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When Seva Is Accepted


Mar 28, 2006
Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Arjan Dev Ji De Paavan Bachan-

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
Apxy bwlk Awip riKAnu pwrbRhm gurdyv ]
suK sWiq shj Awnd Bey pUrn BeI syv ]1] rhwau ]
Bgq jnw kI bynqI suxI pRiB Awip ]
rog imtwie jIvwilAnu jw kw vf prqwpu ]1]
doK hmwry bKisAnu ApxI kl DwrI ]
mn bWCq Pl idiqAnu nwnk bilhwrI ]2]16]80]

Guru Sahib is addressing the humans as ‘baalak’- His children. Guru Sahib tells us: He, The Transcendent Lord Himself takes care of His Children, protects them, preserve them, nurture them.
Sukh saant sahaj aanand- Comfort, Peace, tranquility, ultimate bliss;
Guru ji tells us that His(Guru Ji's) service(Simran di ghaal) has been accepted and He is blessed with the comfort, peace and celestial bliss.

Guru Ji says, God Himself heard the prayers of His devoted servants.
God, the Great Lord has dispelled the diseases of the devoted servants and has provided them with life, His glory is so great.
His sins/imperfections/(dokh-Ayb, ivkwr )/shortcomings are all pardoned as The Lord manifested His Might. (all that impairs our worth is forgiven by our Dear Lord when our seva is accepted).
Guru Ji says, God awarded Him with the fruit of His mind’s desire.
Guru Ji says, He is a Sacrifice unto God.

Guru ji is telling us about the consequences of Waheguru Ji’s SEVA(PERFECT SEVA)- all desires are fulfilled, all sins are forgiven, diseases are cured, Anand hi Anand………..

Seva- Simran, Surrendering ourselves to HIS WILL, Contemplation of Gurbani……

humbly asking for everybody’s forgiveness

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Surinder Kaur ji,

Guru Fateh.

Could you please give us the page number of the above Shabad?

As far I understand, Seva in Gurmat values is like fragrance of a flower which emits itself in all direction sans bias without asking or hoping for acceptance.



Mar 28, 2006
Respcted Tejwant Ji,

this shabad is on panna # 819/820

the Shabad is about- what happens with the bliss------

Without asking and hoping- depending on what state of mind one is at time, DEAR TEJWANT JI.

Read the following Shabad,

this Shabad came into my mind right away, may answer your query-

AMg 763
ang 763
Page 763
sUhI mhlw 5 guxvMqI ]
soohee mehulaa 5 gunuvunthee
Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Gunvantee ~ The Worthy And Virtuous Bride:
jo dIsY gurisKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ]
jo dheesai gurasikhurraa this niv niv laago paae jeeo
When I see a Sikh of the Guru, I humbly bow and fall at his feet.
AwKw ibrQw jIA kI guru sjxu dyih imlwie jIau ]
aakhaa biruthaa jeea kee gur sujun dhaehi milaae jeeo
I tell to him the pain of my soul, and beg him to unite me with the Guru, my Best Friend.
soeI dis aupdysVw myrw mnu Anq n kwhU jwie jIau ]
soee dhas oupudhaesurraa maeraa mun anuth n kaahoo jaae jeeo
I ask that he impart to me such an understanding, that my mind will not go out wandering anywhere else.
iehu mnu qY kUM fyvsw mY mwrgu dyhu bqwie jIau ]
eihu mun thai koon ddaevusaa mai maarug dhaehu buthaae jeeo
I dedicate this mind to you. Please, show me the Path to God.
hau AwieAw dUrhu cil kY mY qkI qau srxwie jIau ]
ho aaeiaa dhooruhu chal kai mai thukee tho surunaae jeeo
I have come so far, seeking the Protection of Your Sanctuary.
mY Awsw rKI iciq mih myrw sBo duKu gvwie jIau ]
maiaasaa rukhee chith mehi maeraa subho dhukh guvaae jeeo
Within my mind, I place my hopes in You; please, take my pain and suffering away!
iequ mwrig cly BweIAVy guru khY su kwr kmwie jIau ]
eith maarag chulae bhaaeearrae gur kehai s kaar kumaae jeeo
So walk on this Path, O sister soul-brides; do that work which the Guru tells you to do.
iqAwgyN mn kI mqVI ivswryN dUjw Bwau jIau ]
thiaagae mun kee muthurree visaarae dhoojaa bhaao jeeo
Abandon the intellectual pursuits of the mind, and forget the love of duality.
ieau pwvih hir drswvVw nh lgY qqI vwau jIau ]
eio paavehi har dhurusaavurraa neh lugai thuthee vaao jeeo
In this way, you shall obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan; the hot winds shall not even touch you.
hau Awphu boil n jwxdw mY kihAw sBu hukmwau jIau ]
ho aapuhu bol n jaanudhaa mai kehiaa subh hukumaao jeeo
By myself, I do not even know how to speak; I speak all that the Lord commands.
hir Bgiq Kjwnw bKisAw guir nwnik kIAw pswau jIau ]
har bhugath khujaanaa bukhasiaa gur naanak keeaa pusaao jeeo
I am blessed with the treasure of the Lord's devotional worship; Guru Nanak has been kind and compassionate to me.
mY bhuiV n iqRsnw BuKVI hau rjw iqRpiq AGwie jIau ]
mai buhurr n thrisunaa bhukhurree ho rujaa thripath aghaae jeeo
I shall never again feel hunger or thirst; I am satisfied, satiated and fulfilled.
jo gur dIsY isKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ]3]
jo gur dheesai sikhurraa this niv niv laago paae jeeo
When I see a Sikh of the Guru, I humbly bow and fall at his feet. ||3||

