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Who Really Knows If There Is A God. Nobody Has Physical Proof


Apr 19, 2005
Puyallup, WA
I Love God and everything but still i can't hide that little question in the back of my mind that i Know everyone has thought before..Is God real? I mean does anyone have any real proof anyone could have written the bible...I have never felt god's presence...and surviving something or living thru something could just be luck not God...but who knows....just a topic what do you think....


Sep 16, 2004
I Love God and everything but still i can't hide that little question in the back of my mind that i Know everyone has thought before..Is God real? I mean does anyone have any real proof anyone could have written the bible...I have never felt god's presence...and surviving something or living thru something could just be luck not God...but who knows....just a topic what do you think....
Dear Brother

Interesting question !! well I have been through all this feeling of loving god and then then asking is really there
But believe me thinking he is there and thinking he is not there is almost very close kind of think Psychologically , Because even to ask this question you need to think of it so In a way you are still thinking fo god . And believe me it is first step toward his devotion and every body face this and this has been called Called Duality ( Dubida) in SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB . This duality can only go by God 's blessing only . So when you question god existence actually you a step near to him compare to when you never bother to think of god .
I am in bit hurry now I will write more later..
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Jun 11, 2004
Dear Khalsa Ji,

Proof for 'The Sat' cannot be provided as it can be done for physical entities.

Our existence is the proof of 'The Sat'. We are composed of organic and inorganic material which are not sentient, yet we are sentient. This is the difference which is made by 'The Sat' whose 'Jot' in us makes us so different from the materials from which we are constituted.

With love and respect for all.

Jul 30, 2004

Das is answering this to both Sir Thecoppes and Sir/Madam Dymoph sorry if spellings are wrong but Das will try to let you understand with an illustration.

As Dasham Granth Ji is full of same and so do we get a good lot of ideas of symbolism by them.

Well in the Jungles of Zarie Africa or what we call Congo we do not get sun light in days as they are very dense.

In the start of last Centuary there were rumours that There is a strange animal to be found there.

Those who saw said that they are hundred percent sure. Others said that it is mere crowd phenomenon and belivers are wrong.

Some others said that actually the new animal could be some sort of Antilope alread found there.

Ultimately, it was found that in reality there was an animal and it is called OKAPI the ancestore of giraffe.

The same is the case snow man. Some who saw it say it is true. Others who are logical but have not seen say that it could be nothing more then the pug mark of bear. While third, the non-believers will say that it is all psycological myth.

Same could be said for Loch Ness Monster of Scotland.

Many people have filmed it. Even once a craft with soner (??) rays detected a large body moving under water. So there are who believe it to be there and it could be perhaps the last surviving dinosaur.

Other logical people who have been there but yet to see say that it could be only darter (Snake Bird).

While those who weather went there or not but are prejudiced will say that it all is a myth.

So, same type of people can say that Lord Jesus was a myth or Rama or Krishna were wrong.

So, in the same way, those who have seen the God (By will of God) will have faith in God.

Others who are yet to see God will say that it is a notion of mind to fight demoralisation.

Third type who are deprived by God or God's vision, just let believers know there are many people placed a bit in an uncomfortable position with respect to them (Believers).

So their type will say that God is a myth.

Well Das (vijaydeep Singh) can say that if God wants anyone to see self then it is by God's own will that God becomes visible to him/her.

Jisno To Janaya Soi Jan Jane

means to whom you (God) want to know (yourself) that person will only know.

Karan Krawan Apo Aap Manas Ke Kichh Nahi Hath

All doer is God by self nothing is in the hands (control) of Man.

So, if God wants we can get God's physical proof. And when we get it then as per holy Quran, God is nearer to the blood vessel of throat.

As per Triya Charitar Dasham Granth, where you think of God there does God is found.


Jul 22, 2004
I have asked this question to myself and others many times and here is how I can handle it personaly .. (to some extent anyway..).

Presuming that we all have heard of the Big Bang theory. The Theory states in very simple terms that the universe or the big bang came about through a ripple in the infinite cosmic energy that existed before the big bang and has always existed.

