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What Is Anhaad Naad?

Nov 14, 2008
Chaz Singh ji,
God gave you the power of 'ATTENTION', the most powerful thing...its so amazing.

You mean you can control your tears, your sniffling when you have the flu, you do not have to empty your bladder when you have to pee or control yourself when the nature calls so you do not have to go?

Is this the power of 'ATTENTION' you are talking about?

Are you serious? This nonsense is what the Brahmins and the Derawalas teach. I have no idea nor do I have the curiosity to find out which league you belong to.

You assumes a lot ,Tejwant ji !
Nov 14, 2008
Harmanpreet ji,

Guru Fateh,

Please elaborate your thought with concrete examples.


Tejwant Singh

I mean where Chaz ji said that stuff ? or its your assumption ?

You mean you can control your tears, your sniffling when you have the flu, you do not have to empty your bladder when you have to pee or control yourself when the nature calls so you do not have to go?

Is this the power of 'ATTENTION' you are talking about?

Are you serious? This nonsense is what the Brahmins and the Derawalas teach. I have no idea nor do I have the curiosity to find out which league you belong to


Dec 3, 2011
Harry ji writes in response to Chaz Singh ji's post:

What you however are talking about is more deep meditation as a means of escape from daily life,

Harry Ji,

The very same thing Guru Nanak tells the Sadhus in Sidh Gosht which can be found in this great forum.

Is this what Guru Nanak ji says ?.........that they(sadhus) are meditating as a means to escape from daily life ??

Please help me locate the point where this is mentioned.


Dec 3, 2011
When I read this, I personally derive a tongue in cheek reference in the second line. Kabir ji was not a yogi, yet he achieved what the yogis strove for. He stilled his windy mind.

What did Kabirji do that was different to still his mind.
What do you think he used ?

The Guru has shown him the hole, alluding to the tenth gate. Not sure if Kabir ji is calling himself the guru, or alluding to God, i.e. with God's grace he has come to this realization.

Not understanding what you mean here.

The deer carefully steps through the hole. I assume the deer is another animal reference alluding to the mind

The mind steps through a hole ?
Do you think there is a reason why the term deer is used ?

He closed off the doors and the unstruck sound current resounds. He has learned to go beyond the senses to discern the truth about his existence.
Now we are saying that the 'unstruck sound current'' only sounds when the doors are closed off.
Do you have to learn to go beyond your senses... or is it more about ''ATTENTION"" as Chazji mentioned earlier ?

He has spilled out the pitcher of the heart lotus. I think this is alluding to the droplets of water (soul/consciousness) being confined by the pitcher of the body. By spilling the pitcher, the droplets are re-united with the ocean (universal consciousness).

Now that he knows this (realized God/Truth) his mind is appeased.

What do you think the pitcher is ?.... and why would he have to ''spill it'' to empty out water.. ''Then this knocked out water merges with Ocean''.....Makes no sense !!
.....Why would gurbani tell you to tumble out a property(soul/consciousness) that is something of high regard ??....doesn't make sense !


Dec 3, 2011
Lucky Singh ji,

Please check Sidh Gosht on this very forum as mentioned in my post.

I have !
I cannot find anywhere what you mentioned above about Guru ji telling the sadhus ..''that they are meditating to escape from daily life'' !

Please point out any verse or conversation dialogue that demonstrates your comment.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I have !
I cannot find anywhere what you mentioned above about Guru ji telling the sadhus ..''that they are meditating to escape from daily life'' !

Please point out any verse or conversation dialogue that demonstrates your comment.

Lucky Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

If you insist,

ਰਾਮਕਲੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਸਿਧ ਗੋਸਟਿ
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Sidh Gosht ~ Conversations With The Siddhas: The first verse on page 938 states what I said above. Now, if you study it deeper, it becomes more vivid.


Tejwant Singh


Dec 3, 2011
Lucky Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

If you insist,

ਰਾਮਕਲੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਸਿਧ ਗੋਸਟਿ
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Sidh Gosht ~ Conversations With The Siddhas: The first verse on page 938 states what I said above. Now, if you study it deeper, it becomes more vivid.


