wahkaur ~ That is most excellent insight, spnadmin ji! Would love to see the Duvall clip if you should be able to find it.
It seems very true, though, does it not, that for many Sikhs the keeping of kesh is sort of a... litmus test... of one's authentic Sikhness. Almost as if to say that is the starting point, and if one is not leaving one's hair untouched, all the rest is moot -- that person cannot call themselves a Sikh.
There also seems to be a lot of store set on
the 52 Commandments of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, but I do not have a sense of a) the value/priority appropriately given to these 52 Commandments, either individually or as a whole compared to what we read in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, nor b) how
normative these commandments were intended to be (i.e. do all 52 apply equally to all people of all nations for all time? Were some only intended to apply to some people, or some nations, or for some limited period of time?)
I'm trying to get a sense of what may have been simply appropriate for a given context but which is not really *essential* to manifesting one's Sikh faith. It's all so new and overwhelming that my powers of discernment fail me much of the time... :06: :52: :hmm: