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Jan 10, 2016
Yes it is my first question . As in japuji saheb first two words are "ek onkar satnam" and correct me if i am wrong it means "ek onkar satnam is his only true name" . So i want to ask who used the word "waheguru" first among our gurus. And what is the meaning of it. Is waheguru the name of god or some reference word towards god.

Any link to the source would be appericiated as only a good reference is most of the time satisfactory. I am looking at origin and use of the aforementioned.

Sat Sri Akal, dear sajsikh!

I am surprised that no Sikh brother gave you the complete reply. I am a Muslim. I can not read Gurmukhi script but I have read parts of Granth Sahib in transliteration and have gone through many translations in English.
ਵਾਿਹਗੁਰ Waahi Guroo occured 4 times in 2 shlokas of Guru Granth Sahib. Thrice in one Shloka on P. 1403 and once on P. 1404. The word was never used by Guru Sahiban. It was used by Bhatts in Vaars, in praise of Gurus. The Bhatts in exaggeration of Guru Sahiban's praise, called them God embodied themselves which the revered Guru Sahiban had never claimed. Later this word was adopted to be most opt-used word for God.
Apr 11, 2007
In the jap ji sahib the formation of words describes the qualities of the Akal purakh or waheguru or ek onkar as formless so this debate kind of falls away as soon as it begins. Which would imply any shape form or matter would be an impossible measure. I understand that it is a hard process of thought in processing thoughts onto such a great magnatude of vision but thats Sikhism for you who said that finding god is easy. They have an entire Guru Granth Sahib written on it and here we still all are wondering in its magnificence trying to figure it out.
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Jan 19, 2014
The full term is Ekankaar Oankaar. Both constituent terms are discussed separately in Gurbani.

Ekankaar Oankaar refers to the two aspects of Sat (existence/reality), nirgun and sargun respectively.

Nirgun = without physical attributes
Sargun = with physical attributes

Thus, the Divine is both manifest as creation yet distinct.

Naam in the mool mantar is masculine and therefore singular. This implies that Sat (from Sat Naam) is the one true name of the One. Existence itself is its own name.

From an example used earlier:

A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. "Rose" is the name we have given this plant (subjective). Its real name is the rose itself (objective). Remembrance of the rose is its naam simran.

Waheguru is one of the many names used to refer to the One throughout Gurbani. It refers to Guru Nanak's Guru (the Divine). It has never been used to refer to the living or deceased gurus.

Waheguru has become the favored name for the Divine amongst Sikhs because it is unique to Sikhi. Other terms like Ram, Rahim, Allah, etc. are used in other faiths / philosophies, sometimes with a different meaning than has been employed in Gurbani.
Jul 21, 2017
Yes it is my first question . As in japuji saheb first two words are "ek onkar satnam" and correct me if i am wrong it means "ek onkar satnam is his only true name" . So i want to ask who used the word "waheguru" first among our gurus. And what is the meaning of it. Is waheguru the name of god or some reference word towards god.

Any link to the source would be appericiated as only a good reference is most of the time satisfactory. I am looking at origin and use of the aforementioned.

sorry for the late reply - a few years to late but i was confused by this same question once upon a time.
Ik meaning everything is one - the creator who created the creation and the creation (and everything in it) are one and the same.
Onkar - is the divine melody (Vibration) it is the unstuck Shabd - it is the vibration of god - this is also mentioned in some parts of the vedas. In the guru granth Sahib if you have read all of it, this also mentions that onkar is the creator of all. Their are very few limited references of the word Vaheguru actually used - This meaning wonderful guru or great Guru. The true mantra of Vaheguru is onkar. I believe the main sources of confusion come from the other sources of sikhi - such as Bhai gurdas Vaar - where he both uses onkar multiple times and vaheguru multiple times to refer to god - over time the sikh community using the other sources seem to have adopted vaheguru and you could say the naam Onkar has become forgotten. The guru granth Sahib constantly reminds us (Ik onkar sat gur persaad) so many times that a sikh who studies the text should find this unavoidable to ignore. Anyways i have mediated for many years now. Onkar is the light and vibration that can be seen and heard resounding in all creation - i have still much to learn - but i forever cherish Guru nanak for saving me through god - and i thank god Onkar with all my love that he showed me his lotus feet. All i can say is mediate on the naam - I hope he casts you his grace as he did for me - he is my best friend and beloved.