What ever equations and theories the scientists, physicists apply it comes down to atleast one unexplainable infinite energy that has existed forever and which 'caused' the big bang to happen.
Is this so different from the 'god' which forms the bases of all religions? I think that the invisible, infinite, incomprehensible energy of science which cannot be explained away by thories/equations and has existed for ever; is interchangeable with the concept of 'god' in religion.

I know the above does not help in realising god at a personal level but I hope it convinces that the path of science (physical proof) implies the existance of the same eternal force.
May 26, 2005
San Francisco
Proof? I don't need no stinkin' proof. :D

In all seriousness, Goedel's theory says that there is no system we can devise that can contain all the truths of mathematics. There will always be some theorem that can neither be proven or disproven outside the system. God as defined by the SGGS is infinite and timeless. Therefore since God IS the infinite system and mathematics IS the language of science, there's no way to prove God scientifically. In other words, there is nothing beyond God to prove, and mathematics will always leave something outside the system to prove.

Additionally, the SGGS states that God can only be obtained "through the Guru's grace." There is no other way to approach God. Science can't do it. Logic can't do it. Only faith, meditation/prayer and service, depending on how your spiritual code defines its approach to God.

Another approach: I cannot directly prove that my spouse loves me. That is, I cannot put some kind of "probe" in her brain that would output "S. loves J." Instead, I rely on effect instead-- she takes care of me. She holds me and kisses me. She will be there when I am sick, she will be there when I am well. She tells me in words, she shows me in acts. That is all I can rely on for scientific proof.

Same thing with Waheguru-- I can feel WGji's love for me in the ambrosial hours. I feel psychologically stronger when I meditate on the True Guru. I feel calmer. I feel forgiven, loved, taken care of when I submit to the grace of the True Guru. It is far more subtle than the love of my spouse, but it is real, and it is deep, and it is incredible.

I return my spouse's love by returning all the care she shows for me. I return my Waheguru's love by doing what WGji asks of us in the SGGS.


Jul 9, 2005
Calgary Alberta
Dawnnymph said:
I Love God and everything but still i can't hide that little question in the back of my mind that i Know everyone has thought before..Is God real? I mean does anyone have any real proof anyone could have written the bible...I have never felt god's presence...and surviving something or living thru something could just be luck not God...but who knows....just a topic what do you think....

I think God must exist simply because we can feel His presence. Even if as little children we were not taught that there is a God, we would acknowlege that there is a higher power above us and call it God. As for Christianity, Bible or Christ, I'd say following are the reasons why Christ must have come here as the incarnate of God in times when there was massive corruption around:

1) He was crucified when all He said was good. Since we are imperfect and God is perfect, so to do away with Christ would be because many felt threatenend by His goodness. Therefore I have reason to believe that He might have been God's incarnate.

2) He said, 'Love your neighbour' and also, 'Love your enemy.' But I cannot love my enemy, sure I can avoid him, but not love him. Since only God can love everyone, therefore that makes Christ God.

3) He came here as the 'Word of God.' Since a word is like our creation for the time, so if Christ came here as God's word, that makes Him, The Son of God.

4) Incarnates only come in times of corruption and violence. They may give wrong guidance, but all Christ said and did was good.

5) The wind blew on
someone said,
'it touched the good
and the bad
but neither did it
become bad
nor made anyone
become bad'
it just blew on
and went it's way
Christ said, love everyone
the same way
now that makes Him God
again, right away. How'd you like my little poem? :wink:

6) The Golden Rule that Christ said: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


Aug 24, 2005
I love this question, because with Sri Guru Granth Sahib grace the mystery has been solved. My Satguru enlighten me that GOD is like the fragnance of flower or the shadow of tree which is always there if you have the ability to smell it or see it and that can only happen with Satguru's blessings.

May Satguru empower us to spread the fragnance of Sikhi among this world, so that "SARBAT DA BHALA: BEST FOR ALL" motive can be accomplished.



Sep 7, 2005
Dawnnymph said:
I Love God and everything but still i can't hide that little question in the back of my mind that i Know everyone has thought before..Is God real? I mean does anyone have any real proof anyone could have written the bible...I have never felt god's presence...and surviving something or living thru something could just be luck not God...but who knows....just a topic what do you think....

