, I could not bow down before such a God, sure I can respect another's opinion on the matter, but for me, my God does not listen to prayers for Bunty's desire to find a husband over starving children. "

Question for you: Do you even believe in God? You've professed in other posts to be an atheist.

It's not an attack, I'm just not sure what u believe

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Look. When u get beaten down by maya, turn to Truth. Truth gives us Incredible strength.

ok, what happens when you get beaten down by the lack of maya? do you think such a thing is possible? given that we have to lead also the life of a householder, family person, etc. Yes., the truth does, but which one? your truth? my truth?
U keep speaking of horrors. The Gurus experienced horrors, their sikh women were raped and abused. The men were tortured on horrific ways. Take their example.
your advocating I should seek horror? should I have an open mind of horror? should I view horror as one views pleasure, so its all the same? How does a Sikh view horror? with acceptance? And regardless how many have suffered, is this a right state of affairs if a 'God' is running the show?

We may feel as if we can't go on, like the whole world is against us and that our negative Karams may never end. The Gurus remained at peace, their Shaheeds remained at peace.
to what end? is the meaning of life just to gain better karams, in your opinion?

U turn to and practice Truth and you're evolving, you're lifting yourself out of the pit of hell and despair and into peace and calm. (you're writing new good Karams). Yeh you should watch your actions for they have consequences whether in this life or the next.

ok, I get it, its similar to Originalji's thoughts, you live lots of lives and learn with each one, and with each one , you align yourself a bit more to the truth, until you are the truth, fine, no problem, but if I do not believe in reincarnation then all we can do is respect the opinions of each other, there is nothing for either of us to learn from the other as our foundations are chalk and cheese.

This is said without pity, because the Gurus themselves went through Incredible torture and pain, and they themselves were the ones who taught the gyan of hukam and Karam.

well that is a matter of opinion, again, if, like me, you don't believe in reincarnation, then karams are irrelevant

Look around u and accept that it's all God. He knows best, he gifted us life, he lives for truth and He created this khel out of love for us.

to what end, so that over millions of lifetimes we join him, right?

Question for you: Do you even believe in God? You've professed in other posts to be an atheist.

It's not an attack, I'm just not sure what u believe
no problem, I am quite enjoying our interaction, I don't believe in anything really, what you suggest is a possibility for sure, what anyone suggests is a possibility, it just does not gel with me, I keep coming back to the degree, but in your scenario the degree is unimportant, you just do your perceived best and leave the rest to God, haha, I would probably get a lot of comfort in following such a way, as all bases are covered, all questions answered.

You may not get where I am coming from, but yeah I get you.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
A Sikh is the one who is never afraid to fall as we all do matter of factly, but the trick is to get up, dust off and carry on as quickly as possible. The latter is taught in Sikhi which is not a destination but a journey. Sikhi is all about learning, unlearning and relearning till one's last breath.


Nov 5, 2010
Prompted by a discussion on another thread, My own answer, no idea, absolutely no idea at all, however, I do know what is not a Sikh, and what is not Sikhism, although it is all very subjective.

If we take what we do know about Sikhism to be true, one fundamental aspect is that there is only one God, but this God is unknowable and cannot be described, therefore, any attempt at mastering life is futile, as our puny human brains would little understand the workings of a higher intelligence, therefore every personal plan or theory is complete and utter rubbish, as if we understand it, by default it cannot be true.

If we accept that God is all powerful, all seeing and all knowing, then obviously something is amiss, there is too much tragedy in the world for a body to be such, the litmus test does not hold good, so either all the tragedy is a tough lesson and tough love from God, so that one day we may be free of life, or God does not care. If you buy the break the life cycle theory, I guess then that holds good, the starving girl in Africa who has just been gang raped for the third time today deserved it, it was her karam, bad for her, but hopefully she will learn, hmmm, I could not bow down before such a God, sure I can respect another's opinion on the matter, but for me, my God does not listen to prayers for Bunty's desire to find a husband over starving children. Of course the workings of God are beyond us, and there may be a reason that Bunty's lack of suitors is more important to God than tortured kids, but to me, whatever that reason is, does not justify the end.

So, to me, to pray, to ask, to beg, to want for anything from God is just a bad move, that God that grants these wishes on Karams, sounds more like an entity you do deals with, not a God. Of course one has to define God, but in Sikhism that is impossible so we really are {censored} in the wind.

I know that Sikhism strips ritual, idol worship, caste, sexism and intermediaries from the relationship with God, we know this, for fact, so we can discount all that, hmmm, not much of that going on...

I know that in Sikhism one uses one's brain above anything and everything else. I think we struggle with this, we reject common sense in the name of religion, if someone has to ask whether its ok for a surgeon to shave them before surgery, to my mind, that indicates no brain activity at all, just follow the rhetoric, yet such questions are common,

Here in the UK, I have noted an alarming rise in idiots sitting at red lights while ambulances sit behind them, sirens screaming, lights flashing, because the idiot will not go through the red light, because that is what the law says, such seems common in Sikhism, we seem to follow the law, to the letter, without discretion, without intelligence, without applying wisdom.

