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Why Do Indian Vegetarians Have A Problem With Eggs But Not With Milk?


Jul 1, 2012
Gyani-ji you mentioned on one post "gyan kharragh", I googled this and couldn't find the meaning and I've been wondering about it since. Can you translate? :happymunda:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani-ji you mentioned on one post "gyan kharragh", I googled this and couldn't find the meaning and I've been wondering about it since. Can you translate? :happymunda:
Kharragh means SWORD and GYAAN means KNOWLEDGE..awareness..empowerment...vision..Education

So a SIKH needs to be first and foremost fully equipped with knowledge, ability to ask questions, find answers, educated, aware of issues, that is CARRY the Gyaan kahrragh SWORD of KNOWLEDGE..long before he attempts to carry the KIRPAN - physical symbol of the Gyaan Kharragh. GURU NANAK Ji began this process.... touring the worlds known holy places, places with huge congregations spreading His knowledge and at the same time COLLECTING from others..Kabir Ji..Namdev Ji, Ravi dass Ji etc etc etc going to mecca, hadwaar, Sri Lanka etc etc etc...Guru Angad Ji progressed with opening schools, having sports meets, wrestling contests, athletics, the GURMUKHI SCRIPT etc ...and the Institution of Guru ka Langgar as a form of feeding the stomach as well as the MIND...(Hungry people seldom concentrate well)...and Guru Amardass ji progressed further in cinsolidating Sikh festivals a s gathering points, established 22 DISTRICT PARCHAAR CENTRES with WOMEN as heads of some, banned the VEIL, Child marriage, ENCOURAGED widow remarriage and empowered WOMEN as Guru nanak ji instructed...then Guru ramdass ji constructed the City of Amrtisar and Harmandar sahiba s the Central Sikh Shrine/Holy Ciity and Guru Arjun Ji gave us the SGGS..the Sikh cannon to prevent any adulteration/piracy/copying/adding etc to the sacred bani that Gurus collected/assembled/wrote...a special GURBANI GRAMMAR and ACCOUNTING SYSTEM was put in place..(thats why the SGGS is today virtually untouched and in its Original state)..the Sixth Seventh Eighth spread all these further all over India..and Finally Guru TEG BAHADUR JI again REVISITED ALL the Places GURU Nanank ji had visited 300 years earlier to set the STAGE for the FINAL ACT of SIKHISM which GURU GOBIND SINGH JI would soon put in MOTION...GIVE the KHALSA BROTHERHOOD the PHYSICAL KIRPAN and the other Kakaars as a VISIBLE UNIFORM becasue the SIKHS were already well prepared INSIDE. This entire BACHITAR NATAK Dramatic Play took 10 Guru Lifetimes, and over 220 YEARS from 1469- 1699- 1708 when the SGGS was INSTALLED as the Final and last GURU for eternity...hence the SGGS is the GYAAN KHARRAGH and the SIKH carries the Kakaars as physical symbols of this Gyaan.

What we have today are some Holy men called sants in an attempt to OUTDO each other have the habit of CREATING INSTANT AMRITDHAREES...with the 5 kakaars being carried around..just like a Kindergarten Kid being bestowed a PHD Degree on his FIRST DAY at Kiddie school and the kiddie begins to behave as if he is a Professor !! The SIKH SCHOOL actually BEGINS with Khandey dee pahul (amritdhareeism)...and thats NOT the END at all..its the BEGINNING...wearing the uniform..and begin STUDYING all the way through primary/secondary/college/university...until you reach PHD status INSIDE !! Thus IF we actually ADD all the figures given out by these Sants deras..you will arrive at a Figure of about 1 BILLION AMRITDHAREES....but thats isnt true because mostly all are exaggerated and inflated figures...and mostly all such INstant amritdharees are EMPTY VESSELS...that strut around in their bannas and weapons all over but essentially empty of GYAAN of SGGS..the humility, the love, the humanity etc etc...

I hope this isnt too long an explanation...but i had to elaborate so you get what i mean...BE a GYAAN Kharaggh carrier first before you carry the Kirpan...

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Sikhs can eat anything they want, although Jhatka is the preferred method of dispatch for animals, however, some Sikhs do believe there are restrictions but thats ok, it just means more meat for the rest of us


May 26, 2011
What I believe is that Sikhs can drink milk if the animal isn't harmed. That's why I am vegan in Canada, since I do not know. I will not eat meat because I would rather have alternative vegetarian food since it equally tastes as nice. As for eggs; I just will not eat it because it is from the private part of a animal.. I know they don't have the Baby in it, but still the Chicken goes through a lot to let the egg out, the living conditions of the mothers of the eggs are horrible here.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Aiyah..the MILK also comes from the Private parts of the Cow...!!!/ Buffalo...she camel...she goat...sheep..whatever...its just our own prejudice...to a westerner who roams NUDE on a Beach....and to an Indian...Taliban afghani woman..etc..Private parts would be vastly different meanings too...a westerner cna bare everythinga nd yet feel ok..a talibani woman cnat even show her eyebrows...she will die of a heart attack if air dropped on a NUDIST Beach !! ahha:mundaviolin:japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru:japposatnamwaheguru::mundaviolin:


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
What I believe is that Sikhs can drink milk if the animal isn't harmed. That's why I am vegan in Canada, since I do not know. I will not eat meat because I would rather have alternative vegetarian food since it equally tastes as nice. As for eggs; I just will not eat it because it is from the private part of a animal.. I know they don't have the Baby in it, but still the Chicken goes through a lot to let the egg out, the living conditions of the mothers of the eggs are horrible here.

