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Why Are We Not Allowed To Cut Hair When It's Ok To Cut Nails, Since Both Are Created By God?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Kesh is irrelevant, you either wish to keep it out of love, or you do not, it is merely the end product of understanding.

you are right though my feisty young friend, it is through contemplation we find ourselves, and then ultimately our answers, is is through living that understanding, we make Creation a better place, I myself do not understand the whole kesh argument, many people keep it, but I warrant only those that Creator has blessed with understanding, truly love it. And as we all know, you cannot buy love.........


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Welll..... One can commit a crime & then give thousands/lacs of justifications, references, excuses etc just for his own satisfaction & avoid feeling of guilt .... isn't it ??

I personally feel, - Anybody disregarding hairs (order of our Gurus) is not a "Sikh" but a sick

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Welll..... One can commit a crime & then give thousands/lacs of justifications, references, excuses etc just for his own satisfaction & avoid feeling of guilt .... isn't it ??

I personally feel, - Anybody disregarding hairs (order of our Gurus) is not a "Sikh" but a sick

PIR BUDHU SHAH who sacrificed his FOUR SONS and over 700 mureeds on the Battlefield at Bhanganni fighting the MUGHALS+Hindu rajahs on the side of Guru Gobind Singh ji....begged Guur Ji for His KANGHA containing a few broken hairs. (Guur ji was in his tent combing his kesh and the kangha was in his hands...when the Pir entered the tnet, Guur ji appreciated his HELP and asked him..Pir Ji manggoh kee manggnann ahai..Pir ask me anything..and the PIR aMUSLIM said..OH Guur Ji, i dont ask for anything..BUT if you want to give me..GIVE ME YOUR KANGHA with the hair inside it intact. That Kangha is still with the Pirs descendants who are still MUSLIMS. Now IF a mulsim Pir cna ppreciate the value of a Kangha with broken hair....isnt he a BETTER SIKH than most GHONA MONAS who claim they are Son of sardar..or Jatt Sikh etc... THEY ARE PATIT. PERIOD.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Welll..... One can commit a crime & then give thousands/lacs of justifications, references, excuses etc just for his own satisfaction & avoid feeling of guilt .... isn't it ??

I personally feel, - Anybody disregarding hairs (order of our Gurus) is not a "Sikh" but a sick

Yes Ji, and if we had more folks like your goodself Sikhism would be full of keshdhari Sikhs all following orders. I do not wish to follow orders, to do something without love is ritual, and there is enough ritual already in Sikhism. If you wish to breed Sikh robots, all following orders, that is up to you, I myself would prefer a conveyor belt with Sikhs at various stages, but where each stage is understood and practiced, the hair comes from love, not orders

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guur Gobind Singh Ji...and earlier GURU NANAK JI shaib never INTENDED the KHALSA to be a Army of ROBOTS. "we" created this army of robots so that vested interests can REMOTE CONTROL....

WE..refers to the Mughals who torured and hunted in order to recruit their robots..the British..using more subtle methods..like enrollment in army..jobs, titles, lands, jagirs, or hanging, jailing, torture etc...and now the same thing via different agencies..sgpc, takahst, badals, rss, goi, bjp, etc etc etc...sants, babas, rs beas gurus, namdharees , cults like nanksarees, rarrewallahs etc etc...attempting to rope in as many keshadharee/monas/whatever "Sikhs" in their TENTS/Camps and handle them by REMOTE CONTROL....the Beas Remote Control controls so many lakh votes..the Sauda Saadh RC has so many premi votes...and so on...some move when the Akal Takhat jathedars finger presses his REMOTE..the cry rises Akal takhat Mahaan hai..REMOTE CONTROL ton aee awaaz..channel change kardo...and so on..we have becoem robots..watching dishtv...videocon..suntv..kiseh te dish swaar hai..kisseh nu con chnaggah lagdah hai..koi tatatv de gunn gayee jandah hai koi zee zee zee karda firdah hai..sabh de sabh ROBOT hann..GURU DE SIKH bahut Ghatt hann...


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
All Khalsa soldiers are controlled by Guru and Gurmat. But it is hard to come to it.

