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Why Are We Not Allowed To Cut Hair When It's Ok To Cut Nails, Since Both Are Created By God?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Ishna Ji...you were missed..where have u been all this while..
Food for thought.......oh what use is "Food for Thought" IF the stomach remains hungry ?? ha ha...

The Dastaar and hair are like the Tree's Crown and its Roots (liberally talking..)..of what use are roots if covered with soil and we only see the crown ?? Roots have their purpose..crown has its own. ONLY SIKHS who keep their hair INTACT wear the dastaar 24/7 (in life)..those who cut hair discard it straightaway...or wear it sparingly becasue its NO hair no dastar (generally)...so the Dastaar keeps INTACT the Principle behind WHY BLEND IN IF YOU WERE MADE TO STAND OUT !! SIKHS are made to STAND OUT.

Recently we had a huge "gathering" ( Govt calls it s a riot/demonstration etc)....and all were encouraged to wear Yellow T Shirts with the words Bersih 3.0 on it to show solidarity/unity etc. Many did wear them..many wanted to come..BUT didtnt wear Yellow..Many others wanted to come..But STAYED AT HOME instead writing encouraging comments form their laptops...You see the "STAND UP and be COUNTED" Principle still stand VALID TODAY in many many situations....

Do write more often jios..


Apr 24, 2006
Confused ji I will respond to you when I have untangled our debate. Currently it's a mess.

Bhagat ji,
I totally understand your comment. The reason and focus on the article was not to relate hair to sympatheic or parasympathetic N.S or why you get goose pimples..etc.or anything else.
But, it was to see this claimed relationship with spirituality and long hair.
Lucky Singh ji,
Well here's another belief you can contemplate about how hair can make one more spiritual. Imagine a society where everyone has cut hair with the exception of one individual. Now when this individual is young he does not see much of a difference, he goes through life like everyone else. He does what they do, he thinks the way they think, etc. But after growing up a bit, he starts to notice that he looks different. Everyone else shares the cut hair but he does not. He starts to see himself differently thereby becoming detached for the collective identity. This noticeable difference in image can potentially push this individual into reduced identification with the thought processes and behaviours of the society. And in doing so he becomes more aware of his own thought processes and behaviours, and potentially having heightening his awareness baseline, thus potentially becoming more spiritual.

Basically, the individual sees that he is different so starts to look more closely at the relationship between him and society.

This applies even the other way around so a society where all individuals have uncut hair with an individual with a shaven head. It also applies to things like burkas, turbans, green mohawks and various handicaps.

Bhagat Ji..interesting reply..
Are the feelers of {censored}roaches...having nerves..or do they also simply transfer touch to their roots ?? What purpose do the feelers serve ?? Thanks
They are not like hair Gyani ji, they are appendages which have the nervous system running through them. They pick up chemicals in the air or surfaces and depending on what the chemical is, a certain signal is sent to he brain "tasty food", "female ready for mating", "smells like fish", etc.

Gyani ji this is not science but I thought the warmest spots on the body get hair. All the way fro the head to privates, armpits, etc. I believe hair has a function to dissipate heat without the need for sweating that skin does. I may be totally wrong but I stand corrected with more knowledgeable one's.

When we get older and become generally cool the hair loss happens and the loss of heat component is moderated through turning grey.

My theories any way and no references lol mundahug

Sat Sri Akal.
Ambarsaria ji,
Those parts you mention often have the most sweat glands. They sweat more. The idea is that the surface area of the skin there is greater due to the presence of hair. The greater the surface area, the easily the sweat will evaporate. Sweat evaporates by taking up heat from the environment thus cooling off the air immediately next to it. When a large surface on the body does this, the cooling effect is noticeable.
Nov 14, 2004
Findingmyway ji

Some clarifications and some comments.

This thread was started by Sikh youth to understand the SIKHI viewpoint. To keep bringing in concepts which do not have anything to do with Sikh philosophy, e.g. the reclusive lifestyle of Buddhist monks is misleading and confusing for youngsters reading this.

The likeliness of this being cause for confusion is very little as compared to what goes on generally here, namely, Sikhs disagreeing with each other while both sides making reference to and quoting the same authoritative source.

The reference to Buddhist monks is not a matter of bringing in another viewpoint hence possibly distracting, but an illustration for the purpose of better understanding the issue, all within context of what the Truth is.

I ask all members to be responsible and stick to SIKH philosophy on this thread. To explore other concepts of hair, please start a new thread in the interfaith forum section.

My intention has always been to share what I understand with others so that they too will gain something. But due either or both to my own and other people's attachments, disturbances can't be avoided. But I don’t think that this is enough reason to stop writing.

From where I stand there is either a correct or incorrect understanding with regard to the concept of hair. Therefore I do not have the perception of coming in with a Buddhist perspective against a Sikh perspective. So no need to start a new thread in the interfaith forum I would think, but that either we continue here or not at all.

Now on to the other points.

Being a householder and a Sikh is not about leading a simple life by eliminating all distractions and tests in life.

A person who decides to become a recluse is motivated not by removal of distractions, but rather the risk of being distracted and this getting worse.

Being a Sikh is about living a simple life and functioning in the normal world despite what is happening around you.Being a recluse is completely against Sikh philosophy as you are no longer able to cope with life challenges if you are just removing them from around you.

The decision to become a recluse comes from seeing aspects of experiences a layperson fails to see or if he does, knows himself not to be ready for. This is that attachment is unwholesome and lead to much harm, and how this arises from the moment one opens one’s eyes in the morning up till the time that one goes to sleep. Such a person knows also that he can do without objects of attachment which come in the form of material possessions, family and friends. Moreover he knows that to live as a layperson, this is impossible without some degree of attachment and conceit being involved.

More importantly, he understands that living together with other people, particularly those with low character, given his own still existent unwholesome tendencies, the chance of being corrupted is high, therefore it is better that he find wiser and better people to associate with, and if this is not possible, live alone.

Is this a process of removing things around you or is it moving toward what is more beneficial? Beneficial not only for oneself, but for other people as well. After all what good can come from a situation where all involved end up increasing their unwholesome tendencies? Indeed, that one decides to give up objects of attachment may act as inspiration for those who remain, to also develop detachment to the extent that is possible for them. And also when the one goes to visit the other, instead of talking about lowly matters, there can be talk related to morality and wisdom instead.

So indeed, one person in one family decides to become a recluse (with the right motivation), this will possibly bring much benefit to the whole family.

The real challenge is not being influenced by what is around you.

The real challenge is to understand the experience through the five senses and the mind. If this does not happen, then invariably one will be fooled into thinking that one needs to rise above the influence of other people. And essentially this is no different in fact, from being influenced by them.

Gurbani describes a beautiful lotus flower not being influenced by its surroundings.

One must *be* a lotus flower to begin with, and not just imagine that one is so. Such lotus flower will however also know that it is a waste of time to associate with fools and that it is better to live and talk with people who have the potential to develop the good.

Keeping kesh and turban is nothing to do with attachment

If you ever noticed how turning the direction of one's gaze away from one object and toward another is by force correspondingly, of aversion and attachment. If you knew that thoughts related to the past and future including such simple ones as, “what to do?” are motivated by attachment. If you knew that to look into the mirror and decide to comb your hair must beside attachment also involve conceit. If you had some understanding as to what is involved in holding a belief. You will see that the idea of keeping kesh and turban must encourage not only much attachment and conceit, but also wrong understanding.

but do so with not being afraid to be who you are.

“Not being afraid to be who you are” must include the decision to do what one pleases with regard to one’s own hair. In your case apparently, this comes only after a decision to hold the particular belief (of keeping hair). It therefore works not as sign of being independent in mind, but as dependence on an ideal. And this can only encourage more conceit.