Re private parts, you don't have to eat the shell
Re cages, try free range instead


Dec 3, 2011
Private parts are ONLY 'private' if you consider them as such.
It's about personal dignity, thats all.- I mean there are two types of people in this world. At public showers such as gyms and pools, you will find one kind that shower with their privates covered completely and you will find the other that openly shower or bathe and just regard their privates as another part of the body that needs washing!!
It is this high dignity for their privates fo the 1st lost that differentiates them from the exposing 2nd lot.

From the way I talk about this, I bet you can tell which 'lot' or category I fall under!!

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
What I believe is that Sikhs can drink milk if the animal isn't harmed. That's why I am vegan in Canada, since I do not know. I will not eat meat because I would rather have alternative vegetarian food since it equally tastes as nice. As for eggs; I just will not eat it because it is from the private part of a animal.. I know they don't have the Baby in it, but still the Chicken goes through a lot to let the egg out, the living conditions of the mothers of the eggs are horrible here.

Ok lets clear this nonsense up about Chickens feeling pain when they lay eggs:


The egg laying process is very dramatic! Here's what my hens do, see if it matches yours: when one is about to lay an egg, she will go rather frantically from nesting spot to nesting spot in the yard, all the while bawking and crying in a fretful tone, sometimes she'll seem downright frenzied. Sometimes other hens or the roo will accompiany her in her search for the Perfect Nesting Spot, and THEY have to get in on the noisemaking, too. The hen may also watch another hen who is laying, sticking her head in the nest box and cackling her head off at the top of her lungs. We call this the 'pre-egg cackle', and I think it serves to draw out any predators before the hen is committed to laying the egg and is stuck on the nest. When the hen is FINALLY actually ready to lay, she gets very quiet and secretive. She'll choose a nest (usually the same one she used before, despite all the searching that went on before) and as she sits, will seem to go into a trance, being quite still. When the egg is coming out she will stand up and concentrate hard (Moms who have seen their small children passing a bowel movement know this look!) and seem to strain a bit, then out pops the egg! After this she may stay and mother it for a few minutes, then will leap from the nest cackling loudly and sometimes running. Most of the time she'll go and eat a little food and have a drink.
All the hens treat their egg laying (and everyone else's) as a cause for loud celebration. I think the noise you are hearing is that rather than screams of pain. Also, for first-time layers, there is that freaked-out, 'what the heck just happened to me?!' quality to the hens' reaction to laying her first eggs. *L* They take this more in stride as they mature. The only time I'd worry is if you suspect a hen is egg-bound, and then you need to act very quickly. It isn't very common in chickens who get a good diet and proper care though. The symptoms of an eggbound hen are fairly marked, if you want to read more on it research the Internet or click on my 'My Page' link, I've discussed eggbinding there a bit.

On Chcken egg laying


Hens lay eggs, roosters do not. When a hen lays an egg it will only hatch into a chick if a rooster has fertilized the egg by mating with the hen. The hen and the rooster must mate before the egg is laid in order for the egg to be fertilized. If a rooster does not mate with the hen the egg will not be fertilized. Hens will lay eggs even if a rooster is not present. Most eggs you buy in the store are not fertilized because there was no rooster present


A hen does not need a rooster to lay an egg. Hens ovulate regularly, regardless of whether there is contact with a male or not. Most grocery store eggs come from hens that have never seen a rooster.


Egg production is primarily controlled by the amount of daylight the animal gets. For full production, your chickens will need 14 hours of daylight per day...............If you just want eggs, you don't need males at all. Hens and ducks will lay eggs without a rooster or drake present


[SIZE=-0]A hen will lay eggs, even in the absence of a rooster. Eggs from the grocery store, will not hatch if you put them in an incubator, as they are generally not fertile. [/SIZE]

Links on milk (it too comes out of a cow's private parts):



There's even organic in India now:


some of the arguments about true organic:


local organic



I think to really be safe on milk and eggs, you can only keep your own to ensure their welfare.
Oct 21, 2009
This question is not about Sikhism, but about the Indian mentality.

In the West vegetarians (not vegans), tend to eat eggs.

In India vegetarians drink milk but do not eat eggs.

Those of you who understand the biological process involved in both will know milk contains far more living organisms (like fat cells and blood cells) than eggs (which is a waste product and unfertilised).

I would request people don't get confused between a fertilised and unfertilised eggs. A fertislised egg produces a chick. An unfertilised egg produces nothing.

