Seeker07 Ji,
Let me start with some verse from Gurbani and other sources,
Sant Kabir says, "O Pandit, you and I cannot possibly agree in our conclusions, for you speak of things as you have read in sacred texts, while I speak what I have seen".
Guru Nanak says,
"Nanak does not utter a single syllable of His own, except as He is moved from within".
Christ said, "I do nothing of myself; but as my Father has taught me, I speak these things".
What is Naam ?
In the Nad-bind Upanishad, we find,
A yogin ought to sit in Sidha Asan, and adopting
Vaishnavi Mudra, should hear within him the "Sound"
coming from the right side. (Nad-bind Shalok 31)
In the Muslim scriptures, It is variously described as Kalam-i-Ilahi (The Voice of God), Nida-i-Asmani (the Sound from Heaven), Ism-i-Azam (the Great Name), Saut-i-Sarmadi (the Intoxicating Sound), Saut-i-Nasira (the Sound Melodious), Kalam-i-Majid (the Great Commandment) and Kalam-i-Haq (the Voice of Truth) which can be heard inside, and It was taught as Sultan-ul-Azkar or the King of prayers.
And listen to the call of Music coming from above.
The whole world is reverberating with Sound,
To listen to It thou must unseal thine inner ears,
Then shalt thou hear an Unending Music,
And that shall lead thee beyond the confines of death. SHAH NIAZ
Drive away all skepticism from thy mind,
And listen to the strains of heavenly music,
And receive within thee the messages of God,
For these come only by holy communion with the self.
The Prophet declared that he heard the Voice of God,
And it fell on his ears as clearly as any other sound,
But God has sealed thy ears,
And so ye listen not to His Voice.
Philosophical: The Divine Name, Word or
Sabad, as used by Guru Nanak, from the philosophical point of view, comes very close to the concept of the
Logos in the ancient European Philosophy. It has a great similarity with the doctrine of the
Logos as propounded by Philo Judaes, who lived in Alexandria in the first-half of first century B.C. and first-half of first century A.D. According to the doctrine of
Logos, the Word is the creative, actively expressed and revelatory thought and Will of God which is at once distinguished and identified with Him. It is the immanent Rational Principle in the universe, and it is the active principle in all divine and esoteric knowledge. The
Logos is the Reality of all realities underlying the whole universe. It is the First Substance from which everything has its origin.
Theological: The Divine Name, or Sabad, is identified with the presence of God which can be realized in one’s own consciousness. All spiritual expression of divine knowledge by the Gurus is called ‘Sabad’, or ‘Bani’. In practical, religious and mystical life, each prophet or Guru gave a word, or a formula of words, which not only describes the divine spirit but also, when used for practice in contemplation, was instrumental to the complete realization of the Divine presence. Therefore, from the theological point of view, according to Guru Nanak, there are two types of Names: Firstly, there are attributive names of the Supreme Reality, such as, Hari, Govind, Ram, Haq, Rahim, etc. Secondly, there are names that are brought to the world out of empirical studies, observation of nature, or experience of great prophets, such as, we find the Name "OM" in the Upanishads, ‘Ahura Mazda’ in the Zend Avastha, Tao of Lao Tzu, ‘Omkar’ and ‘WaheGuru’ by the Sikh Gurus. Omkar and Waheguru are immensely evocative and highly esteemed in the Sikh scriptures.
According to Guru Nanak, the Divine Name (NAAM), or the Word, which he also calls Sabad, is the Cause of the universe. It is the way of His expression. The phenomenal world is the attribute with which God is described. The attributes of God can be found only in an outward expression or manifestation in the external world. Besides, it is through these attributes that God manifests His creative activities in the world. Therefore everything of this world is an aspect of the Divine Name, or the Word, to which it owes its existence.