Guru Gobind Singh ji brought in our identity so people couldn't run away from doing the right thing. We should be visible from a distance so people in trouble can identify Sikhs and know they can come to them for help.

If you only knew about a local Thai belief with regard to perceiving a Sikh coming their way, (very unflattering) I believe that you would hesitate from saying what you said here. And perhaps you will also see the wrongness of reliance on symbols, which according to me can only have a corrupting effect.

This is nothing to do with attachment, but is everything to do with being able and willing to do the right thing and not being ashamed to be identified by those in need. This attitude is not conceited on any level.

This is what you superimpose onto reality, which is each individual's moment to moment experience. It can only lead in the case of those who are attached, to grow even more so and also act as a boost to their sense of self importance.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Today I asked a few Mulsim Ulamas and general public..Why are Muslims "allowed" to cut a certain part..But NOT their noses..or lips or any other parts of the body ? After all IF the purpose of cutting "that" part is religious..why not the nose/lips ?? Their reply..Thats the WAY IT IS. PERIOD. Its blasphemy to even talk about thsi let alone question it. Looks liek we sikhs are way way more " liberal"..

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harry Ji,
That post was to compare....not to "stop" asking. ASKING besides the point..GURU NANAK JI Sahib began ANSWERING !!! Read Siddh Ghhost bani..its the "others" who ASK...its GURU NANAK JI who provides the ANSWERS...and thats what we try to do here ta SPN..follow in the footsteps of our Guru ji...although at times we do find out our inadequacies..our shortcomings to answer..we still endeavour and persevere...ASK AWAY JIOS...
Jarnail Singh


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
For martial reasons, beards are very important as it can be used by trained warriors to let strikes to the throat become misaligned. Tying up beards negates this effect, so beards should really be left open.

Even nails are useful in war settings, especially in grappling and hand-to-hand battles. Techniques such as taking eyes out, ripping testicles off, pinching weak points, ok this would probably be better in the martial arts section.

Also, chunnis can be used in martial consequences by women as well.

So you see, there are so many techniques. Personally for myself having a jura has protected my head from being banged on the wall, when I have had my hair open I haven;t been so lucky lol.


Nov 5, 2010

Function of human mind is to reason, fellow of faith is beyond reasons.

All human actions are resolution of "SELF" discontent.

With self content
one has achieved
inner silence and happiness.

Other's have yet to look mirror,


cut there hair to resolve "SELF" discontent of looks.

One can self assess,
what one feels,
when on has urge to cut to improve upon natural looks.

Aware One's
Who do not cut hair feel "SELF" content.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Aim is to know The "SELF"

Body shall be in union with "SELF"

One is union with the "SELF"

Know your "I"

What "I" do,

if every one do the same, "I" will not change

and if no body do it my way, again it's my way.

i.e. I want to Drink Heavily,

if every on drinks heavily, my mother,father, sister, brother, wife, daughter, son, friends and other) I will not change.

if every body is not drinking, yet I will not stop heavy drinking.

One can leave relations, nation, body but it's difficult for one to leave "I"

To some heavy drink is


for same

"Naam Ras"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
May 24, 2008
In Sikhism IMHO hair were made compulsory to make us UNIQUE from Hindus & Muslims , also all other communities in the world . Sikhs are made unique so they have been given unique look by Guru Gobind Singh Ji . It is only Hair which have prevented us from being assimilated into the sea of Hinduism , otherwise post the decline of Buddhism in India in 8th century AD millions of social movements have started in India but sank without a trace . There is no sign of any of these in Indian society today . Sikhs are still standing out due to the FORESIGHT of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj who made keeping Hair first & foremost condition to be called a Sikh .

