Ishna Ji,
I think the fate of the worst of worst crimes is Forgiveness. b/c there's no Guarantee revenge will cover it. & what about situations where that doesn't even allow? Are you going to let that One person, situation Ruin your life? Hellll no. You walk away from that M**tf**kr Strong as hell & let him/her, it know that it ain't over. Not the beef between you & them, but Life itself. Especially for You, even if you walk around w/ a little Limp for a while & things aint so strong. You may be down on ur luck, if it's really strained, you may do some things you're not proud of. That lion/ess paw, you might be inclined to lick it cuz that's All u can do. Lol. But eventually you get your voice, fierceness, bravado back & things aint so easy, but they're not really hard either. In other words you Let it go, and live happily ever after.
Do you want to say that in crime like Dehi gang rape all rapists should be forgiven and allowed to roam free again?