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What Is God? Or In Which Type Of God Do You Believe?


Jan 26, 2012

I walked the path of the Buddha essentially my entire life until discovering the teachings of the Gurus; ever since I have adopted a theistic outlook and am incorporating Sikh ways into my life.

My journey is early but I have evolved from Dharam Khand to Gian Khand and hope to continue the progression.
Apr 11, 2007
Interesting comments at the bottom of that article, I have twicked it a bit to make it more readable for viewers, nice to hear some comments and views:

1. AnonymousFeb 12, 2012 03:01 PMffice:eek:ffice" /><?"urn:
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AnonymousFeb 13, 2012 02:47 AM
Further evidence of mass hysteria at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh's reign is shown in the development of certain Sikh shrines, which were developed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh's raj, such as Hemkunt sahib, Guru Gobind Singh did not personally say this was the exact point or place he sat at and worshipped god, yet it is assumed and signified to be the place that he did, due to hearsay of some authoritarian ramblings of people with limited truth. They go by a depiction. So evidence of more propaganda. I believe in truth the down fall of the Sikh kingdom was Truth, if the kingdom had stayed on truthful principals, which it did to a certain extent, I don’t think it could have fallen but it didn't remain on complete truth and it is that which, ultimately led to the down fall of the kingdom. Before we blame others for what they have done to the Sikh religion maybe we should look at ourselves first.
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AnonymousFeb 15, 2012 11:45 PM
Also the phase "minu Sikh ni piyare minu rehat piyare” seems intriguing as well. Guru Gobind Singh a man who asked his own father to go forth and make himself a martyr for Hindu's. The man had ultimate love for humanity not orders; otherwise he could have ordered one of his followers in his congregations to do it. It seems hard to justify that phase then, that he would go on to say that I have more love for a man that follows orders than a man who follows god. Sounds like an order from a king then a man of god. I believe through history the after Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave the initiation to the 5 beloved they were able to make decisions that reformed a lot of Sikhism. The only thing is since 500 years of Sikhism how much reform has happened since, they reformed the panth to make it work for the era of the time and as such it lasted, it created a kingdom. It should be reformed to reflect the time now. A true Sikh is Khalsa meaning, pure, purity seems hard to categories. Try to categories one of the purist things known to man the taste of water, it is a hard one to describe. Such is the true Sikh only way to describe a full true Sikh would be purity of the mind, body and soul. If you see god in everything you will realise we are all Sikh, the entire world, no one is born learned, we are all born Sikh (from a baby up until you die, all you do is learn). So Sikhism should develop learn, Is that not what Sikh mean’s LEARN? Viewing everyone as a sikh would not be a bad thing, instead of promoting division in the world it promotes people to look at the entire humanity as your brother and sister
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Parma veer ji in this era of Internet any one can lay turd on elements by creating snippets and misguiding. There is virtually nothing in the above to do with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and that we need to live by as Sikhs.

If the purpose is to enlighten Sikhs to go away from superstitions, practices, etc., I don't see no such message in your post. It simply is a way to bring Sikhism dis-repute in the name of paintings, buildings, etc., being mis-used by some. People show love in ways their heart guides them. It makes no difference if they are common folks or Kings. Could such in their actions of love have discrepancies? Yes of course. So if someone wants to make Maharajah Ranjit Singh look bad, they have a right in free speech but to be truthful such should be so titled. Same goes for paintings in which case the painter by name should be criticized. This is not a Khalsa issue. It is small minds spewing of poison by such writers who are just jealous how Sikhism does not put them on a pedestal for anti-Sikhi wisdom or their supposed superior intellect. There are a whole bunch of sects and dehras doing so on a pro-active basis.

For such wise and above board commentators to claim and be based on presumed truthfulness, such should state their affiliation too. Say Nirankaris, Radhaswami, so called "Sacha Sauda", etc.

More over let Sikhs not kid themselves. Setting up of sects/factions to destroy Sikhs has been an established practice since 1947 in India by the permanent cultural majority’s (pcm) orthodoxy. In other words Brahmnic Hinduism.

Read the following,

Sat Sri Akal.
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Apr 11, 2007
Will it sort off gets rid of certain superstitions and certain hate. Will maybe there is truth to it, how do you dissaprove it? No point in just saying the writer is chating turd. For all every sikh growing up in the world knows, you could be doing the same thing? Where's the proof? The article mentioned in this thread, was about how much the british raj influenced the sikh identity, the comment says look at yourself first. It also gives reasons to rehat maryda which, a lot of people follow, what are they following? Are they following reason or just words on a day? Sikhism is developing it develops everyday would you rather it developed with full facts and truth or just a propaganda machine version which will not suit anyone not even god as god is based on truth. Lies, always die out the truth will always prevail. I am not here on the basis of solidifying the writers comments, just want to get the truth. Whether through dera's or orthadox or whatever you follow if you dont follow the truth, then how will anyone else. Anyway as the comment says the sikh kingdom fell because the truthfulness in sikhism was deteriorated I believe the writer maybe telling the truth on that point. Anything that does not follow the truth will go the same way as history shows, whether that is dera's position or the orthadox position anything the does not follow the truth will die as they always end up going back to the basics, it happened with Islam, Hinduism, sikhism was created, to counteract the madness and it will carry on unless absolute truth is obtained. Only the truth will previal either way only as god is truth. Anyway I will not debate this issue all I wanted to do was bring things to forefront of sikhism. We all have doubts. Sometimes it is just nice to clear things up! mundahugmotherlylove:grinningsingh::grinningsingh::grinningsingh::grinningsingh:
Feb 23, 2012
United Kingdom
What is God? In which type of God do I believe?

A truly thought-provoking question!

Well, to be honest, my understanding of God is widening in scope with every pasing day. I am 19 years old and so on that account have a lot more spiritual growth ahead of me.

To begin with, I believe that the Creator is unknowable and inexpressible in his essence. He is pure spirit. No one has ever seen God. None can ever know him as he is in Himself. We will never and can never fully understand God. In this sense God is impersonal, transcendent, above and beyond all conceptions of human thought or imagination. In the very truest sense, God does not really "exist" in the way we do. For from Him came all things in existence, and so he is not Himself a "thing", not a created reality, rather he is "nothing" - that is "no-thing". In this sense there is a distiction between Creator and creature.

And yet in a different way, God is also - without being paradoxical - knowable. He is closer to us than our own soul. He is our very being, the ground of our being, the First Cause from which springs all created reality. He is known to us through the imprint of his being which lives and moves and breathes in and through all things. He is known to us through ourselves - for our bodies are the Temples within which his Holy Spirit dwells. We are made in his Image, and so he is known to us through other human beings. God is Love and so all who love are born of God and know God. In every perfect act of human love, we see God. He enlightens all men who are in the world, who ever have been in the world and who will ever be.

In this sense God is not separate from ourselves, and there is no distinction between Him and us. This is what Meister Eckhart understood when he exclaimed: "The eye with which I see God is the same with which God sees me. My eye and God's eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love. Your human nature and that of the divine Word are no different.” (Meister Eckhart)
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
The article mentioned in this thread, was about how much the british raj influenced the sikh identity, the comment says look at yourself first.
Parma ji it is all nice and peachy but the issues of today relate to actions of the Majority to destroy Sikhs in India post 1947. British did things for self protection, India is doing and has been doing it for destruction of Sikhs. Huge and fundamental difference.

The whole strategy post 1947 has been to create maximum self doubt in Sikhs one way or another. You so eminently display results of such a strategy.

Let me know and post one sabad of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji you have cared to understand and post your understanding. Garbage and trash talk and cut pastes are cheap done with little effort.Have a great day. Read, understand and share your understanding of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. You will have a better life and provide better guidance and contribution to Sikhism.

I am not angry I just feel so sad for people like you who so easily get entrapped with supposedly eyes wide open.

Sat Sri Akal.
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
What is God? In which type of God do I believe?

A truly thought-provoking question!

Well, to be honest, my understanding of God is widening in scope with every pasing day. I am 19 years old and so on that account have a lot more spiritual growth ahead of me.

To begin with, I believe that the Creator is unknowable and inexpressible in his essence. He is pure spirit. No one has ever seen God. None can ever know him as he is in Himself. We will never and can never fully understand God. In this sense God is impersonal, transcendent, above and beyond all conceptions of human thought or imagination. In the very truest sense, God does not really "exist" in the way we do. For from Him came all things in existence, and so he is not Himself a "thing", not a created reality, rather he is "nothing" - that is "no-thing". In this sense there is a distiction between Creator and creature.

And yet in a different way, God is also - without being paradoxical - knowable. He is closer to us than our own soul. He is our very being, the ground of our being, the First Cause from which springs all created reality. He is known to us through the imprint of his being which lives and moves and breathes in and through all things. He is known to us through ourselves - for our bodies are the Temples within which his Holy Spirit dwells. We are made in his Image, and so he is known to us through other human beings. God is Love and so all who love are born of God and know God. In every perfect act of human love, we see God. He enlightens all men who are in the world, who ever have been in the world and who will ever be.

