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Hinduism What Makes The RSS Tick ?

Jun 1, 2004
Contents taken from another resource...

What makes the RSS tick ? The RSS, its' leadership and ideologues play on the
deep-rooted insecurity which plagues the Hindu mind.A 1,000 years of foreign
domination despite the splendours of a 5,000 years old civilisation and a long
tradition of military prowess helps in bombarding the Hindu psyche with the
vision of a future marred by just such foreign interventions, the break-up of
India and the watering down of Hinduism.Therefore the recourse to a Hindu
nationalism marked by exclusivist, parochialism and obscurantism.

The RSS is also one of the last bastions of the caste system.Even a cursory
examination of the organisation's membership and leadership profile will show a
domination by the Swaran Jatis or upper castes.The insecurities of a section of
the upper castes further aggravated by the fact of India becoming a meritocracy
manifests itself in the activities of the RSS.

The RSS' attitude towards the Sikhs has veered between the outright hostility
shown by its Punjab unit and the grudging acceptance of its central leadership
or the projection of the community as the standard-bearers of Hinduism,opponents
of Muslim communalism or the militant wing of Hinduism.Initially the RSS in the
wake of Partition, eager to contain Sikhism and avoid another vivisection of the
country adopted an attitude of confrontation,opposed Punjabi as a language and
generally showed its anti-Sikh side.Later, after the creation of the Punjabi
Suba their attitude mellowed but postures once adopted are difficult to shed.
The RSS continued to oppose Punjabi particularly in the matter of setting up of
the Guru Nanak University and the medium of instruction in schools.Coalition
govts set up by the Akalis and Jan Sangh (the political wing of the RSS and the
precursor of the BJP) helped in defusing tension to some extent, however.

By the 1970s and the advent of new leadership in the RSS and the emergence of
enlightened leadership in the JS/BJP the attitude of the organisation towards
the Sikhs began to change. A grudging acceptance of Punjabi on the urging of
Advani and others was the harbinger of change.They now began to see the Sikhs as
the martial wing of Hinduism and tried to mould them as the vanguard of action
against Muslims, their erstwhile oppressors.Their recognition of the Sikhs as a
ready-made vote bank for the BJP in the wake of the falling-out of the community
with the Congress helped.However mutual suspicions exist till this day between
the Sikhs and the RSS.

Whatever the sea-change in the attitude of the RSS towards the Sikhs, one thing
has always remained constant. The RSS refuses to recognise the spiritual aspects
of Sikhism and continues to laud the martial achievements of the community only.

My own assessment is that the RSS feels that in comparison with Muslims and
Christians the Sikhs are acceptable provided they 'behave'.

Mandeep Singh Bajwa

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Neutral Singh said:
Contents taken from another resource...

My own assessment is that the RSS feels that in comparison with Muslims and
Christians the Sikhs are acceptable provided they 'behave'.

Mandeep Singh Bajwa
IMHO this may be just a ploy...to divide and rule. Remember the age-old-adage i heard soemwhere that goes soemthing like this.... First they came for the Jews....and I said nothing because i am not a Jew... then they came for the communists...but i still said nothing because i am not a communist... then they came for the "XXXX" and I said nothing becaause I am not a "XXXX".. THEN THEY CAME FOR ME....but there was no body left to say anything.

IMHO, the MUSLIM problem must be dealt with FIRST as the muslims have already divided "Akhand Bharat" once and are now again spreading like wild fire across the "Praries".( and have the support of 50 Muslim countries)..next are the Christians, who have the support of Foreign Countries ( Western democracies)....and when the Msulims and the christians are "GONE"... then there will be "NOBODY LEFT" to say anything when they come for the SIKHS...

Another story comes to mind. A Brahman, Bania and Shudar were travelling and came across a Jatt's sugar cane field. They all uprooted some sugar canes and were having a feast when the Jatt came upon them....but the three stood up as one and confronted the jatt. Seeing their "unity" the Jatt decided on a plan. He came up to the three and said: Hey Brahman, you are a prohit and do many things useful for us, and you bania also provide us credit etc...BUT you SHUDRA...what good do you do that you DARE to break my sugar canes..and he gave the Shudar a good beating. The other two stood by and watched the shudar get whacked..giggling to themsleves...GOOD, this shudar was getting a bit too big for his shoes...now he will be more respectful to us...NEXT the jatt turned to the Bania and said...giving me credit etc is OK but who gave you the right to take my sugar canes...and pushed him to the floor and whacked him good...now the Brahman and the SHUDAR loked on and enjoyed the show....Third it was the turn of the Brahman...and the bania nd the shudar stood idly by giggling..this Brahman was too ful of hankaar...it is good he is gettign a whacking... so this way the Jatt gave all three a Good Whacking !!! IMHO the RSS is the JATT....the Christians have been getting whacked in NAGALAND for decades.... then the Muslims each year and the Sikhs got it in 1984...

jarnail Singh
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