I have been doing Sehaj Path. I do like 15-20 Ang per day. Trust me, it is like small shackles are breaking up within me. The hate and anger is gone. Guru is replacing it all with Pyar and Acceptance. It is really magic. Though it is something different that I wake up with more hate again. I think once I will break of this cycle. I think doing Sehaj Path before sleeping helps. It undoes what damage has been done to your psyche in the day.

I personally feel we should do complete Path of Guru Granth Sahib once at least in our life. Let our Sikhya and Guru's set of instructions for us, be not left incomplete!

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
All Khalsa soldiers are controlled by Guru and Gurmat. But it is hard to come to it.

I have been doing Sehaj Path. I do like 15-20 Ang per day. Trust me, it is like small shackles are breaking up within me. The hate and anger is gone. Guru is replacing it all with Pyar and Acceptance. It is really magic. Though it is something different that I wake up with more hate again. I think once I will break of this cycle. I think doing Sehaj Path before sleeping helps. It undoes what damage has been done to your psyche in the day.

I personally feel we should do complete Path of Guru Granth Sahib once at least in our life. Let our Sikhya and Guru's set of instructions for us, be not left incomplete!

That is beautiful and inspiring. Thank you. animatedkhanda1


Dec 3, 2011
All Khalsa soldiers are controlled by Guru and Gurmat. But it is hard to come to it.

I have been doing Sehaj Path. I do like 15-20 Ang per day. Trust me, it is like small shackles are breaking up within me. The hate and anger is gone. Guru is replacing it all with Pyar and Acceptance. It is really magic. Though it is something different that I wake up with more hate again. I think once I will break of this cycle. I think doing Sehaj Path before sleeping helps. It undoes what damage has been done to your psyche in the day.

I personally feel we should do complete Path of Guru Granth Sahib once at least in our life. Let our Sikhya and Guru's set of instructions for us, be not left incomplete!

That is very nice to hear and I agree that we should all make attempts to do it. Whatever one can do in the time they have is totally acceptable.
I know exactly what you mean about feeling a better person within yourself. The love you feel for everything is infact undescribable and you begin to appreciate that every breath you breathe should not be wasted.

I'm sure you will continue to do this throughout your life as there is never not enough or too much. Once a person completes it, then it feels like a huge void and quite sad, this 'lost' feeling encourages one to do it again!!
I do believe that the words of the Guru can do something quite magical and uplifting.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
It is as per SRM !! A SIKH should keep one sehaj paath going on continuously...thats real Naam japp...read..contemplate..understand..IMPLEMENT..see the resultant CHANGES...human to DEVTA !! Thats what the SGGS is FOR....

a spanner is for..turning NUTS...tighten them or loosen them...BUT if someone uses his spanner to....."Throw a spanner in the works.."...its Gross Misconduct...similarly IF a Sikh uses the SGGS as a paper weight...idol...covered in rumallahs..sukhasan..air conned room..fresh flowers, perfumes etc etc BUT Never reads..opens..follows..then its Gross MISCONDUCT...MISUSE of SGGS...GHOR BEADBI...Human becomes INHUMAN...invents fake tall tales of how he fasted..and forced Guru nanak ji to come out of SGGS and eat his food..wah wah...as IF Guru is in PRISON of Paper !!!..hungry and cold..or sweating in summer and needs air cons....how stupid can we be ??? apparently only Guur nanak ji walked out..why the other NINE Gurus remained INSIDE is a mystery only that Mahapurash (Khasmeh kreh beraberi) knows...or maybe IF Guur Hargobind ji and Guur Gobind singh Ji Guru har rai ji a re also in there..then GRASS also needs to be brought and placed in front of SGGS..just in case these Gurus come out on HORSES..then what will the Horses eat ??..so easy way out,...Confine Grimms Fairy talke to Guru nanak..safest that way...icecreammundaicecreammundaicecreammundaicecreammundaicecreammunda

