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Why Do Chaur Sahib ?


Feb 8, 2011
Guru Nanak Devji,if he visits earth, can never recognize the religion we are following.

FOR 80% of the Sikhs it is just rituals,rituals and rituals which makes them feel like true Sikhs.:realangrymunda:

I think every sikh should read GGS ji.

Slok Mahalla 9 is a very good example.
It tells us about our purpose in life and how Mukthi can be attained.

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaH4YymFbsY


Dec 3, 2011
Lucky ji

What is being preserved by the Chaur Sahib (which btw means Sir Flyswatter or Flyswatter my Lord and Master !) ? Seva of Chaur Sahib remembers a practical act (to rid the area of insects and keep the air cooler and drier in the fierce Indian heat). The memory is retained in a loving way.

What is being enacted by aarti? Performing an aarti is not a matter of preserving or maintaining a loving and caring attitude toward Guru Granth Sahib. Performing aarti has religious content. Aarti is a religious ritual of worship, a part of puja, in which light is offered to one or more deities.

Chaur Sahib does not have any religious content; it is based on remembrance, nothing more.

Are we going to say that shabad kirtan is also like aarti? Chaur Sahib and aarti come from very different categories of religious experience.

So, we are saying/accusing the Singh's in Hazoor sahib that perform arti as doing puja ?
In the puja analogy associated with hinduism, the performers believed it a service that could help them attain mukhti.
I'm sure the Singhs at Hazoor sahib know very well that is not why they are doing it.

in the arti verse, I'm sure there is a mention that the deepaks are the lights(sun and moon) and fan is the wind.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
So, we are saying/accusing the Singh's in Hazoor sahib that perform arti as doing puja ?

I am saying they are engaging in a pointless practice which runs contrary to Gurmat - as found in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I also believe this is a "just in case" effort to gain benefits of something very similar to washing Ganesha. "Just in case" means just in case my own maryada of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not going to be enough, maybe not sincere enough, then add this one on. Remember the practice began years ago. Does anyone today know how it began? if we could be sure that the reasons given today are like those in the past, it would be easier to know whether the beliefs and rituals of the surrounding, majority Hindu culture had made inroads into Sikhi.

In the puja analogy associated with hinduism, the performers believed it a service that could help them attain mukhti.

I'm sure the Singhs at Hazoor sahib know very well that is not why they are doing it.

I am clueless why they do it when Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has basically sent a telegram - you don't have to do it. Doing it as an extra won't speed the process of spiritual journey along any faster. The mansion of his presence is within you. Concentrate on keeping that clean.

in the arti verse, I'm sure there is a mention that the deepaks are the lights(sun and moon) and fan is the wind.

Veer ji Word order in PUnjabi is reversed for SUBJECT VERB OBJECT (in this case NOUN Complement)

Sun and moon are the lights, wind is the fan.

Would the Singhs of Hazoor Sahib explain how, when starvation is still a reality, thousands of gallons of milk are being given to a building instead of to children ... for the furtherance of What? Maybe even give the milk to Hindu children.

Sikhi is uncomplicated. So straightforward that it is difficult to believe that liturgies, dogmas, creeds, rituals, incantations, etc. are not necessary. It is just too "hard" to believe. So humans want to make the simple hard by making it complicated. They are even willing to pay someone to do it for them. Why? Well perhaps the human mind is doomed to believe that harder is better and simple is for simpletons. You can guess where I chose to be.
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