Well.. Myself: Chinu / M / 32, Punjab/Bathinda, Religion: Sikhism,
Few days before i registered myslelf here, and i think this is big luck for me that am between you all here in a hope that i'll get my religious answers which i was seeking from a very long time.
So... my first question is:
What is God ? or In which type of God do you believe in ? How and why ?
But as a answer please don't keep the steeks of gurbani in front of me, ie: "Eakomkaar satnaam kartapurakh........and so on", because this is not our own realizeation, please give me what you have realized your own.
For the mean time "Satshriakal".
satnaam Ji,
all your answers Paji are in the SGGS Ji. These forums will complicate what is actually already very clear and simple.
ae m
ee oojal
o aap
ae bhagath bas
eet(h) ||
You Yourself are the perfect pearl; You Yourself are the devotee and the priest.
ae s
aagar b
aa aap
ae p
aar ap
aar ||
You Yourself are the ocean and the boat. You Yourself are this shore, and the one beyond.
ae aap varathadh
aa sabhan
ee h
ee thh
aaee ||
You Yourself are contained in all places.
ae jal m
aa h
ai aap
ae aap
ae h
ee aap j
aal ||
You Yourself are the water, You Yourself are the fish, and You Yourself are the net.
ae j
aal vath
aa aap
ae v
ich s
aal ||
You Yourself cast the net, and You Yourself are the bait.
What does the above gurbani mean?
It means Waheguru Ji is everything, me, you, the forum, the people that reply to the forum, the air, the water, everything.
If you can contemplate and start to believe this 100% then your spiritual journey will go into the next gear.
It is One – Ek. Is has vibration, sound – Ong – and from sound, from vibration it express itself in form – Kaar.
the unstruck Sound (anhad Shabad) from God created Form. Everything in the universe including us Vibrate. We currently vibrate out of tune to the universe causing our difficulties in life. We are Sailing against the Wind in the ocean...we need to learn to turn the Sails and let the Wind (shabad current, naam, flow of God) drive us along...
So how do i Find God....Or how to I realise God?
bin pourree garr kio charro gur har dhhiaan nihaal ||2||
How can I climb up to the Fortress without a ladder?
By meditating on the Lord, through the Guru, I am blessed and exalted. ||2||
ghar h
aa p
urakh n pashh
iaa abh
aan m
ae aha(n)k
aar ||
The Primal Being is within their own home, but they do not recognize Him. They are plundered by their egotistical pride and arrogance.
own home is inside your body. So start to understand yourself...analyze your behaviour daily...how much of what you do is dictated by Anger, Greed, desire, attachment and Ego.
you will start to understand how much control Maya has over you, and what you will need to overcome in-order to look within and realise that you are literally part of God...God is the Ocean...your are a Drop of water from the ocean...the ocean is Vast and so powerful, but you are both water particles...the same thing.
Simran is your Key to finding out who your are...it will fight your 5 Thieves (Ego, attachment, desire, anger, greed). They will fight back in your daily lives...but stand firm, keep your head up...keep doing your Simran.
Do your Daily Seva, at work, with your family, friends...understand that they are also a part of god...other water particles...serve them with Love like you are actually serving god...because you really are literally serving god.
Start now..do not waste another breath...do your Simran, ask questions to yourself, ask god questions, look within...he's right there...you just need to find him through the Fog of your Ego.
God bless us all.