Prakash.S.Bagga ji
What is your source in gurmat for this statement?
Increasingly you are promoting a sanatan view of Gurbani. Truly you are tipping the scale in the direction of not only misleading but mischievous statements. If you are a member of a sanatan sampardya it would be better to say so up front so that readers do not mistake your comments for gurmat vichaar.
Other statements are contradictory. "In Gurbani we should try to grasp the message of Guru..." followed by "In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji we would not find any reference as IK or EK Oankaar.So what is correct should be known from within Gurbani."
This is doubletalk. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is Gurbani, and Gurbani is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. What sources are you using for these remarkable statements?
What is your source in gurmat for this statement?
The SYMBOL Uankaar represents the SHAKATI of the Universe. .Whereas Oankaar is the Source of SHAKATI.
In Gurbani therefore we should try to grasp the message of GuRu about the CREATOR.
In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji we would not find any reference as IK or EK Oankaar.So what is correct should be known from within Gurbani.
Increasingly you are promoting a sanatan view of Gurbani. Truly you are tipping the scale in the direction of not only misleading but mischievous statements. If you are a member of a sanatan sampardya it would be better to say so up front so that readers do not mistake your comments for gurmat vichaar.
Other statements are contradictory. "In Gurbani we should try to grasp the message of Guru..." followed by "In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji we would not find any reference as IK or EK Oankaar.So what is correct should be known from within Gurbani."
This is doubletalk. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is Gurbani, and Gurbani is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. What sources are you using for these remarkable statements?