Give me physical proof of Infinite.

Then I'll give you physical proof of God.


Sep 8, 2005
thanks for accepting me as a member to the community, I am always interested in comparative study of different religions.
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Oct 2, 2005
We need to understand god is every where and really belive it. in each and everyone this is a bit of god. Tell me when we do paath/simran with real concentration do we not feel something? anything?

When i meidate I find my self at peace and my day does go through smoothly compared to when I dont.
even if there turns out not to b a god isnt it worth doing paath etc for that bliss we can feel in sadh sangat?

Guroo Granth Sahib Jee is the word of God.no one person will be able to prove to you there is god but you will have to open your eyes to things which go on around you 24-7 and you will realise the truth. have trust and love in faith and Guroo.

Ask Guroo Granth Sahib Jee if there is a god. only Guroo Jee gives the true answer.


Nov 1, 2004
Jogindar Singh Kaur said:
Proof? I don't need no stinkin' proof. :D

In all seriousness, Goedel's theory says that there is no system we can devise that can contain all the truths of mathematics. There will always be some theorem that can neither be proven or disproven outside the system. God as defined by the SGGS is infinite and timeless. Therefore since God IS the infinite system and mathematics IS the language of science, there's no way to prove God scientifically. In other words, there is nothing beyond God to prove, and mathematics will always leave something outside the system to prove.

Additionally, the SGGS states that God can only be obtained "through the Guru's grace." There is no other way to approach God. Science can't do it. Logic can't do it. Only faith, meditation/prayer and service, depending on how your spiritual code defines its approach to God.

Another approach: I cannot directly prove that my spouse loves me. That is, I cannot put some kind of "probe" in her brain that would output "S. loves J." Instead, I rely on effect instead-- she takes care of me. She holds me and kisses me. She will be there when I am sick, she will be there when I am well. She tells me in words, she shows me in acts. That is all I can rely on for scientific proof.

Same thing with Waheguru-- I can feel WGji's love for me in the ambrosial hours. I feel psychologically stronger when I meditate on the True Guru. I feel calmer. I feel forgiven, loved, taken care of when I submit to the grace of the True Guru. It is far more subtle than the love of my spouse, but it is real, and it is deep, and it is incredible.

I return my spouse's love by returning all the care she shows for me. I return my Waheguru's love by doing what WGji asks of us in the SGGS.

Beautifully said Joginder Singh ji!You not only refute the hollow claim that science has (or would ever have)anything definitive to say about this question,but also convey the idea well through an example.


Apr 24, 2006
think of god in this way

he is all the good things in the world
the bad things are things we think are bad for us but they arent

when sumone helps u out when ur in need u can say that god helped u out so the god in that person(or the "good" in that person) helped u out

make sense?

guru nanak is technically god because he is all goodno bad he doesnt give bad advice nothing
so technically in this way all our gurus and granth sahib are gods

think about it
just sumtin my bhua ji and reading cleared up


Apr 24, 2006
when u get a speeding ticket u might think its bad but it isnt

its ACTUALLY a GOOD thing cuz u might get in to an accident and die sumtimes even that can be good
but for this pupose u get a speeding ticket because god was there, he protected u by sending another one of his "players" to help u in this case its a police officer


Mar 28, 2006
BhagatSingh said:
when u get a speeding ticket u might think its bad but it isnt

its ACTUALLY a GOOD thing cuz u might get in to an accident and die sumtimes even that can be good
but for this pupose u get a speeding ticket because god was there, he protected u by sending another one of his "players" to help u in this case its a police officer

Respected Bhagat Singh Ji,


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eykl mwtI kuMjr cItI Bwjn hYN bhu nwnw ry ]
AsQwvr jMgm kIt pqMgm Git Git rwmu smwnw ry ]1]
eykl icMqw rwKu Anµqw Aaur qjhu sB Awsw ry ]
pRxvY nwmw Bey inhkwmw ko Twkuru ko dwsw ry ]2]3]
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