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


Mar 28, 2006
i am not sure it will help, but want to add-

there is difference between asking/hoping/praying/aasa AND lingering/getting attached/tamya/laalach/greed/trishna

Guru Ji says-

mn kIAw ieCw pUrIAw sbid rihAw BrpUir ]

there is this another one,

AMg 669
ang 669
Page 669
DnwsrI mhlw 4 ]
dhunaasuree mehulaa 4
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:
ieCw pUrku srb suKdwqw hir jw kY vis hY kwmDynw ]
eishaa pooruk surub sukhudhaathaa har jaa kai vas hai kaamudhaenaa
The Lord is the Fulfiller of desires, the Giver of total peace; the Kaamadhaynaa, the wish-fulfilling cow, is in His power.
so AYsw hir iDAweIAY myry jIAVy qw srb suK pwvih myry mnw ]1]
soaisaa har dhiaaeeai maerae jeearrae thaa surub sukh paavehi maerae munaa
So meditate on such a Lord, O my soul. Then, you shall obtain total peace, O my mind. ||1||
jip mn siq nwmu sdw siq nwmu ]
jap mun sath naam sudhaa sath naam
Chant, O my mind, the True Name, Sat Naam, the True Name.
hliq pliq muK aUjl hoeI hY inq iDAweIAY hir purKu inrMjnw ] rhwau ]
hulath pulath mukh oojul hoee hai nith dhiaaeeai har purukh nirunjunaa
In this world, and in the world beyond, your face shall be radiant, by meditating continually on the immaculate Lord God. ||Pause||
jh hir ismrnu BieAw qh aupwiD gqu kInI vfBwgI hir jpnw ]
jeh har simurun bhaeiaa theh oupaadh guth keenee vuddubhaagee har jupunaa
Wherever anyone remembers the Lord in meditation, disaster runs away from that place. By great good fortune, we meditate on the Lord.
jn nwnk kau guir ieh miq dInI jip hir Bvjlu qrnw ]2]6]12]
jun naanuk ko gur eih math dheenee jap har bhuvujul thurunaa
The Guru has blessed servant Nanak with this understanding, that by meditating on the Lord, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||6||12||

AMg 534
ang 534
Page 534
dyvgMDwrI 5 ]
dhaevugundhaaree 5
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehl:
AMimRqw ipRA bcn quhwry ]
anmrithaa pria buchun thuhaarae
O Beloved, Your Words are Ambrosial Nectar.
Aiq suMdr mnmohn ipAwry sBhU miD inrwry ]1] rhwau ]
ath sundhur munumohun piaarae subhehoo madh niraarae
O supremely beautiful Enticer, O Beloved, You are among all, and yet distinct from all. ||1||Pause||
rwju n cwhau mukiq n cwhau min pRIiq crn kmlwry ]
raaj n chaaho mukath n chaaho man preeth churun kumulaarae
I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet.
bRhm mhys isD muin ieMdRw moih Twkur hI drswry ]1]
brehum mehaes sidh mun eindhraa mohi thaakur hee dhurusaarae
Brahma, Shiva, the Siddhas, the silent sages and Indra - I seek only the Blessed Vision of my Lord and Master's Darshan. ||1||
dInu duAwrY AwieE Twkur srin pirE sMq hwry ]
dheen dhuaaraiaaeiou thaakur suran pariou sunth haarae
I have come, helpless, to Your Door, O Lord Master; I am exhausted - I seek the Sanctuary of the Saints.
khu nwnk pRB imly mnohr mnu sIql ibgswry ]2]3]29]
kuhu naanuk prubh milae munohur mun seethul bigusaarae
Says Nanak, I have met my Enticing Lord God; my mind is cooled and soothed - it blossoms forth in joy. ||2||3||29||

more later,

humbly asking for forgiveness


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
hir Bgiq Kjwnw bKisAw guir nwnik kIAw pswau jIau ]
har bhugath khujaanaa bukhasiaa gur naanak keeaa pusaao jeeo
I am blessed with the treasure of the Lord's devotional worship; Guru Nanak has been kind and compassionate to me.

mY bhuiV n iqRsnw BuKVI hau rjw iqRpiq AGwie jIau ]
mai buhurr n thrisunaa bhukhurree ho rujaa thripath aghaae jeeo
I shall never again feel hunger or thirst; I am satisfied, satiated and fulfilled.

My opinion? When it truly is seva, it is not hard, not drudgery, not to be finished off as efficiently as possible. A person feels as if the seva is a blessing on him, on her. A remarkable gift that cannot be repaid. So one is left feeling so thankful. And one cannot seek a seva like this independently. It is not a matter of having the right attitude either. The Giver decides what the seva will be, how much, how long, how difficult.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Angels like you make life worth living all over again. Always by my side. Guiding me and humbling me to understand the unseen.

I wish I was a poet.

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