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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Tejwant I have just completed a first round of forum checks and want to spend some time responding, but will have to split my answer into two parts. I hope that is satisfactory to you.

Narayanjot ji,

Guru Fateh.

You write:

I beg to differ with you. Dr. Sant Singh's literal translation is full of distortions, misleading and does disservice to the beautiful Gurbani.

You and I are in agreement that Dr. Sant Singh's translaitons are full of distortions, misleading and a disservice to Gurbani. You will have noted that I commented above that the translation of "akhar" as "One Word" and Word of the Lord" in other shabads has a ring of New Testament to it, and in particular a Roman Catholic reading that frankly bothers me.

Where I disagree is that his translations are literal. And that is a subject that I would like to discuss tomorrow in the second part of my reply. The reason for our disagreement may depend on different meanings for "literal translation." Hope that is OK.

I have no idea what you mean by melodramatic. Can you please elaborate that for the better understanding because that kind of term is used for soap operas not to understand and put Gurbani into practice?

It is precisely because the translation of that verse does not help us put Gurbani into practice but is distracting in its connotations that I am calling it melodramatic. The word "nirmal" does not have to be translated beyond a very simple, clean, precise way. Spotless, without stain, as is the fundamental nature of Ik Oankar - unsullied and as such a model for our daily lives. I don't see a need to embellish that and extend nirmal to mean "spotlessly pure reputation." Rather by keeping it simple, the notion of "nirmal" means to me that we are purified-- not only our reputations, but our inner life is cleansed, and modeled after the One who is eternally Nirmal. This is a matter of interpretation not a matter of translation. I accept your interpretation, but I also see it a different way.

I have no idea what you mean by the " Global meaning does suffice". What is the global meaning of what? Are you talking about the whole Shabad or the said verse or the word " Nirmal"?

Neither. In the context of this thread, i felt it was more important to zero in on what is wrong with the context used and the presentation of forum member nijjharjatt ji. I find his usage of the tuk offensive. So a more lengthy vichaar of the tuk was not my priority. I believe it would be distracting. It was my priority to explain that the tuk was misused by him to promote his personal agenda. Ergo, global would suffice as here we are not discussing the shabad but we are discussing venomous messages wrongly attributed to Guruji.

Narayanjot ji,

The way I try to understand Gurbani, one can not take one word, in this case the word " Akhar" and find the literal translation and sees how it fits the best.

This sentence deserves an in-depth response from me. Please be patient. I will give one.

The message that our Gurus want us to understand is in the RAHAO of each Shabad. If we understand the RAHAO part which is like the nectar of flower, then all petals falls into their respective places.

You are correct.

I will just post the RAHAO part of this beautiful Shabad from our 5th Guru and in a couple of days I will share with the cyber Sadh Sangat the way I understand the whole Shabad.

ਸੰਤਹੁ ਸਾਗਰੁ ਪਾਰਿ ਉਤਰੀਐ
संतहु सागरु पारि उतरीऐ ॥
Sanṯahu sāgar pār uṯrī▫ai.
O Saints, cross over the world-ocean. Page 747.

Here, Guru Sahib is calling all of us Saints. What an honour and privilege and a way to motivate all of us who are down trodden! He is telling us to confront all odds, negative things, obstacles, pot holes in order to lead a saintly life.

I concur.

Now the question arises, what tools do we need/ have in order to live this life of Miri- Piri?

The next line explains that:

ਜੇ ਕੋ ਬਚਨੁ ਕਮਾਵੈ ਸੰਤਨ ਕਾ ਸੋ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਦੀ ਤਰੀਐ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
जे को बचनु कमावै संतन का सो गुर परसादी तरीऐ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Je ko bacẖan kamāvai sanṯan kā so gur parsādī ṯarī▫ai. ||1|| rahā▫o.
One who practices the Teachings of the Saints, by Guru's Grace, is carried across. ||1||Pause||

Kamavai literally means to earn something. In other words to make a living.

How can we make our spiritual living?

Let's not forget that Guru Sahib has already called us Saints in the first verse, So once again the English litertal translation is distorted because we as Saints have no teachings of our own as the translation would suggest.

We are Saints because we have Ik Ong Kaar with us as our Tillerman who can steer us across this ocean of Maya with His grace.

And how do we have this connection with Ik Ong Kaar?

It is by practicing the teachings given to us in the SGGS, our ONLY GURU.

Now, keeping this central idea of RAHAO in mind, let me get back to the verse which has the word "AKHAR" in it.