Tejwant Singh

I honestly cannot see anything in there that confirms your statement !
:eek:range-pargi: ...the 1st, 2nd or the proceeding verses !


Feb 20, 2012
I mean where Chaz ji said that stuff ? or its your assumption ?

Harmanpreet Ji,

I am completely baffled also :)

He Said
<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width=""> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset"> You mean you can control your tears, your sniffling when you have the flu, you do not have to empty your bladder when you have to pee or control yourself when the nature calls so you do not have to go?

Is this the power of 'ATTENTION' you are talking about?

Are you serious? This nonsense is what the Brahmins and the Derawalas teach. I have no idea nor do I have the curiosity to find out which league you belong to </td> </tr> </tbody></table>

i do not understand where Tejwant ji gets these examples from...i surely didn't say that we can control our tears or anything like that.

Even my 6 year old nephew can understand the power of attention, if a child is taken to the doctor for an injection...if his attention is on the needle. it will bring him more fear, he is anticipating the pain...it magnifies in his mind...

so the doctor asks him a question / or makes some noise, suddenly the child's mind (attention) is taken away to the question or sound, and the injection is administered...and the whole experience is far less than if the childs attention is on the injection.

I Mean, is this so difficult to understand? is this only taught in Dera's? lol ... you can only but laugh...

maybe now Tejwant Ji will somehow think i am talking about controlling my skin cells rejuvination :)

when our attention goes inwards during Simran/Meditation, the outer world quietens (through the 9 doors), it is still there, body is alive, breathing, sweating and so on...but we can pay more attention to what is happening within for a little while...who knows what we may find there? :)


Jan 19, 2014
LuckySingh said:
What did Kabirji do that was different to still his mind.
What do you think he used ?
He changed his soch (thinking), thought process. He obtained this gyaan and maintained this focus (dhiaan). This takes effort to do throughout the day. This can be considered a continuous meditation. Anhaad Naad therefore vibrates night and day, not just during the time you personally set aside for your type of meditation.

LuckySingh said:
The mind steps through a hole ?
Do you think there is a reason why the term deer is used ?
Lol. The mind doesn't literally step through a hole. It is alluding to the tenth gate, which isn't really a gate. It's a state of mind. The deer runs about here and there. Again another reference to the wandering mind, which has been brought under control.

LuckySingh said:
Now we are saying that the 'unstruck sound current'' only sounds when the doors are closed off.
Do you have to learn to go beyond your senses... or is it more about ''ATTENTION"" as Chazji mentioned earlier ?
YES. Attention is a good word to use. It takes effort to go beyond sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing. These senses paint the illusion before you. To understand the true essence of reality and who you are you have to use the figurative "tenth gate", and maintain that focus throughout the day.

LuckySingh said:
What do you think the pitcher is ?.... and why would he have to ''spill it'' to empty out water.. ''Then this knocked out water merges with Ocean''.....Makes no sense !!
.....Why would gurbani tell you to tumble out a property(soul/consciousness) that is something of high regard ??....doesn't make sense !
Lucky ji, I explained what the pitcher is in the very quote you are responding to. The pitcher is the body. It contains the droplets from the ocean. The ocean is the source of all consciousness. One can call it universal consciousness. We are not literally spilling anything. It is a figurative reference to overcoming Haumai (I am). By spilling the pitcher, the droplets return to the ocean. They are no longer droplets, but become the ocean itself.


Feb 20, 2012
He changed his soch (thinking), thought process. He obtained this gyaan and maintained this focus (dhiaan). This takes effort to do throughout the day. This can be considered a continuous meditation. Anhaad Naad therefore vibrates night and day, not just during the time you personally set aside for your type of meditation.

Nice post sherdil ji,

I like reading your responses because you go away and try to contemplate Bani and bring some purposeful ideas into the forum.

from your description above...i'm taking that you feel the anhad unstruck sound current is a 'way of thinking'? and if we maintain that way of thinking with great attention/focus/Dyian and apply in our lives then we are effectively hearing the anhad Bani 24/7?