I asked a vegan friend of mine this question and her response was Indians are dumb and shouldn't be drinking milk if they don't want to eat any flesh (milk ineffect is liquified flesh). A bit of a generalisation on Indians from a very Liberal person, but it was her view.

her links on Cow milk:



On how eggs are produced:


Randip ji,

I hope your friend must have read this thread with interest and all that was required to be proved ,probably, has been proved i.e Indains are dumb
The word is slightly derogatory and would , in general means: as per my understanding, a fool, stupid or less intelligent.Kindly correct me if you meant something else.

India is a large country and has been able to increase its per capita by 200 times from the year 1947 till 2011. It speaks volumes of Indian intelligence and level of IQ. There are many achievements of Indians and , I am sure, you you are aware of or you can refer to wikipedia or other sources for finding out to establish if Indian or Indian society is intelligent as others are.I have little comments to make on the artifices included in the thread at many places to suit individual's convenience.You are the one who is required to assay that as you are the best Judge.

Had Indian society been dumb it could not have achieved economic advancement as it had done. Indian senators/leaders have , in their own wisdom, also rejected the aid given by some country and we all appreciate their valiant effort.

Continuing with my thoughts, I would say that Indians are as intelligent as any Brit is even if Indians may not take eggs and consume milk.
Would you insist that Indian population that counts for about 1200 million is dumb.?[ Please do not mind about this figure], I have rounded off the figure. After all it is a friendly discussion.

Facts, as stated above, do not say so.
I am also of the belief that, If one is dumb , one is likely to be dumb in all other fields. Such is not the case.

Yes, if conclusion is absurd there should be something wrong with the premise or hypothesis. Your conclusion is false and baseless. It is my opinion. Kindly state with full facts and figures that a country with population as high as stated above is inhabited by people who are less intelligent than Brits / European.

Carte Blanche authorisation, that you have does not entitle you to prove that cannot be proved.Kindly think over and provide a cogent analysis of the proposition and the final outcomes that results in saying that almost 17 percent of inhabitants of this Globe are fools or less intelligent.Kindly do not concoct things.

Question is simple and so should be the answer to prove that such a large number of people are really that, that you and your friend has stated to be and I am not in agreement with even after so much of your blessed writing.


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Don't know much about detailed biology but I know one thing -

A mother is very happy offering milk to her kids be it with human or animals. I have hardly seen any mother kicking her kids & not offering them milk. So milk is smthg tht a mother offers to her kids with love but it's not the case with eggs may be. A mother is expecting the baby from her egg & eventually humans take it away & do not allow the birth (it's smwht for selfish pleasure) & the mother is hurt. ... isn't it?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Don't know much about detailed biology but I know one thing -

A mother is very happy offering milk to her kids be it with human or animals. I have hardly seen any mother kicking her kids & not offering them milk. So milk is smthg tht a mother offers to her kids with love but it's not the case with eggs may be. A mother is expecting the baby from her egg & eventually humans take it away & do not allow the birth (it's smwht for selfish pleasure) & the mother is hurt. ... isn't it?


You haven't read any of the other posts. This proves my initial point.:sippingcoffeemunda:

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Randip ji,

Would you insist that Indian population that counts for about 1200 million is dumb.?[ Please do not mind about this figure], I have rounded off the figure. After all it is a friendly discussion.
My opinion is they are NOT ALL dumb. Only about 30%. Thats the Lacto Vegetarians or Vashnavites and Vashnavite minded Sikhs :mundabhangra:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
My opinion is they are NOT ALL dumb. Only about 30%. Thats the Lacto Vegetarians or Vashnavites and Vashnavite minded Sikhs :mundabhangra:

Is a "Figure" amounting to Millions Billion Trillion a GUARANTEE of NOT BEING DUMB ?? just One SHINING EXAMPLE from Sikh History can be Proof enough even for Legal experts ???

Guru nanak ji saw a HUGE CROWD at KUMBH MELA Hardwaar..where He sought to Have a PARADIGM SHIFT by throwing Waters towards the WEST PUNJAB..whereas EVERYONE ELSE was THROWING WATER towards the EAST - SUN. Guru nanak ji sahib is JUST ONE SINGLE PERSON...while the Huge Crowd..how many ?? is anybody's Guess ???..BUT WHO IS "DUMB"...certainly it has to be GURU NANAK JI because Hes just ONE PERSON !!!OR Its the other way around >?.. MILLIONS DUMB and DUMBER !! Take your pick. I PUT IT that "mere crowds/figures/majoirity..doenst guarantee BRAIN MATTER...1200 million CAN be DUMB.
Still friendly discussion Jios...no offense....


Mar 30, 2011
The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history, Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster……The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. - Milan Kundera

This is my viewpoint...

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.
Last edited:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history, Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster……The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. - Milan Kundera

This is my viewpoint...

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.

Those STEPS began to be taken with the very first incident when a wall suspicioulsy fell on Guur nanak ji...and then there have been steps too numeorus to count..dg is one of them...
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