I was once "trapped" into becoming a Pyara..a member of FIVE "singhs" invited to a Sikh home for parshada..dinner in order to ward off evil sukh shanti etc..When we arrived..a mahabhart was going ON...apparently the one who invited us..wasnt at all much appreciated...one daughter in law threw the kheer pateela on the floor...another one threw the ice creams (five) out the window...finally peace was hastily restored....ceasefire...then firing broke out again..the one who had deliberately upset the kheer pateela noticed her name was LEFT OUT of the ardass...she kept insisting she was paying full attention..her name wasnt mentioned..everyone else said it was...what a CIRCUS...a child was sent out to buy another Five ice creams for dessert..he cmae back with four..having eaten one on the way...sent out again..hastily...i never laughed that much again....SUKH SHANTI...Parshaada for Five..No wonder..the house was a battlefield...no amount of Five eating parshadas could ever solve their war zone....this is SIKHI today...empty ritualsim...hoping FIVE gyanis eating will solve marital problems, daughter in alw problems...>>>???/


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I know exactly what you mean about feeling a better person within yourself. The love you feel for everything is infact undescribable and you begin to appreciate that every breath you breathe should not be wasted.

Even one line from Anand Sahib changes your perspective about the world:

ਏਹੁ ਕੁਟੰਬੁ ਤੂ ਜਿ ਦੇਖਦਾ ਚਲੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਤੇਰੈ ਨਾਲੇ ॥
ayhu kutamb too je daykh-daa chalai naahee tayrai naalay.
This family which you see shall not go along with you.

And when you read the treasure of Gurbani, on each Ang you read a theme which can touch you like anything. It is so inspiring that your heart calls out to Gurbani and you read louder and louder in a merry state.

I'm sure you will continue to do this throughout your life as there is never not enough or too much. Once a person completes it, then it feels like a huge void and quite sad, this 'lost' feeling encourages one to do it again!!

Yes I am sure that once I reach Ang 1430, I would go back to Ang 1 :)

It is as per SRM !! A SIKH should keep one sehaj paath going on continuously

You know in software world, some test team people will cry saying there is no DEFINED CAREER GROWTH PATH for them. When it comes to Sikhi, Guru Sahib has shown us a very clear path. But no Sikh would like to follow it! We would like STATUS QUO! We have so many tools of liberation!

hoping FIVE gyanis eating will solve marital problems, daughter in alw problems

That is just like giving food to 10 pandits was known to solve health problems. But it has been proven to be false.

On side note, Gyaniji you could have met the family separately and given them Gurmat counselling. What's wrong in a try?


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Yes Ji, and if we had more folks like your goodself Sikhism would be full of keshdhari Sikhs all following orders. I do not wish to follow orders, to do something without love is ritual, and there is enough ritual already in Sikhism. If you wish to breed Sikh robots, all following orders, that is up to you, I myself would prefer a conveyor belt with Sikhs at various stages, but where each stage is understood and practiced, the hair comes from love, not orders
You are right.... Hairs wud come with love & not with orders BUT ..... If someone have love with his Guru he'l love his order as well !!

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
You are right.... Hairs wud come with love & not with orders BUT ..... If someone have love with his Guru he'l love his order as well !!

There is a saying, 'first do no wrong', the principle being that doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing. If one were to love the order of the Guru, than I would take that as being the same as love, period.

Orders are different, orders are what certain people live their life by, they know what to do, when to do it and how it is to be done, but they understand nothing, because there is no wisdom, no learning, no application, just a firm belief that if orders are carried out, everything will be ok.

If I may say so, you seem to represent the latter. Your firm belief that the DG was written by the Tenth Master is, in my view, validates this. All you seem able to see is Tenth Guru+some writings=DG. I do not believe you are digging deep enough, you seem happy to accept very weak surface explanations without listening to your heart. Would the Tenth Master really have either written, or agreed to have such filth next to his own works. The sad fact of the matter is that the answer is so glaringly obvious, I take even questioning it as a bigger shameful action.

No Sikh Guru that I am aware of forced anyone to accept anything, ours is not a religion of forced ritual or orders, it is a religion of Love, and everything that is done, is done out of Love.

It has to be that way, otherwise we would end up chasing dreams like everyone else, instead we chase the truth, our only friend being Love, that is what the Gurus were full of, and that is the spirit in which they would want us to proceed.

I disagree with your stance on the DG, you think all Monas are sick, which stance is within Sikhi? Which stance stands for everything that is wrong with Sikhi?