Ėk akẖar jo gurmukẖ jāpai ṯis kī nirmal so▫ī. ||3||
One who, as Gurmukh, chants the One Word, acquires a spotlessly pure reputation. ||3||

One who starts practicing even a single message ( Ek Akhar) of Gurbani, starts being on the Gurmat path and is called a Gurmukh which is neither a title, nor a destination but a start of the Gurmat journey because we all know that Sikhi path is a journey. Once this journey begins then he/she, the Gurmukh, finds the tools with the grace of Ik Ong Kaar to keep his/her spiritual collar clean.

You have definitely expressed the intent and the purpose of the shabad -- the lesson if you will permit me to use that term -- and I hope that the message sinks in elsewhere in the thread.

I remain expressly invested in returning to the meanng of "akhar" which in the context of the shabad may mean something different than given by Dr. Sant Singh, whom we both agree has taken extensive liberties in many places in his translation of SGGS.

The fact of the matter is that we as humans get dirty often around our collars.


Tejwant Singh

One final thought -- how on earth did Dr. Sant Singh's translation become termed the Khalsa Consensus translation -- unless it was not dirty collars but politics that brought that outcome. So far I have not observed a consensus. I am aware that the SGPC so designated the translation as the Khalsa Consensus Translation?

So tomorrow I will do my best to explore 2 ideas: 1) My understanding of "literal translation" and why we may possibly disagree; and also 2) how I think "akhar" should be interpreted.

Regards to you as well,
Narayanjot Kaur
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Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Well said Gyani ji. I agree with you that Gurmukh is not a title but a quality of person.

I also agree with you that first step has be taken. But I think I differ on the what the first step should be. A child has to pass through various stages before he can reach some stage of scholarship in his youth. He first starts with the alphabets parrots them, then slowly he starts understanding phonetic significance with apple, bat, cat etc. As Tejwant ji also has said that first the baby has to crawl and then it has to stand up and start walking. So some people may get stuck up in the crawling stage and not get up. So they can be Manmukh's throughout.

As per my humble understanding, the different stages for this journey are: Manmukh, sanmukh, Gursukh, Gurmukh and Brahmgyani or Jeevan Mukat. And conscious effort or "Ghaal" is required to attain each of these qualities (not titles) Along with HIS Mehar.

So if the mother asks the child to do matha tek, then that is the start of the process. Side by side she also has to inculcate other good qualities like not telling lies, or cheating etc. But the mother can do this only upto a certtain stage. After that the child has to take the responsibility for his own development and progress.

It was only Guru Nanak ji who was completely knowledgeble at birth itself.
It is said that Bebe Nanki was Guru Nanak jis first Gursikh. But I have not heard anywhere she being referred to as Gurmukh. Where as Baba Budda ji and Bhai Lehna ji have always been referred to as Gurmukhs (Please correct me if my understanding is wrong)

I will give a personal example (Very difficult but I will do it). My mother used to insist that I go to gurdwara, do nitnem and simultaneously also insist on inculcating qualities of truthfulness, honesty etc. As I grew up she would place Bhai Vir Singh jis books in front of me to read but I would just push them away. So as time passed her basic lessons stood me in good stead but I did not make much progress. From understanding nothing of Nitnem which I recited I could understand about 25%.
Many years back my wife started reading by Vir Singh jis works which were left behind by my mother and she was highly impressed with them and every now and then she would mention about them. I got curious and about 2/3 years back I too started reading them. And then I started realising what I had been missing all these years!
But I am still far, far away from being a Gurmukh. Because as per Bhai Gurdass ji "Gurmukh rom rom har dhiyaveye..." I will be happy if I am able to have the qualities of a Gursikh which SGGS beautifully describes as "Satgur ka jo Sikh Akhave........"


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Tejwant ji

This is not the reply as promised, but I have found the derivation of "akhar" and it makes a difference. And a moment of Eureka for me!

Ėk akẖar jo gurmukẖ jāpai ṯis kī nirmal so▫ī. ||3||
One who, as Gurmukh, chants the One Word, acquires a spotlessly pure reputation. ||3||

"akhar" does derive from a Sanskirt word "Akshara" and means letter, syllable or teaching as a noun; and imperishable, unalterable as an adjective. This changes the way that I understand/interpret ek akhar jo gurmukh japai.