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
In Sikhism IMHO hair were made compulsory to make us UNIQUE from Hindus & Muslims , also all other communities in the world . Sikhs are made unique so they have been given unique look by Guru Gobind Singh Ji . It is only Hair which have prevented us from being assimilated into the sea of Hinduism , otherwise post the decline of Buddhism in India in 8th century AD millions of social movements have started in India but sank without a trace . There is no sign of any of these in Indian society today . Sikhs are still standing out due to the FORESIGHT of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj who made keeping Hair first & foremost condition to be called a Sikh .

Although I understand your sentiments ji, I do not find it uplifting that for all the philosophy, the unique way of looking at Creator, the courage, bravery, backbone, lack of ritual and magic, the need to love the rest of humankind, the role of social policeman, uplifting the downtrodden, protecting the weak, standing up for the righteous, out of all these things, you attribute the hair to being the key that stopped us being assimilated into the sea of Hinduism. I find that akin to saying a certain war was won due to the uniforms worn by the soldiers.

I have a different view, hair to a Sikh are pips to a general, it is a sign that comes from within to show the world who you are, it is both completely irrelevant and completely relevant. It should not be worn with humai, but more with just 'being', does a general spend as much time contemplating his pips? No, he does not, he may contemplate his victories, his actions, his bravery, himself, but his pips are what happens after these victories, these actions


Jun 11, 2004
Hair and nails are both natural and sois their growth.

Hair are part of Khalsa identity, nails are not. This is the reason for the two different approach for hair and nail.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh
Jul 1, 2012
we cut our nails becoz. of hygienic aspect but i think that aspect is also well established in case of hair..............we keep hair uncut becoz. they are god's gift but we do remove unwanted hair while combing as we can see a lot of dead hair with our comb which are weak and crossed their life span and thats what we do with nails........we keep the nails and remove the unwanted nails and even if we do not remove them they are going to break in most of the cases..........so its actually not only about keeping but also about removing......hope you got ur answer.......
Feb 1, 2010
Dear Sikh viewpoint,
When we comb our hair the tangled hair break and NOT the dead or unwanted hair. These hair break from shaft and NOT roots. Hair is always dead keratin but the root where follicle is composed of living cells. People who have short hair hardly lose any hair while combing because they are not tangled!
Long hair can be washed once a week whereas short hair can be washed daily. Where is your hygiene theory? Uncut hair can give lot of diseases just like uncut nails, such as
1. Lice infests long hair as its easy to hide and much more difficult to get rid of
2. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff affects hairy areas of face head and chest and is impossible to treat unless hair is shortened . It's more common in Sikhs than general population as per medical literature.
3. Sikhs who do judas get premature traction baldness

I hope that clarifies some myths, answers emotional rhetorics and instills some rational thinking.


Nov 5, 2010

Different "UNDERSTANDING" leads to 31 Chapters on this topic.

Nature has created "duality" or "duvidha"

let's understand "one" and live as one.

If one has kept hair, why he want's to convince other about his action
Or Vice Versa

Just live and increase your understanding,

Prolonged discussions are waste of time and energy'

Path is shown one may follow or leave,

There are other sects Namdhari's/ Osho's/ Dera's/ Baba's
who preach
"GURU's BANI" in there own way.

One can follow piracy leave original.