If I am mistaken, then I am depriving myself of valuable assistance along the road by not having a full head of hair, however, if you are mistaken, you could be chasing ghosts for years

First do no wrong............
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Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
THEY ARE PATIT. PERIOD.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
I'm considered Patit ,but I see only one who is really Pavan,
I agree with the Mona Musketeer, A discipline or martial code has most value when we impose it on our Mind-Self for the right reasons,infact if you know the reason ,then thats more important than wearing the uniform of a soldier alone,however if you know both thats good. One of the core values a Soldier should have is Respect for Others,Armies change their uniforms,weapons and vehicles for the situation or country and period in time.
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Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
There is a saying, 'first do no wrong', the principle being that doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing. If one were to love the order of the Guru, than I would take that as being the same as love, period.

Orders are different, orders are what certain people live their life by, they know what to do, when to do it and how it is to be done, but they understand nothing, because there is no wisdom, no learning, no application, just a firm belief that if orders are carried out, everything will be ok.

If I may say so, you seem to represent the latter. Your firm belief that the DG was written by the Tenth Master is, in my view, validates this. All you seem able to see is Tenth Guru+some writings=DG. I do not believe you are digging deep enough, you seem happy to accept very weak surface explanations without listening to your heart. Would the Tenth Master really have either written, or agreed to have such filth next to his own works. The sad fact of the matter is that the answer is so glaringly obvious, I take even questioning it as a bigger shameful action.

No Sikh Guru that I am aware of forced anyone to accept anything, ours is not a religion of forced ritual or orders, it is a religion of Love, and everything that is done, is done out of Love.

It has to be that way, otherwise we would end up chasing dreams like everyone else, instead we chase the truth, our only friend being Love, that is what the Gurus were full of, and that is the spirit in which they would want us to proceed.

I disagree with your stance on the DG, you think all Monas are sick, which stance is within Sikhi? Which stance stands for everything that is wrong with Sikhi?

If I am mistaken, then I am depriving myself of valuable assistance along the road by not having a full head of hair, however, if you are mistaken, you could be chasing ghosts for years

First do no wrong............

1) Bhai Taru Singh Ji gave away his head but refused to cut down his hair.

2) Guru Nanak Ji asked Bala Ji to respect his hair & keep it unshorn to be with him to
which Bala Ji agreed.

3) In history, it's said that cutting hairs was the biggest punishment even more than the
death sentence .... must be for a valid reason. Isn't it ??

Just imagine, smbody proudly calling himself a Sikh & not following orders of Guruji. What kinda Sikh he is then only he knows ....

In SSGS, at many places it's said to surrender your intelligence & follow the orders of the Guru but it seems 'Mona-Ghona-self called Sikhs' are putting their intelligence even upfront of the Guru's orders.

I remember a story a Sant use to tell.....
A village faced a deadly flood. The father took his son on his back & swam the other end safely. He saw another small kid crying for help & the father cudnt see a kid crying & went back. He took the small kid on his shoulders & asked him to remember 2 things -

1. Hold my shoulders tight
2. Never try your swimming abilities

Above 2 are related. If the kid tries swimming his own he's dis trusting the man & for this he'll have to unhold his shoulders. So the kid trusted the man & followed his 2 orders & went across safely.

Same is with Guru's - Enjoy riding on their shoulders, never mis trust them, never ever question them. What they said is right & accept it as an order to safely go across this "sansar".

In above story, if the boy had used his swimming abilities that wud have been coz of mis trust & over confidence on his abilities....doing so he wud have sunk in the fast flowing river.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
1) Bhai Taru Singh Ji gave away his head but refused to cut down his hair.

2) Guru Nanak Ji asked Bala Ji to respect his hair & keep it unshorn to be with him to

which Bala Ji agreed.

3) In history, it's said that cutting hairs was the biggest punishment even more than the
death sentence .... must be for a valid reason. Isn't it ??

Just imagine, smbody proudly calling himself a Sikh & not following orders of Guruji. What kinda Sikh he is then only he knows ....

In SSGS, at many places it's said to surrender your intelligence & follow the orders of the Guru but it seems 'Mona-Ghona-self called Sikhs' are putting their intelligence even upfront of the Guru's orders.

