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Who Is Really Exploiting South Asian Women ?


Nov 4, 2007
Who is really exploiting South Asian Women ?

Who is really exploiting South Asian Women ?

Sikh Womens Alliance, University of East London, and RAMFEL
Saturday, 28 September 2013 from 11:00 to 16:00 (BST)
Ilford, United Kingdom

For Free Tickets Register at


Event Details

National and local media coverage has suggested that prostitution and sexual exploitation is rife in the Asian community. Whilst critics on both sides are not quite sure of the extent of the problem or how best to tackle it, it’s time that women came together to support their sisters in struggle.

This timely conference asks

Are we prepared to recognise prostitution as a problem within the community?
What is the scale of the problem?
Do women facing victimisation due to circumstances fall deeper into destitution?
What are their avenues of survival and what is the local impact?
What can we do to support victims and the people worse affected?
Is there a need for better partnership working between families, public agencies and the voluntary sector?
What role should religious places be playing in supporting victims?


Councillor Filly Maravala, Loxford Ward, Ilford
Councillor B K Saund, Chairperson, Sikh Women’s Alliance
Sudarshan Bhuhi, MBE, Chief Executive Officer, Aanchal Women’s Aid
Rita Chadha, Chief Executive Officer, RAMFEL
Jasbir Panesar, Community Manager, University of East London

Discussions and workshops in the afternoon
Free Vegetarian Lunch and Refreshments will be available throughout the day

For further details contact:
Balvinder Kaur Saund 07960987825
Jasbir Kaur Panesar 07738194870

Have questions about Who is really exploiting South Asian Women?? Contact Sikh Womens Alliance, University of East London, and RAMFEL


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Thank you BJ Singh ji
Here's some additional information about the Sikh Womens Alliance


The Sikh Women's Alliance (SWA) was set up as a non-religious, non-political group to empower, inspire and inform Sikh women to join the mainstream of UK society.
We are based in East London but have members all over the capital and work with other organisations across the country to fulfil the aims & objectives of the group.

Sikh Women’s Alliance was originally founded by Sikh Study Forum who sponsored its first Conference on 7th April 2002 in partnership with University of East London. The Sikh Women’s Alliance was set up in October 2003 as a non-religious, non-political group to empower, inspire and inform Sikh women to join the mainstream of UK society. It has a database of 1,000 women with 200 women on e-mail database and an active participation by women in Events and Conferences.
Sikh Women’s Alliances’ aims and objectives are to:

  1. Enjoy and Achieve
    • To overcome social exclusion and develop a sense of pride and achievement for Sikh women of all ages
    • To promote empowering of Sikh women through capacity building
    • To enhance access to education, work skills and employment
    • To provide 'creative and cultural' experiences to develop and promote Sikh values
  2. Make a positive contribution
    • To network and provide support and guidance for socially and economically disadvantaged Sikh women
    • To instil a sense of responsibility to make a full use of competencies and capabilities and engage with society
  3. Personal development and well being
    • To encourage participation in a range of activities to enhance physical well being
    • To provide a range of opportunities to broaden outlook and emotional well being
    • To undertake research and review strategies and way forward for improving their health and safety
  4. Achieve Economical and Social well being
    • To challenge barriers to the lawful rights of Sikh women to achieve equality and justice
    • To provide forum for women to engage in dialogue to discuss challenges and issues facing them
    • To build partnership and links with the wider society organisations to have full access to community and social services
  5. Leadership and management
    • To secure resources and funds to...
    • To fulfil the above objectives in an apolitical and impartial way
    • To explore ways forward to enhance contribution of more individual and organisations to meet SWA objectives
    • To celebrate achievement and acknowledge contributions to fulfil SWA objectives
Looking to the next generation
We will be delighted to hear from young women/girls on;

  • how to carry this organisation forward
  • empowering youngsters into community issues
  • taking leaderships roles
  • health & wellbeing issues
  • girls/child infanticide & foeticide, etc

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
We need more women to face up to the issue and try to tackle it at grass roots. I hope events such as the above can help progress on this front, especially as East London has a fair amount of issues relating to the above.

I think even just more people, be they men or women, facing up to this issue would be a grand start.