My reference: Dictionary of Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Professor Surindar Singh Kohli

"akhar" by the Dr. Sant Sahib translation now seems even more forced than before into a western/Christian concept of the Word, Logos, or the Word of the Lord. Instead "akhar" can be understood as an imperishable, eternal, unchanging, unalterable, unbreakable sense of that which represents the Sat.

Perhaps this may seem obvious to someone who has native expertise in reading Punjabi or long exposure to the sacred language of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. But I do think the meanings of words in translation need to be challenged and tested for primal meanings, especially as a beginner.

So putting it all back together. This is what I think it says,

The one who chants/recites (or even as you suggest understands and lives) that One imperishable and unchanging ( Sat ) becomes immaculate.

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Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Tejwant ji

This is not the reply as promised, but I have found the derivation of "akhar" and it makes a difference. And a moment of Eureka for me!

Ėk akẖar jo gurmukẖ jāpai ṯis kī nirmal so▫ī. ||3||
One who, as Gurmukh, chants the One Word, acquires a spotlessly pure reputation. ||3||

"akhar" does derive from a Sanskirt word "Akshara" and means letter, syllable or teaching as a noun; and imperishable, unalterable as an adjective. This changes the way that I understand/interpret ek akhar jo gurmukh japai.

My reference: Dictionary of Sri Guru Granth Sahib by Professor Surindar Singh Kohli

"akhar" by the Dr. Sant Sahib translation now seems even more forced than before into a western/Christian concept of the Word, Logos, or the Word of the Lord. Instead "akhar" can be understood as an imperishable, eternal, unchanging, unalterable, unbreakable sense of that which represents the Sat.

Perhaps this may seem obvious to someone who has native expertise in reading Punjabi or long exposure to the sacred language of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. But I do think the meanings of words in translation need to be challenged and tested for primal meanings, especially as a beginner.

So putting it all back together. This is what I think it says,

The one who chants/recites (or even as you suggest understands and lives) that One imperishable and unchanging ( Sat ) becomes immaculate.


It seems to leading to a lively discussion. His Word or AKHAR, you receive through revelations in your own heart like GOONGE DI MITHHIAAEE taste and you cannot share with others. Each one has to make his own efforts as I have done to find out the difference between Har and Hari, the very basic. Hari Om Shanti to Har Aikan Kaar. We sing the praises of Har and not of Hari. So, GUNN TAN GAWO HAR DAE MUNN JINN WASAYA and not of Hari. Bani is highly corrupted and you should read the Book by Professor Jodh Singh, KARTARPURI BIRR DAE DARSHAN published by Patiala University.

Link to book proselytizing for Nijjharjatt's specialized perspective on Sikhism has been deleted. No proselytizing, Narayanjot Kaur

I want it rewritten in Hindi too and if any one is prepared to join hands, I would appreciate. Khatri/Arorras know all these satanic activities and they understand it thoroughly but they cannot stand against their own satanic Khatris, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness. Village people are the best to spread Gospel.
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Harbans ji,

Guru Fateh.

I apologise for budging into the conversation between yourself and Gyani ji but felt compelled to say something about your wonderful comment below:

Many years back my wife started reading by Vir Singh jis works which were left behind by my mother and she was highly impressed with them and every now and then she would mention about them. I got curious and about 2/3 years back I too started reading them. And then I started realising what I had been missing all these years!
But I am still far, far away from being a Gurmukh. Because as per Bhai Gurdass ji "Gurmukh rom rom har dhiyaveye..." I will be happy if I am able to have the qualities of a Gursikh which SGGS beautifully describes as "Satgur ka jo Sikh Akhave........"
When we have found something that we had no idea existed, we had not missed anything but found the treasure that we were unaware of. Now, it becomes our inner desire which cultivates a sense of duty to savour the treasure and share it with others. The treasure that we have just dug out from our own shallow grounds. The treasure that was sitting around and this one left by your visionary Mum and pruned by your better half till you were ready to savour its fruits.

As the saying goes, "Behind every happy man, there are 3 women who are responsible for his happiness. His Wife, his Mum and perhaps his Mother in law". :)

Savour your treasure.


Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Continued references to Khatris as satanic and emperors of darkness have two decidedly different effects on forum readers judging from my email to date. The reader will become outraged; or the reader finds the idea, and similar ideas, hilariously funny. I personally side more with the first group and am getting more than a little impatient with these statements.

There are approximately 1, 260,400 Hindus of Khatri caste on the island of Bali. There are probably no firm statistics for the number of Khatris in India, but I am estimating based on some demographic extrapolations that the number is around 466,432, 000 of that varna in India. So that is quite a few people that you have managed to insult in one fell swoop, veer ji.