I remember a story a Sant use to tell.....
A village faced a deadly flood. The father took his son on his back & swam the other end safely. He saw another small kid crying for help & the father cudnt see a kid crying & went back. He took the small kid on his shoulders & asked him to remember 2 things -

1. Hold my shoulders tight
2. Never try your swimming abilities

Above 2 are related. If the kid tries swimming his own he's dis trusting the man & for this he'll have to unhold his shoulders. So the kid trusted the man & followed his 2 orders & went across safely.

Same is with Guru's - Enjoy riding on their shoulders, never mis trust them, never ever question them. What they said is right & accept it as an order to safely go across this "sansar".

In above story, if the boy had used his swimming abilities that wud have been coz of mis trust & over confidence on his abilities....doing so he wud have sunk in the fast flowing river.


I have noticed you have a habit of not remarking on the issues I have raised, and you do this every time we debate.

I have no desire to change your mind, that is not what this forum is here for, I am here to debate matter that I have not formed an opinion on, to that end, I find most of your posts extreme, but also helpful, you do drop the odd gem, and indeed at least one of your posts has kept me awake thinking.

The issues we have with hair and DG, we should put to one side now, let us concentrate on our common beliefs instead


P.S. I will however continue with the sarcasm, I know you are big enough to see it for what it is, just brotherly digging


Sep 23, 2012
Hair falls out after it reaches a certain length, so that means by your logic, falling-off of hair is in accordance with the Hukum, which by extension, by your rationale for cutting nails, should allow people to cut hair as well. I'm just merely observing and stating a fact from your point of view. Take no offence, I'm trying to be objective as possible.
I'm a young adult who has had her hair at it's maximum length since I was born and I take care of it more than anyone can ever realize. The time and effort I put into taking care of it would surprise many people. But, it still doesn't stop it from falling.


Mar 30, 2011
It is often argued that Sikhs do not cut their hair so why do they cut their nails. Sikhs only cut the dead gray part of their nails, not the alive pink/red part. This is similar to combing and removing dead hair while retaining live hair. Just like we do not cut the pink/red part of our nails, why should we cut our perfectly live and healthy hair? If anything dead grey part of nails should be compared to dandruff or dead hair removed while combing. In addition, hair is not a hindrance to anyone. Because hair can be placed in a bun and kept clean and does perform a number of functions, it is only practical to realize that keeping hair is not hard. On the other hand, having long nails is a hindrance to the body. An individual with long nails cannot functions and do everyday chores comfortably. In order to ensure that one can perform the tasks of everyday life, only the dead part of nails is trimmed.
In addition, whereas the hair grows from a tubular pit (hair follicle), formed by sinking in of the most actively dividing layer of the skin (stratum germinativum) into the lower dermis, the gray part of nails is only modifications of the upper dead layer (stratum corneum). Further, the base of every follicle bulges out forming an inverted cup, which receives blood capillaries for nourishment and nerve fibers to make the hair sensitive. An oil gland, known as sebaceous gland, opens into every hair follicle, the secretion of which lubricates the hair. A muscle is also attached to the base of every hair for bringing about movement. Pigments are added to the shaft of the hair as it grows. None of these features is associated with the dead part of nails.
Structurally, hair is extremely strong, and resists breaking due to its elasticity and flexibility. Strength of hair can be estimated from the following facts, a human hair laid on a bar of steel and then passed through a cold rolling mill would leave an imprint on the face of the steel. A hair of a man’s beard is about as strong as a copper wire of the same dimensions. If a rope were made out of strands of long hair, it would be strong enough to lift an automobile. Dead part of nails, on the other hand, are very brittle and rigid, breaking off easily. Hair are countless (upto 125,000 on head region alone), thereby increasing the surface area. Hair protects us against the harmful Ultra Violet radiations and skin cancer while the dead part of the nails do not seem to provide a similar functionality.
The differences between the two do not end with the structural features. Even the body’s response towards the two is totally different. Our body, throughout life, tries to maintain a particular length of hair. Every individual has a specific length for hair. Once the hair reaches its specific length, it stops growing. If the hair is cut, the body responds by growing it again to the specific length. It clearly indicates the link of the body with the hair all along its length. The body shows no such response to the nails, which grow from birth to death at the same rate, irrespective of whether cut or not. It follows, thus, that cutting of the dead part of nails does not tell on the body at all, whereas, cutting of hair puts extra load on the body. To sum up, if there is anything on the head that can be compared with the dead part of nails, it is either dandruff or dead hair which are removed by combing.
Nature knows best what to retain or discard. Whatever is retained is not without purpose. Hair is a gift from God, not a burden. Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in his infinite wisdom, instructed us to respect hair and refrain from tampering with it. This is the visible token of his affection for us, as well as our faith in him.

That sums it up. a

BTW: i made an experience, I didn´t cut my nails for 5 months( but kept them cleen and stuff) do you know what happend? It is like Aman ji described they broke off! and only on the DEAD part. Maybe the shape doesnt looks round like you cut it with the nail clipper - but it is almost the same result! What you have described make no sense.

Anmeet Singh

Oct 20, 2013
Veerji first thing ur question is wrong.. Question must be y we cut hair..
2nd thing the way u criticise things.. means u go wid logic..i like dat becoz same i am.. i want logic of everything.. like i have a ques in mind regarding our religion but i got most of ans aftr goin to gurdware 2 months daily.. and many thing in our religion are still goin wrong becoz purane jamane k log chalate aa rhe hain..
Sikh hair kyu ni kaat te.. becoz its gft of god to us.. sikha di history give u every ans.. bhai taru singh ji..bhai mati das ji..etc all set us a good example ki saanu ki karna hai te ki nai karna.. dere are 2 type of ppl.. MANMUKH AND GURMUKH..manmukh banda hamesha duniya de mutabik and mann de mutabik chalda hai..ur life will be very tuff agr tussi mannmukh bann jaoge..
U said -Why are we allowed to cut nails but not hair?
ur comparison b/w hair and nails are wrong.. its like u r comparing ur mom wid ur aunty.. u cant place ur aunty on place of ur mom.
And jaise parents ko wahi bache pasand aate hai jo unka kaha mante hai.. same case.. guru ko apne wahi bache pasand aate hain jo unke chalaye hue raste pe chalte hain.

Alwaz remember one thing..har insaan galat ho sakta hai par guru kabhi galat ni hote.. Guru Granth sahib me likhi hui har ek cheez ka reason hai aur reason bhi guru granth sahib ji me diya hai but people follow that blindly and say kyunki guru ji ne kaha hai.. becoz dey dont have valid reason.
U r science student as i read above.. i study in class 9th there dere are only 2parts of our body jo kisi kaam ni aate.. first is nails and 2nd is nictitating membrane..
I hope u know ki hume hair kyu rakhne chahiye.. bu still i give an ans of ur ques

This question is frequently asked, "Why do Sikhs keep their hair?" Hair is a gift from God, therefore why should anyone give it away by cutting it? Hair is one of the five articles of faith for Sikhs. Sikhs live the way God made humans and never cut their hair. For Sikhs hair is the symbol of love for God and the respect for everything He has given us. The way God made us is the most beautiful of all. To Christians, even the Bible says, "God loves us and cares so much about us that even all the hairs of our head has well counted" (Matt.10:30).

It is often argued that Sikhs do not cut their hair so why do they cut their nails. Sikhs only cut the dead gray part of their nails, not the alive pink/red part. This is similar to combing and removing dead hair while retaining live hair. Just like we do not cut the pink/red part of our nails, why should we cut our perfectly live and healthy hair? If anything dead grey part of nails should be compared to dandruff or dead hair removed while combing.

In addition, whereas the hair grows from a tubular pit (hair follicle), formed by sinking in of the most actively dividing layer of the skin (stratum germinativum) into the lower dermis, the gray part of nails is only modifications of the upper dead layer (stratum corneum). Further, the base of every follicle bulges out forming an inverted cup, which receives blood capillaries for nourishment and nerve fibers to make the hair sensitive.


Sorry for long reply..but hope u got a logical answer and if not i will explain it briefly.Like the way u reply to others.. god bless u..
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