"But even after repeatedly leaving his wife, the husband is not willing to file a divorce."
Seriously, WHY is she letting him back in all the time? Honor is one thing but this is just shameful...of her... and disrespectful to him if she continues to believe she is nothing more than a doormat. Marriage is supposed to be a union of equals, he's not supposed to be a God. She needs to realize that she does not deserve to be treated like this, and UNLESS and UNTIL he stops acting like he can treat her like this, he simply cant come back. No need to lay down as the victim, when she knows shes being wronged repeatedly...theres nothing noble in that position either.
Its a sin to inflict pain, but its also a sin to endure it unnecessarily, shes in the wrong for enduring it. Maybe this is why we're warned about attachment. If she thinks her husband deserves the best of her, she definetly deserves nothing less of him. If he chooses to run around, then she should make it very clear that the option to come back anytime and leave anytime, is now closed. If somewhere down the road he misses her, appreciates her worth and makes the choice to treat her with respect and loyalty, he can come back.... (and maybe him not filling for divorce means that he still loves her) I dont think divorce is the answer, but I dont think forcing him, manipulating him, to be with her is the answer either.
Please tell her that she was complete when God brought her into this world, and she is still complete now. And as a human being, she has much to contribute to the world... and there are many people who will appreciate her for it. There is more to her identity than simply being a "wife"...She can only be a wife, when the man who married her decides he wants to be her husband again... obviously he's living it up because she's letting him back in whenever. Its called having your cake and eating it too.
She needs to shake off the depression, fear, anxiety etc. and put her foot down when it comes to this relationship. And then, to pursue her dreams, contribute to society, family etc. and be loved for it, as she deserves to. :huggie: