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When All Other Means Have Failed, It Is But Lawful To Take To The Sword

Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Satyaban ji,

Guru Fateh.

You are right in your observation but can you also see the pitfalls in this kind of religion?

The system was not perverted but abused by those in the religion who gained power unto others which was the whole intention of it to begin with. This apartheid was meant to be as it was originally designed and unfortunately it is still very prevalent, which is sad.

A religion is meant to help people evolve in a positive sense so that goodness can become prevalent in all. Unfortunately, Hinduism has failed to do that, to the contrary.

One more interesting thing to notice is that a Punjabi Hindu would rarely marry a Southern Hindu for example or vice versa.

You being a convert to Hinduism is not able to see how the majority lives and treats others. It is like no one notices what is underneath the Manhattan-New York. One can only see and admire the pristine skyscrapers on the top.

Tejwant Singh

I am not going to get into some useless religious argument. No doubt you are like a Christian or Muslim who mistakenly believe their faith has an exclusivity of The Truth. Take your grudge to a Hindu web site.
I don't come here to argue with Sikhs but when I encounter you I wonder why I come here at all.
BTW your comparison with viewing New York is how I choose to view Sikhi.
Aug 18, 2008
Staten Island, NY
Yes. Metaphorically speaking, in everyday life. I am normally a very placid person also, but there is a limit, and no one wants to be a doormat. A sharp word or curt reply would be in order.
In matters of self defense, such as war, etc. definitely so. Even if you are peaceful, you have to be a realist, and realize everyone in the world isn't. You may wish it to be true, but wishing it isn't reality. Sad but true. Too much passivity gets you stepped on.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Satyaban ji just some comments on your post,
Harry ji

"In Hinduism, you have a warrior class, I understand, whose job is to make war, a priestly class, whose job is make prayer, a ruling class, etc etc etc,. This actually sits extremely well with my argument, and also SPNadminji's very kind nudge regarding extremes of behaviour."
Satyaban ji isn't this a form of discrimination when people get boxed by birth? How can it ever pass the test of fairness of equity of all to be born free and clear?

You are talking about a system called Varna and back in antiquity it was a big part of how a village functioned. The idea was that each individual used his talent to serve the community not doing what he wanted to do. A totally Eastern concept as opposed to individualism.

I think the system eventually was perverted possibly into the caste system. It became more a case of what you were born into as opposed to talents. The son of the ruler became ruler by birth, and sons of Priests became Priests etc etc.
Isn't the perversion you are stating here been an actuality for hundreds if not 1000+ years and still practices or tolerated under the Brahmanic rule and management of Hinduism?

Isn't the fundamental reason that there is perversion a flag which states that the original concept or belief has little strength of virtue to start with?

I am sure there are members who may know more about this than me.
I believe we should move part of this thread into "Interfaith" section as we are going on a tangent a bit.

Sat Sri Akal.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I am not going to get into some useless religious argument. No doubt you are like a Christian or Muslim who mistakenly believe their faith has an exclusivity of The Truth. Take your grudge to a Hindu web site.
I don't come here to argue with Sikhs but when I encounter you I wonder why I come here at all.
BTW your comparison with viewing New York is how I choose to view Sikhi.

Satyaban ji,

Guru Fateh.

I have no idea why you are so angry and upset. I apologise if my explanation of what Hinduism, the religion you adhere to is so upsetting. It should be because it is the fact. Where did "Om Shanti Om", the meaning of which I am sure you know go?

Now, let's try to be honest here. In which line of my this post or other posts did I ever mention Sikhi has the exclusivity on the truth? I have always advocated the opposite. Where did I show grudge against Hinduism? I hope you are truthful enough to answer these questions.

Next time please try to be honest, no matter what religion you adhere to. If you want to deny the fact of the existence of caste system which is still very prevalent in Hinduism and it is the worst kind of apartheid ever existed, then, please do not blame others for that.

A seeker of Truth, no matter what hue, creed or faith he/she belongs to will never deny that and any religion one belongs to gives him/her the tools to get rid of the anger,hatred and disdain provided he/she is honest to the self.

Enjoy your journey.

Tejwant Singh
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Satyaban ji,

Guru Fateh.

I have no idea why you are so angry and upset. I apologise if my explanation of what Hinduism, the religion you adhere to is so upsetting. It should be because it is the fact. Where did "Om Shanti Om", the meaning of which I am sure you know go?

Now, let's try to be honest here. In which line of my this post or other posts did I ever mention Sikhi has the exclusivity on the truth? I have always advocated the opposite. Where did I show grudge against Hinduism? I hope you are truthful enough to answer these questions.

Next time please try to be honest, no matter what religion you adhere to. If you want to deny the fact of the existence of caste system which is still very prevalent in Hinduism and it is the worst kind of apartheid ever existed, then, please do not blame others for that.

A seeker of Truth, no matter what hue, creed or faith he/she belongs to will never deny that and any religion one belongs to gives him/her the tools to get rid of the anger,hatred and disdain provided he/she is honest to the self.

Enjoy your journey.

Tejwant Singh

Forget your "angry and upset ploy". I prefer to have conversations where something good can come of them and from prior experience that dosen't happen with you.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I don't think this past episode merits a thread move at all. There are simply different facets of understanding the varna system at play. Satyaban ji you are indeed understanding the varna system according to its historical and economic logic.

However there has always been a different perspective.

The Gurus had definitive arguments against it because the varna system sustained social, political and economical corruption, the currying of favor with Muslim overlords to maintain status on the part of the upper castes, the terrorizing of women and of the lower castes, Brahmin abuse and use of the khatri to do their dirty work. Many of the "hindu" holy men of the Shabad Guru shared these views and preached against it. Mohatma Gandhi continued to the lot of sudras in the 20th Century. Varna was a way to maintain social order and equilibrium in a disequilbrated time for political reasons. He kept the entire matter within the framework of reincarnation. Shudras would do well to pass through the 84 lakh joons in order to purify the soul and get the work of the masses done at the same time. Shudras he felt should be proud of their role as the humble. That is why he fought for proportional representation for voters and went on one of his many hunger strikes in order to cow Ambardek, a political scientist and Shudra (first to gain a doctorate), who actually penned the Indian constitution, into submission.

Guru Nanak said through Shabad Guru we would be freed from reincarnation, from passing through the 84 lakh joons. And he meant that quite literally. The passage through lifetimes occurs until one varna is accomplished and one 's next life starts with the next varna, purifying the soul as one takes one's interminable journey. Cast aside varna, Guru Nanak said, because it is only there to keep the masses subdued. Cast aside varna and the entire proposition of reincarnation made no sense in traditional Indian society.

The varna system was a legacy of ancient tyranny of indigenous peoples of India by Aryan invaders. If they had a spiritual message to go along, it has faded in the fog of time. What is certainly clear is that it lasted centuries and kept India so locked into rigid patterns of belief and behavior that its peoples could not successfully unite in a way that would help them prevail against the invasions from the north and the incursions of the British. Today the sorrows of being trapped in a colonial consciousness, the remnants of defeat and humiliation, still plague the peoples of the subcontinent.

Don't fight. Discuss issues. thanks. And we should leave the varna system now and move back to the "just war" concept that is the basis of this thread.
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