I appreciate your views on the pronunciation of the very first SYMBOL in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.Appreciation is related to the pronunciation.You are able to appreciate when you listen to proper pronunciation of any poetic language.
I may inform you that the two words IK and EK are not the same in their reference meanings.You may pl note that these words in Gurbaani appear as
IK.. ..IKu.....IKAA and IKO
EK.....EKu....EKAA and EKO Ref GURMUKHI VERSION OF Sri Guru Granth Sahib JI only
For your information I may tell you that the word EK is PLURAL and ADJECTIVE whereas the word IK is also PLURAL but NOUN.
With best wishes
If you are able to analyse the above words gramatically you will find different meanings
Please forgive me but I cannot untderstand how the word for ONE can be plural when the very definition of 1 is opposite to plural, it is singular. And what are you saying this means? That we have plural Gods? Also how does this relate to understanding Gurprasad?