As for whether I can or cannot share what I receive in my heart -- well that is an open question. If you believe that sharing from the heart is impossible, then why are you taking the time to share what is in your heart. One more example of an illogical conclusion. :welcome:


Jun 1, 2004
Narayanjot ji, don't worry too much about his hate filled comments... Did Jesus fed him with so much hatred & intolerance against fellow human beings, since converting to Christianity? I hope Not? Only an illiterate would ever bother to buy his theatrics. This is reason he specifially preaches his theories to the illiterate people in villages... the problem is that people in villages are not illiterate anymore...

Since when did a religion needed numbers (followers) to prove that it is the right way?
Since when did a religion needed to buy-out, bargain to news numbers to prove that this is the right way?


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Narayanjot ji, don't worry too much about his hate filled comments... Did Jesus fed him with so much hatred & intolerance against fellow human beings, since converting to Christianity? I hope Not? Only an illiterate would ever bother to buy his theatrics. This is reason he specifially preaches his theories to the illiterate people in villages... the problem is that people in villages are not illiterate anymore...

Since when did a religion needed numbers (followers) to prove that it is the right way?
Since when did a religion needed to buy-out, bargain to news numbers to prove that this is the right way?


First of all Khatri is a tribe as Jatt, Pathan, Loohar, Tarkhan, etc. Khashtri is a Varn and there are Four Varnas according to the Four spiritual states and to look after the affairs of these Four Varnas, there are Four Sachae Takhts devoted to their affairs.

Sodhi Khatris were occupying Harmandir Sahib when the last of earth Christ, the Sixth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji went to pay Homage to His own Home that these Sodhi Khatris banged the door at his face Face that get lost.

For being the sons of Satan, these Khatris are Kings of Darkness and of Kashmir, the Emperors of Darkness.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Tribes make you sons of Man for Daeh Shiva Var Mohae..................

Sons of Man supported Sikhi.

So now Hindus are the source of all spiritual woes????????????????? That is Hindus by birth or by spirit --- unless they switch over to the Man??????????


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
If Satanic is anti-christ than it is bad only for some people.
But most people who have read Sri Guru Granth Sahib will understand that all of God's creation is Good.

Page 1349, Line 19
ਏਕ ਨੂਰ ਤੇ ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਉਪਜਿਆ ਕਉਨ ਭਲੇ ਕੋ ਮੰਦੇ ॥੧॥
एक नूर ते सभु जगु उपजिआ कउन भले को मंदे ॥१॥
Ėk nūr ṯe sabẖ jag upji▫ā ka▫un bẖale ko manḏe. ||1||
From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? ||1||
Devotee Kabir - view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok


Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom

First of all Khatri is a tribe as Jatt, Pathan, Loohar, Tarkhan, etc. Khashtri is a Varn and there are Four Varnas according to the Four spiritual states and to look after the affairs of these Four Varnas, there are Four Sachae Takhts devoted to their affairs.


Varn can mean caste (profession, tribe, race). The word Zaat or Jaat used to ask someones caste can even mean gender. eg Mard Zaat.

Sodhi Khatris were occupying Harmandir Sahib when the last of earth Christ, the Sixth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji went to pay Homage to His own Home that these Sodhi Khatris banged the door at his face Face that get lost.

Please give me historical records of this incident? Why would a Khatri slam a door on a Khatri?

Also Tegh Bahadhur ji was the 9th incarnation, bnot the 6th as you claim.

For being the sons of Satan, these Khatris are Kings of Darkness and of Kashmir, the Emperors of Darkness.

So you are saying, your fellow Jaats that murdered Sikhs in 1984 in Delhi and Haryana were Saints?

Also Geneneral Brar, that murdered Sikh pilgrims in 1984 was a Jatt Saint?

KPS Gill who violated human rights and killed thousands of Sikhs was a soorma Jatt Saint?


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Answered your remarks in brackets:-


Varn can mean caste (profession, tribe, race). The word Zaat or Jaat used to ask someones caste can even mean gender. eg Mard Zaat.

(That is your view and keep it with you. I do not agree with it.)

Please give me historical records of this incident? Why would a Khatri slam a door on a Khatri?

(The answer is simple. Kalyug belongs to Khatris who turned from the Devtas of Traeta Yug to sons of Satan, who love Darkness, in Kalyug and the Moorakh Jatts of Doapar turned to Saints. What tribe are you?)