It's all "ONE" only perception is different

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Jul 1, 2012
well dear drpranav
i think you have lots of misconceptions..........first of all you are telling that tangled hair come out ....... then why to comb????? i think you posted your comment in little bit hurry and didn't read what I've commented "we do remove unwanted hair while combing as we can see a lot of dead hair with our comb which are weak and crossed their life span" ...........and let me clear your misconceptions:
1. Lice infests long hair as its easy to hide and much more difficult to get rid of: lice does not infest long hair but it infests unclean dirty hair...lice infest your head not to hide but to suck blood which is not possible if lice will remain hiding in long hair away from head as per ur views.
2. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff affects hairy areas of face head and chest and is impossible to treat unless hair is shortened . It's more common in Sikhs than general population as per medical literature.: well dear i am also a medical professional and apart from this also a researcher..........you wrote that seborrheric dermatitis and dandruff are more common in sikhs as per medical literature......i challange you to put that medical literature here on this site which refers that sikhs are more affected with such conditions due to their intact hair. and i may also like to tell you (may be your medical college skipped telling you) that "Seborrheic dermatitis appears in genetically pre-disposed individuals with the so called seborrheic diathesis, meaning increased sebum secretion in the sebaceous gland rich areas of the body" and it is almost nowhere mentioned in medical literature that keeping long hair causes such problem.
3. Sikhs who do judas get premature traction baldness: as far as i know as a medical professional problems like hair fall, dandruff and baldness are more common in persons who cut their hair or those whose hair are not covered because pollution and dust gets accumulated in hair and causes such problems and thats why we can see a lots of shampoo companies advertising their products on TV & the main causes depicted are not long uncut clean covered hair but cut, uncovered hair full of dust and pollutants.....and regarding uncut hair and judaas having traction force causing baldness i think people other than sikhs are having this problem of baldness and you'll never see a sikh going to a doctor for problem of baldness. and from medical point of view again baldness in sikhs due to traction of juraah is never ever documented where as problem of baldness in non sikhs is highly documented and the causes include exposure of hair to dust, pollution and sun...............
and now if from my personal point of view i can challenge any human on this earth having hair cut ........being a gursikh my hair & head are more cleaner, healthy, & blooming than yours...............and one more thing gursikhs are not only ordered to keep their hair uncut but also ordered to maintain hair's hygiene and if we go by the medical data.....no medical research can say that keeping uncut hair is house of diseases...........but yes if this same principle is applied to non sikh subjects i can not guranteee as we can see a lot of sadhu's who do keep their hair but don't do necessary cleaning and care.......and thats why they are not sikhs.

Long hair can be washed once a week whereas short hair can be washed daily. Where is your hygiene theory?------Answer is simple......people having cut uncovered hair wash their hair daily becoz. their hair get dirty daily due to exposure to dust where as in case of sikhs hair are well covered and kept away from harmfull pollutants keeping them clean and healthy for long time...........AND no wonder most of gursikhs even than wake up early at 3:00 Am and wash hair daily while bathing......KEEPING HAIR IS THE WORTH OF EARLY RISER, QUICK AND SMART PERSONS NOT LAZY ONES WHO NEED SHORT CUT IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE.......

AND FROM Dr. point of view if you really are......i may like to suggest you to do read medical books and journals to gain some knowledge as medical profession is not so narrow as you might have taken it...........Regards thesikhviewpoint (Dr. Randhir Singh)


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Moderation note:

Dr Randhir Singh ji,
Thank you for joining the discussion. It is wonderful to have your input. However, please can I remind you and others that according to internet etiquette, using caps lock is equivalent to shouting.

Please can all members refrain from using all caps (odd words are ok) and use other methods of emphasis.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
DAILY on my D2h and FTA Channels I am LAMBASTED to boredom by HAIR ADVERTISERS...hair fall experts, baldness cures, hair regrowth formulas etc etc etc etc..and I have yet to come across even ONE SIKH who was featured on these advertisements...in Fact MAJORITY of such ads are IN CHINESE and the people featured are short haired CHINESE !! Even the INDIAN Channels USE the same Chinese ads and simply DUB them in Hindi/regional languages for the Indian audiences...There may be about 3 BILLION People in the world with HAIR PROBLEMS, skin problems..DANDRUFF problems...and according to Dr Paarvan the Vast MAJORITY of them are all LONG HAIRED SIKHS !! There are various Shampoo ads, Anti dandruff ads..ALL feature SHORT HAIRED persons of NON_SIKH origin..or am I watching the wrong channels from dr paarvaan ??

THANK YOU sikhviewpoint (Dr randhir Singh ji) for a most enlightening post. nailed it all down good and proper.
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