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Where To Download English Translations Of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?


Apr 21, 2013
thank u and i admire your intentions. i would suggest u (do not use punjabi words in english translation) make your own or consult some one. like the word sabad ਸਬਦ . all scholars who translated sggs has used it as sabad inj English translation. i have use it as guru's teaching by translating in english. so; make your own english words which will convey the meaning. there are many words which scholars have used. refrain from using those punjabi words> by the way i live in ontrio for the last 50 years. now i am old and i come to florida for the winter for 4 month. we will stay in touch. . let me rub it in. all there keertanias and kathakars do not know tany thing except make up stories and tunes. because when i translated sggs in english i went to lot of them, none of them volunteered to help because they are blank sheet of paper. going ahead my ph 905 6270625 for now it changes when i go to florida. i am all for solving the ridddle. more people try more it opens the real secret of gurbani which is unlimited and unfathomable. it does not hurt using sihari bihari . they are there in sggs so explore and keep the meanings within the stanza. s s a and best wishes
Swran Jē, all your point are well taken and valid. Romanizing ਸਬਦ as 'sabad' does not lend itself to correct pronunciation and perception for persons unfamiliar with Gůrmůkʰē. They are more likely to read it as Sa'bad \sa' bad\ . ਸਬਦ comprises of ਸ+můkt̪ȧ+ਬ+můkt̪ȧ+ਦ i.e there are two můkt̪ȧ in ਸਬਦ. Můkt̪ȧ is pronounced but not written. I have elected to represent můkt̪ȧ by an 'ə'. Thus I am writing ਸਬਦ as sǝbǝd̪. Using'd" to pronounce ਦ is not appropriate. I have taken this symbol from IPA. Al the legend is well explained. It will be my pleasure to be in contact with you. Of course, my posts will be very few to none. I am running against time, not knowing how long I will live. I want to spend all my time in the work assigned to me.



Apr 21, 2013
ਕਾਹੇ ਕੀ ਕੁਸਲਾਤ ਹਾਥਿ ਦੀਪੁ ਕੂਏ ਪਰੈ ॥ I did not notice this before but i will give u my translation without laga matra.
you have a lamp in your hand and still fall in the well; what kind of justification or happiness is that? tell me where i went wrong., let us discus it and get to the bottom of it. that is how we progress ands reach further into sggs
Thanks for the interpretation. As mentioned by me earlier, Gůrbȧnē will be and has been understood with and without Grammar. Grammar adds to the clarification and prevents the meaning from getting skewed. One learns where and when to put a comma to break the sentence accurately such that the reading is not inaccurate. In the above sentence ਹਾਥਿ is an adverb and ਦੀਪੁ is a proper noun. Literal meaning are fine, but the underlying meaning is too deep. We all fall into the pitfall of Mayaa having been blessed with a spot flash light in the form of Gůrbȧnē. I for one, do not even walk a single step in the direction directed advised by our Gůrůs. I fall in to the category of victim as defined by the above line every time and everyday. Your interpretation of this line is correct.


Apr 21, 2013
Try to appreciate poetry first, understand how poetry works. Write poetry, study poets and poems. Translating, understanding, regarding and applying gurbani will come naturally to you. Everyone has a poetic ability they just need to tap into a language and the mind will flow. Gurbani will flow into you it has a divine ability and will awaken your divine too.
Thanks for your kind advise. The marvels of poetic modulations are in every line of Gůrbȧnē as well as in the D̪əsəm Grạnth Sȧhĭb ਦਸਮ ਗਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ. Poetic marvels displayed by the Tenth Gůrů are mind boggling and pleasing. Yes, understanding of poetry does enhance enjoying Gůrbȧnē. You view point is so true.
Thanks a lot.


Apr 6, 2019
Thank you, my favourite banis in Dasam Granth and Sarabloh Granth are the 2 Khalsa Mahima's anybody gets a chance read these they take you back to the time they were written, truly profound.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Thank you, my favourite banis in Dasam Granth and Sarabloh Granth are the 2 Khalsa Mahima's anybody gets a chance read these they take you back to the time they were written, truly profound.

I don't think when they were written is that important, not as important as who wrote them, all my favourite banis tend to be in the SGGS
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