In this sense God is not separate from ourselves, and there is no distinction between Him and us. This is what Meister Eckhart understood when he exclaimed: "The eye with which I see God is the same with which God sees me. My eye and God's eye is one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love. Your human nature and that of the divine Word are no different.” (Meister Eckhart)
Vouthon brother wonderful post.

You may be interested in un-rehe{censored}d evolving dialog and thoughts in the following if you have not already.

Regards for your contributions and at times I don't believe your age to be true at 19. Perhaps you are too shy and transposed the digits as you have wisdom of thought of a 91 year old lol. My mom is 95 years old.

Regards and please continue contributing.
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Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Kalika Devi is an aspect of god, so are the 330million other Hindu gods/goddesses.

My take on Hinduism is that the various deities are to explain aspects of nature and why things happen. E.g we need rain for our crops so we need to pray etc.
These are human constructs to help those that believe make sense of what is happening around them and give them some sort of methodology for interacting with nature and what they understand to be the controlling forces

I believe that God did not make them as a joke and they need to be taken seriously by people, especially people that are decendants of the same country where she was

God did not make them

I have no more belief in them as I do in the deities of other religions (Thor, Odin, Ra, Osiris, Zeus, Poseidon etc)
Feb 23, 2012
United Kingdom
Vouthon brother wonderful post.

You may be interested in nu-rehe{censored}d evolving dialog and thoughts in the following if you have not already.

Regards for your contributions and at times I don't believe your age to be true at 19. Perhaps you are too shy and transposed the digits as you have wisdom of thought of a 91 year old lol. My mom is 95 years old.

Regards and please continue contributing.

kaurhug My dear brother Ambarsaria kaurhug

I want to give you a massive cyber cuddle! kaurhug And it just wouldn't be right if I didn't give you a little peacesignkauras well winkingmunda

You are such a nice, lovely, wise and warm man. I am very humbled by your words. I really appreciate them, and I am overjoyed that my conbtributions so far to this forum have been so warmly welcomed - when I'm not even a Sikh! That is a true testament to the Sikh faith and to this forum. I have received such a warm welcome!

I'm going to have a look at the link - I haven't seen it before!

And golly gosh do you have good genes - 95! That's a venerable age right enough. God Bless your dear mother! She raised a brilliant son.

I am reminded of that British Sikh man that was running a race (think it was marathon) at what? - 100 years old! That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Young at heart - they don't lie! lol
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Apr 11, 2007
EK ONKAR! My beloved is one, yet known by many names, the doer of all deeds i am but a slave long have I been lost, in the sat namm is were I have found my home. EK ONKAR! Is what I learned veer ji. Nothing else do I know I sikh to learn. This statergy has been played for as long as time, as long as life itself. God was always here just the names and the people and religions have always changed. Never god

Sat Siri Akal, dear veer ji!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
EK ONKAR! My beloved is one, yet known by many names

Remember though that if those names have meanings other than what you pretend them to be, this statement is just politics. For example Siv, Vishnu, Ram, Jesus, etc., are not Ek Oankar. So that we are on same page and you are not using slight of hand and mind.

, the doer of all deeds i am but a slave long have I been lost, in the sat namm is were I have found my home. EK ONKAR! Is what I learned veer ji.

Remember Ek Oankar is one and infinite. SO you have not learned Ek Oankar but just understood minisicule part of it like all.

Nothing else do I know I sikh to learn. This statergy has been played for as long as time, as long as life itself. God was always here just the names and the people and religions have always changed. Never god

Sat Siri Akal, dear veer ji!
Parma Veer ji, what can I not like or praise for you in the above.

What happened to the trash you posted if this is what you sincerely are!

Sat Sri Akal.


Dec 3, 2011
Ek Onkar is what the complete Guru Granth Sahib is based on,going on to explain. Sikhism,existence, truth, eternity, infinity, All beyond and what will ever be is all Ek Onkar.

Even before the universe, before the planets, before any man, any creation.
The truth was Ek Onkar.
Before, Now, After..... Will ALWAYS be Ek Onkar.

The answer to infintiy's boundaries can only be Ek Onkar. Infact all answers come from Ek Onkar.

Ek Onkar Satnaam
Lucky Singh
Apr 11, 2007
Where is the truth for the above then? Where do you go to view the correct historical information? Where do you get an unbaised view from?


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Where is the truth for the above then? Where do you go to view the correct historical information? Where do you get an unbaised view from?
Sorry I have no interest in dialogging based on your three paragraph rant/history of Sikhism covering from Guru ji to past Maharajah Ranjit Singh. When you write something useful I will be happy to continue as I choose and of course as you choose. Sometimes one is too excited someone saying good not realizing that such still believe in other stuff that made you vomit a day before or that makes no sense. Keep serving Khalsa.