Apr 6, 2019
I think Waheguru as a word is quite important apart from the breath control it synchronises, it also makes you use the bone structure in your face to extend inwards and outwards almost taking the full range of facial exercises. As an exclusive name for God, there is none and for sikhs there should be no question about this subject. As has been mentioned before devotion is what matters. I have found it easier to do simran of Waheguru as it flows one after the other, Ik Onkar however feels like I'm starting again each time I say it, sound's weird but it's what works best for me. There have been arguments also that the specific parts of your palate that are touched during the recitation of gurbani has a positive effect on your general wellbeing. As for a historical imperative for the word Waheguru there is none. I think when sikhism first started everything was rich in spirituality and that thick (as in thickness or richness) climate generated a gurmantar and the word Waheguru became pargat. Alot of people refer to accounts of various sources which breakdown the syllables of the word and some say it comes from the salutation of the Khalsa but I think we have a habit of ignoring the conditions prevalent from a spiritual side of view. The effulgence of spirit was greater in those people in spite of the historical pressures on them. There devotion was unwavering, this devotion we can pick up on when we examine different records from history in different mediums also, we are lucky as other religions don't have access to peer into our past like we do. We have music recordings, photographic evidence, literature, art, architecture all preserved which when delving into shows what a religion is really like when it first starts and it is this devotion that we learn is what needs recapturing. This is the only way we can understand what we are and how we need to go. Some will argue that repeating a word is not anything to do with practicing SIKHI but I would argue that the true act of worship involves identifying your target with a name and then repeating it with love.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
i read some of the above comments. Generallyy sikh scholars do not read sgg that far intently to know where the word wahiguru is in the sggs. I know where the word waheguru or wahiguru comes in sikhism and it the name of God how we call it. word wah means admiration, then word guru or admiration of the guru. when we join these two words togather, then gramatically it becomes waheguru or wahiguru. that is grammer. in sikhism guru is God though many learned scholars will dispute that. here is the explanation how wahiguru or waheguru became the symbol of God or name of God in sikhism. no guru has ever mentioned the word waheguru in sggs. on page or ang for scholars 1402 and page 1403 of sggs a bhat name GAYAND. meditates and keeps saying wah guru wah guru, but finally in his bani he made one word of the two and that is waheguru or wahiguru whatever pleases you. SGGS WAS WRITTEN BY BHAI GURDAS. so he knew the word and he made his own word wahiguru in a wishi washi way on pag49 of his war one but it is totally wrong. sikhs do read bhai gurdas and most of them know that is used by gurdas. it is not by him. it is by bhat gyand sahib. sorry my language . i will have to learn polished language. please forgive me for my remarks

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
Syed Abdullah Tariq . bravo bravo. all those sikhs who claim to be scholars do not even go that far in sggs to find out where the word wahiguru comes from. you being a muslim read intently and answered the question correctly. the sikhs do not believe you; firstly you are muslim and then they are ignorant, but put lot stories in the internet and talk all bull and {censored} stories in gurdwaras. day before yester day i heard a story from a well known and respected kathakar in delhi. he said maharaj ranjit singh put gold on harmandir sahib. let me clear it. it was done during ranjit singh's time. it cost 82 lakh rupees. he donated 33 laks, bhangi sardae donated 19 lakh. rest was donated by public. he also asserted that he gave that much gold to a masjit in lakhore and hindu mandir in banaras. i went to lahore and went shahi masjid. i did not find that kind of gold there. but he told his story. let me tell the scholars on this net . i travelled by taxi all over lahore. my diriver took me to noor jahans makbara. there were lot of small holes in the walls. i asked why are there so many holes in the walls. he said they were all diamonds and maharaja ranjit singh took them all out. my is a hear say other scholars know all by seeing through their mind like kathakar did. i honor you admire you. you read with mind and soul. sikh scholars read with brain and for money.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
it is not sikh bashing. it is always good to bring the fault in the open. unless u do that the thinking does not change. the english translation we see in the gurdwara is not good. it is there because dr thind degitized it. without digitizing it cannot be brought on the screen . now at least i put some remarks and u noted it sir. your mind and others who see this will start thinking adn slowlys slowsly thinking will change and changes for the betterment will start coming. i am sorry if it hurt u or anyone else

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
it is not sikh bashing. it is always good to bring the fault in the open. unless u do that the thinking does not change. the english translation we see in the gurdwara is not good. it is there because dr thind degitized it. without digitizing it cannot be brought on the screen . now at least i put some remarks and u noted it sir. your mind and others who see this will start thinking adn slowlys slowsly thinking will change and changes for the betterment will start coming. i am sorry if it hurt u or anyone else

You did not hurt me, I just take issue with your statement

sikh scholars read with brain and for money.

That is a pretty definitive statement, yet currently we are going through a change, more and more scholars are now asking questions, more and more are standing up to the old men in white beards, I am surprised you have not noted the growth in Sikh scholars that are reading with their hearts

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
EK Oangkaar SYMBOL+Numeral means THE ONE CREATOR. The next two words..SAT and NAAM is ACCEPTANCE of the fact that The CREATOR EXISTS....Once we accept that the CREATOR EXISTS....only then do the remainder of this Preamble make any sense....He is Karta he is purakh he is nirbhau nirvair akal moorat he is ajoonne and he is SAI BHANG...self created. THESE are HIS ATTRIBUTES which we as humans need to EMULATE to chnage our lives as per HUKM RAZAII Challnnah. IF we on the other hand DONT ACCEPT the Creator as EXISTING.....then whose "attributes" are we talking about ?? who is nirbhau? who is norvair ? who is ajoonnee ..who is self created?? and who is atained by Gur parsaad ??? Hence the SATNAM as His Name is TRUTH is hogwash...simply becasue then we cna ask whats the FALSE NAME ? is this identified in SGGS ?? TRUE can only exist if there is FALSE.....darkness vs light...How cna there be light if there is no darkness???
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