I personally find the behavior of those that sweat the small stuff the funniest, they give no thought to whether their actions are in line with God, but obsess over the peripheral, the small stuff, the irrelevant stuff, to some Sikhism is about great actions and then uniting with God, and living in bliss for eternity, to me Sikhism is about today, now, about seeing that ambulance and flooring your car through that red light, and to hell with the law.

So my take on God and life is not what I don't know, its about what I know and filling in the blanks

I could not insult a great religion by pretending to know all about it, but I get pleasure when thoughts that I feel are true, align with true Sikh philosophy, however, that does not make me a Sikh, not in the traditional sense anyway, and I cannot stand up and proclaim my thoughts and call them Sikh, for that would be an insult to the rest of you.

So that is what Sikhism is to me, and as for what is a Sikh, still no idea, other opinions welcome.
Sat Sri Akaal,.

Energy is source of creation,
and else is
GOD Generated Operated Destroyed.

This is everlasting TRUTH universal applied to all living non living. SIKH Learning

Without contradiction.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Aug 13, 2012
So you believe in reincarnation and yugs, I believe in death and nothing, which of us is a Sikh?

UHm ok, are the 3HO guys Sikh? the Nirankaris? Udasis? Namdharis? are they Sikh? What about screaming Lord Sutch? was he a Sikh? if you have no definition of a Sikh then what are we all doing here? why are we not on the clown forums? ok, I actually am, but what about the rest of you? Are you saying we are all Sikhs? I would say we are all seeking, for sure, but what do you call someone who has grasped Sikhism completely, not that I have a habit of meeting such types, although I have met plenty that have pummeled it into something they can live, but is that good enough, what is good enough? if we are all Sikhs then this forum is just a collection of opinions that can not be proven right or wrong.
I am saying exactly that..
This forum is just a collection of opinions..
What is it that you expect it to be?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
What is it that you expect it to be?

a journey to the truth where false opinions can be challenged and over a period of time, the truth emerges.

Let me give you an example, years ago, I subscribed to the theory that the tenth Guru has multiple wives, through debate and use of the litmus test, it became apparent that names had been changed, and it was clearly obvious that there was only one wife, the litmus test used was simple, the Gurus believed in equality and that a man should love only one woman, and that a woman should only love one man, combine God into the equation and you have Anand Karaj. Any Guru having more than one wife would invalidate this very basic foundation of Sikhism, so it could not be.

Or what about the multiple Sakhis that send people in the wrong direction, what about idol worship, rituals, corruption, how can we say what is wrong with Sikhism if everything is an opinion, opinions are worthless, we are here for the truth, can truth be relative? can you have your truth and me have mine? not really, all we can do is ask whether such opinions betray or enhance the foundations of Sikhism that we accept.


Aug 13, 2012
a journey to the truth where false opinions can be challenged and over a period of time, the truth emerges.

Let me give you an example, years ago, I subscribed to the theory that the tenth Guru has multiple wives, through debate and use of the litmus test, it became apparent that names had been changed, and it was clearly obvious that there was only one wife, the litmus test used was simple, the Gurus believed in equality and that a man should love only one woman, and that a woman should only love one man, combine God into the equation and you have Anand Karaj. Any Guru having more than one wife would invalidate this very basic foundation of Sikhism, so it could not be.

Or what about the multiple Sakhis that send people in the wrong direction, what about idol worship, rituals, corruption, how can we say what is wrong with Sikhism if everything is an opinion, opinions are worthless, we are here for the truth, can truth be relative? can you have your truth and me have mine? not really, all we can do is ask whether such opinions betray or enhance the foundations of Sikhism that we accept.
Who is the wife of guru Granth Sahib ji?


Aug 13, 2012
mother nature, why do you ask?
You said all the gurus only had one wife.. But the proposition seems only applicable to the living gurus.. I was looking for clarification to the assertion that they only had one wife.. I'm not sure that the evidence does stack up that guru gobind singh ji did only have one wife.. I agree with the assertion that names were interchangeable


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,
Sikh is a seeker of TRUTH, though all humans and living are seekers but not SIKH, as before one seeks, humans need to attach themselves to TRUTH, which is ONE, that is origin and original. When sikhs debate on topics that is tendency of humans to shed duality and seek TRUTH and merge with ONE,
Truth is ONE Ek. and can never be dual.
It is connecting origin MOOL This is basics of connecting to Truth.

Though every human and living is seeker but one who follows path of TRUTH seeking is a SIKH. This is initiation for humans to be SIKH. One lives in dual world without duality

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,
Human intellect has liking of debate, to discuss personal, and interpersonal, to discuss talk and communicate. Some like noise of duality, or silence of Truth.

It comes at death or to living with concluded mind after getting truth, on each debated topic.

With conclusion there is silence. Rest of mind. SUKHMANI.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.


Aug 13, 2012
Sat Sri Akaal,
Sikh is a seeker of TRUTH, though all humans and living are seekers but not SIKH, as before one seeks, humans need to attach themselves to TRUTH, which is ONE, that is origin and original. When sikhs debate on topics that is tendency of humans to shed duality and seek TRUTH and merge with ONE,
Truth is ONE Ek. and can never be dual.
It is connecting origin MOOL This is basics of connecting to Truth.

Though every human and living is seeker but one who follows path of TRUTH seeking is a SIKH. This is initiation for humans to be SIKH. One lives in dual world without duality

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
What is the one path of truth
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