Also Tegh Bahadhur ji was the 9th incarnation, bnot the 6th as you claim.

(Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the Sixth Satguru. There were Four Sachae Patshahs. I will put an article on the Ten Lights.)

So you are saying, your fellow Jaats that murdered Sikhs in 1984 in Delhi and Haryana were Saints?

(How many times I have to tell you that a Sikh is a spiritual self, Naadi Roop and not the physical, Bindi Roop, that is born and die. How could a Sikh die then when he was not born? Jatts, Tarkhan, Loohar, Khatris, etc are born and they died during the riots led by their blind guides like you who have no basic knowledge. ANNAH PARKHO..........).

Also Geneneral Brar, that murdered Sikh pilgrims in 1984 was a Jatt Saint?

(You ****** make him a Saint and you produced ****** fanatics. Why these fanatics with Guns went into Harmandir Sahib when their Father Gobind Singh Ji never went there? Do you know why He did not go? I don't think you have the slightest idea.)

KPS Gill who violated human rights and killed thousands of Sikhs was a soorma Jatt Saint?

Deletion of personal offense. If you are going to debate, debate issues. Narayanjot Kaur

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom

(That is your view and keep it with you. I do not agree with it.)

It’s not my view.

M. Mayrhofer, Etymological Dictionary II 518

Varna literally means letter, paint, cover, coat, class and caste.

It is your colour, background.

That would include tribal affiliations

In Bani the word Jaat or Zaat is used to describe this, and Sikhi tells us to pay no regard to Zaat.

(The answer is simple. Kalyug belongs to Khatris who turned from the Devtas of Traeta Yug to sons of Satan, who love Darkness, in Kalyug and the Moorakh Jatts of Doapar turned to Saints. What tribe are you?)

I am from the tribe of man.

Sikhism does not believe in Satan, Devil, Hobgoblin, Batman or the Joker.

Satan is a state of mind. It is when someone is filled with the 5 thieves.

An example of this would be when someone has bloated pride about their tribal affiliations and calls other tribes evil or Satan.

(Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the Sixth Satguru. There were Four Sachae Patshahs. I will put an article on the Ten Lights.)

Keep your lights for Christmas to put on the tree.
There were 10 living Guru’s and the 11th is our Granth Sahib. Every scholar of note agrees on this.

(How many times I have to tell you that a Sikh is a spiritual self, Naadi Roop and not the physical, Bindi Roop, that is born and die. How could a Sikh die then when he was not born? Jatts, Tarkhan, Loohar, Khatris, etc are born and they died during the riots led by their blind guides like you who have no basic knowledge. ANNAH PARKHO..........).

Before labelling me as blind, take a look at your self. Take a good look in the mirror.So the Hindu Jats who murdered Sikhs were your tribal affiliates? Are you proud of them?
(You ****** make him a Saint and you produced ****** fanatics. Why these fanatics with Guns went into Harmandir Sahib when their Father Gobind Singh Ji never went there? Do you know why He did not go? I don't think you have the slightest idea.)

Were you there? Who took guns into Harmandhir Sahib? Was it not another Jatt Bhindranwala? Are you proud of him too, as you are proud of your tribe? He was a Jatt soorma too?


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom

It’s not my view.

M. Mayrhofer, Etymological Dictionary II 518

Varna literally means letter, paint, cover, coat, class and caste.

It is your colour, background.

That would include tribal affiliations

In Bani the word Jaat or Zaat is used to describe this, and Sikhi tells us to pay no regard to Zaat.


I am from the tribe of man.

Sikhism does not believe in Satan, Devil, Hobgoblin, Batman or the Joker.

Satan is a state of mind. It is when someone is filled with the 5 thieves.

An example of this would be when someone has bloated pride about their tribal affiliations and calls other tribes evil or Satan.


Keep your lights for Christmas to put on the tree.
There were 10 living Guru’s and the 11th is our Granth Sahib. Every scholar of note agrees on this.


Before labelling me as blind, take a look at your self. Take a good look in the mirror.So the Hindu Jats who murdered Sikhs were your tribal affiliates? Are you proud of them?

[/i]Were you there? Who took guns into Harmandhir Sahib? Was it not another Jatt Bhindranwala? Are you proud of him too, as you are proud of your tribe? He was a Jatt soorma too?

Now, you know what Jatts are, then tell me what is your tribe? Are you a Khatri?
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