Say Sri Akal.
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Feb 20, 2012
Re: What is God ? or, In which type of God do you believe?

Veera No one can give you what they have realised,only one in a million realises and when that one does he keeps quiet about it,because no one else can really understand their realisation.

Satnaam Ji,

you are correct that only one in a million 'realise' but many more are now waking up and climbing the spiritual ladder which will have its own experiences and realisation at each step.

When such a soul reaches the state of Sach Khand, they will never be able to describe it...but they will help others to attain that same realisation just like the Gurus Did when they were walking amongst us and as they have written in the divine SGGS Ji.

Blessed are the people that cross paths with such an enlightened soul...for it is like bumping into God in the streets :)

sa(n)th janahu mil bhaaeeho sachaa naam samaal ||
Meet with the humble Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, and contemplate the True Name. Siree Raag 49

bin pourree garr kio charro gur har dhhiaan nihaal ||2||
How can I climb up to the Fortress without a ladder? By meditating on the Lord, through the Guru, I am blessed and exalted. ||2||


Feb 20, 2012
Well.. Myself: Chinu / M / 32, Punjab/Bathinda, Religion: Sikhism,
Few days before i registered myslelf here, and i think this is big luck for me that am between you all here in a hope that i'll get my religious answers which i was seeking from a very long time.

So... my first question is:
What is God ? or In which type of God do you believe in ? How and why ?

But as a answer please don't keep the steeks of gurbani in front of me, ie: "Eakomkaar satnaam kartapurakh........and so on", because this is not our own realizeation, please give me what you have realized your own.

For the mean time "Satshriakal".

satnaam Ji,

all your answers Paji are in the SGGS Ji. These forums will complicate what is actually already very clear and simple.

aapae mothee oojalo aapae bhagath baseet(h) ||
You Yourself are the perfect pearl; You Yourself are the devotee and the priest.

aapae saagar bohithhaa aapae paar apaar ||
You Yourself are the ocean and the boat. You Yourself are this shore, and the one beyond.

thoo(n) aapae aap varathadhaa sabhanee hee thhaaee ||
You Yourself are contained in all places.

thoo(n) aapae jal meenaa hai aapae aapae hee aap jaal ||
You Yourself are the water, You Yourself are the fish, and You Yourself are the net.

thoo(n) aapae jaal vathaaeidhaa aapae vich saebaal ||
You Yourself cast the net, and You Yourself are the bait.

What does the above gurbani mean?
It means Waheguru Ji is everything, me, you, the forum, the people that reply to the forum, the air, the water, everything.

If you can contemplate and start to believe this 100% then your spiritual journey will go into the next gear.

It is One – Ek. Is has vibration, sound – Ong – and from sound, from vibration it express itself in form – Kaar.

the unstruck Sound (anhad Shabad) from God created Form. Everything in the universe including us Vibrate. We currently vibrate out of tune to the universe causing our difficulties in life. We are Sailing against the Wind in the ocean...we need to learn to turn the Sails and let the Wind (shabad current, naam, flow of God) drive us along...

So how do i Find God....Or how to I realise God?

bin pourree garr kio charro gur har dhhiaan nihaal ||2||
How can I climb up to the Fortress without a ladder? By meditating on the Lord, through the Guru, I am blessed and exalted. ||2||

ghar hodhaa purakh n pashhaaniaa abhimaan mut(h)ae aha(n)kaar ||
The Primal Being is within their own home, but they do not recognize Him. They are plundered by their egotistical pride and arrogance.

your own home is inside your body. So start to understand yourself...analyze your behaviour daily...how much of what you do is dictated by Anger, Greed, desire, attachment and Ego.

you will start to understand how much control Maya has over you, and what you will need to overcome in-order to look within and realise that you are literally part of God...God is the Ocean...your are a Drop of water from the ocean...the ocean is Vast and so powerful, but you are both water particles...the same thing.

Simran is your Key to finding out who your are...it will fight your 5 Thieves (Ego, attachment, desire, anger, greed). They will fight back in your daily lives...but stand firm, keep your head up...keep doing your Simran.

Do your Daily Seva, at work, with your family, friends...understand that they are also a part of god...other water particles...serve them with Love like you are actually serving god...because you really are literally serving god.

Start now..do not waste another breath...do your Simran, ask questions to yourself, ask god questions, look within...he's right there...you just need to find him through the Fog of your Ego.

God bless us all.
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