But why do you think Guru Ji has not just used terms like 'way of thinking' instead of describing something as that of a sound/vibration...something that Guru Ji describes as 'resonates' 'plays' and in various verses mentioned things like the 'temple drums' 'trumpets' etc..

why describe something as 'unstruck'?
in what way has guru ji then also used instruments to describe this 'way of thinking or way of being?

if i have changed my way of thinking, and am applying it in my daily life with great effort/attention/focus, how would that correspond to 'unstruck' ... an unstruck way of thinking?

and what of the people that Guru Ji says are wondering aimlessly under influence of the 5 thieves...should their 'way of thinking' that has not been gained from 'gian' be termed then as a 'struck sound current'?

sorry for so many questions, just delving into your thoughts, it's interesting hearing a different twist to things..

thanks again ji


Jan 19, 2014
from your description above...i'm taking that you feel the anhad unstruck sound current is a 'way of thinking'? and if we maintain that way of thinking with great attention/focus/Dyian and apply in our lives then we are effectively hearing the anhad Bani 24/7?

Chaz ji,

Anhaad Naad is not a way of thinking. Rather, the way of thinking leads to Anhaad Naad.

Gurbani describes Akaal as without beginning and without end. Anhaad Naad is also without beginning. It is unstruck, self-emanating. Therefore, one can view Akaal as the unstruck sound vibrating throughout the Universe. You can think of it in terms of sargun nirgun. All notes emanate from the root sound, together forming the symphony. If you had to actually listen for a sound, it would be all sounds blended into one. If you had to see it, you would see all things as one. It is one thing. Like Ek Oankaar.

Not that one must differentiate the sound. Rather everything is the sound.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
harmanpreet singh ji,

Guru fateh.

It is disheartening to notice that you have not done what I requested you to do, which is to read the whole thread in order to find out the answer to your question. This is the duty of every Sikh. Perhaps you missed this comment. Read the post below and check in the preceding posts what I was talking about 9 doors and how I explained later on to Lucky Singh ji. And what is Chaz Singh ji's response. You may have to go through different posts. It is quite nitidly mentioned there.

I am not surprised that Chaz Singh ji is going to deny things when confronted about his posts for the reasons only known to him. You can ask him for that when he is 'paying attention' to the queries. I am using his words.


Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Lucky Singh ji asked the following:
Originally Posted by Luckysingh View Post
I have !
I cannot find anywhere what you mentioned above about Guru ji telling the sadhus ..''that they are meditating to escape from daily life'' !

Please point out any verse or conversation dialogue that demonstrates your comment.
Lucky Singh ji,

My response:
Guru Fateh.

If you insist,

ਰਾਮਕਲੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਸਿਧ ਗੋਸਟਿ
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Sidh Gosht ~ Conversations With The Siddhas: The first verse on page 938 states what I said above. Now, if you study it deeper, it becomes more vivid.


Tejwant Singh

Lucky Ji,

Guru Fateh.

Sorry to disappoint you but I am not going to do seeking of Gurmat values on your behalf. It is your duty for your own Sikhi path.

Secondly, you can not find the verbatim of my post there but the message and the gist is quite clear.

As you insist again:

Please explain the meaning for the first line of Sidh Gosht and I would urge you to ignore the English translation which I have said many times that it is misleading. I use Prof Sahib Singh's and other scholars' references even Maskeen ji's to come to my own understanding of the message. At times I also disagree with them which I have showed in this very thread about the first Pauri of Jap.

But before you do that, please research what the meaning of Sidh Gosht is, why Guru Nanak had to go to the Sidhs, where Guru Nanak met these sadhus and what they were doing. After and what kind of interaction took place. It is all in front of your eyes.

For you information, this point is mentioned several times in the SGGS, our only Guru in different manners, thanks to the wordsmith-ship of our visionary Gurus.

Will wait for your understanding of all the queries asked. We can all educate ourselves in this manner.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh