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What Is Bhai Gurdas Jee's Key?

Oct 14, 2007
There should be hardly any one who is serious about Gurmat, or the Guru’s path, and find this routine difficult to follow. Everybody goes to bed at night and everybody gets up in the morning. So, everybody can spare a few extra minutes for the Guru Granth reading in the morning and, then, possibly at night, from the twenty-four hours we are given every day. For more serious seekers, there will always be another interval sometime during the day to seek the Guru’s vision through reciting from the Guru Granth. Once we begin on this path, gradually, the reading periods begin to become a regular feature of our existence, and, if we are fortunate, we are silently contemplating on the Guru’s verses at any or every hour of the day. This way we learn to open consciousness, if it is but for a moment, and find ourselves in a state of receptivity to the Guru’s vision. This state is considered worthy of praise:
kurbwxI iqnW gurisKW gurbwxI inq gwie suxMdy] Bhai Gurdas, Vaar 12, Pauri 23"Bhai Gurdas says that he is sacrifice to those seekers who engage in singing and listening to the Guru’s verses at all the time".
According to Bhai Gurdas, besides the Sikhs, the recitation of the Guru Granth was also employed to propagate the Guru’s views to all others in the world:
kir pwT gRMQ jgq sB qirau ]
Bhai Gurdas, Vaar 41, Pauri 213.​
"The whole world may undertake the sacred reading of the Guru Granth to sail through the sea of temptations in the human existence".
Formally, the Gurbani reading is done privately as well as in an environment of a congregation, or any other public or private place especially furnished for this purpose. We will limit ourselves to discussion of a situation in which an individual seeker wishes to engage in one to one conversations with the Guru Granth Sahib.
Oct 14, 2007
Conclusion: When you begin to read, you may either set a number of pages to read or go on reading the Guru Granth for as long as you wish to. If I have opportunity, I like to read until I feel that I obtained something that I would like to dwell on within my heart for a period of time. There is no fixed ritual as to how much should one read. You may read only one paragraph, or you may read several pages before some particular thought attracts your attention. When this occurs, you may close your eyes and take that thought into your contemplation. Think about it; hold it right in front of you; repeat it to yourself. Ask yourself: Why did this particular verse come to me? Does it have an inner meaning for me? What is its significance to me at this time and how will it touch my life in near future?
As you continue contemplating and brooding on a verse, another thought may come to your attention. Consider both of these thoughts. Is there any relationship between them? Is there any coherence? Why did this quotation follow the first one? By this time probably a third idea and then a fourth will have come, and all these thoughts will have come out of your awareness, out of your consciousness. In this short period of the reading in meditation that may have been of only a few minutes’ duration, you have experienced spirituality revealing itself, you have opened yourself to divine Intelligence and Love. This is the Word of God, which is quick and sharp and powerful. You now realize that, for a seeker, the Guru Granth reading is not just an ordinary reading but something much more; something that only ritualistic reading cannot accomplish. Bhai Gurdas describes this process of reading the Guru Granth as:
ruKhMu Gr Cwvwie QMm QMmHwieAw ] isr krvq Drwie dyq GVwieAw ]
Lohy nwl jVwie pUr qrwieAw ] lK lhir drIAwie pwr lMGwieAw ]
gur isKW BY Bwie Sbd kmwieAw ] ieks ipCY lwie lK CfwieAw ]
Bhai Gurdas, Vaar 14, Pauri (9)​

"Trees serve as pillars and roofs for the houses. They are sawed and nailed to make boats for people to cross the rivers and myriads of other waves. Likewise, the Sikhs of the Guru, in love and discipline of the Lord, practice the Words of the Guru. They exhort their own thoughts and those of numerous others to follow the unique by doing the same, and be liberated from bondage."
Another point is that paath once undertaken and grasped in the consciousness will continue to affect behaviors during rest of the time. Only a visionless person would read without meaning it to incorporate its knowledge in all other aspects of life. Their lips and their minds will not bluff again:
pwTu pVY muiK JUTo bolY ingury kI miq ahY ]
SGGS, M 1, P. 1013.​
"One reads the scriptures, but still tells lies; such is the intellect of one who has no guru or vision".
Such is a test of success in sacred reading that it stays with all the times and prevents one from performing undesirable acts during the post-reading time.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all!

After reading few poems from Bhai Gurdas Jee I found him to be a moral science teacher. He is concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles.

The true Gurus sing about Naam Simran that leads a person out of duality, right and wrong.

Balbir Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Conclusion: When you begin to read, you may either set a number of pages to read or go on reading the Guru Granth for as long as you wish to. If I have opportunity, I like to read until I feel that I obtained something that I would like to dwell on within my heart for a period of time. There is no fixed ritual as to how much should one read. You may read only one paragraph, or you may read several pages before some particular thought attracts your attention. When this occurs, you may close your eyes and take that thought into your contemplation. Think about it; hold it right in front of you; repeat it to yourself. Ask yourself: Why did this particular verse come to me? Does it have an inner meaning for me? What is its significance to me at this time and how will it touch my life in near future?
As you continue contemplating and brooding on a verse, another thought may come to your attention. Consider both of these thoughts. Is there any relationship between them? Is there any coherence? Why did this quotation follow the first one? By this time probably a third idea and then a fourth will have come, and all these thoughts will have come out of your awareness, out of your consciousness. In this short period of the reading in meditation that may have been of only a few minutes’ duration, you have experienced spirituality revealing itself, you have opened yourself to divine Intelligence and Love. This is the Word of God, which is quick and sharp and powerful. You now realize that, for a seeker, the Guru Granth reading is not just an ordinary reading but something much more; something that only ritualistic reading cannot accomplish. Bhai Gurdas describes this process of reading the Guru Granth as:
ruKhMu Gr Cwvwie QMm QMmHwieAw ] isr krvq Drwie dyq GVwieAw ]
Lohy nwl jVwie pUr qrwieAw ] lK lhir drIAwie pwr lMGwieAw ]
gur isKW BY Bwie Sbd kmwieAw ] ieks ipCY lwie lK CfwieAw ]
Bhai Gurdas, Vaar 14, Pauri (9)​
"Trees serve as pillars and roofs for the houses. They are sawed and nailed to make boats for people to cross the rivers and myriads of other waves. Likewise, the Sikhs of the Guru, in love and discipline of the Lord, practice the Words of the Guru. They exhort their own thoughts and those of numerous others to follow the unique by doing the same, and be liberated from bondage."
Another point is that paath once undertaken and grasped in the consciousness will continue to affect behaviors during rest of the time. Only a visionless person would read without meaning it to incorporate its knowledge in all other aspects of life. Their lips and their minds will not bluff again:
pwTu pVY muiK JUTo bolY ingury kI miq ahY ]
SGGS, M 1, P. 1013.​
"One reads the scriptures, but still tells lies; such is the intellect of one who has no guru or vision".
Such is a test of success in sacred reading that it stays with all the times and prevents one from performing undesirable acts during the post-reading time.

This entire comment is truly wondrous!


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Sikh80 Jee!

Quote "We should be thankful to Respected Balbir ji for his unceasing efforts to demean the established philosphies..blessings to Dear Veer ji."
Preachers first injected Bhai Gurdas Jee's writings among Sikhs. Sikhs became impure. Their relation with the One True Guru was thus diluted. Since then the door is opened for generations of writers preaching who are searching Naam themselves. Watch it. Thousands are exhibiting their expertise on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee but seekers remain thirsty as ever.
Ignorance always tries to establish in Sansaara till God sends HIS Message.

Quote from Aad0002 Jee "I know what you mean."
I am also astounding on your knowing. May I ask? Are the Baabaas having a rest who used to answer through your writings?

Quote from Amarsanghera Jee "nanak naam chardi kala, tere bhaney sarbat da bhala."
This is True. All who are blessed with Naam realize this.


Preachers are carrying Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee on their head. The so-called key of the true Guru is in their pocket. Could they ever open this treasure for them or others?

Balbir Singh


Mar 28, 2006
respected veer Balbir Ji says:

Has someone found also something written about Bhai Gurdas Jee by the true Gurus?

thankyou much Veer ji.....

HAS ANYONE FOUND ANY REFERENCE FROM DHAN DHAN GURU SAHIB JI ABOUT 'Balbir Singh who will be appearing at SPN during this time period ..... ....'

please respond...............
Oct 14, 2007
Moderator's Note:
So far, Balbir Ji has failed to provide a direct reply to most of the questions asked. It appears that Balbir Ji has nothing to say about what is Sikh Gurmantra, what name is preferable over Waheguru when referring to God or, who is his Guru and his Gurumantra. It is evident that he has no regard for ancillary Sikh literature, history, or the Rehit prescribed during Amrit Sanchar. We try to allow a free discussion but as usual, this message contains unnecessary and insidious remarks in place of direct and sincere answers or opinion. Further discussion seems unnecessary. We will be closing this thread on 8/5/07 at 11 PM MDT. Kindly post any remaining thoughts before then. We will not allow another message like the one below or any personal attacks from others. Thanks for your cooperation.

For full story please visit:
MODERATOR'S CLOSURE Re: Sikh vocabulary


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all!

Quote from Surinder Jee "thankyou much Veer ji....."
One should thank someone through whom he receives a treatment like Naam Simran.

Quote "HAS ANYONE FOUND ANY REFERENCE FROM DHAN DHAN GURU SAHIB JI ABOUT 'Balbir Singh who will be appearing at SPN during this time period ..... ....'"

Gurdev is singing.
Buj blbIr bRhm suK swgr grq prq gih lyhu AMgurIAw ]
"Bhuj balbeer brahm sukh saagar garat parat gahi lehu anguriaa." SGGS Ang 203-1


Quote from Sikh80 Jee "So far, Balbir Ji has failed to provide a direct reply to most of the questions asked."
Balbir Singh seems to have no hunger for your questions. Right now he is listening, God's answers.

Quote "It appears that Balbir Ji has nothing to say about what is Sikh Gurmantra,"
True Sikhs do not need to ask others 'what is Gurmantra'.

Quote "Re: What is Sabad Guroo? - please teach us."
Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari are the four stages of the same speech. Vaikhari is the last stage of the expressed sound that once originated at Para level. It flows in one direction, from the origin toward outwards through each existence.
Sabad Guru leads one from Vaikhari to the Para level and finally merging in God..

One receives the true Naam through the true Guroo, Saint or Sadhu. Nobody has received it by reading, discussing or visiting a discourse on it.


Gurdev knew about the secret writings about Bhai Gurdas Jee, in my view. They did not include any word written 'Gurdas' in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee to save Sikhs. Preachers but may be pushing many for a jump in Narak Koop. Their turn is faked and got the last number at the end.

Only sincere seekers participate truthfully in Satsangs. Others are arguing about their recipes, candies made of it and confectionary.

Balbir Singh
Oct 14, 2007
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all!

Quote from Sikh80 Jee "So far, Balbir Ji has failed to provide a direct reply to most of the questions asked."
Balbir Singh seems to have no hunger for your questions. Right now he is listening, God's answers.

Quote "It appears that Balbir Ji has nothing to say about what is Sikh Gurmantra,"

Balbir Singh

I am giving below the links where Balbir veer ji has something to say. These are nice stories at Sikhnet forum.
Please click away and the advice Of Veer Ji would be available.

Both of these links are Of sikhnet site. Balbir veer ji has ,probably, forgotten.
Kindly click and you will be reminded of.
MODERATOR'S CLOSURE Re: Sikh vocabulary
Re: What is Sabad Guroo? - please teach us


Mar 28, 2006
gauVI mhlw 5 ]
Buj bl bIr bRhm suK swgr grq prq gih lyhu AMgurIAw ]1] rhwau ]
sRvin n suriq nYn suMdr nhI Awrq duAwir rtq ipMgurIAw ]1]
dInw nwQ AnwQ kruxw mY swjn mIq ipqw mhqrIAw ]
crn kvl ihrdY gih nwnk BY swgr sMq pwir auqrIAw ]2]2]115]

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Arjan Dev Ji is not telling about 'Balbir Singh who will appear on SPN at this time period'..................... Veer Balbir ji get out of the illussion..............................

'bhuj + bal'- can be treated as one word but 'bal + beer' cannot at all any ways. actually these are three different words taken together---

bhujbalbeer not just balbeer dear brother Balbir Singh Ji.......

and it is read- BhujBalBeerBrahmSukhSaagar.................

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ਭੁਜ ਬਲ ਬੀਰ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਸੁਖ ਸਾਗਰ ਗਰਤ ਪਰਤ ਗਹਿ ਲੇਹੁ ਅੰਗੁਰੀਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
Bẖuj bal bīr barahm sukẖ sāgar garaṯ paraṯ geh lėho angurī*ā. ||1|| rahā*o.
O Brave and Powerful God, Ocean of Peace, I fell into the pit - please, take my hand.


AAD sach JugAAD sach. "aad" are my initials. :shifty: I was going to ask Admin if I could change my account name. Now I think I will keep it. Anyway, Bhai Gurdas rocks.:)
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