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Which Is A Stronger Philosophy ? If So Why?

Aug 6, 2006
Dear friends
Who is a prophet ? What is the defination of the prophet ?
Is it the messenger of god ? is it the one who leads the followers to the real path of spirtuality ?
Can we consider our Gurus as prophets ?
As per sikhism which prophet came after Mohhamed ? If we cannot name one then both philosophies are not contradicting.
If we consider our Gurus as prophets then again there is a stop to a living Guru as we have the Hukam " Guru Maniyo Granth"
In pre Islamic age people were worshiping for many things like fire, animals, birds Human etc. The Main theme of islam was to guide the people to worship for the one and only one god.
The core idea of sikhism is also ' Ek on kaar" i:e one ness of god.
I think its up to an indivisual to take it as he wants, optimistic or pessimistic approach. But for the betterment of humanity lets spend our all energy to bring the people together. The time we devote for writings should be ment for the betterment of humanity
Bhul chuk maaf


Apr 3, 2005
HannahBanana said:
Can Sikhs be Muslim and Sikh at once?

the answer is yes and no.sikhism has all the good points of islam but on the other hand it does not support that mohammed was last prophet and shariat laws of muslims.

kaur-1 said:
I do not follow the religious ways, preached by various religions, believing in Ram, Mohammad, Puran or Quran.
The only way I follow, is the way to worship Unique One God and no one else.

Ram rahim puran quran, anek kahain mat ek na manyo.

"Sabh Sikhan Ko Hukam hai Guru Manio Granth."


kaur-1 ji could you please tell me where the above line "i do not follow religious ways" is written
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